(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

what is the best stroller fan? I got one cheapo stroller fan from homefix that uses batteries.

Ya bbethan let me know if you happen to see that mat thingy

my timmy also dropping hair.....HEARTPAIN

stroller fan is similar to the one u buy fr home fix i tink but mine cheapo version... 6.90 onli..use 2 battery hehe.. and styrofoam blades with lights
thanks mommies, called my pd, the nurse say ok to latch when we mothers sick, whew...wanted to go see doc, went to nearest clinic but doc lunch hour, and consulation start from $65 + $18 registration, wah it's getting more n more ex to get sick nowadays, i think my normal gp only charge $30++
wat kidn of doc is that?! 65 bucks!!! omg
yes usually sick okto pump orlatch.. better also cos the antibodies in milk will help bb fight off the virus...
funnythg is usualy bb falls ick 1st then mummy... cos mummy not enuff sleep when bb is sick and fall sick!
coolkero > if you are afraid that you may pass the germs to baby in close contact eg latching or carrying etc
you may wanna wear a surgical mask to confine your germs to yourself and prevent spread to baby. Also wash your hands well before touching baby and use alcohol rub for your hands if you have.
avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and then touch baby
HBB, normal GP leh...hehehe
thanks muffingirl, think i pump betta, no direct contact, luckily nanny here. btw, panadol safe?
whampo amarket?!?! ic an ask my dad go buy manz.... so near his house!! do show us k..thanx =)
i jsu concern if prolong sit on this cold cold thg.. bone wil ache nxt time anot? hmmm
i was hoping to buy the large pc for them to sleep one also.. touch wood in cae fever that is very useful
KKH using that but the pharmacy always OOS! cost bout 10 bucks for that.. water cannot drain off one thou
Gina, I am so happy to find u & I are same class again.. Happy will be Juen & Kaelem too.

Mashy, (please do not laugh at me) do you pray over Hayley? I don't usually do for K but when he cries non-stop when I am driving alone with him, I pray cos I can't stop the car in the middle of the road anyway.. Now I pray with him every morning, whether when he wakes up (if I w/up before him) or after his bath. Here's one for the morning:
Keep my little tongue today, keep it gentle while I play;
Keep my hands from doing wrong, keep my feet the whole day long;
Keep me all, Jesus mild;
Keep me ever thy dear child.

Muffingirl, K sweats in his car seat easily too. What I do is clip the fan running on the handle of the carrier, turn on the engine and aircon in the car first before putting the carrier in the car. I leave the fan on and give him a nappy cloth as a blanket, the nappy cloth also keeps him distracted in his seat too. Another item u may want to get is a mirror. You can stick it on the head rest next to where the car seat is place and adjust for you to check Timmy from your rear view mirror. My hubby loves it too.

LS, thanks for info.. I hope K can keep it down cos he loves to flex his limbs all the time, and sometimes cause the spit-ups.
Celine, u can weigh yourself, then weigh you with bb, then minus your weight. Not all the bb here are same weight, my bb just turned 3mths last week and he is now about 8kg.
thanks for the info..=)

Kim, HBB..
yup i intend to order back frm US but at the same time asking some ppl to see if anyone is over at US so i can tongpang..hahaha..

hair dropping..
so far..din spot any.. maybe starting ba..cos i jus realised the floor has a lil more hair den b4..

i oso use the normal cheap batt operated fan by lucky baby.. think shud b okay bah..=D

wah!.. Kaelem's big!.. Jav oni weighed 5.2 at 3 mths.. pprincess, Darius is heavier than Jav oso.. so is edna.. ohhhh..is Jav too light?...
Joanne, though there are some teachers that have classes for age 3 or 4, but i find that its too early their attention span is too short and they bones are also not strong enough. gd age to start is 5yrs...

Faith is also only 5.1kg at 3mths. Birth weight is 2.7kg.
Wah kim, k is 8kg...must be tiring to carry him for long huh..my gf son is only 10kg at 1yrs old and she is oredi complaining..

hair loss: haven encounter yet (touchwood), just went straightening two weeks ago and coloring today..hope it maintain as now..

Today the infant care teacher told me that Cate likes to talk and will make a fuss if no one talks to her..such an attention seeker..im almost running out of nursery rhymes to sing to her..think she get bored of me singing the same song over and over again..

Btw, any mummies bought the leapfrog caterpilla?Tot of buying but scare my ger show no interest in it..
lol gina! heavyweight championship! Timmy went to paediatrician just now...almost 3 months now (next week 3 months old) 7.26kg!
K still the heavyweight champion....Kim, are your arms breaking? My biceps are getting bigger and my elbow and wrist joints got cracking knuckle kinda sounds sometimes....all spoilt!

gina, I would love to try that water mat too! If anyone know where else to get it let me know...esp in the east!

Some correction, is malt (Mai Ya), not malt sugar (mai ya tang). So so sorry, I hope u got the right thing... I feeling very very bad now...
gina i b at east point tomolo leh.. can tell mi whr to get that mat thr? 4buck then 4 buck lar..else go rnd huntin for it also more than 2 buck liao haaa

edna is like cate.. wan attention wan to tok sing act clown in front of her else she will cry!
i wonder if tis is call hyperactive??? haiz... i run otu of ideas hw to entertain her too cos im the sole care giver.. hw to do my stuff at home?

yes i got the caterpillar
so far edna liek to look at it.. i suspect cos she like green colour... she duno hw to press anythg yet.. but she kicks it every morning when she wakes up to play.. got 5 dangling thg thr for them to explore
hahaha... I downed the super sugary soup of mai ya tang & san zha... Was wondering why 3/4 bowl of mai ya tang, so much sugar.... Used up the entire container of mai ya tang... And they do sell mai ya tang at medical hall too... Sugar high... I go get mai ya tmr
Thanks for the info... Initially had thought of letting her enrol @ age 3/4...
Btw, Faith's weight is about the same as my Genevieve... Her birth weight was 2.695kg and was ard 5.2kg at 3 months... But I think she's still too light, hopefully able to gain weight under my MIL's care...

yup, u're right... I dun speak my dialect (Hokkien), thats y difficult to understand wat my parents are saying... I tried to learn but still cant master it... (except for the "scolding" one thou)... keke...
wow, K is 8kg at 3 months... Me keep on weighing Genevieve, hoping she'll reach 6kg soon...

Its my first day @ work today, damn sianz...

My girl is one of the heavy weights Gina mentioned....3.3kg at birth now 1 week away from 3 mths and is weighing a whooping 7.2kg
My arms get tired just feeding her and even when I put her in the bjourn I get back ache....

Gina, anyway I can get you to help me buy the mat and I collect from you cos I stay very far away from Whampoa...I stay in the west....
mrs c
i got the caterpillar for my ger too... at 1st doesn't showed much interest... today she seems to like it... i sang for her she also happy wor... hahaha~ But i only noe hw to sing number 3 & number 5... hahahaha~

damn sian right? sigh... but wat to do?
i still haven go take milk powder from u... v v v paiseh... perhaps wed night... u'll be at hme? i'll sms u again! =D

K so big, any prbs putting him in ur bjorn air?
I just realized I missed some of the earlier posts.. <font color="119911">Gina &amp; BBEthan</font> If my boy's hair is so full like your girls, I won't shave, so sayang..
RE: Hokkien
Kim-Meng is diff fr an-kway, I think an-kway is very rough like German.. hrck.. hrck.. hrck..

Gina, u hv message (comment on the water mat).

RE: K's weight
I weigh myself, 55kg, weigh with him, close to 63.5kg, so if my weighing scale is accurate, he is 8kg.. and I already provide the slightly below 0.5kg as zero error.. Must find a place to weigh him accurately (almost wanted to do this at the vet this morning...)

I think we are funny ppl, bb light, we wish for heavier; bb heavy, I worry if he's not tall enough, he'll not pass the BMI in future..

So far, it's still my back that hurts, when the left shoulder is ok, the right is not. Putting in bb bjorn is still ok, but I see him not v comfy in the carrier, like every where also tight, although he doesn't fuss when he is inside.. and when I put in to bed, I usually hv to stand up, carry him in my arm, pat his butt.. I used to be able to pat him with the arm which his head is resting, now my arm is too short, just reaching his waist.

MrsC, K is exactly like Cate. Like to talk &amp; like to ppl to talk to him... And yes, sometimes he looks at me, give me the mom-can-you-give-me-something-new look. I think maybe I can get a helper to do the house work, u send Cate to me and K &amp; Cate can talk &amp; give each other attention the whole day till u come fetch her.. Somtimes I worried he becomes stupid bcos I am not smart enough to give him enough to fill his brain.

All mommies concern with bb's weight:
1. I hope we all remember that the growth is based on the bb's length and not just the weight.
2. Most importantly, if bb is striving, eats &amp; sleep well, it's ok if bb is not heavy. Esp if u hv bb girl.
3. My weighing scale is not digital, so who knows it's not as accurate? I hope it isn't, as in I hope it is heavier than we actually are, so I'll have less than 3kg to shed and K wont seem so fat.
That day at Church, some one call Kaelem "Olympic".. I had a good laugh, I think besides I am not as cute as Felicia Chin, when I run around the whole Suntec with K in the stroller, I feel like he is "Olympic" too!! Kekeke.
Maine, use olive oil, rub in circular motion over the affected area, it should go off after a few days. K still has 2 small patch, one at the top of his head (small) and one one the part where it's soft. So the top of the head is getting better but the one on the soft spot is slowly going off cos I dun dare to rub too hard.
Kim, i think my mil use the olive oil cooking type..but we never rub in circular motion. or must use the olive oil meant for hair? then i try ur method. his ears also have
RE: Olive Oil
ya cooking type will do, never need to buy any special purpose type. I apply on his skin after bath and use it for massage after the wipe in the evening.
If you are Christian and your church believe in "anointing oil", you can bring the larger bottle and have the pastor pray over the oil. pour into small bottle for ease of carriage. Apply on the crib, cot, stroller, toys, and anywhere you think u want. We also believe to apply on area where you dun feel well.
I applied on K almost immediately when he was born. Hahaha..
u going EP tmr? if u see, can lemme know? i wanna get for Jav oso.. he's sweating like mad everyday evn in aircon rm!...he can come out of aircon room w the back of his hair all wet.. scary man..

yah..u haf a point dere.. at least got warranty in sg.. but i tink n tink sg really ex man..hahaha.. tink i mus saveeee.. den buy.. hrtpain for once..nvm..i hope it can last for many yrs.. enuf till i dowan anymore children.. hahaha..

my goodness..isnt it v v sweet??... =S
Celine, may i know what's your bb's weight now?
my boy was 2.5kg when born. now 3.5mths approx 4.8kg.

wonder he is the champion here counting from the back. haha.
My boy had cradle cap n i bought the shampoo brand Densitox i think at pharmacy specially to wash for cradle cap and it heal in a couple of days.. As for olive oil, i used the organic olive oil for skin type which i got from pharmacy.. U can try n see if it works for your bb..
My boy oso 8kg now 3 n half mths n i oso getting worried tat he may b slow in learning to walk coz of his weight.. Till now he is not flipping much too as compared to wat im hearing the rest of the babies are doin here... Is K the same? Any advice frm mummies? Im getting worried that could it b due to his weight he is lazy to flip n turn.. headache
re: baby weight
as kim mentioned i think most impt is the height and weight tally. if just by lookin on the weight, daris is definitely overweight. he weigh the same as my frens' daughter who is going to 7 months old. but in terms of height, he's ok. he's 65.5cm and 7.19kg. if he is 5kg at 65.5cm i think would be rather skinny alreadi. likewise if baby is 7kg but only 58cm, it would be abit too big. so relax if baby weight is on the back side :D

sorriew ahs, know that u mentioned before but im super lazy to go back and search, where u bought ur flashcards? is black and white right?
Long time no post.
Wow lil K is in good weight. How tall is he?

My gal XR is 5.8kg 62cm at 3 months. Feeling kinda heavy already especially for my hurt back.

She's now expert in flipping and can go from back to tummy and to back again. Keep on roll'in

I'm going back to work next week. Sigh. Don't know if i'll have enough sleep or not. This week will try to clear as much sleep debts as possible ha ha.

Re: mai ya &amp; san zha
The above is to reduce supply or to clear ducts?
Yan, ya, my boy also no intention to flip.. Sigh, fatty bb's mom's心事谁人知...

Sunsweet I measured him just now, he is approx 64.8cm or 25.5", I don't think he is a tall boy, just heavy.
my tomi is 7.6kg (one week before 3 months old)...now going thru a "i dun like milk" phase, sigh think he will lose some weight, hahahahaha.
bb flipping
tze yu my slimmer twin likes to flip left and right, she cant fully roll over by herself without help, although she like to be carried upright and straighten her legs, like want to stand up. tze see my chubbier twin like waving arms and legs, no real interest i flipping yet. hee hee, think its the fat weight

has! u so cute lar. darius also doesn seems to haf the intention to flip too. and when i put him on tummy, he jus scream. but realised that he is jus plain lazy to lift his head, hence his head is always flat. takes time to train.
but i always flip him onto his side. wan him to find the enjoyment of flipping soon. has! but most imptly, bb mus b healthy. i think tat's wad we all wish for and thats enuff :)
