(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

re: nepia/mammy poko diaper
wad is the sizing like? not sure what size should i get. veri afraid tat will get too big or too small size! bcos all the while using pampers NB, den switch drypers S for 2 pack then to huggies and immeditely got M. still so scare tat cannt fit. nw know that can fit but huggies no more and i haf a S size pampers. so nw using S size pampers. is nepia cuttingbig?
hw abt mammy poko? is the sizing big as well? thinkin of continuing wif pampers. but it's so thin that it gif me a fear tat will leak anitime >.<

Re: Diapers

Mrs C, i'm interested to try nepia diapers, so if you're planning to order can count me in?

My ger is using mamypoko S size, and I find it good. have been using mamypoko from NB. She is also using petpet, need to change to M size liao coz S is too small for her already. Mamypoko's cutting is bigger than petpet.

Also tried Goon diaper, and find it good and soft. Only problem is its quite expensive.

RE: Parkway
HBB, Sam, Bestberries &amp; Muffingal,
I live near parkway, can I join in if you gals are going to PP?
Fluffysheep, are u taking size S too? how many packs are u keen in? Bell, do you want a pack as well? I'm staying at west so will have to arrange to meet somwhere to pass the diaper.
Just asking u all for advice. Is is advisable to prepare BM/formula and put in the warmer for few hrs in advance?
My cloth diapers are also the one-size type, wif many snaps to adjust size fm NB and up. Very easy to use, esp if you use wif liners. I use disposable diapers (Merries fm Japan) at nite cos it can get very warm in the CD (fleece layer) if she sleeps for longer hrs. With this arrangement, I use only 2 disposables/day unless we go out.
i will say thumbs up for tuina
edna def is better now.. nomore colic for her since 3 weeks ago(since started on tuina)
tt day she gt block nose.. mild dry cough.. aso go for tuina but press on other acupoint... plus herbs wrapping on tummy... viola.. shes all ok now! no horrible western medicine to eat whichprob make her immune to them in future if taken in excess!

fluffysheep.. sure u cn join us =)

bestberries i assume muffingal gt ur contacts? so if we go pp we can call u =)

ohyeah.. i dun encourage put milk in warmer for hours esp bm.. cos e heat is nt tt high.. wun kill bacteria yet let bacteria multiply instead...
hbb, can I have the address &amp; contact of the tuina place again? I missed out on that and didn't take note. Many thanks!Just for stand by...thanks God my girl so far so good. Nowadays after I bring her out everday, she can rest longer at night. After last feed at 8pm, then she dozed off till 4am or 5am. Me can zzzz more...
yes!! pampers is so thin! i have the same feeling... super dun like, and i still have quite alot to go, but @ the rate my ger poo &amp; urine, shld be v fast also... hahaha~

mamy poko sizing also quite big, abt the same as pampers wor...
wah ur girl so good now.. can sleep such long stretch. my girl still wan to drink milk but i suspect its becoming out of habit liao.. so wait till my dh is out of town i gg to let her cry.. n go bk to sleep herself hehe...

addy of the tui na
Yu Guo chinese physician
8-B jalan Masjid
Kingston terrance
tel: 64474761
re: nepia
i find it good so far. it's velcro. my boy jus finished his 2nd pack of NB. tonite trying S size. will feedback about the sizing. the packaging says NB is for up to 5kg, S for 4-8kg. fluffy, i read in some forum, mummies said goon and nepia are comparable. hope that helps. mrs c, i dun mind taking 1pack. let you wad size i wan after tonight. ^^
Nepia vs Goon
Both quality are good. Goon is softer... very much like Pampers NewBaby. But definitely more ex than nepia. Nepia good value for money. Personally find NB and S quality good. But M onwards quality very poor already. My girl is now using S. NB a bit small for her but S cutting big until can cover up to waist.
RE: Nepia S Size
have u girls pool enough order for abv? add me if needed cos if the cutting is big, i dun mind to try S size for Kaelem cos he's like btwn sizes, but still gd with Pampers S.
Noelle, 2 disposable diapers only!!! I wanna be like u! just went n took out the bumwears to show my mil.. cos she got me something similar fr US but no studs to adj size, think will start asap.
I intend to get a 2nd hand Ameda or PIS (motor detachable one) at a not too high price for use in office. Need to bring my #1 to school in morning, so dun wish to lug all the stuff to and fro n squeeze in the bus. Anyone intending to sell off can email me at [email protected]?
OK, im ordering Nepia, for those that are keen please add ur order:

1) Fluffysheep - 1 pack Size S
2) MrsC - 1 pack Size S
3) Kimberly - 1 pack Size S

one more order to have 1 carton.

As im staying in west,i will need to arrange to pass the diaper to those that are staying in east.
I presume the cutting for nepia is comparable to mamypoko cos my ger is wearing size S and it's just nice. Did tried Goo N but my ger poo 5 min after wearing it.. :\ so no chance to see if it'gd for my ger. I do agree Goo N is soft but pricey for $25 per 52pc, same as pampers. I dun like pampers too.
BTW, which brand of rompers are of softer/lighter quality? I find that mothercare rompers are quite thick. Maybe my area is super humid &amp; hot can go up to 32 degree at time. Carters rompers are longish, my ger cant wear the NB cos abit tight though the length is just nice. She has to wear 3-6mth. Is Gap rompers same quality as Carters? Thinking to buy from spree cos going infant care soon, need to provide extra clothing.
maybe u can try ordering from babymallonline.com. i ordered the lightweight ones for my #1. very soft. really very thin material. if want thicker, can try their normal range. think shd be not bad. it's Luvable Friends brand.
Hi mummies,

Just asking around. What sticky tapes/labels u all use to paste on the breastmilk containers? I'm using those 3M mircopore tape(those use for pasting on wound dressing). Cos the material can write on. But after remove the used tape, it don't come off cleanly.
Any better labels to use? Why manufacturers selling BM containers never think of make labels too huh?!
mrsC, will add in the order :)

1) Fluffysheep - 1 pack Size S
2) MrsC - 1 pack Size S
3) Kimberly - 1 pack Size S
4) pprincessbaobei - 1 pac Size S

i stay at yew tee. so should b easier to meet up wif u :D

winnie, i tested hw gd can pampers b yesterday. has! i actually let my boy go without changing diapers from 10pm all the way to morning 4am. no leak and nothin. doesn seems 'hard' also when u touch lor.

i jus use those normal label sticker. u haf to soak in the water then dey will peel off easily
i find drypers not too bad. personally i feel so. but i do hear of a few feedback saying that their babies haf diaper rash. so i tink that drypers are more prone to haf diaper rash? but i find their cuttin super small lor. they sae S up to duno 8kg or 11kg, cant remb. my boy is 5kg+ and alreadi cant fit in.
MrsC, Which west are you? I stay T.Blangah, can arrange to pick up.

Gina, yes, do pass me the sample if you dun need, thanks!
waaa..after i read your post feel that I'm the laziest one. I never change the diaper from bathtime: 7pm till the following morning bath 8am, unless poo. I use Mamy poko, no leak. I stocked up the ones from JB. The price is much cheaper, about the same as Drypers here. Mamypoko quiality is the best, I think. Even when poo like flood type also no leak at all. There is sideguard and the surface is soft and not soggy.
u are good mannn!! Hahahahah~ Can save alot on diapers! My ger cannOt lehs... the most 4 hours nid to change le...

Trying out mamy poko now too...

haha, me too. I also use the same diaper from 9pm till 8am or sometimes even till 9am. I use Nepia. Last night used Pet Pet, no leak too.
MrsC, do you mean sample for Goon? Last time i requested for NB size.
But was too HUGE to fit my boy then. like you, also no chance to see if my boy suitable for it anot.
So i actually request for another free sample. :p

Gina, i also like pet pet. used NB size on my boy.
Hmm...I never heard there is diaper brand called Goon before...where to get it? Yes, Pet pet is good too, when we run out of JB-mammypoko, I buy Pet pet. But still, mamypoko better, it really can stay 12hours as it claims.

Mrs.C, u may want to try Marks and Spencers bb clothes? the best deal are during the sale period, I think the next one will be in Dec. Wait till further reduction sale, it's really worth it. The material is much better than mothercare too. I bought 5 in a pack onesie for $20 only. and if you buy online during sale can be as cheap as 5pounds for 7pieces pack.
re: baby massage class
i'm not too sure yet wad to dress him up in.. most prob 2 pcs cos im afraid the class wld be cold den he'll start all the ah chooing..

can count me in too? cos its still in the east..easier for me to go!!..=D

i went thru the post natal blues part too.. crying every single day till the eyes swollen..esp wen my CL jus left n im all alone.. bb cry i cry w him.. but it will b over one.. talk to someone close(i talked to one of my fren who gave birth in May n she said she oso went thru it..so she gave me gd advices)..try to go out w bb tog w hubbie on weekends? or if u hv confidence can bring bb out yrself.. ive tried it..n it really works.. u'll feel better aft tat n not feel 'alone'..=D

oh yah ladies,
wanna ask, if anyone has hired a nanny at hm.. n hw much do u all pay e nanny?.. cos i've quitted my job (i know..hurray!) n have decided to bring bb up myself.. but at the same time, i wanna work.. so i tot the best is to b a nanny.. cos e oni thing im trained n gd at..is taking care of kids.. so tot i shud gif it a try..=) anybody wans me?..hahaha..

tat lil monster is crying n screaming behind me.. not milk time yet so i leave him on sofa to cry.. he see i nvr bother abt him..he stop cos tired.. den aft awhile he starts his engine again..=\ HBB, i tink like Edna, hes a daddys boy.. daddy see him cry until v jialat sometimes will ask me gif him milk earlier.. but wen im alone.. no way..=| ...sounds evil rite..=X
Gina, thanks, then I can bring one less diaper ;p.. so among all the diapers u tried, u think drypers are most economical, petpet is value for money and dislike the nepia most right?

RE: Diapers
a friend also said he like the papmers until S size cos the M no longer has the elastic band and will leak, I dun q understand the elastic band cos I nvr realize, but the elastic bands around the legs are great thou..
mummies going for the massage, maybe consider something easy to take off. I've seen Mrs Wong's demo of baby massage and she does undress the baby and apply some baby oil during the massage. The mummy providing her baby for the demo chose something button-front so that it's easy to undress and dress back on. Don't know if the class will ask you to do the same
Do tell us if the class is enjoyable for the babies!
Thanks bbethan will check out babyonlinemail. Did bought some disney rompers from spree, still waiting for the package to arrive.

As for the Nepia order, can PM me your contact so that i can let you know once it arrive at my place?
Pprincess, that be good, can meet at CCK to pass to you? Kim, i'm at Bukit Panjang. As for fluffysheep,let me know which area is convienent.
Didnt know the coupon on nepia is still valid, did read it in 2007 thread.

Twinkle, yes, i request for Size S sample from them. I had tot they only send sample once according to address? Anyway,Goo N is too ex, think they increase the price recently, use to be less than $20 in the past..

Actually i requested for samples from Huggies, mummypoko, fitti. But till date all never arrive..dunno why. Did manage to request sample for Enfalac (meadjohnson), they only have 6mths above, so i just take and it's 400gm somemore (kiasu mummy). I rememeber coming by a website which shows tel/website to request for sample of diapers and milk powder. Let me know if anyone is keen, i will search the link. Is petpet sticker or velcro? Keen to try so that can use for infant care, just scare she is not adaptable. Tried Fitti basic, not v good.

Even with mamypoko, i will change my ger after 6 hours, scare she have diaper rash. Btw, i realise the skin near the anus is abit redish, is that rash too? i do not dare to apply the cream cos too near the anus.

Jes, the nanny rate is 500-700 per mth in the market. Most nannies i had visited are mostly housewife of 40-50 age grp which their children r mainly grown up thus they have the time to focus on other people's bbs. In my opinion, it will be hard to look after other people's bb while having own bb/toddler at home. Unless there's another party to look after your bb and you can focus on the other bb.

My ger finally get to turn face down on her left side..sometime she will cry cos got so fustrated trying to turn further (cos diaper in the way)

Day: Huggies Night: Mamypoko Dislike: Fitti basic &amp; drypers
Btw i had some Pureen Size M given by my colleague. Wonder if i should use it or just discard after hearing bad review..
I'm using GooN NB for both day and night, and same rarely change the baby from 12pm on to ard 5-6am when she wakes up. I use an avg of 5 diapers per day. Has resealable velcro-like strip and is soft so she feels more mobile especially when she stretches her legs. Has an indicator along the length of the diaper like the Pamper Active sample that changes color, showing how wet from front to back the diaper is.

Was glad the Huggies Ultra days are over. Was using Huggies Small on her after I finished 2 packs of Drypers WeeWeeDry NB. Although she is drier for a longer time with Huggies, the silly diaper weighs a ton after 1 wetting. hehe so when she starts looking uncomfy sitting on that brick, I change her. Only issue with huggies is that I can't see how wet is the diaper, 'cept it looking like a big bun btw her legs.

I bought GooN when it's on promo on Gmarket around $14+ for 58pieces (NB), ard 24cents per piece.
bbethan, what is the shipping charges for babymallonline? Cant seem to find the rate on the site. Keen on the lightweight bodysuit but need to check the shipping rates.
mrsc, i emailed GooN &amp; re-request on tue. they replied the very next day. so now i'm waiting for their sample. :p

Sam, thanks for sharing on the massage &amp; GooN.
Thanks for the info Mrs C,
hmmm..i'm thinking of starting mayb wen Jav's like 6 mths n above wen he's easier to handle.. den most prob i'll tk care of an older kid like 1 yr n above.. hmmm, i do have some confidence den cos in childcare.. alone, can take care abt 4-5 1 yr plus ones..
Hi Mummies!

This diaper discussion is good leh!

Day: Drypers Night: Pampers Newbaby/Mamy Poko Dislikes: Pampers Comfort (orange packaging - poopoo leaks from the leg sides like crazy!)

I have also used 5 packs of Huggies NB &amp; S for daytime use (free gifts) and found it to be good but cutting is smallest compared to the other brands above. Nepia &amp; Fitti NB size - I tried the samples - Nepia is thin and breatheable, Fitti also not bad.
I'm sticking with Drypers for now cos it is
about 21 cents a piece - cheap (unless compare to Petpet) and my boy changes diapers at each feed due to poopoo (thats 8-12 feeds a day!) and easy to get!
Petpet I am a bit reluctant to try, china one, ok or not?

HBB - I don't have bestberries' number. If got parkway parade gathering after next week, I can give bestberries a lift since we stay so near
. Next week, hubby taking the car to work lah.
there's BP on mamy poko and huggies! kinda cheap. mamy poko at 14.50/pack! but i wondering wad size should i buy lor. mayb buy M mamy poko?

day &amp; night: pampers &amp; huggies dislike: not found yet :D
Do GooN diapers come wif elastic band on the back? I'm using Merries for my baby; they're very soft and light. Somehow my gal manages to winger so much when she sleeps that the diaper slide down like a low-rise and poop leaks out from the back, yikes! Maybe elastic band on the back will help...
