(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ya, i agree with Sam.. Kaelem puked mite b due to overfeeding.. sometimes pacifier mite work as a gd choice of 'dessert' aft meals..=D.. tats wad happen to my boy nw...

my boy used to b liddat..den my PD says tt my boy likes to b cuddled.. wich i realised is true cos wenever we carry him, he'll slp..but put him in cot, he'll not slp.. so we swaddle him tightly.. den we got him the yao lan.. cos alot of ppl told me too..tat bbs who r insecure n wanna get carried all times,the best solution is the yao lan.. and it really works for me..

my boy today really din slp well.. kept waking up less than an hr of slp each time.. n kept crying!.. den at nite.. i finally realised.. i think he mus have gotten a scare somehw.. cos aft much pacifying, he finally settled in my arms for a slp.. n abt 10 mins aft dozing off in my arms.. he suddenly jus jumped with his eyes wide open n cried.. like as if he gotten a scare outta his life.. n thruout the half an hr tat i carried him.. he jumped a total of abt 5 times.. =\

agree that Kaelem is overfed.that happened to amanda too. always want to suck every other hr after 6pm feed. end up puking. nowadays i stop this habit already. put him in yaolan to sleep in evening. she cries n cries trying to root the cloth.... LOL. give her pacifier, she spits it out. so ignore her n let her cry till tired then ko. now i'm begining to wonder if i put her in the cot to cry, will she ko in it....hehe

maybe yr boy has bad dream. hopes tmmrw will be better.

everyone, let's hang on. as baby gets older, things will be better.
gina, I stay at holland village. I will keep aside $200 for you, please let me know by today, otherwise someone will take $300 tmr. Thanks!
My gal also cant sleep well, i bought her to take her 6 in 1 injection to Dr Simon Ng just monday and bb also quite cranky.. Dr Ng said my bb may be having slight colic though it may not always be symotons of crying, could be crankiness too.

Coughing out phelgm
Does any of the mummies here have experience that thier bbs cough out phelgm? Just two days ago, my bb starts to cough out phelgm, and some times phelgm that are so thick,long and sticky.. I was like so shocked but my mil and confinement told me its good, cos bb will feel better..

THanks, i have just pm you my no. :D
ya i was tinking if thats possible anot.. tat he got a bad dream.. hmm..yr amanda same as my Javier.. sometimes i gif him pacifier he oso puke it out n cry.. i oso leave him on the my bed or the yao lan to cry till he slps.. but if i leave him in cot.. the funy thing is he nvr tends to doze off..but will persevere n cry even longer.. =\

icic.. mine tat time had very bad colic.. Dr ng told me colic normally happens at nite.. n they cry v badly yet u cant find the reason.. i heard frm ppl tat colic happens at almost the same timing everyday.. mine used to cry every nite at arnd 9 plus to 10 can cry for 1-2 hrs.. aft i bring him go to the 'tui na'n fed him 'ridwind'
..hes alot better n don cry at nite anymore.. but the other times tat he cry nw.. i noe its cos he jus throwing tantrums..esp wen he cant slp..
My gal also cough out phelgm like stuff too. I think its better than having it stuck go them.

Re. Taka fair
Any avent bottle exchange there? I have 1 med and 2 small bottles to change.
HBB : were you at the taka fair this aft? In an all black outfit and Edna was in an orange combi stroller? Think I walked passed you but wasn't quite sure. My outlaws left yesterday so rewarded myself by going shopping alone today. Left the kids with my mom
gina, so sorry le...I missed out your post, I have sold out the voucher already...I will inform you again when I have somemore.
Just now went to taka, got so many ppl take and pay there, end up only those who reserved from yesterday then can get the voucher.

Kim,hbb, kitty etc...I didn't manage to spot you all...was so bz pussing the pram on 1 hand and carry the things on the other...luckily my bb was quite cooperative today, just cry 1 time during hungry time. She even chuckle in her sleep when we just reach there. So funny...sounds like Steven chow laugh like that...kekekeke....guess she must have a funny dream.

Taka baby fair was so crowded today, even the crystal jade beside it was so pack with mums and babes. Managed to bring my gal along with the pram, difficult to squezze in the crowd tough.

There is this newline of underwear called shapeware-body control, they have some panty and body suit meant for contouring, I bought 2 pairs of high panty girdle, it doesn't feel tight at all like usual girdle, very comfy and it helps flatten up the tummy. So Happy.
Etirto & Gina

Thanks for the info

Are you giving your baby too much milk? It could be that she cannot stomach so much so she spits it out. Either that or she may have wind in her stomach so when she drink, the milk settles on top of the trapped wind and so if she burps or there is too much movement the milk will come out. Maybe you try burping her in between the feed...let her drink a bit, burp her then drink somemore. Keep her in a more upright position.

Hope it helps.
hi mummies,

would love to join the gathering..unfortunately my mum not around to look after bb..m still not confidence to bring bb out alone yet..

me too..me very blur and tend to be super forgetful after delivery..maybe is the tiredness plus sleepless nites lor..

went to PD for 6in1 jab plus today..m boy brave..only cry for few second after needle pull out..
btw, any mum intend to let bb go for the pneumococcus jab? don't know should go for it..PD says this jab will be more painful than 6in1 and bb tends to develop fever..
Carebeary: I'll be giving the jab to Max only because I have a toddler who goes to classes and playgroup and its more likely that she'll carry germs home and pass to her brother. My #1 took the jab also and didn't have much problem as far as I can remember.

HBB: I happened to walk past you really quickly, was carrying lots of stuff in my arms cos stupid me forgot to take a basket. Realise that I have to make a trip back there cos I picked out a leapfrog book for my #1 but must have left it somewhere when I picked something else up so in the end didn't buy it. So blur.
re: gathering

tinkin of going. but abit far and my pram require 2 hand to open and close. should i go or not? bcos i need to b home by 5pm also.
i abit pantang lar. due to 7th month, i dun wish to go out too late. first time bringing baby alone to so far also! ive onli been to jurong point the furthest! (i stay yew tee)
i MIGHT b going but no confirmation isit ok? who is the person to contact? i see whether tat dae the weather is gd and is my boy behaving. if everiting's well then mayb i will go and join u all. :)
went to the taka fair today. bought a britax car seat. cost me 400+. heartache. kept telling myself not to compromise on the safety of the child to feel better. lol. if only i knew im making such big purchase, i would have gotta the taka voucher from etirto to enjoy the '10% discount' :p
i bought my standing yao lan at kiddy palace for 80 plus.. including everything.. butlike wad gina says, i oso got another set of springs to change wen he gets older.. anw, i have this new box of 7 springs on my hand.. if u wan i can let go to u cheaper..=) cos it happened tat i have 2 boxes..

take fair:
din manage to go ytd.. i'll b going ltr tog w Sherryl..=)hope my lil monster wont cry..=|

come n join us la..have lunch tog den u can leave by 4 so u can reach hm by 5?..=) not far la.. im further.. im at paSir ris..haha..
princess, we should be able to go home by 5pm la...cannot be so long....I also intend to go about 4pm latest, because after 5pm taxi fare got the 35% liao!

bell, it's always good to have the voucher stand by...heee...anyway there is no expiry date mah... Now I'm looking for isetan voucher as private sale coming soon. That's how we shop during economic crisis...kekekeke

I have given pneumococal jab to my gal when she's 6wks old, together with rotarix and 6 in 1. Pneumonia is quite a fatal one and quite commonly occured in singapore children. If we can prevent it, why not?I have given to my #1 also. The diff is when you opt to give before 1 year old, you have to give 3 jabs, but if you give after 1 year old, only take 2 jabs.
After taking the jab, my baby had no fever, only a bit cranky, (may uncomfortable) for 1 day.
ETirto (bdgees)
yup agreed if can prevent why not..funny..diff PD diff timing for jab..my PD says to bring back in 2weeks time for Pneumococal jab..didn't do together with 6in1 and rotarix.. so i got to go extra trip..

the britax car seat how much discount was given? cos I also intend to get one too.. not sure if place like baby kingdom would be cheaper?
ETirto, HBB & jillian, i din see u all at takar fair yest too. I oso had prob pushing my stroller thru the crowd...soo many preg women!!! Worse still, the cashier queue was so long during the lunch hrs that i went back only after the peak hrs.

Re: taking cab to vivo
ETirto, dunno i can manage taking the cab myself if i dun get the car. Cox if take cab, dunno whether the driver can help me open the stroller anot cox how to do that if carry bb???
britax galaxy (rainbow colour, which my hubby likes it, he said colourful good for children, but i dun haha) is selling at $399, retail $499.
however i got the britax royale, which is selling at $429 i think. retail is only slighty more expensive. the reason we chose royale cos it has this protector to protect our car seat, and we personally prefer the material over galaxy. in terms of design and everything else, the salesman said it's the same. oh, they are giving away free baby car organiser for galaxy(while stock last, had left 10 yday). There's also 2 other models which i didnt fancy. so did not ask much abt the details.
i would v much wan to check out baby kingdom too. but my hubby will kill me if i decided to go back taka and buy after window shoppin at baby kingdom. ><
hi muumies...been long since i log on..now reading the posts to catch up....

btw is using pacifiers a common issue? i have started using one since i really cant handle my baby at times...but read from the net that prolonged usage can cause ear infection....bit worried abt that...

also, noticed my lil one does get hiccups sometimes immed after drinking his milk...can we give water or just leave it?? cause he did puke when i gave him water...guess it must be the mixing of water and milk in his tummy...
i did not wan to use pacifier on my girl.. but she cry realy realy alot!
now worse is she reject bottle suddenly...
now at near 10 week... i gave her pacifier to shut her up... happy to say... she rejects it too! hahahaaa so happy! i tried and it din work!! YAY
I went taka bb fair yest, Yes,got only pigeon trade in promo.Use any old bottles to trade in for pigeon wide neck for less 50% discount.

Spend $50 entitle lucky draw. v long q for getting the lucky draw form. So to avoid q again. Better buy everything tog or combined receipts and q once.

Wanna try nuk teats but they don't have any
blessed, i'm still enduring my bb's cries. My last resort is either yaolan or pacifier but think will not try the latter cox scared will affect his teeth development if unable to wean off.
nodnod... Is reallie OMG! sigh...
Pd gave her anti viral med, to prevent more from coming out I think. Need to take for 5 days. So Heng leh... Dunno got it from where... Sobsob...

Haf to monitor her feeding &amp; temp.. Hopefully wun haf fever lo. I'm afraid I might get it too coz I think I haven got it b4...
haah... for mi.. i will not wan try yao lan.. i tried the pacifier liao haaa it din work... LOL

oh ya the med is power one.. can control the outbreak hehe cos i ate that too hehe...
pros n cons for bb to kenna.. at least wun get it again nxt time (unless so unluckylar)
Hi Jes,

I am still holding back on the yaolan cos my hubby quite against it cos he thinks bouncing his baby up and down might cos brain damage but was just asking around first cos I realise that my girl seem to like that motion and for me anything to keep her from screaming and going to sleep, I will try!!! If I do buy the yaolan, I will get the springs from you

Sorry to hear about your girl...must be very worrying...somemore so young cannot take too strong medication....did the pd say there will be any complications? Is it too late for you to jab the vaccine now?
Have a few samples from KKH to give away (FOC). Moving back home this weekend, so wana clear some stuffs.
1. Eucalyptus oil for baby (eagle brand) 15ml
2. Anmum Lacta, reduced fat milk powder for breastfeeding mothers. sample packs.
3. dettol instant hand sanitizer. 50ml
4. speen disposable teat. diameter ard 6cm
5. kidsper nanny milkbottle. (high quality polycarbonate, #G-300) 300ml
6. anakku baby talc 30g
7. anakku baby bath 50ml
8. anakku baby lotion 50ml
9. anakku baby shampoo (no tears) 50ml
10. $3 off vouchers for Mamil mama900g/mamil gold step2 700g/mamil gold step 3 800g/mamil gold step4 900g (carrefour, cold storage, ntuc, giant, guardian...)
pls pm me if interested. will prefer to pass them to mummies at vivo meeting on mon, otherwise self-collect @ old airport rd/farrer park.
my massage lady told me women will become blur after giving birth and the massage can help. but it didn't help much for my case.
My sis also said after giving birth she became very blur. Nowadays I tend to forget everything. really jia lat. I feel bad

My boys did go for the pneumo jab together with the 6in1 (one jab at right thigh the other at left thigh at the same time). No fever after the jabs just that my younger boy temperature went up to 37.3'C. I didn't let him have panadol and he was ok after a while, but just cranky.

I started using pacifier when my boys are only few days old. Elder boy was admitted to hospital and not allowed to drink milk so bo pian have to give him pacifier. So far ok leh.
pls take care of yourself. you have to be strong in order to take care of your baby.

Re: yao lan
I bought yao lan but have yet to use it. As my boys will be going to infant care soon, I am quite hesitate to let them sleep in yao lan. If not next time they very cham coz no yao lan in infant care.
re: gathering
tink i will go if it's not raining! has! i hate raining weather. esp when i haf not got the cover for the stroller also!

i tink we mus b veri lucky and heng to get a driver who will open and close for us lor. some driver jus sit in there wait for u to open mouth then dey will do and gif u a black face
i met wif one who is veri kind hearted and even tell me to stand in under my block while he help me to open and take all my stuff out from the boots (i bought alot of stuff =p)
so i tink haf to depend alot on luck!
reallie ah? yah, the only thing to console myself is maybe she wun get it next time also... *fingers crossed*

pd din say will haf complications, but i googled &amp; read some worrying issues, stopped reading le, lest make myself more worried.
i think i can still go for the vaccine lehs... dunnO also... haha...

nodnod... but i v easily scared... haha... worry this worry that...
hi mothers

Congratulations on your delivery! Since most if not all of you shd have gone through confinement by now, can I ask you whether you have any recommendations for confinement lady?

Thanks a lot. I'm due next yr and sometimes dun noe whether to believe everything I have read about regd confinement lady in the forums as some of them might be advertisement and dun really have friends that just given birth....
winnie's mum, oh no...your girl is so poor thing. Did u bring her out recently? Hope she can get over this soon.

poohbear, i oso hav the same concern as your hb. But i will try that if i really hav no choice cox i oso grow up in yaolan. My boy now always need me to carry him and rock him to sleep. So it's really tiring on my side and i'm going to see how long i can tahan.

HBB, so gd your girl rejects pacifier. I dare not try cox i scared my boy likes it cox sometimes he likes to suckle the bottle teat to sleep w/o drinking the milk. So i hav a feeling he will like pacifier if i let him try.

pprincess, i hope i will knock into such nice pple.

Gathering on 31st Aug Monday
time: 1.30pm
venue: vivo city (marche)

1. HBB
2. Etirto
3. bbethan
4. jeslyn
5. bell
6. Sam
7. Jamie
8. pprincessbaobei
9. kittyng

hope your bb gets well soon..

question if we subise the outbreak of the pox with medication, will the child have 2nd rnd of outbreak?
yes wor, i did brought her out a couple of times, but PD said she cld have oledi gt it 3 weeks back le... but the thing is, 3 weeks back, she till 1 mth... still staying @ hme lehs... =S But i did go out during confinement, not sure ijjit i brought the virus back... sigh... or my hubby? *shrugs*

thanks thanks... nodnod, i was wondering too.
i will ask the PD when my ger goes for her review next wed...
Think i give my ger pneumococal jab &amp; rotavarius when im bk for her 3rd mth vaccine in Oct. Luckily my ger only cry a few sec when PD jab her today for her 1st 6n1 dose.Think her cries are even louder when she wanted to be walked around the clinic while waiting for the bill (she know how to bully mummy!)PD didnt mention about overfeeding my ger as im giving her 150ml now,he said she is doing well and if my ger still want more, just give so as to say feed on demand &amp; water not more than 60ml per day. Think my ger got big appetite now at 4.8kg from 3.6 at birth. Poor mummy &amp; daddy got to work extra hard to earn more for her milk powder.

My ger now tend to rub her hands all over her head and face. And sometime her hands will hit her head when she get excited, see oredi dunno to laff or feel pain , guess she is still learning to coordinate her hands and legs. My heart melt when she qoo and ahh back when i talked to her..

Abt hiccup: my ger has it after feed as well at times. Read that bb get hiccup when they are too full or excited. It's norm, no water needed, it will go away after a while.

Spit milk: As poohbear has said, can burp the bb and hold him at 45 angle for 15-20min before laying him down.

Winnie_mummy, do take care and hope your ger recover soon!

Wa.. after half dat shopping ystd, today is abit chiotic a home. Good thing Kaelem decided to sleep more.

Sam, Jes, BBEthan, thanks for tips on Kaelem's puking.. Ystd at the mall, he cannot fin his 4Oz on all the 3 feeds. Then cranky also. I tried to nurse him at Taka nursing room, but he made so much noise when sucking, while other 2 babies are all nice and quiet.. so embarrassed I left after 10mins. Aft I got home, I wiped him then trty to feed him but he kept pushing out the bottle, then latch him and he is happy.. then after latching for a while I gae him his bottle and finally calm and slept after that. So strange, he never sho preference of nipple to bottle woh, I was so worried he will end up wanting to latch all the time.. Last night I decided not to wake him for the dream feed after his 8:30pm feed and he KO till 4am!!!! WOWOWOWOWO...

Qn: when do we start stretching bb's meal time to 4hrly?
Qn: how do we tell that our lochia is fully cleared.. abit of light brown is not considered cleared right? so I have to change the pap smear appt right? is it a must to do pap smear so soon?

RE: Taka Sale
Only bumped into BBEthan at the nursery dept, some more she called me or I would hv not bump into anyone.. ETirto, I was in red long blouse and black 3.4 tights.. Had 2 girls wz me, a heavily preg and a sweet young thing who was very helpful wz Kaelem &amp; the stroller..

Winnie_mummy, how your bb got Chix pox? hope she is well soon. I was told when a person gets chix pox too young, it may happened again.. Ya, better check with PD.

RE: Taka bottle trade-in
Medela running a charity t/i too, every (any brand) (old) bottle t/i, Medela will donate $1 to some charity orgn, and you can buy the small medela BPA free bottle at $6.90. I am thinking if my gf will get Medela cos if she does then I will give her the chap-ba-lang brand from hampers to t/i, then pay her the diff for the bigger Medela bottles.

Beverly, I dont think we become blur after bb lah, we just dun place other things as priority so that why ppl say we forgetful oso. But we bcome smarter in small daily living details and these are great tips that those w.o kids dunno. I personally find I am better time management (when I needed), and can be very effective.

PPrincess, do you have the bb carrier? if you dun want to lug the stroller, carrier is great alternative.. if not bcos of heavy "diaper bag" I rather leave the stroller at home cos mine is heavy althou ez to deploy.
