(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

princess, the possible scenario is like this:
6.15 latch on 15min - 15ml, still hungry...then 6.45 latch on 15min- 15ml, total about 30ml, still hungry also...then after you give EBM 40ml your baby full already, total will be 70ml. Because according to my PD, the amt of milk that we can express is not the same as the amt of milk the baby can suck druing latch on. Higher possibility the baby can only suck much much less. So usually if I can express 40ml on 1 breast, I assume the baby latch on can take 20ml in about 20min. It's like 1ml per min...hehehe...

Re: Teats
I've been trying diff Nuk latex teats (stage 1-size S, wide neck and regular) to feed DD ebm but she always ends up gagging and crying
With milk sipping out of her mouth all the time, I don't know how much is she taking in. What teats do you use for your LO if you do both latch on and bottle feeding of ebm? I want to give her ebm at nite cos she always falls asleep after nursing on 1 side, Zzz...
yes i put in alot of effort in the party.. in fact any party i organise i m ake sure either nice nice swee swee or dun do it haaa... anyway onli 1 child.. so ok lar.. worth the effort =p

haa ya we alsmot forget to take family poto.. that was taken near the end taty not much cuppies left on the table haaaa

oh i tink nowadays babies r much stronger.. cannot realy use last time babies as benchmark already...

u sure can b as good if not better.. mind over body =)
not many ppl know that brocolli cannot eat... esp not bf ppl..

etirto... now u can avoid since u know... hehe
i use nuk teat
the 1st few times also got same prob as u
milk leakign all over the mouth cos they duno hw to suck and swallow properly
aft a few times finaly my girl dun leak so much milk out already
try it again yea =)
winnie mummy

Everyone sure have milk. U try squeezing your breasts?

It's normal. For my gal, 10mins is equivalent to 1hr, 20mins 2hrs, 30mins 3hrs. So if she sucks only 10mins, 1hr later, she'll cry for milk. If she sucks for 30mins, she'll cry abt 3hrs later. At night, she does cluster feeding. I can feed her 50ml EBM, half an hr later, she'll cry for more. So latch her on. She can feed many times in that 1 hr. I find that she drinks more at night. In the day, she operates like clockwork.

Not true leh. From what i know, bb can drink more latched on than what we can express out.
Bell : i'm also O+, bb B+, also gt jaundice... so if mama is O+, bb is B+, bb more likely to have jaundice ah? My fren told me, if mama is O+, bb is A, den will be more likely...

Anyway, i hope ur bb will be fine!
My ger was discharged from the hosp on sat, ytd i feel the jaundice was better, but tis morn, see her, like come back again, tmr gng to the PD, i hope she wun be admitted agaiN!

And u are good mann! 4 days only & u are having 35ml of BM le...!
I'm day 9 now & still having 20ml only... =(
coolkero (coolkero)
I still got 8kgs to lose before I can regain back my previous weight... so I think i still look abt 5 mths preggie..

Milk on the BB Mouth
I am using those cotton gauze to wipe bb's mouth and throw them away later.

My girl wakes up 4 times for feed at night sometimes.. wanna faint..

BB Full month
I decided not to go ahead with the celebration.. only having dinner with my family members. :D
Re: jaundice

I'm B+, my DH B+, and baby also B+. But still she has Jaundice lei.. Haiz.. Reali break my heart when she wailed her heart out during blood taking..


(*Wave Wave*) So good to hear from you again..
Wah, you very powerful lei, can pump out 110mls ah. I have been actively pumping every 3-4 hourly, only manage to pump out total of 80mls from both breast. Been feeding baby with EBM, cse scared she's not getting enough from latching as she tends to wake up earlier after each latch on..
winnie mummy

maybe your bb drinks up all the milk? That's why when u pump like not much? If i pump after i latch, i usually get abt 40-60ml lesser.

perhaps also try clearing the ducts. Sometimes it's coz the milk are blocked, so can't come out. It's very painful to clear though, do the u-c mtd and squeeze/roll your nipples flat.

mine too. So tired. But can't be helped coz their timing all upside down now. U know, my gal will be suddenly very awake at 10pm. U won't even see her big bright eyes in the day. But at 10pm, suddenly she's so alert. sigh...
isit like that? bcos in the past everitime latch on 10-15mins he will be satisified and till the next feed like 2-3hrs later. and like mashy, i thought dey will drink more when latch on?

i tink that's why doctor and nurses always say, BF babies we have to BF on demand. they anyhow anytime. sigh. really tempted to give EBM always, but i would like to have the bond. but save the time and hassle to heat up all over again!

re: stiff fingers
ive it even during pregnancy and doctor says that it is due to water retention?
after birth it starts to go away and came back again this few days. not sure why thou?
FOZ, I did not use any oilment cos the spell is pretty short. Think I will elevate my feet when I nap later.
Sam, thanks for tips. I have been wearing the socks since hosp. Love having warm feet. I am still using one pump cos saves trouble of washing and combinding the 2 bottles after each pump. (lazy mommy here).

Bell, if you intend to bring your bb to sun at void deck, besides making sure bb is covered up (and th eyes too), make sure you do not get any chill as well. This am was quite windy in my apt and CL said to only open windows slightly cos we may get the chill and it's not good for us.

Etirto, friend told me the long bean cannot eat but french bean can woh. My CL& mom say brocolli is ok leh, the confinement recipes book got one dish is stir fry brocolli&cauli flower.

Mashy, think ur girl training to be party animal..way to go girl!

RE: full mth celeb
Like Jamie, we are sticking to plan of "no-plan". Most likely end up celebrating on his 4th mth. But will give the cake voucher to friends & relatives on full mth.
winnie mummy
now I am in my 15th day, and i only can pump 50ml each time. really at times feel like giving up but I telling myself to perserve cos give bb some bm better than no bm.. only in the morning I can pump up to 100ml.. so dun get too depressed ok, cos it will affect bm ss too..

I also got stiff fingers.. I think its also due to water retention for my case.. but it will go away in 3-4 days time.. Now i can wear my wedding ring again! hah

cecelia446 (cecelia446)
I am a coward, I always run away when the nurse going to take blood from my bb for jaundice test at the hospital the last time. I was also afraid I will breakdown... Anyways, my bb got no jaundice.. so maybe what my MIL did was good.. she actually use hot water and pour it over raw liver and made me drink it after being soaked with the liver. EEks but the taste is horrid!!
Hi cecelia & bell,
I took Motherlove More Milk Plus tablets that I got from the TMC pharmacy. My sister taking it and still expressing after a year, so I just follow lor...

How old is your baby? Mine one week... also wake 4-6 times a night to feed...

Re: Milk Supply and pumping
But it can get a bit frustrating. Cecelia, my baby also like yours. After I empty out booth boobs then she will cry for milk... Sigh. Even I try to predict her meal time also no use. So no I try empty out 1.25 boob, leave 0.75 boob on standby for her... Hopefully that will pump out the foremilk and she can have a more filling meal...

Else like mashy, I have to keep feeding cos she only manage to get to the foremilk then feel full. After 1 hr hungry again...

My sister said I over supply, told me to stop pumping. but boob so painful, how to not relieve it by pumping. Else the foremilk drip here and there. So frustrating dealing with poop and urine and have milk leaking all over the place....

I already used to it. So when she told me she booked place, I also no feeling liao.

The fengshui shifu we engaged for baby name also she fixed one. Just told us she got contact from her boss, called booked and fixed price liao. Gave my husband angpow for the fengshui master....

Today came to my place in the morning and told me to stop eating all meds (not sure if she refering to the supplements, parrafin for constipation or for miulk supply). Told me go drink papaya soup (I take it that she's refering to green papaya fish soup)...

My one ear in one ear out.... I so power now that confinement lady stand in front of me, watch me breastfeed, even dare touch my boob to confirm if I have milk (told her it's engorged liao), I also no feeling. Haha, I have reached a new level of ignoring all annoyance!!!!

But have to say my confinement lady is ok. Keeps house clean, food is good, washes hubby and my clothes too. But give and take situation. I let her sleep in air-con room, leave her alone to watch TV, bought bed for her to sleep in, take care of baby myself at nite

Wonder how's sunnyduck coming along....
lamagier (lamagier)
MY gal is now 15 days old liao. I think it depends, sometimes, she just wakes up so often at night, sometimes, she dun.. not sure why too. Anyways, I just feed her to her dd.. My bb also cries when she poo, if she wee, she is ok, so interesting.
I'm having a problem with bb feeding again,mummies!!!
Needed help now.

I try to bottle feed the EBM to my gal,once she drinks a bit she will reject it till she finally accept it,she will suck and leak at the same time..So actually what does this mean?
At the same time,when i normally latch her at night,upon a few try of sucks,she will have the ''choking feeling''..
what can I actually do?

Shld i do total bottle feeding now,and not half latch half bottle feed?

Seems like yr PIL not as 'bo chap' as u described before u delivered.. :p

My PIL also the same thing.. Been visiting on Sat and Sun, and worst of all they are having flu!!! They came to visit on the day of my discharge with running nose, and sat beside me somemore. End up now I am having running nose for the past 4 days. Really fed up with them! Told DH to tell them visit only when they are well, but as usual, he didn't..

Told FIL tat the fengshui master that he engaged is too expensive. Imagine $380 for a baby's name. Told him my 1st aunt also knows abt feng shui and tat she's volunteering for free. Who knows he still insist! So sickening!!

MIL also getting my nerves now. She is the one who asked and insist on buying shicken essence for me, end up she told my mom tat she will buy chicken essece for me cse I told her I dun have any.. What the #$#$ !!
nodnod, im telling myself nt to give up too, but still gotta supplement with FM lehs, if nt, my 20ml how to satisfy my bb's each feed... =(

So, probably, 1 day can only drink once EBM...

You mean you drink tat before u deliver or after? So happi for u tat yr baby is healthy. It's reali very tedious to travel here and there esp after u just delivered.

I was totally heart-broken the day when we went back NUH (following day after discharge) for blood taking. Already I'm so in distress, imagine I'm so puffed up still with 10 pkts of salt water retained in my body, my c-sect wound. We are the 1st to arrived, appt at 0915hrs. End up they took blood for other ppl 1st, until I started raising my voise asking wat am i waiting for, they then told me my case-sheet is still in the ward. They r trying to trace for it! I started scolding them for making me wait when I am actually paying class, and tat I just had operation somemore. Finally they took her blood, of cse with baby screaming so pathetically. Who knows, after 1/2 hour of waiting, they told me lab says blood not enough, must take again!!! Felt like slapping them on the spot. That particular appt took us 4 hours! End up I told my pediatrician, that I will go polyclinic from now on for the blood test. The next day i went, it only took me 1 hour in the polyclinic.

Perhaps u have to start strictly an interval to pump yr milk to get the supply kicking in. I was very distress the 1st few days due to low milk supply also, and I'm not actuali actively pumping. After consulting my SIL, she told me must die die active pump, so I started to pump every 3 hours for 15 mins no matter wat. After the 2nd pump, I was surprised to see my milk squirting out during the pump. Maybe yr milk duct is blocked like mine, tat's why with some massaging and pumping, it can help u clear the duct..

Jia You, dun give up k!!
My fengshui master cost $388... But my MIL paid for it...

Wah, your PIL so cautious about the flu bug. Kim's husband went to stay at hotel wor....

My pil still bo chap, but it's bochap about me. But ok lah, rathre that then they keep telling me to do this and that. My mummy still the best. Bought me 2 bottles of DOM, home made rice wine given by her friend, big big pot to boil herb shower water and let me throw full month at her place (intend to secretly separately hold another one for my own reatives.) I love mommy =)
Thanks for the tip on cleaning the tongue, mummies!
Alas, try to do it but she rather scream than open her mouth, will try again another time.

Yup must pump. Make a timetable or schedule at regular intervals to remind yourself to pump, I set alarms for myself. Demand = Supply, must trick your brain into stimulating the breastmilk, even if not a lot, the schedule will help you yield more milk gradually.

hehe initially I was also lazy to have the 2nd pump, even wash, sterilize, dry and keep it away for 1 week. But decided to try the dual pump system, and it does make it easier for the past week during the pumping session to massage both breasts, and pump both breasts together.

Papaya milk
My mum has been making this papaya milk dessert for me with the green papaya (can leave the skin on, after you clean the papaya), packet UHT milk, snow fungus, and almonds. Boil the ingredients, and drink like dessert. Really tasty and I see the breastmilk coming easily, I'm not a really good cow, can bring in at least 70ml without too much effort during a pump, I'm happy.
winnie mummy

agree that u should continue pumping. Once the duct is cleared, u will have milk flowing well.

My gal does that when we do bottle feeding too. Drink and leak out. sigh. Maybe the hole is too big for her? Or she's not used to the bottle. Coz for bf, u get milk only when u suck. But for bottle, it works differently.

My gal only choked once on my breast, guess she too kan cheong then...
bell, my cousin (she works in TTS)was telling me not to sun bb directly under the sun as the ray is harmful to bb. Indirect sun near the window is fine.

I did ask the nurse at my clinic on the duration of lochia, she told me till 6 weeks! After the massive clots, the flow went back to norm. Got to buy more pads again..

Going to hv full month celebration on 10th aug, now in my 3rd wk of confinement, more refreshed and positive as hb has went back to work on alternate days.Now looking thru the links of the cakes posted earlier on..

My ger like to turn to her head to the rite side and i had to use a roll up diaper cloth to pivert it or else her rite side will become too flat, not nice. So far i had not let my ger to sleep on pillow yet, when is the best time to let her have the pillow?

So far i had lost 11kg, 7 kg more to go, think i had sweat out most of them within the 2nd week.My tummy has went down to 2-3mths preggy days except for the flabbiness and of cos stetchmarks! Didnt engage Massage lady over the weeks as was busy tending bb. When will the dark brown line at the tummy go away?

The flat above me is having drilling today! Luckily my ger didnt fuss about it but hope it will not affect her sleep.
re: milk supply
i remember the first few daes when i use pump, it didnt work for me
so i actualli hand squeeze out 20ml each time and total up to 60ml to give to my boy
damn tortuing to haf to squeeze and aim >.<
so dun give up and pump regularly :)

re: tummy
my tummy alreadi went back to pre pregnancy size
but the flabby-ness is stillt here
all thanks to the big tummy that i had when im pregnant
my tummy went up to 44.5inch! asked the massage lady how long wil it take to tone down and she said depends. some people took 6 months!
as for my weight, i gain more then 20kg during pregnancy due to bad water retention
right after delivery i lost 6kg and slowly my water retention went away
nw left wif onli 4kg more to pre pregnancy weight!
i actualli intend to take partidgepear when im pregnant
looks cute too and trendy if that's the word to use. however my dad doesn realli like trendy ting as they feel it should b traditional
but still got sweetest moment :)
Thanks Cecilia, Sam &amp; Mashy!
I just tried to again, 20ml still but saw some squirting at least... will continue to pump @ regular intervals to see how it goes...

Thank you for the encouragement! ^_^

No time to use internet wor. Hubby setup the netbook for me so that I can use when I wake up to pump in the middle of night. Hope tonight can spend some time reading all the posts.

Birth table filling up
Feels happy to have a bundle of joy in our arms huh

My BM still not alot, been 8 days, could only get max 80ml per 40-50mins (~25mins each side). I realize that if I sleep up to 4hrs+ straight, I could get 80ml, otherwise, the routine every 3hrly I only get max 60ml. Is it ok?
Re: Jandice

Use Guinness (black beer) mix with water to bath baby. CL said better than the thing from medical hall. Improve baby skin texture at the same time.
The tear underneath

I need to soak in salt water for 5mins 2times a day as per gynae. But my malay massager said Malays just splash the salt water after every pee or pass motion. I wonder if it works the same cos where to find pail small and shallow enough to fit my butt and touch the wound?
80ml is alot already! i took 3 week plus to hav 80 ml hor! so its perfectly OK

the squirting v shiok rite haaa i was liek u.. miserable 20 ml 1st week.. dun tink bout it.. see.. ur milk squirting out liao haaa very good! well done!!!

my gynae did not giv mi anythg to wash under aft gg pee.. he say jus use water.. so i guess if u wan use shower head to wash also ok =)
i got the toilet spray install nxt to my toilet bowl so i use that
jamie, my gal also cry, scream and grunt when she want to poo-poo, like hard time constipated...but the poo come out soft soft one lor so I'm not worried...sometime she just so poor thing. Usually I hold her more upright, tot can bring down the poo faster then when she lay down...gravity mah..heee...

dunno lei...I always assume that bb latch on take less milk then drink ebm from bottle, because it's harder to suck from our nipple then from bottle, so it's slower, then if I pump full without latching, 1 breast =40ml, if I latch on first then left about 20ml, so I thought the baby drink the balance, which is 20ml only. Usually after latch on my gal still hungry but super sleepy have to keep tickling her toes so that she can wake up and suck.

I have just started my 1st day massage with Mdm. sadiah. I like the tummy wrap and the massage. the sad thing is she commented that my tummy still very big wor...so far I lost about 7kg, still have about 5kg to loose. My tummy looks like when I was 3 mths pregnant, which is like 5mth pregnant in other women...haiz...:<

Yippee!! Squirting is a good sign..
After 2 to 3 pump, u should see much difference soon.


I also love my mummy more after the delivery. Seeing my mom sweating like mad bathing me trying to help me lose the water retention reali make me cry during every bath. I told her must be I am damn unfilial, tat's y now having punishment of going through all 4 types of labour and have such bad water retention after delivery. She always console me, ask me not to give up.. *Muacks* to her..
Hi Mums,
I'm still around, just got back from the doctor. Turns out that what I thought was 'leaking' was just normal discharge, not amnio fluid. But the other discovery is that during the CTG monitoring, there was one part where the heartrate dropped. Doc says it might be baby playing with cord (!!) and recommended induction just to lower the risk of any problems. So I'm going in tonight... I wonder how long it'll take? :p
All the best sunnyduck! May u hav a quick and smooth delivery tonight
See u back here soon.

Winnie's mum, i'm oso like u last week...can only express 30ml for my bb. But it's really better than no bm. So muz persevere ok. Squirting is a gd sign...so keep it up! I'm oso trying my best to pump on a regular basis now but less frequent in the midnight.

Mummies, how do u all clear the block ducts? Cox my right breast (50ml) is producing more than twice my left one (very miserable...only 30ml). I do massage and warm my breasts very towels but the amt is still nt the same.
hi mummies here, sorry to intrude here...can i ask for those mummies who are giving FM to ur babies, may i knw the brand of the milk?

which brand is good for newborns?
all e best sunnyduck...

been busy expressing milk... coming sat will b the end of my confinement... haha... i have ordered choz cakes for my boi man yue... love their cakes..

regarding: breast milk
have been pumping out about 180mls each time... pumping round the clock. so, per day estimated to be able to pump out 1.5-1.6L. hopefully, enulf to feed him till 6mths.

boy is drinking 80mls 2 - 21/2 hrly..

papaya fish soup no need to add sugar.

i have engage mdm sadiah for my # 1 &amp; # 2. find her not back. pm me if interested.

personal opinion i prefer nan ha as it lowers down the risk of allergy.

regarding: weight loss
i still left wif about 5kg to lose. has lost 10kg so far. looks 3 mths preggie wif the fats spilling out.. haiz
I asked my mum, she say no need to add sugar.

urm, most of the time I also right side more than left. Don't know why also, initially I fed her mostly on the left cos I got sore nipple on the right, and right's production wasn't good. Now recovered and also no more sore nipples, right's doing better than left. Sometimes I miss the 3am pump, also can see the right breast is stiffer than the left. Considering to changing to latching on the left more to let the baby do the job (tried the u-c method, didn't see much effect yet), shall see if it works.

Good luck, sunnyduck!
may u have a smooth delivery! jiayou :D

u got so much milk! my supply is depending on duno wad one lor. sometimes 200ml, sometimes 130ml, sometimes 40ml, sometimes 60ml. doesn know wad is wrong wif my breast
but i stil haf quite a no. of breast being freeze as i try not to touch EBM and latch as often as i can

how do u wash milk bottles after they've been used ? usually i wash with the bb bottle soap and then put in sterilizer. but thinking whether can just wash with plain water and then put in sterilizer. ie. no need soap. after all, its just milk. any tips ?

Oh no, i had been eating few days the brocolli. I better tell her brocolli cannot eat leh. Hanbb Thanks for telling me leh..
i think s long s u drink more fluid... e milk supply will increase.. i drink more den 2L per day.

i v ks mummy... to me is better to wash it wif soap as not sure bacteria will grow anot...

lamagier - whjich part of breast do u massage ? need to massage aerola and nipple. i find massaging nipple quite pain, and aerola area got small little bumps when i massage.
