(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

bestberries, i oso use bb bottle soap to wash milk bottles, then put in steriliser.

Mummies, how often do u pump out your milk? I'm thinking whether the frequency will affect the amt. If i do it more frequently, do i get more since it stimulates that the demand is there or do i get less if there's not enough time to regenerate?

Bcox i can't latch my bb well, i'm trying very hard to keep up with his feeding time in order to give him fresh ebm and not warmed ebm.

i pump 21/2hrly-3hrly round e clock o when my bb requires milk... i dont latch my bb...i give ebm as i wanna monitor how much he drinks. think u shld get more if u increase ur frequency.
bestberries, it best that you wash with soap before sterilized, dishwashing liquid, no need the special bottle liquid detergent kind, that 1 expensive lar.
I also have question, if we need to pump 3 times at night, also everytime after use need to wash and sterilized? if yes, very ma-fan lei, how to sleep...I only wash the pump and sterilized during daytime only.
Hmm wanna check if we do total breast feeding,be it latched on or bottle feed,do we need to give bb plain water to drink?

Or we only give plain water only when we give half FM half BM?
Today my gal seems to be on a growth spurt and has been wanting to latch on every 1-1.5hrs. Looks like i can't pump today liao....


u must press real hard (until your nipple looks flat) for the u-c mtd. it's so painful u wanna scream out type leh. That's what yen ping from KKH does. But it is really effective in clearing the ducts at the nipple.
u r welcome
good to share the tips lar.. its crazy when bb cry cos of wind... haiz
in fact the day i went into labour.. i had brocolli in hosp as they gave that as my lunch.. aft that in labour ward i can feel the wind in my own tummy also
u still need to use soap to wash the bottle as the mimlk contain fats
even BM.. if u notice aft u soakt he bottle in the soapy water.. cn see a layer of fats on e water
Haha, mashy, my ger seems to be on growth spurt too today!
She just drank 80ml at 3+pm, and just slept after finishing another 60ml!


My frens came to visit me, also commented she's still yellowish... sigh...
TBF or FM or half half
baby DO NOT need plainw ater at all until after 6 mth when they start on semi solid food
water is loaded w no calories.. pointless to give them
might even cause water intoxication also...
pls dun feed baby w water!!!
i also wash with baby bottle soap. but when i bought it tog wif a friend who haf a 3yr old boy, she told me not needed as she jus wash wif normal water.
but my idea is sometimes the milk might stick and we would wan to wash it off better? i think it up to individual
Thanks jaz, i shall pump more today to see how it goes.

ETirto, i oso hav the same prob. Very tiring to wash the pump then sterilise at night but now, i hav my CL to do it for me. Haiz...wonder how i can do it when she leaves. Sometimes, i resort to only pumping twice in the night.

Weather is getting more cooling today. Any mummies wash yr hair at least once a week? Till now, i'm still not allowed to wash
i wash the parts n sterilize every use.

i didnt give water as i rmb i read somewhere is best to avoid letting them drink water till they r >6mths old.
i didnt bath for the first 8 days and only wash my hair on the 10th day
nw i wash every 2-3 days :)

re: jaundice
after using the PEP bed for 30hrs+, my boy jaundice went down from 273 to 153
but still need to go back on saturday to do another test as it needs to be under 100
am afraid that the jaundice will go up again now without the PEP bed

with the weather so cooling and cloudy, there's not much sun also
observe that he also doesn poo much animore
wah... the thread is moving rather fast

all the best to muffingirl n sunnyduck

i think u need to return all the parts for the trade-in. maybe u can call them to check before going down. their service center is at toh guan rd, secom center.

i just weigh myself today. still got 3kg to lose. i was wondering how come mdm sadiah doesnt massage the breasts lik wat some others do.

my girl also drinks a lot at night. day time she can stick to 2.5hrs-3hrly feed. come 7pm to 10pm, she needs 1hrly feed until she knock out completely. if dun give, she can't slp n will cry her head off. gv pacifier also dun want. keep spitting out n cries loud. will wake up twice in the wee hours for a short suckle.

re jaundice
went back to kkh today. her jaundice today is now 116. still hasn't go down below 100. but dr says it's ok n let it drop slowly. dun need to go back again. now i realised my girl knows how to scream!! when the nurse poked her, she screams out loud. previously just cries loud. aiyo... tsk tsk
Moo Moo, i use mdm kamisa for massage...(97290593)..

Etirto, my breasts were swollen on the 4th day and was super paiful...she was nice enuff to massage both my front and back...after dat I used warm water to massage and pump the milk...slihtly better now...at least can get 30ml,combined from both side..

also mummies, i was recommended to use the osim sliming belt for better results after the 7days of wrap...anyone used it before?? or any other wraps to recommend?
Hbb,ya told my dh to get the cinnamon meltz and just realised mac stopped seeling it...sigh...

Jasmine, can we drink that much of water?? my mum limits my water intake leh,..

Jelsyn, i use similac for my baby...
i am drinking like 8 litres of water a day including the red dates drink.. cos i feel so DRY
heard drinking water will cause water retention thoo.. mayb tat y my 8 kg refuse to go away
Re: jaundice
Thanks all for the info on how to expose my bb to indirect sunlight. Bb going to stay one more day in KKH as the lvl is still ard 190. haiz

I had c-sect. My mom told me to avoid eggs at all cost, well at least for the 1st few weeks. She said it will cause pus.

water intake
the nurse told me to drink water b4 and after BF. Blessed09, my mom too limits my water intake at around 2 litres of red date a day! but i have extra water intake from 2-3 bowls of soup a day.

massage lady
does anyone know how long i have to wait to start massaging after a c-sect? My friend had hers after a week. Thought of consulting my gynae this thurs when i see him.

Hair washing
I washed my hair (with hot water and normal shampoo) and bathe with herb water on the 3rd day! LOL. cos i had to go to the hosp for blood test for my jaundice bb. Cant expect me to go outdoors with all the oily strands of hair.

Can anyone share on how often we should sterilise our bottles and pumps? I sterilise with EVERY usage. However, a friend shared she only sterilise once in the morning and once in eveing. (the avent steriliser state the items will remain 'sterilise' for 12hours) In between after every usage, she will just wash with bb detergent.

wow didnt realise i've typed so much. it's one question after another! lol
before preggy i already drink alot of water... aft i pop.. worse! cos i sweat alot during confineemnt plus need to bf... at nite if i dun wake up to nurse bb= no drink water then i feel v dry...

yes u r right
drink before n aft u bf also! sth warm will b good

i sterlise after every use...
thanks... really relieved to know no need to go back for review. btw, u r bring Edna to kkh for her jabs n checkups? over at the private children clinic?

i didn't take eggs for first week.

i had my first massage close to 3 wks after op.
regarding baby drinking water...
actually i'm not sure how this can or cannot drink water think is true. we all grow up drinking water. n one thing i realised is this no water thingy starts with the promotion of breastfeeding. just to share... one of my friend's baby had not drink any water for 1st 6mths. when she starts solid, she refused to drink water n end up in quite bad constipation. took her some time to accept drinking. for my #1, i only gave him sips of water on n off. anyway, he doesn't really like to drink water too... so didn't take much. but luckily i had no prob of him accepting water when he started on solids.
my dhw anted to bring her bk to children pte clinic for jabs n chk up but i see its too far if i dun hav the car on some days and the pd is charging about the same price as KKH so i decided to go to the pd near my pl..

rgd the water thgy.. i tink thr is some truth to water intoxication... even for myself... my ex gynae also warn me bout drinking too much water.. but i cant help it la...
since water gt zero calories.. no point filling up bb tummy w it... and also bb liver9or is it kidney) is not develope well enuff at tis stage for too much water.. my nephew who was not fed w water for 1st 6 mth had no prob drinking water aft tat thou.. he drink so much water that my sis gotto restrict..
so i guess quite individual...
but mrs wong did mention tat plain water can b given during bath time.. like 10 ml.. to 'rinse' the mouth
yes, i agree with babyethan. 'we all grow up drinking water'. Still, to be on the safe side, I will not give him water. my mom and mil were shocked when i told them no water allowed for my bb.
Cecilia, Lamagier is right, my hubby indeed spent 2 nites at hotel.. Your ILs need to be more socially responsible! Now I am more sure to cancel my boy's full mth celebration.

Peanut, ur supply is better than mine. Wah, ur hubby damn nice set up pc for u to use, my hubby's been trying to make me stay away fr pc..

Sunnyduck & Muffingirl, hv a supernatural delivery>

Jeslyn Lee, we voted earlier that Similac.

Bestberries, my CL uses the veg&dish detergent for bb bottkes, then sterilize.

Winnie Mummy, I did, was told to only avoid Chicken, but egg ok. But I had egg on 2nd wk. (I hope np pus).

Bell, me too! and i bath every day now, but wash hair when i feel my head starting to stink

BBEthan, will call them tmrw.. trying to get my gf to buy Medela, to tung-pang wz her for t/in.
RE: Post Csectn massage
I m strating mine this wed, 2.5wk; my other gf started 1.5wk, but massage lady came to check her wond b4 scheduling her massage.

RE: water
ya, w indeed grew up drinking water, my mom said they fed us water cos we were on FM (heaty).. I was even told bb cannot hv honey water till 1yr, but i rmbr we gave my sister honey water to sooth her constipation b4 she was 1.. good thing we all survived..
so sad that most visitors who came visit say my bb kinda smaller as compared from hospital, i've been total latch on for the past 6 days, and i didnt even sleep at nite just to bf, but i find my bb dun drink much, more of suckle to sleep. and now i'm on the verge of giving up latch on n just to express plus fm so i can monitor. mommies, i pump but only get 30ml from both breast, 15 minutes each. can we pump longer than that??
ya lor... had a hard time convincing my mother that baby should not be given water. always need to argue with her. anyway, like wat u said, to be on safe side, will not be giving baby any till she's much older.

2nd time mummies whose #1 is in CC,
R u all givin yr baby the pnuemococal jab given the risk that #1 may pass the bug back from cc?
dun b sad.. diff baby diff weight... my girl alsolook small now compare to other 4 week old baby...
dun giv up k!
mayb u can pump and latch at diff time?

when i 1st started outpumping
i did power pump... 15 min on each side then backt o the 1st side again for 5 to 10 mins then to the nxt breast again.. jus to stimulate more supply.. i even pump at nite.. set alarm wake up to pump... jus to make milk came in bt its realy slow for me but i did it =) ...
dun giv up k! u can do it..

aft ur ss is more or less ok liao.. u can drop the nite pump.. have enuff rest so tat ss dun get affected.. .at ntie bb cry jus latch on .. lie on bed w bb to latch tat way u can rest n bb can drink
dun be affected by what people say. when baby is in hospital, definitely look bigger cos water retention... shui zhong... that's why they always lose weight on discharge. first few pumps, i pump quite long... at least half an hr. then as supply starts to increase, i gradually shorten.
HBB, I am gonna restart pump regime, do wat u did.. starting tmrw aft all d appts.. long am for us tmrw..

Coolkero, dun b stressed, jus rmbr, so long bb is healthy! my boy also look small for a half ang-moh bb, tot he looks smaller than total asian bb.

Eh you all pump in the middle of the night right?

else confirm engorgement mah right?

I at most tahan 6 hours then must pump liao.. like this afternoon tanan for 6 hrs then end up pump 240ml in total..
jia you!!! u can do it!!

for those who gt ample supply.. i gues su prob need to pump at nite or at the max number of hours... else engorge..
for those who hav prob w supply.. best to sleep at nite.. onli latch bb.. cos rest is v impt.. not enuff sleep will cause the supply to go even lower...
envy ur supply lor!6 hours i onli get half of wat u hav LOL

i hope i can sleep thru.. cos i got to ake up to feed bb, then seperate ocassion to pump milk.. i.e.
1am feed bb EBM / FM
1.20am pump milk for 30 mins.. wash stuffs then end up 2am then can sleep..
oh now i understand tat we should not give plain water,thks Hbb and Jasmine..

Btw,when we give breastmilk,after feeding,do we put bb down to sleep or carry them upright b4 we place them in the playpen to sleep?
ya i guess its the feeding part that is wakign us up haaa

kim.. at nite go to sleep! else u b too tired and affect the supply... save the time at ntie to latch.. (while u sleep kaelem drink)

i guess it depends on individual bb?
some bb gt reflux
cannot lie down so fast.. so gotto carry them 1st.. my girl.. i put her bk to bed aft milk..
i wash my bottles with soap and sterilise after each feed cos the bottles get sticky after standing in milk after a while. my new maid is going back aft 3 weeks. Fan Tong lah... no help at all. refuse to touch and carry my bbies

i just got off the hook from bfeeding my bb. started at 8pm, latch and drank for 0.5 hours, fuss and slept for 15 min, latch again for 1 hour plus. just ended feed at 10 pm. and she was still screaming until no voice. dunno what she wants. finally she's asleep. my CL taking care of 1 twin and MIL take care of other twin at night, so i get some sleep, other than wake up in middle of night to pump. with my new maid and CL gone, dunno how to handle. getting a replacement maid, but if also Fan Tong, will be really stress

how long is each bfeeding session for you ? mine is usually 1-1.5 hours. dunno if this is too long

how much milk supply are u pumping a day now. mine has more or less stabilised at 900-1L a day. is supply supposed to increase with time ?? scared my bbies not enuff to eat.
i burp my bb first lahz... den put him down to zzzzz.............

my expressed breastmilk also up n down everytime i pump out. smtimes 200mls, smtimes 90mls... haiz
hi mummies,

finally logon..i was saying my rt breast very painful and supply low..indeed got masitis with high fever..it was real painful to get rid of the block duct!! hiaz..
now before every feeds must massage very hard and do the nipple rolling taught by the lactation nurse..almost gave up due to the pain!
