(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Bestberries, I always hope for multiples.. Whatever the challenges you are going thru, rmbr I still admire & am very envious of you! 加油!加油!

thanks for the tips and encourangement HBB, babyethan and kim. actually CL also give me a bit pressure cos she say my bb should be drinking 60ml per feed, but thru my bf, bb only poo once a day and probably 2 wet pampers not enough, i should supplement wif FM since i only can pump 30ml per time for both breast. i really want to continue latching on, but feel very stress when bb refuse to latch properly and after a few suckle he's asleep but put him in bed he cry a few minutes later, so it's never ending that's why the sleepless nite last few days. i'm really tired.....still waiting for my milk supply to come, hope i dun give up too, hubby keep asking me to take the easy way out, ask CL to give FM so i can rest too...gggggrrrrr.
HBB & bbethan,

I read yr much earlier posts previously. My gal also merlion today & yesdae after drinking milk. Wonder whether its reflux too. The vol seems to be getting more. We will burp her bt she doesnt burp at all. Then in e end end up merlion.
yes supply suppose to increase over time.jus pump or latch regularly, e breast will somehow increase milk production... somehow I get 5ml more every few days.. snd v little but whn it slowly increase fr 50ml to 90ml.. u c e difference... remember ... gotta b regular .. n drink more water not forgetting eat well too!!!e more u eat... e more milk u yield

ya supplementing w fm first is gd... u must hv relax mind...

could it b over feeding tt y puke?
i dun tink that the blood group is one of the reason why it is so high
im a o+ and baby is also a o+ but still high
did ur baby underwent the photothearpy? bcos if ur bb did, den that's the reason why she look tanned
my sis sae my boy can bcome a beach boy bcos he look so tanned after tat
morning! yes, my fren's baby also look tan after photothearpy. 1+ month later got slightly better. Gina, your baby girl will get fairer de.
yest the dr said it's rather common for baby to have reflux. will take mths to pass thru the phase. my girl also doesn't burp n she has no sense of full feeling. just drink n drink until vomit. dr advise to feed ebm to monitor amt she takes in n keep her in upright position for abt 20 mins.

bb with jaundice looks darker cos of the yellowness. my girl after 2 days of phototherapy was all fair again. but when jaundice level went up again, she looks tan again. now coming down n can see she's fairer. so dun worry.

why not? I pump until i don't see any more drops of milk coming out. :p

Re: night pump
I didn't pump in the middle of the night, just once before i sleep. At night, i latch my gal on and alternate breast each time she wanna latch.

my gal till now still looks like roast pig. haha, very red with the yellow tinge.

my average bf time is abt 20-30mins.

I've a diff prob. My gal rejected my EBM.
She will half leak and half drink it. So wasteful. Feel like just giving it all to her kor kor. Her kor kor loves it and thinks it's soy bean drink. haha.
coolkero, pump no need so long, as long as you empty both breast, but more on the frequency. Just balance of with ebm, don't stop latch on completely. On the otehr hand, if you keep on latching on only, it will stress you up and you'll have no energy to take care of the baby. I think it's ok even to supplement with FM, especially at night when you need more rest.
When I have my #1, I was very idealistic, and try tbf and total latching, but this time I'm more linient and find myself more time and become happier mum!

hbb, bbethan, true le...my #1 was super difficult to take water because I abstain him from water until he's 6 mths. But now he can drink water already. Funny thing is at 3yrs old, he can only drink water and milk. That's it. No juice, no ribena, no strawberry milk.

Kim, yeah, no honey before 1 yr old.

Yesterday, one of the grannies came by and asked the same one million dollar question. Am I feeding her FM? Do i have enough? Do i need to mix? She kept asking is it enough or not? Fed up, have to tell her i've excess to even feed my boy!
ETirto, hmmm, your #1 so easy to care for, wonder if it's a good thing if he refuses the sugared drinks? I think more good than bad right?

RE: Idealistic about BF
I have seen so many friends who struggled and stressed about giving full BM, and I had been quite realistic, but I still stress when I see than my supply falls below average, think it's a (first time) mom thing.
Hi I'm new to this forum. Am a father of a 2 week old gal. Having this problem (not sure if its normal) and need the expert advice from seasoned parents.

My gal has been crying recently as she transit into week 2. This is so even when she has just been fed and her diapers change. We have burped her too.

Her crying time starts from 8pm-12am in the beginning and now also includes those periods such as late mornings and late afternoons.

When we pick her up, her mouth will be moving a lot, seems to be searching for the mom's nipples (my wife is doing full breast feeding and she has been having full milk). She will be quiet when she latch on. But we can't possibly be latching her on every hour. Not good for her and my wife as she need the rest

Thankfully, she manage to sleep in the wee hours, else i can't imagine.

Need to ask if this is normal and anyone has experienced this before?

don't stress. The more u stress, the less milk u get. This time round, i'm happy even with a 40ml milk prod in 1st week. So long as there's a little excess after latching her, i'm happy already. We're not trying to create guiness world records here right? I'm still not producing milk in litres. Just 60-140ml each pump. And i'm happy already coz i can finally tbf my gal. For my boy, i didn't manage to do that and by the time i sought help, it was too late to tbf already.

FOr those who think u have prob bf, don't delay, go and see a LC. Either to clear ducts, teach u on proper latching etc. The earlier u go, the better chances u have at resolving it.

welcome to our thread.

My gal also wants to feed on whenever she is awake.. and especially she will cluster feed btw 8pm - 11pm.

However as I'm giving her expressed milk so its not so bad as i can guage how much she is drinking..

maybe your gal also have this cluster feeding habit?

last night i gave up and let her have the pacifier for awhile.. well at least i can have 30mins of peace to get some sainty back.

I was wondering if our gals have some sort of colic? Today I'm going to Polyclinc for my gal's jandice check, probably i'll ask the doc there for some advice I'll share with you if any of their advises are constructive :p

how long has this been? if it's just 1-2 days, it's prob a growth spurt. If not, she could be seeking comfort in latching aka human pacifier. :p

BTW, my gal sometimes is content just putting her next to my nipple. Then she'll smell it like a little puppy and go to dreamland. hahaha. Guess it's the smell.

U can try putting a used t-shirt from your wife next to your gal when she sleeps?
muffingal finally pop tis am!!!

my gal is jus like ur gal onli e breast cn stop her cries n I agree keep latchin is nt a solution becos it make e mummy v tired
I duno if u try giving pacifier... I dun giv thou so tough for mi.. she might b colicky too... try giving her some 'ridwind'
my gal was slightly better aft taking tt... PD say no side effect one.
as for e searching of nipple to suckle doc say its normal. its e baby natural reflex for first few mth.
mummies (esp 1st time mummies),

As i was telling Kim, dun feel bad if you cannot TBF/ TEBM.. some formula feeds will not make you a bad mom.

Importantly as mum you should not be stress out by this.. feeding is a long route.. so take it easy...

for my #1 i was too insistant to give only BM for 1st 6 months so i was rather stressed and grumpy.. this time round i was more relax with the feeding.. have formula feed for the middle of the night feeds.. everyone told me i look better this time round.

So mummy dun get stressed and haggard with this BM problem.. take it easy... just try to latch on more or pump more frequently to have your body to sense you need to produce more due to the demand..

take the herbal and soups stuffs to boost supply.. which many promise that will help..

just pray that you dun get oversupply problem


Keep cool Mums!
Thanks SUNSWEET, mashy, Han Bao Bao

I don't think she is colicky cos she will give out a long burp when i burp her and she will look so "satisfied" after the feed. We did toy along the idea of pacifier but decided against it lest it becomes her sleep props which is not a very good habit.

She has been like this over the past 5 days. Yesterday was the worst, cried almost after every feed. She will usually cries when we put her down in her cot but not when we are carrying her.

I agree that she loves her mummy's smell cos when she smells mummy, automatically she will want to inch towards her breast.

Does crying 4-5 times a day normal? Each time will last between 30min-60min.
bruping doesnt mean not colicky leh...
but i guess cryign is normal.. my girl cry fr 9 to 6 everyday for the 1st 3 week apart fr some cryign at nite too...

i always use mum's kitchen for catering =) NICE!
u can try bringing her to PD..
but the pd willt ell u SUSPECTED colic only hard to confirm.
my gal was such a case.. but pd did say her tummy gt wind. tat was how she gave the rid wind colic drop.. otherwise u can jus buy the rid wind fr pharmacy and giv it to ur girl ...
my gal after taking it 2 times... got better.. lesser crying.. or rather can at least nap...

Cry too much will casue bb to swallow "wind" so not so good for them to wail too much..

of cos keep on carrying is not a good idea either..

maybe can try massaging the lil one to help sooth any pain or unhappiness in them..

My gal loves massages.. i use J&J baby oil..
rid wind is the brand of colic drop. comes in a blue box.
it was rec by my gf whose bb also gt tummy wind prob but i too chicken to buy it off the shelf liek tat being a 1st time mum.. end up spend 65 bucks at PD and got the same thg =p

not to forget to mention before we bring her to PD.. for a few days we gave gripe water.. not much use sigh...
oh yes do put a drop or 2 of ru yi oil twice a day (aft bath and at nite before sleep)on tummy for baby too... keep them have the warm and comfy feeling..
congrats muffingal

it might be colic.. can get rid wind at the pharmacy o u shld consult a dr... usu colic happens in the eve n bb will tend to cry for hrs w/o stopping. if ur bb cord has dropped off, buy a tummy binder to wrap around her tummy.
use ru yi oil to massage her tummy clockwise n anto-clockwise den down to the foot. smtimes, it will lead e bb to fart.
regarding: jaundice
from my previous experience for #1 - PD mention that if bb blood group is different from mother n mother is TBF, it will tend to prolong the jaundice level.
The onli best thing to do is to sun the baby for about 10 mins everyday n to cover the eyes onli.
another old method, not sure whether u gals believe anot is to buy this yellow flower from TCM n use it to bath the bb. it says to help to lower the jaundice level.
Thanks for all the advice folks. I do hope its colic..at least i know where to get the help (rid wind). Shall try out tonight and see if it works.

So its true that colic usually happens in the evening?
Mummies, i really wan to latch my bb like wat all of u are doing now cox i really value the bonding. The only bonding i'm doing now is only bottle feeding him with my ebm/fm. But i really hav prob latching. When in the hosp, my bb cannot suckle well and the nurses told me to try nipple shield which eventually he can suckle but that was when he's not hungry yet. But after using it, he kind of reject the real nipples cox mine is not so long like the nipple shield.

Now everytime i try to latch him when he was frantically finding the nipples, he could not latch cox mine is too short
Wat shd i do? I really miss the bonding i had with him when we were in the hosp. Really wanna try again...
BbEthan (babyethan)
Wow, u only got 3kg more to go? thats good.. Like HBB, I still got 8kg to go.. I am also drinking lotsa lwater cos i heard it helps in milk ss.. anyways the weather is really too hot now so just have to drink more water.

BB Crying
My bb dun really cries that much for now.. Infact, she din cry at all for her 1st day,we were so worried.. Now she is crying louder but not for long duration.. I know its weird but sometimes, we just leave her to cry and cry cos wanna help her to "open up" her lungs.
I think crying bb shows that they have very good pair of lungs. So its not such a bad sign but have to check on how long the bb cries though..

Congrats to Muffingal!! Hope you have a smooth delivery and update us your birth story soon? Btw, who else is still waiting to pop?
dats wad my #1 PD n my current CL told me... o u can lightly pat on the stomach.. if u here pop pop, is usu wind...
rid wind - is a OTC drug o alternatively, u can ask the pharmacist for advice too.
i did try all the methods available. the so call herbs to bath baby with, let baby smell, but still jaundice didn't went down
my massage lady told me that because i'm too heaty hence baby jaundice will go higher as im breastfeeding. true?
did u eat ginger? i did not take ginger s in eating it when m TBF.. mine CL squeeze e ginger juice n cook wif e dish...

m not sure issit coz of heaty dats y the jaundice level never goes down. wad, i koe is TBF will lengthen e rate of recovery. for my #1, my ger bld group is diff from me.. she takes about 3 wks b4 e level goes dowm. my PD advice me not to TBF but i still insist. so, during e 3 wks.. i give my ger TBF n keep monitoring her jaundice level. sun her w/o fail day n eve. bath her wif e yellow flower.. den, finally e level becomes normal.
hey girls, anyone know how any medicine to get rid of phlegm in baby? i think my baby start to have a bit of phlegm. not sure of the reason that causes it..
If no solution, maybe have to bring him see PD, heard will be v expensive.
Annie (fortunemew)
My bb seems to have alot of phelgm too.. especially after she drinks her milk, can hear it more clearly.. when i bring the bb to the PD, he said that the lungs are clear and breathing is good.. so he just asked me to monitor the situation.. Till now, the phelgm is still there cos after 2 weeks, still can hear it..
My confinement lady saud it will go away after a while but i am also concern.. dun think there is anything to make it go away unless to suck it out i think.

Attending weddings and funerals
Anyone know what is the timeline that we cant attend weddings and funerals? My mom told me I cant go for 3 months.. anyone has any idea?
phlegm is normal in bb... in our tummy they immersed in the fluid ne tc.. so the liquid stays in the body or rather throat n etc tat y at birth the nurse wil suck them out. but surely got a bit left... nothg much to b done one

when bb is older liek aft 6 mth and got phlegm can try giving warm water to drink..warm water dissolve phlegm a bit.. some chinese believe in pearl powder also. but now too young to take i feel...

ya the nipple wills hrink bk a bit but at least i tink aft a long time.. it will b longer... of cos dfun expect it to b long liek a cow nipple lar hee..
ehhh to mi no timeline to attend such thg
i guess its individual belief one... bt i def wun bring bb to funeral thou...
kimberly - thks. sometimes in the heat of things i forget to count my blessings....

my bb also cry very often nowadays, but each time for short duration abt 10-20 min, even then its quite heart breaking to hear her scream cos she will scream until no voice

my other bb also sneezes abt 7-8 times a day, and cough 1 or twice. CL says its normal. but i not sure. is it normal ?

maid problems is really getting to me. got 1 more week of confinement to go, then i'm back to One Dragon. arghhh, so irritating

sneezing is normal
they r tryign to get use to our air.. since air is kidn of dusty.. tickle their nose.. the need to clear their nose by sneezing hehe
