(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

My girl starts walking only after 13 months old. She has start cruising many many months back. Only dare to let go of her hands and walk recently. Think once they find the confidence, they will just start to make the first step. Now she's even attempting to run within just 2 wks of walking on her own.

just tell off those ppl that JE is a hao min ren (good lived), gets to be carried rather than having to walk herself. anyway, that's the old wives' tales that children who walk later has a better life.
a few more time of pouncing n she will start walking very soon. A starts off like that too.
why don't you get referrals to see a nutritionist/specialists (not PD) on her feeding issues just to make sure her developments are not compromised by her solids intake?

ppl cannot stop commenting and so why be bothered. if they are fast, they will comment why so fast. if slow, why so slow. never ending.
My #1 walk at 1yo n only start talking after 18months. Now at 2.5yo, he just started talking in short sentence.
#2 walk 1 month later, n she can repeat a few words after us. considered to be faster in speech then her brother.
so you see.... every child is different. I try not to compare the two.

Hi mummies,

RE: Walking
Actually I think just try to ignore the ppl who commented things like "Is there something wong with ur baby...or why so slow" not to worry too much.

It's just the same with toilet training we are going to face in future. I remember once I read somewhere where it states toilet training is all depend on individual. You don force the kid to be toilet train at certain age. It depends on the muscle where he/she can control the urine. if the body is not ready, don put stress on the child.

Same with the walking. if all the muscle is develop well enough to support the child's weight, they will walk when time come.. Of cos we get a bit worry if they are kinda slower den others of the same age but try not to stress the kid..we can encourage the walking n give support.

My 1st child oni started to talk at the age of 2+...when was place together with the cousins.. It seems to help if there mingle with other children. Cos I guess bcos they wan to play together...and was "force" to communicate with one another haha...
yes, me. my son was depending on milk in his first years. he just didn't like solid food. but I think he's ok in terms of development. Although he's bit small in size, but he's 'big' in the brain. I make sure he ate super food when he could eat and I was told that colesterol is good for brain development. But may be he takes after his dad for his smart gene. hehehe. coz the mummy is bad in math. I also hate when ppl comment my boy looks small for his age, etc etc. I got this particular gf who always comment that he's small and looks like baby. But her own son who is double the normal size of his age, could'nt differentiate between blue or green color or finish a simple puzzle when he was 2 yrs old.
Walking is not the thing to gauge their development la. May be JE will speak earlier then her piers, who knows...

Btw, I booked my delivery date already. anybody can recommend good anaesthetics in Mt.E, in case mine is not available? I feel like I'm running out of time with my #2. got to spend as much and as often as I can with her now...

Mashy, yesterday I went to taka baby fair. the car seat are quite expensive and definetly exceed my budget.

Kim, I got the booster seat from First years. something like yours and Gina, only that the tray can be swing out. $39.90. the back and tray can be taken out when they're 2yrs old.
Yes, people always have something to say no matter what. I think it sometimes is even worse for my SIL whose baby girl is 2mths younger than my boy. She doesn't crawl or pull to stand, even sitting is sometimes a bit wobbly. MIL keeps asking me loudly in front of her why the girl is so slow compared to my boy who cruises confidently. I feel so paiseh and keep telling her that children are different, but she doesn't seem to listen. Grr... it causes tension whenever both children are in the same room. And this is probably only the beginning of a lifetime of comparisons...

Is it true boys are slower to talk than girls?
just dun like those ppl who like to talk rubbish. My collegue yesterday told me that my gal got no hair then she say " your gal hair look so ugly".
it's really dependent on the individual.
it's true for my 2 kids. but i also know of other boys of my boy's age who start speaking at 1yo and can speak very well now. their vocab is really unbelievable.

my boy's cc teachers told me.... generally from what they see, boys are usually slower in all aspects than girls. but they catch up faster and by the time they are in kindergarten level, they are on par. so no worries.
Some people have no tact, they don't think before they speak at all. Grrr!

Hamburger! That's hilarious! So cool lah! My boy also only says Mama when he wants me or needs help. Tsk,

Lil XR has been crusing for the longest time.. i think since about 4-5 mhts old.. i think she feels crawling is much faster then walking ..

well my mum been nagging at me why #2 is walking later then #1. i just told her let #2 dev by her own pace.. doesn't mean #1 walks at 14 mths means #2 will do so too...

I'm taking it easy for now.. cos her all other dev is fine
Wah. Juen's vocal! Can say so many words! Haha, soon can quarrel with other people!

Ignore you mil if you can. I also told my cousin - our mothers raised all of us, yet each one turn out so different from the other. If really want to compare, does that mean our mothers didn't do a good job? That's why churn out kids so different from each other? Ask your mil why her kids all so diff lor, see how she answer (if she has more than 1 kid)
Hi KK & Bbethan, thanks for your advice. I am looking at Learning Vision now, they got Open House IBP this Fri & Sat, if anyone is keen.
My boy has been cruising around quite a bit, recently we kept exposing him to my niece who is 3 wks older and started walking at 10.5mths. Maybe due to peer pressure, within 2 days, he picked up his courage to walk around independently more often.
Dont worry about your kiddos not walking, let them develop at their own pace.
bbethan, kindly email me the pic and your selling price to [email protected] please. thanks!

tje, I bet she will talk early. Naomi can only said koko, jie jie, mama, papa, and for everything else she says "THERE!". she's super vain now. besides trying on her shoes collection every morning, she likes to try on hairband and see herself in the mirror & giggle.
Oh ya, I think JE had been hearing the FIAK word when she was still in your tummy. so can't help lor.

My boy did a very naughty thing a few days ago. after swimming lesson, I let him play in his room with his friend. I was chatting with my gf when suddenly the security guard came and knock on my door. The boys had thrown some stuff downstairs through the window! papers, markers, balls, even transformer! and we stay at 16th floor. some are floating in the pool, some sangkut on the bbq pit roof and mostly landed on the ground. thanks God nobody got hurt downstair! we made them pick the stuff and punished them by stand in the corner. Apparently they don't really understand that it was WRONg and dangerous thing to do. But my boy looked very bo-chap when the security guard and me angry at them. So I told him I got to give him extra punishment, which was forbidding him to sleep together with his sister that night. Guess I hit his soft spot and he cried. No TV and no desert don't work for him.
My gal has also been cruising for the longest time. She can walk abit and been subconsciously standing by herself and walking when she forgot that she's walking. Other times, she still prefers to crawl.

Ignore those pp who gives all sorts of comments! My boy walked at 15 mths and talked at 2.5yrs old. Late bloomer for sure. But he's very gd in reading and can now spell simple words at 4.5. The children have diff gifts. Walking/talking late will not affect their future.
ETirto, which anaesthetist did you book? mine was Catherine Yap Seok Eng. Old but super nice & friendly doctor.

I have super bad experience with Dr WJ. he couldnt find my vein & i was being 'poked' more than 7x all over my fingers, arm & even NECK!!! When i asked him to aim properly on his 5th tries, i was badly reprimanded. To think i was in such pain & got lecture from him in the theatre.

I hv done another 2 operation whereby i was put to sleep. never once any anaesthetist encountered difficulties allocating my vein.
Hi mummies,

thanks for sharing your toddlers' walking experiences....my girl is 1yr now doesn't really like to cruise. maybe a short while from one side of sofa to the other then will sit down. when i try to hold her hand to walk she will just sit down and of course crawling to her is alot faster so she doesn't even want to try walking...she can't take any steps unaided or even stand for a few seconds unsupported...dunno is it she's lazy or she is too heavy for her tiny feet to bear the wait....

yah i also try to ignore what other people say but I guess i myself always subconciously compare her to her sis who walked at 10/1/2 mths.

Gina: juen really can say alot of words!!!
Has anyone brought their babies to HK before? Do the shopping malls, etc have diaper rooms, etc? Am contemplating a quick trip soon...
hi mommies
tis thing about karma ... reminded me of an incident many months back. bon was still in infant care then, and prob abt 4mo. one fine day when we picked him up in the evening, the teacher "complained", quote - your boy is a happy baby, however, we have to tell you that he has a real nasty temper cos we witnessed him in action today unquote

i just smiled and very coolly explained to the teacher "miss so-&-so, some traits r genetic, unfortunately, bon takes after him mommy" =p

re: walking/cruising
bon has been cruising for the past month or so, he dare not release his hand yet. not to worry mommies, each child's learning curve is different, so development differs as well

re: staying-at-home
i so agree, be it SAHM, WFHM or FTWM, so long as you're the mom, and not the dad, life is tough. men has it easier than us anytime, & they just don't get it sometimes, no matter how hard we try to explain the situation to them.

i'm glad for this thread ... for when i'm at my lowest, i'm assured that i'm not alone when i come here, thank you all

hk is not child friendly. Only malls at hk island and Disneyland have changing rooms. At Kowloon, there isn't. Get a stroller and pull ups, then u can change on the stroller.
Twinkle, yeah I booked for WJ lor. I'm so surprised that can happenned for such a high flyer anaethetics.
I had very bad experience also with the lady anaesthetic, cannot remember the name already. Right after GA, I could feel a very horrible pain on my abdomen when I was rolled out from the theatre. It was the worst pain that I ever experience in my life and I thought GA not supposed to feel ANYTHING? A few of my gf also told me, they didn't feel any pain after the operation. Confused here...
It's definetly not because of the 'pain tolerance' of individual is different. I really feel that the stomach torn open. Must be the way the drug administered or types of drug used.

Coolkero/Gina, who was your anaesthetics?
Thanks, Mashy, for the heads-up. I wonder if our tots can appreciate Disneyland at this age? Probably will enjoy the lights/music. Dunno if I should go to Disneyland...

think they will appreciate more when they are about 2 plus cos then they can also go on some of the rides. Think at 1yr they dun really know what is going on. I brought my girl when she was 2 and she really enjoyed it cos she can identify with the disney characters and loved the rides and of cos the fireworks
sunnyduck: I took my daughter to HK on my own when she was about 15 months. I had a light weight stroller but I used my Beco carrier most of the time. Not all the MTR stations have lifts and i just found it easier with the carrier. She did enjoy Disneyland though she could only sit on a few rides.
Poohbear and Jillian,
Thanks for your tips. I probably will pass on Disneyland for now, wait till he's a bit older. I also have a Beco, for sure it will be really useful! Was telling my husband that my boy will be addicted to it by the time vacation ends. Even sometimes when I use it with him on the weekends, he will rebel against the stroller after that, only demand the carrier!
i had that pain after i was wheeled back to ward. Half conscious state, thus could feel it. My gynae told me it's becos that the nurses forgot to top up my painkiller after the ops. Anyway, he had scolded the nurses upside down that day. there are some anesthestist who go to a few hospitals, so yr options are not limited to just Mt E. It's probably who yr gynae is comfortable working with. Can ask yr gynae for other recommendations.

mine was dr lim when I was at tmc. Dunno his full name though. He was so gd that the most painful thing I felt was for the drip. Even after the c-section, it wasn't very painful and I didn't need any painkillers. The gynae was so shocked that I didn't ask for it. It really made the whole delivery very pleasant.
We juz came back fm hk a few days ago. When are u going? It's very hot now. I wasn't able to use the ergo carrier, afraid the LO wld get too hot in there. We had our maclaren xt, so we changed her diaper in it whenever there was a need. The bigger malls (eg. Time Square, IFC, Lee Gardens, Pacific Place, Harbour City) hv nursing/baby changing rooms. I din hv to try this, but my galfriend suggested to go to the Mothercare stores if there was a need to bf or diaper change.

I agree with holding off the trip to disneyland. The heat was one thing but the crowd was another! The park is very busy with chinese tourists now cos it is still summer school holidays (thru Aug).
Re: Shoe Sizing
Char has juz started walking but is still wearing her 12-18M soft-sole shoes fm robeez and jack n lily, any idea what size should I get for stride rite and pediped?
Thanks for the info! Am planning to go in mid or late Sept. Not sure if typhoon season will have ended by then. Any hotel recommendations? I'm hoping to book one which can provide baby cots.

Initially our idea was to go to Japan but the thought of managing 7hrs (overnight or not) in flight makes me really sian. HK seems manageable, also there are food options available if kiddo insists on having our meals too.
hi all, are yr babies already eating rice for lunch or dinner? pls help advise...
thinking when i shld stop giving porridge...
TJE yours is epi. you meant pain when insert the needle or?...WJ was super friendly to me, despite the delivery time was 4.00 am in the morning. He explained to me clearly what's gonna happen and asked me about my concern. He even spoke bahasa to me. I couldn't even feel a single thing when the epi needle inserted. Then the whole delivery was great because he and my gynae keep joking & chat to distract me and he also help push the baby out. And that gynae retired already. Haiz. My current gynae works with that lady anaesthetics who made me half dead and couldn't scream when such in pain. So this time round, die die I will go for epi, as it'll be hooked to me long after the delivery is done. I can ask another anaesthetics from other hospital, but normally they will ask for surcharge.
Depending on where u wanna shop and dine, I would recommend to stay ard the area. We din even use the MTR, fig it wld be too troublesome with 2 LOs and barang barang. Hotels wld typically provide crib/pack n' play for under 2 yos w/o additional charges. If u stay in hotels connected to malls, then u won't hv problem rain or shine
We had stayed at Conrad when it was juz with my #1, very convenient. But now with 2 kids, can't stay there cos wld need 2 rooms. We stayed at Lanson Place this time rd; suite with kitchenette in causeway bay. #2 slept in the pn'p provided by them. Very convenient location (lee gardens, grocery store, 茶餐厅), juz across fm lee gardens, 5-10 mins walk to times square and sogo/wtc, but NO covered walkway. Another thing abt hkg, most restaurants don't provide hi-chairs, some won't even let us take the stroller in. We 打包 several meals and sometimes had to use the totseat, which could barely hold her down...

Char's feet is ard 12.5 cm, 6-12M has juz become very tight so changed to 12-18M wif space in front which she sometimes tripped over. Thot should get the pediped grip n' go...

Char still eats porridge and mee suah; she doesn't take rice very well, she'll gag...
MR is lazy um with only 5 teeth. She takes bread and all the biscuits like baby bites. but she doesn't quit etake to plain rice. I'm going to try what Kim does - soak rice in soup and see if she likes it.... when she has a few more teeth...

think u need to measure your bb's feet coz all diff. My gal is wearing 12-18mths pediped.

ya! The cha can teng is very tight. Mostly just booth seats. We usually fold the stroller and store under the seats. I was also looking at a hol in hk or Korea. My hb is very fickle so can't decide yet.
Wah, the restaurants in HK aren't v kid friendly. I have a totseat but agree that his tolerance for staying in it is not v high! 打包 is more convenient for sure, or else eat fast fast.
Thanks so much for your tips, it helps lots for trip planning!

My boy eats porridge when he is in the mood for it (and if it is his favourite flavours, zzz), otherwise he insists on having what we're having. He can take rice without soup, only has two bottom teeth. But it needs to be fairly small bites, not a big spoonful of rice.

I'm still giving porridge but have added udon, kway tiao, rice etc to her menu. I allow her to take outside food with us after 1 yr old. After my bad experience with my picky boy, I let her eat anything she wants unless she's allergic to them. Better to start early.
My husband was suggesting Korea too but then I keep wondering what to feed the kid (who is very insistent on eating our food). Everything is so spicy or BBQed. So HK (or maybe Taipei) is what we're planning right now.

Oh yes, is it easy to find diapers in HK? So I don't need to bring so many?

abalone porridge? Ginseng chicken? Ja jeong mian? I'm sure they have more choices like pasta just that those are more typical Korean food.

Hk fd also very oily.
sunnyduck: i brought my boy to seoul 1 month ago to celebrate his 1st birthday. I wanted to go Hong Kong but HB think it's too hot there.
Foodwise: We made a wrong move of not packing more solids or bottled goodness. Tried to buy in the supermarket there but very expensive and not much variety. In the end, he ended up drinking more milk and cereals, eating white bread and whatever we had (ginseng chicken, saba fish, plain rice)
Stroller-friendly: Not very stroller friendly. A lot of subway entrance do not have escalator or lift, HB had to carry.
People: Korean love kids! I am so surprised they are so friendly to my boy. Whenever we are eating and the waitress are free, they help us entertain him while we eat in peace. Passengers in subway give up their seats to us, give my boy freebies (toy and ball)
Tourist attraction: We went Lotte world cos Everland was too faraway. There's a kiddy ride area. My boy loves it, the kiddy bumper car, ferris wheel. Because we were there on a weekday, there wasn't much crowd, the staff gave us unlimited rides on ferris wheel.
Yeah, now that you mention it, there are foods available for our kids anywhere, just have to look closer at the menu. I've been trying to prep my husband that sometimes we'll have to eat at more kid-friendly (in terms of environment and menu) places when traveling because he's the type who is v particular about food and wants to eat the 'good stuff' or the super popular places with long queue, etc.

Actually that was a factor in me deciding to go to Japan only when my boy is older. I can't imagine us managing noisy/active tot in sushi restaurant - once or twice maybe okay, but for an entire week = pengsan. I know there are lots of food options available for kids in Japan, but if I do spend all the $ to go there, I'd like to go and enjoy the food I love too. Maybe when he's older lah.

Thanks for the tips on Seoul. It's nice to hear that the people love kids there - so nice that they gave your boy toys and helped to play with him during meals. Don't think that will happen in HK, haha.

Seems like many cities in Asia are not v stroller-friendly, hmmm...

haha, now our eyes are on japan again. There are plenty to eat there for kids. Udon, soba etc. In the sushi restaurants, they also serve cooked food so not to worry. I brought my boy there when he was 2. Wonder how it'll be with 2 kids.

Ya, most of Asia isn't child friendly. Maybe coz more build up and pp are more used to carrying than using stroller. Bring a light weight stroller then. Or choose places that are more accessible.
Which part of Japan? I was thinking of Osaka. I really love going there a lot, but I don't have the confidence/guts to go with the tot right now. I am that kind of control freak lah, I always want to be prepared, plan ahead, etc.

I am resigned to my boy eating table food now. He spit out all his porridge while we were at dinner just now and happily ate my fried kuay tiao (no chili). Oily and salty but there was no choice at the time. He was SO pleased. Only two teeth but I think he ate 1/4 of my plate.

I couldn't get tix to Osaka, so now going Tokyo then travelling up north to aomori. We also like to be prepared so we're booking our accommodations. 1 kid still alright I think. But u will need to arrange more activities suitable for them. Can't go shopping trips. We intend to catch the autumn leaves, maybe show my boy an apple tree (even though it's prob fruitless or even bare). He loves apples. We don't want to do things that we can do in Singapore else no point travelling. And we hate packaged tours.
Autumn will be lovely for the kids, especially in the parks. Think Kyoto will also be v nice. I'm actually worried that my boy won't be able to sleep with us in bed - he has never done so before. He's very used to sleeping in a crib.

I'm hoping to go for one of those Hokkaido self-drive holidays when my boy's a bit older!
Memory Board nt Shichida Tensai

Self-collect at :

MRT stations: Tiong Bahru, Outram, Chinatown, Clarke Quay, Cityhall, Bugis - 8.30am to 9am or Bras Basah Complex, Central National Library - 8.30am to 9am or
Cityhall and Bugis MRT stations - 12.30pm to 1.30pm and 5.30pm to 6pm or
Chinatown MRT station - 5.30pm to 6pm.
or near Jalan Bukit Merah.
Re: Pediped
Juz bought a pair of pediped's grip and go for Char. Quite a good transition fm the soft-sole shoes cos I think it provides more support but not as "hard" as the flex. Chk it out if u're getting shoes for your new walker
Btw, she juz got into 12-18M robeez, I bought EU19 for this one.
thanks all for the advice on rice.
i tried giving her rice + soup, she eat 2 mouth then rejected it. in the end hv to give her porridge.
but time to time, i feed her usual rice with no soup, she will eat...does that mean she do not want rice in soup but dry rice?! but i'm worried that it may not be good for her tummy.

i tried giving her button mushroom cut into small piece, and the mushroom came out from her poo poo in exact shape/size! means never digest right?

Is anyone feeling nervous about kickstarting their kids for the Singapore education system? Everytime, I think of the road ahead from pre-nursery, nursery, kindergarten and then primary school, I get an overwhelming sense that I'm not as prepared as I should be.

Finding the right kindy seems like a big experiment, and on top of that, the Singaporean kiasuism will get you thinking of enrichment class to work on their reading and writing skills in both languages. Apart from that, you gotta cover their fine motor skills development. Teach them to tell the time and count their money before they get into primary school. Honestly, I don't know how our parents did it, but I'm sure getting cold-feet in being a parent.

Anyone with experience with JG's mandarin playnest?
