(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I visited 3 LV centres (Alpha, Icon and Cecil) and they are all located within a building and shares the building centralised airconditioning system.
For parents who prefer non aircon or distributed airconditioning system, i think i have seen some Cherie Hearts centre located within a private property so ventiliation should be better.
I am still debating between CC for my boy, anyone visited Carpe Diem or heard any feedback on it?
Bbethan: I think toddlers habits / behaviour changes over time or even drastically. My boy have bread for breakfast (recently, he is resisting bread), 2 main meals, a fruit or two in between. Sometimes, HB shares with boy whatever he eats (but nothing too sweet nor salty). Usually we give him more snacks in the car or when we are having meals outside so we can dine in peace. At home, we use toys or TV to distract him. As long as the kids are growing up well, i guess no harm to let them snack on healthy food so different bodies have different metabolism.

hi moms,
My son coming to 14 months old is only 8.6kg..no matter how much he eats still not chubby..=(
etc. ( morning milk, breakfast[cereal +Bread), bread + milk, Lunch(steamed rice/fish/spinch), milk 180ml, cereal+bread, Dinner(steamed rice/fish/spinch), milk)
Re: Weight
Haha, I'm at the other end of the spectrum. Worried by girl's weight is unhealthy and though only 10.6kg, weight a lot more than that. mothers who have carried her before can vouch for me =p But I guess as long as they are healthy and doing well, should be ok.
I'm just hopping she'll shed the weight after she' walking a lot more
My boy is 9.3kg at 13mths... weight hasn't changed for maybe 2mths already despite being active and mobile.

Milk is maybe 500ml a day divided into 4 feeds, has 3 main meals. The amount he eats for meals changes from day to day - sometimes can eat a lot, sometimes v little. Snacks are only if we go out and need some peace, or if we need to distract him, but he also sometimes nibbles on whatever we're eating too.
wah... so many baby girls already over 8kg... Mine still below 8 kg, last weighed is 7.5kg...
lamagier, if only MR could "donate" a bit to Gen, then both of us would be more than happy... =)
I gave up on Gen's weight, she doesn't seem to put on weight no matter how much she eat... Rice plus braised duck is her favourite and she's rejecting porridge now... Watever we eat, she eat also, including snacks... but we give a little only and hide it away else she'll pester us for more...

Have u applied to be NC member yet? How was the process? Let me know yah coz I'm still clueless about the whole process other than read from forum... It's always better to hear it from friends...

since she's so light, just give la. Better that she puts on weight. Maybe she needs more high calorie snacks. After my bad experience with my boy, if my gal wanna eat, I give. Recently let her try curry and chilli too.

ironically my gal put on weight after her hfmd. After starving for 2 days due to the ulcer, she went on a feeding frenzy and drank milk like crazy. She put on 500g in just a few days. But after that lost abit so now 8.5kg. But overall gained 300g.
haha... same here... i have a boy who doesnt want eat so many things and one girl who eats non stop. already let her eat outside food on a few occassions. she doesnt really fancy porridge anymore.

but no thanks to hfmd
Re: Weight
*Sigh* I wasn't worried at first, but the ped made it sounds like she's malnourished
Thanks e'one for sharing, will juz hv to keep trying.

Re: Thrush
Char has thrush in her mouth, which is also affecting her eating... 一波未平,一波又起. I remember someone's baby had that at one point, what did u use to ease the pain?

She juz finished her last dose of a series of antibiotics, hope to put this terrible episode away soon!

Mine is also like yours on the other side of the spectrum...at almost 13 months now she is weighing 10.6kg....and since she can't walk i am atttibuting this heavyweight to the reason :p I am really hoping she will walk soon to lose weight!!! Actually she doesn't drink alot only about 4 times each time 180ml and 2 meals of solids but dunno why she is so chubby! My arms are breaking from carrying her and she hates to seat in a pram!!!
I think weight isn't a very good measure of size. Before my boy was born, gynae estimated him to be less than 3kg based on head circumference measurement. But he turned out to be more than that, i believed 'cos he has heavy bone density.
Mummies with baby girls: Please dont be too worried about your lightweight girls, as long as they are healthy and eating well. I wish i can be slender too, can i contribute my fats to your girls...
My baby boy is also small size, he only weigh 8.4kg before he had his high fever abt 1 week ago. He drink approx 400ml per day and only food he like is cereal. He is begining to reject porridge too. Sigh...

I visited Carpe Diem in Tampines. Personally find the environment better than cherrie hearts.
Hahaha, your lil dino want some kilos from me? I can spare a few =p

Hee, same weight. I guess I should count my blessings mine learnt how to walk. My arms already aching when she latches. If have to carry all the time, arm will break. Hope your girl starts to walk soon... but then... my girl has been walking for some time now... weight still the same =p Prob need to let her walk some more
Praise God Kaelem's appetite is finally back and actually "over shot".. He's been eating/ snacking non-stop since last week. One of the days he even took 4 banana at one go and another in the evening!!! *fainted* Looks as if he is trying to make up for the "loss" during the initial teething phase of those 8 teeths..

Thanks to Dino mum for all the sharing all the necessary info!! Great research!
Muffingirl, feeling better? Timmy's booster seat is still here. K is very discipled in his, I love it!!

RE: BB's weight
All mommies, if your babies are healthy, cheerful and happy, being light is not issue is it? Do you like to exchange your kid with mine? Anyway, I see some your babies and think typically, the parents' built has a part to do with their size, besides nutrients and activities. (muffingirl, I think Timmy out did you both).
Pheonix, your girl is very heavy! K was only 12.2kg at exactly 13 mth when he took his jab, PD already drawing out of the growth chart.. Anyway he did mention K has "lost some weight" as compared to the growth rate of his height and head circumderece. My left shoulder is breaking, and if I use the baby carrier, I can feel the pressure on my lower back, like it;s being pressed. How do you cope?

QN: I am giving K a quail egg every night in his dinner, is it too much?

RE: Education
Lavenderbear, when my hubby saw Carpe Diem (Alexandra), his comment was "wow, they better have proper fumigation program".. As much as I also like outdoor I actually do not prefer its dense vegetations. Although I have not step into the school, the surrounding do arouse concern.

I am taking K to GUG (Suntec) this Thu and CentreStage next Mon for his trial lessons. I want him to have another lesson besides the Little Gym. Unfortunately, these 2 centres just started their current term, so K will be 插班生 if he enjoys them.

Lorna Whiston only takes kids from 3years.

In fact, I also requested my church to "promote" Kaelem to class for 15mths-23mths because the current class he is in (9-14mths) does not have much activities, he usually only walks around and plays with the volunteers and have his snacks..
I know he will enjoy the Praise & Worship, Bible Story, Activities/Games in the upper class. Initially they said he probably could since he already started running, but later, they were concern that he may be "knocked over" by the older kids as it is true that he doesn't care the terrain he is walking/running.

Last Sunday, he attended church service with me. It was really tiring. First, he walked around with our holy communion and gave them to another parents, then he took a wet wipe, cleaned the carpet, walked 2 rows ahead of our seats and gave to a girl of about 8 or 9 YO, she did not accept and gave him a blank look (no smile), our champion decided to offer the wipe to her older brother. After that, he went a rock a stroller where an older girl was sleeping, Of course he also ran around the foyer, letting out his screaming laughter while waving his US flag. .. I don't know to laugh or cry..
K's really friendly =) And I guess he's still enjoying his 4th July?

Yah, I guess older kids might be a bit careless with younger toddlers. MR was knocked down by 3 boys who were sharing a tyre swing on Sunday. She was roaming the playground (partly my fault. I knew the boys would look out for MR and I misjudged the distance the swing would go). I count my blessings it only pushed her off balanced and not did any serious damage. Gotta give a wider berth if physical play is involved
Dino-mum - like what Kim says - GREAT work and thank you soooo much!
Etirto - good timing for Nigel! Got your sms, will reply tomorrow!

Kim - I think quail's eggs have a lot of cholesterol (not sure), so please check!?
Quite funny when I read about him screaming and waving the flag! LOL.

Weight - dunno how heavy he is now. He takes 2 - 3 full feeds a day (milk), depending on what time he wakes up in the morning, so his milk intake is 240ml each time.
Should I increase it?

He also gets lunch and dinner and usually a dessert at lunch and sometimes a slice of bread or cereal for breakfast.
Lamagier, how's minmin? give a kiss to her for me. K is indeed loving those flags, I am not sure if he remembers 4th Jul even when he was frightened by those fireworks that were launched from the beach very close to where we were seated.

Chiyojade, are you thinking of volunteering as a grassroot? There is no any good school around my area so I don't see the point to.
Ya, I know about the cholesterol, and babies need them for the brain.

RE: Cholesterol
Just a note from my SIL when we were in USA. NOW, in USA, they encourage people to eat eggs with yolk as they found NOTHING WRONG with the cholesterol in the yolk (docs, researches... ... speechless.). When there were all educating the public to avoid yolk, a Taiwanese friend of mine did mentioned that they believe the yolk has this thing call 软凝子, which is good for the body. She cannot understand why we say yolk is bad. After more than 15 years, western doc finally decided yolk is good, sigh!!

Anyway in Singapore context, this info has yet to release, so eat at your own risk (kekekeke).. I love yolk and had never sacrifice any.
JTA, the 软凝子 is for binding something, I wonder if its a gelatine, hmmm... koniaku? I know koniaku is great for our knees.. Now I miss my Oden. Even if it's the 胶原蛋白, it's great for skin.

I think the western doc now found out the blood cholesterol actually comes from the food we took and those produced by our liver, and the less cholesterol you take, the more it will be produced naturally by your liver.
Think there was a mention of the research that cholesterol was ok in Straits Times last week.

Well, the little terror in my house is doing ok, i guess. She has taken to waving to everyone in her way these days. I guess I can give her a Singapore flag to join K. Bring them to the YOG games and they will make good cheerleaders =p

re: Primary school
Actually, I'm just hoping MR can get into the school that's directly next to my block. Saves her 6 years of travelling time. Just that I went to the school website a few days back and it seems they produced one of the recent President's scholar. Guess it'll be a tough fight getting into the school...
Straits times published that last year's birth rate was one of the lowest in the past few years, hopefully that will help improve MR's chances a bit
lamagier, may i know the name of the primary sch's name nxt to your block?

my prev primary sch (hong wen) moved to Towner Road. Nearest mrt boon keng. I'm considering to enroll my boy there to save all the trouble.
That's the school!!! They moved to my place last year. Think official opening is taking place soon =p My next door neighbour's child didn't manage to get in during last year Pri 1 enrolment, so got me a bit worried....
Now she has to wake early and take school bus to bendemer pri school =p

The president scholar news is 'front page' news on the school website
Cholesterol is actually good for babies, it helps with the building of brain neurons. I remember reading the What To Expect pregnancy book and they said it's one of the few times we can eat more cholesterol. At this young age they are putting all their nutrients to good use... it's only oldies like us who need to watch our levels. :p
I was looking ard for the stats on 2009 birth rate, at least I have a rough gauge of how many space are available for the kids for their P1 registration. But then, I realise that it is not accurate since have to factor in the PRs, foreigners, blah blah... To make things worse, MOE is aiming to turn all the primary school to single session by 2016 (if I'm not wrong, I remember reading that from MOE's website), that means even lesser slots (at least by a quarter or half) for our kids who will be coincidentally be going to P1 in 2016!! Haiz... bad bad news...

I was explaining to Dino-dad y I was so KS even when Gen is only 1yo now... He seems to get the message across that it wont be easy like in our time to register for a primary school (a better one I mean, in the neighbourhood).

If ur prev pri school is good, I agree that u should just register via Phase 2A2 and save all the trouble doing PV/grassroots/etc and be subjected to balloting for other pri schools... If only, mine or hubby's pri school are near our new home and of better reputation... then i dun have to headache over all those registration thingy...

there are plenty of v v good and branded schools in ur neighbourhood, are u considering that or international schools?

let me know if GUG is good yah? I see if I can register her to attend the weekend class for the next term b4 she goes for her CH Playclub next year.
I thought K is in JG?

GUG has opened a new branch at Mountbatten square. They are having 50% off their trial classes for this mth.

I am also considering enrolling her for a term or 2 there before she starts cc.
lamagier, icic. previously it was jus 2min walk from my mum's plc. now is like 'so far'. my friend was telling me even her friend staying within 1km also didnt manage to get into hong wen.
who know nxt time MR & Kaelen will be in the same class.

Dino-mum, is not near my plc (nor very far). nearer my mum's. my hb dont seemed to be interested. He said find one nearer our vicinity. but the problem is even neighbourhood ones might not be easy to get in nowadays lor. Since is a SAP sch plus a confirmed place, why not? manz...

re : GUG
i put Kaelen to GUG at novena since Jun. He cant sit still at all!! Even teabreak time he will stand on the chair while the rest of the kids will sit down obediently on the chair. The only time he will sit & listen quietly is during story telling time. Not sure if all by coincidence. So far he can follow phonics well.
Kim! I have some shoulder pain and back pain due to carrying her but expecting her to reduce some weight since she started running arround a lot unless i tie her in the stroller or put her in the crib.Expecting her to fallow the parents and the brother.(all are average built).My boy was big when he was a baby.
So good. You don't need to worry about school. My primary school is in Bukit Panjang.... my husband's one demolised. hahaha... Hong wen so popular? Can you be MR's godma then she can have better chance of getting in =p
y living room overlooks the Primary school=p
Lamagier, thanks for info, I must have missed that..

BBEthan, I did not call JG to verify the placement since I knw they actually wait listed me in only the 9am slot instead of 9 & 11am as I requested. They put me on the 11am for playnest next year!!! (stupid right?)

Good to have the 50% off but I have already signed up for the trial in GUG Suntec..
Actually even centrestage which already has their current term started if all filled up. I am going for the trial next monday but may not have a place this term.

Pheonix, K never like his stroller, and even when he is in there, he is not relax but sit up straight with his back away from the seat back... My best friend is still Baby Bjorn and now, the Magical Compact from Combi.
Lamagier, at least Hong Wen is w/i 1 km of where you stay... my choice for K, either ACS or Fairfield Methodist are beyond 1km.

RE: Mission School
What matter to me most is that the Christian school K is going has to have the same basis of my church. e.g. 1. Some churches still has the belief of when something bad happened, they say it's act of God to toughen the people. It's not true, God never intend to have anything bad for His people. 2. Most Christian pray (hard) for things they want, while we believe praying and in agreement, and we "speak of" whatever we want, 3. We believe tongue is a language you have with Abba Father, while some churches do not encourage this at all, they say you do not speak in tongues as you need to have some one who knows "tongue" to translate(???).. 4. Some church still believe in "generation curses" and people has to break the curse, while we believe we are save thru Jesus blood and there is no more condemnation.
I recently knw of a girl whose dad is a Christian and a mom who is not. They sent the girl to a Christian based kindergarten and the boy to a non-Christian based Kindergarten. She is very different from her brother. She is very positive and cheerful while her brother is rather reserved. I am not saying Christian based kindergarten did better, but it is very comforting to know that when her brother fell, she said a prayer over him and pointed at his knee asking, "do you see yourself healed? do you? you believe you are healed right?"
(This is a good illustration of "speaking-of". She speak-of healing and restoration of her brother's health and wholeness.)

I am very bad with prayers and always don't remember to say grace before my meal.
I hope with a Christian school, K will learn to say his morning prayer, read his daily devotional, spend his quiet time with Abba daddy before starting his day..
I don't remember to say grace before meal either (my hb still do) and not well versed in bible study.... Regardless of the different teaching/believe among the Christian, we only talking about kindergarden school here, where in Christian based kindergarden, they will teach the basic-common believe (for Catholic & other Christian community) such as understanding that God made the living creatures in the world, to forgive and to love, not to tell lies, say prayers before meal, before & after class, bibble story time, sing Christian songs, Christmas celebration, etc etc.
And it's really amazed me when my boy can say the long opening prayers by himself. They even teach "Our Father" in mandarin.

Kim, lorna winston that I was talking about is not the enrichment school at novena, but it's a child care centre around Hot Park-alexandra rd, near Carpe Diem. So they take from 18mths onward. One of my gf who was in the waiting list for Lorna Winston, put her son in Carpe Diem which is just outside the area. The latest news that I heard from them is that they have a few of HMFD cases in the school.

Oh ya, a few days ago I call the principal of Cherie Hearts at Holland and was told that the waiting list for Jan-2011 intake has 10 kids in the q already! So tomorrow I will register Naomi there and bring Nigel along to visit his old school. so Cath, if you wanna tag along to kaypoh, just let me know...your hb told us that you got plan to move house...to where? still in Bishan? Should consider the location that near the school of your choice. Apparently they have moved to different premises but still within merah saga area. They have told me that they are free from HMFD. THis is one of my concern since I understand that HMFD is on the rise in Singapore currently.

Re: Weight
Naomi was only 8.5kg despite her chubby look and thunder thigh. She doesn't want to eat rice, noodle yet, still eating porridge. Now I got to distract her with TV to make her finish her food. She loves HI-5 now and can 'sing' and dance along. Haiz...TV is still my best baby sitter.
Very difficult to contain her in sitting position now. Doesn't want to sit in high chair anymore, that's y it's very difficult to bring her to restaurant. Even in the church, she's getting nottier, she will run around and disturb other people with her loud high pitch voice. Tried to keep her sitting by giving the biscuit or snack - no use. So I got to bring my helper along whenever we go to church, so that she can accompany her to play in the playground.
The daddy just banned her from wearing hairclip because the other day we manage to catch her in time before she swallow the clip!

I was told again by my gynae that my baby is 'a bit' more on the small side. at 32 weeks, only 1.9kg...so for another 5-6 weeks I have to rest more and eat more! (I only gain about 8kg so far, since haven't shed all the previous pregnancy weight...hehehe). Got to try durian may be...
Oh talking about Oden. Don't know y I'm so craving for Oden these few days. Can eat the soup everyday manz. Usually I got to the food stall at taka that sell saba-rice set with Oden. Yummm...
I think I don't have an aversion about putting J in a Christian kindy, maybe cos I went to one myself when I was her age. A couple of the kindy where me/IL can pick her up are Christian kindy. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can swallow some 80:20 Chinese:English language use in Holy Grace despite the harsh critique for its curriculum and new principal lately.

ETirto, I thought you look really good ytd when we bumped into you. Drinking any FM for preg? I think that contributed to a lot of my weight gain back then, so I had to stop taking it. But I remember a lot of us love the durian and coconut juice when we were preggy.
lamagier, Hong wen already exist before world war 2. my mil studied there too. during my time i dont recall any scholar there. I was surfing the website & saw 3 of my teachers still there teaching!!!
Gina, my church did not discard the old testament, but we do emphasize heavily on new testament because old testament is LAW and no one can fulfill LAW as it is perfect while we, "man", are not. Under Law, when man commit one sin, it is considered committing all (blame it on the Jew who so proudly proclaimed they and all their future generations could). We, the Gentiles, through Jesus who's PERFECT and well pleased to God, and accepted by God as our sacrificial lamb, are all saved and "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Roman8:1).
In LAW, whether a man kills or he tell a white lie, its sin. But under GRACE (new testament), God says, "Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit on him, and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles."
Under the old testament, whosoever sinned, will bring their first born lamb, perfect and unblemished to the temple as sacrifice. The high priest will examined the lamb, and as long as the lamb is examined and accepted, the sacrifice of that lamb will bring forth forgiveness to the person who brought the lamb. This goes on unless man did not break the 10 commandments.
In the new testament, when we accepts Jesus as our savior. He became our sacrificial lamb and accepted by the high priest (God). And this is eternal! “To Him who loves us, and [once and for all] released us from our sins by His blood” (Revelation 1:5).
http://www.abideinchrist.com/selah/dec10.html has a good article on this.
Please stop balancing GRACE with Law, instead use Law as a reflection of the goodness of God.
As for speaking in tongues, its the baptism of the Holy Spirit. and like say, it's a relation between you and God, it's not for anyone to "interpret".

Etirto, what time are you going the Cherie Heart? K has a trial from 11-1:30 at Suntec GUG. I would like to check out Cherie Heart for nxt year too. U sms me k? I may not be able to reply promptly as it's another busy day at office.. I figured Jason can send K to CC on his way to work, so both Bishan/Holland will work.
I pray all well for you, (your appetite for Oden) and your baby. He shall be well and healthy..
If your timing suits mine to check the Cherie Hearts, let do Oden tea time tomorrow?
gina, she's speaking in charismatic way.hehehe. to be honest, it's very complicated to digest. I only know the old testament got lots of 'story' that is interesting for kids. Nigel's kindergarden tell this stories in class such as David and Golliat. oops is it considered old testament?

Sam, my hip was about to break apart when I saw you and HBB. this time not the pubic bone, but the pelvis girdle bone. sometime have to waddle like ducky. yesterday actually we went to paragon kidstyle. they accept any old shoes for $20 to buy oshkosh/adidas shoes. so I got a pair each for my kids.

Anybody bring the kids to play water at Jacob Ballast already? we went there last Wed, Naomi loves to run and touch (and lick) the grass. her fave is the water play.

Oh dear, stay at home and browsing internet is dangerous! it's a matter of seconds, credit card is being charged! Everday looking forward to the UPS brown man who has been a regular at my place delivering the parcel.ok, got to go out now. bringing my kids to mac donald tour!
Kim, better call JG again or better still go there to make sure that K is in the waiting list. Believe me, after all the trial class that you go through, you will go back to JG. If we have the budget for that I have already sent Naomi from playnest. But unfortunately cannot, coz #3 is coming and Maristella school fee increasing.
Few months ago when I was reading up on nurseries/kindergarten in the east side, Holy Grace come up as one of those within traveling distance, and unique point was the majority use of Mandarin vs English in nursery 80:20 and 60:40 in K1/K2 (cited feedback from parents in preparation for primary school). Parents who fear that their children cannot manage Chinese love the concept and queue for it.

There isn't much post on Kiasuparents for Holy Grace, and discussion isn't very updated on the kindy, but http://preschool.sg/holy-grace-kindergarten/ has more recent posts on what's happening at school for the past 6-8 months. Story from the posts seems to be that the new principal came from NAFA, and is modifying the curriculum to be more like NAFA, ad-hoc rather than planned. This makes parents wonder what their children is learning, in addition to them feeling that the children spend a lot of time preparing for performances rather than effective learning which seems to come in the form of enrichment/extra classes that parents sign up for and takes place during curriculum time unlike other kindergartens who do it in the form of an extra hour. A parent claimed she saw punishment with ruler/toy hammer by teacher. Another parent said that the principal restricted school visit prior to enrollment only to the office, and is disorganized during the visit. Apart from that, there had been comment about high-turnover rate, especially in the area of pioneer teachers. The kindergarten built its reputation for Mandarin based on its history, and comments cited poor English from the English teachers, quoted 'Singlish'. Now I don't want to spread bad news, since I haven't gone down to check it out myself, but you can't possibly check out every school that spark interest, just gotta depend on hearsay sometimes. Sounds like it's a mess atm.

On another note, I hope that such school performances are not becoming a norm for church kindergartens, well at least not taking up curriculum time. Anyone has any info about this?
Hi all

Long time, been super busy. Will back-read later but first, can anyone help me out here? Been trying to find some place to rent ABC foam mats but cannot find from those toy rental companies. Anyone else has other suggestions on where to look?

Thanks in advance!
<font color="119911">dear mummies, sorry to interrude, im lookin for ergo/manduca carrier for my sil, pls PM me if u are sellin one. tks! </font>
Hi Mashy and Etirto

Thanks, I actually need for a big space (so a lot of mats) for a couple of hours for my daughter's party so thought of renting. Okay if anyone is giving up their foam mats, please donate to me!

Good night!
wah I am so touch, I will contact you individually soon. Thanks so much, girls!!!

Etirto, the next Isetan pte sale is on 8 Sep (Wed) - you going?

Hi all I read through most of the posts I missed briefly. I will share my own experiences and hope I won't miss any questions.

1. Pre schools
Holy Grace - like Sam pointed out, Mandarin is heavily emphasized so if you are from a english speaking family, it will be great. Some parents may be afraid their kids' english may be compromised, but bear in mind that Mandarin is more difficult to pick up and English will be the main language used in primary schools.

St Hilda - Physical environment is the main complaint I hear from parents but other than that, my friends seem happy with the school

My girl attends Bethesda Katong Kindergarten, not perfect but good enough for us. Principal is dedicated, low staff turnover rate, school is responsive to feedback, fees are reasonable, physical environment of school is nice, with 2 outdoor playgrounds and some ride-ons, big assembly hall and music area and my daughter seem happy with the menu. My qualms about the school - bathrooms not gender-segregated, not a lot of field trips (been on only one field trip this entire year) and not contacting parents when the child did not turn up for school.

Great reviews (high levels of hygiene, teachers all graduates and speak proper english, structured and well rounded curriculum, etc) from friends for Pat school house, NAFA, Chiltern House and Montesorri schools around the east area however, the fees are about $1000 per month, give or take, for just 3 to 4 hours a day. In my opinion, that is excessive.

2. Performances in school - specific to sam's question
In bethesda, there is one annual concert in Oct where all the kids from pre-N to K2 perform. Not sure abt other schools though I heard that the NAFA Kindergarten has consistently demonstrated superior, almost professional performances.

3. PlayNest Mandarin - again specific to Sam
My son is now in PlayNest English 2X a week in forum, I am switching him to Mandarin come next term, which means a minimum of 3X a week commitment. He is on wait list. My girl has in the past also attended Mandarin programmes in JG - it is very similar to the english version you are putting your daughter through. All the teachers are from China except for one from Taiwan and they, like the english teachers, make huge efforts to connect with your child and you. Looking forward to Term 1 2011 for he can then just go 2X a week for PlayClub when he turns 18 mths. Now on wait list for playClub at Big Splash. Will share with you more once he starts next term.

4. Volunteering
I am one of those kiasu parents who moved house to be within 1km of the pri school I want my kid to go to, and also has signed up to volunteer with the RC closest to the school. I stayed with my in laws half the time so I changed my address in my IC to theirs. When you live in a pte house, you can only join the NC (Neighborhood Committee) as a volunteer. When you live in a HDB, you can join the RC (Residents' Committee) as a volunteer. However, only volunteers in the CCCs (Citizens Consultative Comm), CCMCs (Community Club Mgmt Comm) and RCs are eligible to enter balloting in Phase 2B, provided you have served at least 2 years BEFORE year of registration. There are no vacancies for volunteers for ccmcs and cccs and even if there are, they do look for very high profile people, i.e. chances of getting in is very low unless you won some woman award before. Thus I started my work with the RC this year and will continue till 2012, which is the year my girl will need to register for Pri. 1.

I will also apply for the Parent Volunteer thingy from the school in Jan 2011 just in case I do not get the eligibility letter from an MP for some reason. This usually require balloting and it is based purely on luck as the school I am aiming for only wants traffic wardens, no need interviews unlike Fairfield Meth.

5. My take on pri schools
Mashy and hubby - great alma maters. Many people would killed to be able to send their kids to those mentioned schools. TJE if you can send JuE to St Hilda's Pri, you should, it is one of the top pri schools in singapore with the GEP (Gifted Education Programme) so if your kid gets in, she or he won't have to change schools in Pri 4. For the unenlightened, all Pri 3 students sits for a screening test though I think you can opt out and 10% of these students move on to Round 2. I think only 400 (or is it 4000) will get into the GEP. The 9 schools are:

Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) Boys
Catholic High School (Primary) Boys
Henry Park Primary School Co-ed
Nan Hua Primary School Co-ed
Nanyang Primary School Co-ed
Raffles Girls' Primary School Girls
Rosyth School Co-ed
St Hilda's Primary School Co-ed
Tao Nan School Co-ed

Hope above helps!

Muffingirl, hope you feel better soon!

Good night!
