(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Hi lamagier,
i'm from august 2009 forum. i can understand your frustration, if possible, get a part-time helper to come twice a week ? clean the house, wash, hang, fold the clothes ? it's not easy if there's no helper at home ...

Hi sunnyduck,
when bb is hungry, he'll take the porridge, don't worry... don't give in to bb to eat adult foods.
long time no see so many posts here. got ques where / who to ask ? my bb coughing at night and early morning, need to see doc ? just went to see last week and the cough actually got better but now back again.
I would say whoever dare say being a mother is easy must be crazy... be it FTWM or SAHM. If only we can switch roles and be a father.
Hi bestberries,
your bb doesn't have much phelgm when he cough ? it's probably due to the coldness/dryness of the air, causing itchniess in the airways ?
Try to keep his chest and feet warm. Put some ru yi oil on his chest/stomach before he sleeps.
Try to keep the room clean, can invest on a air-purifier ...
be a SAHM and have maids. One to cook/do laundry/clean the house. Another to look after the bb. Then mummy just need to play with the bb when she is free, just like what some father does. :p
jooey - i can hear its a phlemy cough and she's probably trying to get it out. she perpires when wake up so cant be too cold bah. the air-purifier is a good idea. any idea how to get rid of phlem ?
hi bestberries,
if bb has phlegm, i'll give Rhinathiol to dissolve the phlegm, so that bb either vomit out or pass into the stomach. Reduce or Try not to give banana, fish, biscuits, that causes phlegm. Milk also causes phlegm, but i do not dilute the milk. Hope this helps.
Bestberries, hope your bb get well soon.

RE: Change in food preference
Sunnyduck, K has started liking adult food before he turned one. Many says because he has so many teeth (He has all the 8 incisors, 4 canines & 1 molar already cut out and the rest of the other 3 are on the way..).
I just introduced seasoning a week after he turned one. And now, he is taking rice soaked in soup or gravy. The meat and veg are still being cooked separately from our adult meal.

Today, I think the grilled pineapple (his dessert) may have caused his tongue to "split", as he kept using his fingers to scratch the tongue..

Anyone took lots of cordyceps during pregnancy? I took every week cos friends said it'll help bb's immunity after they were born, I am not sure if this is real (of course my doctor SIL will say no proof), but I see K is definitely strong. My hb will think it;s the genes, but I think it does play a part since I also see those friends who took their bb are really rarely fall sick. I am contemplating to give K now..
the cordycep i took once a month when i was preggy

tinking of giving edna also but my sinseh ask mi to hold on... =S
I didn't take any cordycep during pregancy. So far other than a case or runny nose, MR still ok (*touch wood*)

Thanks. The husband is toying with the idea, but the chores is not so much that we can't finish on nights when my girl is not around, so i can't quite justify hiring extra help to myself. Kowtow to 3 mummies with twins here.... and of cos mummies like sunsweet and bbethan... Hee... and I got the husband to help out =p
That's a lot of teeth! Mine only has two bottom incisors and insists on eating everything anyway. Although I'm beginning to think that he just has a much smaller appetite these days... he didn't seem to be too interested in our adult food tonight.

Previously he could eat a big bowl of porridge in 15min. Now he only will eat maybe 1/3 bowl and then the spitting begins. Maybe because he is impatient to get down and play?
sunnyduck, my boy also have a big change in behaviour "out of sudden". More hot temper & impatient.

previously he could eat as much as 10 soup spoon of cereal or 1.5 adult size bowl full of porridge. now drop to miserable 2 tablespoon of cereal or 1/3 size bowl of porridge. He can skip milk totally the whole day as well.

Currently his weight only 8.2kg.
BbEthan, is Amanda willing to drink more water now?

My boy now reject milk. Always push away. But if offer water to him, he will drink. maybe he is thirsty after playing. hahaha.
yes yes... i taught her how to drink from the straw and she finally learnt it. now drinking much more water. but she also like to play with water too. sometimes will sip then purposely let it drool out from her mouth. then she point to her chest that her top is wet. *faint*

mine also joining the reject-porridge club. Especially so when she sees our food on same table. It's a MUST to feed her before we eat and all food must be out of sight. Else she will totally reject. Sunday lunch, she had our wanton mee dry.
ya being a mother is not easy. when the day my gal born, i never have a 8 hour sleep.

6am in the morning pump milk, wash bottle and pump, prepare myself to work, tidy the bed and wake her up for changing diaper and feeding her milk then send her to my mum place at toa payoh, and i head to work.

6.00pm after work have to rush home to clean the house and do laundry. everyday my dinner is around 9pm. then rush to my mum place to pick her home. hai~ anyway everyday i go bed 11.30pm. so tired.. hahaha i am so nagging. :D

i think mummy is always the wei da 1.
KK, I never know that pregnant can take cordycept and I don't even know what is that. is it something like birdnest that got to be cooked? where to buy? I'm left with aprox 2 mths left, not sure whether it's still worth it to take...to boost baby immunity? The only thing that I take very regularly now is COKE. :<
my hb joked that's y Naomi have tan skin.

Just something to share.
We are having special photography session for babies at only $200 for an hour shoot, ALL images given back.
Pls pm me for more details if interested.
Thanks so much.
thanks kim. suddenly bb's cough stopped. but last night she woke up at 3am and cried v v loudly and angrily for an hour plus. i'm so useless, just let my maid handle and let her continue crying. feel so guilty. my MIL woke up to investigate, and manage to calm bb down. all this i'm aware but i'm actually sleeping. too tired to move a bone. sigh.

cordyceps - i took during preg, together with yang/pao sheng, not sure which. so far *touch wood* i think other than occasional cough, bb is q ok

got a confession - sometimes i favour 1 bb over the other. mums with more than one, do you feel like this too ?

lamagier - Guo4 Jiang3 le4. half the time i dont know whats gg on, the other half the time i'm planning what to do in my private ME time. *guilty*
For ready stock melts, can try agape babies.

Cos you see them everyday, no wonder need some down time. I only see my girl weekend, so gotta treasure all the time I have with her =p

Don't worry, I think quite nature to have a favourite. Just that got to be consciencious not to be biased. Most of my aunts, uncles, even my parents have their own favourite child.
long time no 'see'

eh lamiger I got my helper to help my MIL since Mid May.

Cos #1 is reall quite a handful.

However I did not expect that my MIL could be quite fierce to my maid. Don't know its bec they face each other too often / my MIL speaks poor english / my maid nicer to me

almost every day i go home my MIL will sure tell me something that she's unhappy about the maid.

I try to ignore MIL's complaints.. sigh.. i feel my maid still quite ok.. is my MIL expecting too much?

Re: Cough
now both my gals are recovering from their phlegmy cough.. no choice have to give anti-biotics cause both had almost finish 1 round of cough mixture and not recover.
Hi mommies, it's nice to see this forum active again

Re: Weaning
I'm in the processing of weaning Char fm ebm, well... not much supply fm me anyway, only 120-150/day. Juz wondering if it's necessary to bring along the pump for the trip this weekend or shd I juz stop pumping? For those mommies who used to pump for the LOs, when do u stop using the pump?

Re: Teeth grinding
Char has this habit of teeth grinding, esp juz before she falls asleep. My #1 never had this habit so it's kinda scary for me, plus she grinds really hard! Anyone's baby doing this? Any way to stop this? Is this symptom to anything?

Bestberries, I tend to be less patient with my #1, not sure if this favoritism? I guess this's feeding her whining and tantrums -> vicious cycle... I'm expecting my 3.5 yos to be reasonable ;p
My girl grinds her teeth in her sleep &amp; sometimes awake as well. i assume her teeth must be causing her discomfort as she's still teething.
Maybe you'll have to wait for Muffingal to pop by to answer your question as she's the most qualified among us =p
I have been grinding my teeth for years, it gives me headaches and my dentist says my premolars have been worn down. So now I have to wear a dental splint so that the teeth don't touch when I'm sleeping at night. I just happened to ask him some time back if babies also do it - he says mostly it occurs during teething, but in older toddlers it can be a sign of stress or anxiety.
Hee, I have the same condition as you. But I got lazy about wearing the teeth guard at night. Usually it worsens if I'm stressed out or if I went scuba dving in day time. I grind so hard that I wake myself =p

The security guard gave me a puzzled look when he checked my bag and saw milk bottles. Asked me why 1 carry bottles around when I gave birth so long ago. A few of my colleagues also expressed amazement at the fact that I'm still breastfeeding. Seems like the common mindset if stop you stop breastfeeding once your baby enters toddlerhood =p
anyone has already gone to the taka baby fair? know if there are any good buy for stroller? eg. last fair has maclaren quest going at $199.
i tinkin if i need a new stroller.. i need sth light yet can go all the way flat for edna to sleep and w full canopy! arghh...the combi is a bit small now haiz...
ok... i sneak off to taka during lunch. volo going at $129, quest at $239. Combi not much promo except the one TJE &amp; muffingal using.

hbb, that's what i want too. light and can recline. anyway i've been talking abt it since donkey yrs back.
your grandpa is exp la. big tim is almost spilled from it already.

bbethan, I got the daytripper, it's 45degree reclined. naomi can sleep in it. yesterday Kaelem tried to sleep in it also can. so it's more reclined then volo. light and compact too. and surprisingly, when I hang my big diaper bag, it doesn't topple off easily like XT.
If any mummies thinking of bringing little one's to McRitchie tree top walk and going from Venus drive, please do be more attentive when walking along. A king cobra was rescue from the vicinity and taken to the zoo.... Just in case got more than 1 cobra lingering around.

Got the news through a birding network, so I don't think it's a fake story

Food Alert: WangWangXianBei
The health ministry (M'sia) is stepping up scrutiny on the imported 'Wang Wang' rice crackers and collecting its samples for laboratory tests, following a report that coliform and Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria were detected in the product in China.

Though we probably won't feed our tots wangwang, but maybe for those with older kids, be aware of the crackers coming from M'sia for the time being, and refrain from eating cos they have not determined the batch yet.
RE: Change in behavior
K loves to scream!! He scream to be held so he can see what we are working on top of the kitchen counter, screams when his shopping cart's wheels cant go up the carpet or the LG mat, screams when his cars (all 3) jammed in the toy garage elevator and the barrier is in down, screams when he wants the mop/ magic clean.. so sick of it and also feeling helpless as I certainly do not want a screaming child! I have met other screaming child outside before, but their screams seem so mild compared to my 4-lungs kid!

RE: Helper
Sunsweet, try not to ignore your MIL when she has a complaint of your helper, as she may felt as if you dot on your helper and thinks nothing of her grief. I suggest you explain to her that some of the thing that is done incorrectly is because they are not from our way of live and they may not need to do certain things we do here. Also, I will always hear complaints of "stupid" helpers, I always tell those that complained, if they are smart, they wont be your helper. Sometimes they are not smart not because they are really stupid, may be they couldn't understand what we say (even if they speak English), or they have not done the thing we want them to do and don't know how to do if we do not give clear instructions.
I have a good helper, but at times I do have frustrations with her. The most common 2 things: 1. saftey, she once was too helpful where she took K, and the stroller full of grocery and waited for me in the middle of the carpark road while I lock my car!!! How dangeroud is that?! I was very angry and raised my voice. I cannot illustrate more on the importance of waiting at the sidewalk but to tell her if something happened to her, how shall I explain to her family back home. Once, after church, I wanted to drop her at the MRT station, she opened the car door even before the car was stopped completely and of course she already had released her seatbelt!!! I lectured her the night she came home. Now, I remind her that she is not suppose to unbuckle or open the car door until I tell her to. Last night, she was being tested by my hb on emergency numbers, and steps she should take in case of emergency, choking manuver and she uses her laughter to cover her discomfort.. My hb was stern and told her it is not a laughing matter. Then only she answered to the best of what she remembered. I think I better give her the emergency drill every month..
I hope you mil can start to understand the helper is to help her and not to take over her. Have you a schedule for helper that you MIL knows? Also, perhaps a book with translations of tasks/ converstaions will help, I think I have seen books like that in Popular before.

RE: Teeth grinding
K was grinding after he cut his first 8 inciscors before the rest of the teeth are out. He only did when awake. It went off naturally. My hb grind his teeth at night and yes, caused headache, so when K grinds his teeth, he was really hard when making him stop.

Lavenderbear, I intend to sent K to childcare (full day) starting Jan next year. He is a bundle of energy and is tiring for both my helper and I. I am looking for one around alexandra/ bt Merah/ tiong bahru..
I saw this http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/353639/1339828.html?1280887113
Hope it helps..
Hi mummies,

If your gynae is Dr Adrian Woodworth from sengkang, Pls share with me your experiences.
Is he ok with natural birth? Cos I dun prefer c-section.
How much is the hospital bill of Mt A and TMC?
pls PM me…thanks.

join the mothercare contest in facebook! Get free car seat. Anyway it's better to buy new car seat or get from someone u trust so that u know it didn't go thru an accident. Car seat can only be used for one accident. U can go taka baby fair. They are selling car seats at a discount.
poohbear, many already started walking before 1YO, K can run but I think due to the "massive" teething (4 molars and 4 K9s all at the same time), he only wants to be held.. Or is it because I always disappeared when he w/up fr his naps these days???

RE: Refusing Rice
K is rejecting rice now, before was reject porridge but love rice. Now he is back to rice cereal fro meal but still ok with fruit and biscuits.. I think he is really bother by the teething like never before!! If I can find the elements, I shall give him holy communion everyday starting tomorrow...

Mine also the same here. Ya agree, why ppl like to comment that BB who walk, talk slow is a slow learner. I dun think even can't eat a proper solid meal might facing developmental problems too as long as they are healthy and know what they want i think is fine to me. Haha me too i am also a picky eater when i pregnant her i always so picky of whatever i eat. Like mother like daughter.

My boy is 12.5mths now and also not walking yet. I don't count 1-2 steps in my direction before falling into my arms as walking. He likes to stand up unsupported now but not coordinated enough to really walk. Think it will still take some time.

As for talking - I dunno if he is slower than others. He says Mama and Baba and various other sounds but sometimes I am not sure if he says what he means (hahaha). A friend commented that her 14mth old started using sentences. So fast meh?

Am trying to close one ear about fast/slow developers when other people keep commenting. As if motherhood is not tiring/stressful enough!
