(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


Agree with your mum that 1 yr old should be on 3 mains already. 1 main is too little.

this is my gal's schedule (roughly coz she changes from time to time. She hates naps!)

about 8.30am morning milk - 180ml
10.30am breakfast - bread/cereal
11am milk - 150ml
12.30pm lunch - porridge
1pm nap (hopefully)
3pm milk - 150ml to 180ml + snacks
7pm dinner - porridge
9pm milk - 180ml
9.30pm sleep
My boy's schedule:

9.30am: morning milk 120ml (he drinks v little milk, I know)
10.30am: breakfast (cereal or yogurt or oats)
12pm: nap (1 - 1.5hrs, I will wake him up if he sleeps past schedule)
2pm: milk 120ml
2.30pm: late lunch (porridge, pasta, etc)
4.30pm: nap (1-1.5hrs)
6pm: milk 120ml
7pm: porridge big bowl
10pm: milk 140ml and sleep

I always precede the meals with milk because he is v keen on solids and will rather eat than drink. So I catch him when he's hungry to feed him milk... but as you can see even then it's not that much milk.
hi pink
edna schedule as follow
8.45-9am, 150milk w 5.5tbsp of dry cereal, 2 cubes of apple puree
1pm, 1 bowl porridge
5pm, 1 bowl porridge
8.30-9pm, 240ml milk

in btw she get a bit of puffs, cookies, rice when we eat dinner...
some days she get yoghurt if she behaves =)
been on this schedule since about8 mth old..

now.. the prob i have now is.. past week she is totally off this eating amount..she refusing food!!!!! i duno wats happening!
i like pine garden.. the cake - lychee martini or the black forest cake is nice. u can buy a slice of the cake to try out.

Jayvier feeding schedule
8am - 210 milk (20mls of h20)
12pm - 1 bowl of porridge
2pm - 20mls of h20 & 1/4 slice of apple
4.30pm - 180mls milk
5.30pm - 20mls water
7pm- 1 bowl of porridge
8pm - 20mls of h20
11pm - 210mls of milk

occasionally, wake up @ about 3am - 180mls of milk

compare to some of the mummies schedule.. mine seems to eat well but he is still very small size.
Sam and Jasmine,

Yah not keen to get 3D cake cos they're expensive and think my boy is too young to appreciate anyway heh. Thanks so much for ur cake suggestions! Will check them out.

My boy Dominic's feeding schedule:

8-9am - BM, followed by 1 slice of bread with cheese
11am - BM
1pm - Cereal (with 60ml FM) or macaroni and fruit (banana or 2 cubes of puree)
3pm - BM
6pm - Porridge
8.30pm - BM or 150ml FM
Late-night feed (depending on what time he wakes up) - BM
newmum i tink the rec intake is about 500ml per day but i tink my gal dun drink as much.. so i substitute w stuff like cheese n tofu n etc

i think it depends on how much your bb can take. My gal has a small tummy, so need to drink more freq. She used to take just 150ml max each round last time. Only recently she started taking 180ml. My friend's kid can take 240ml each time and only need to drink 3 times a day. He can stretch 5 hours without food. So envious.
My baby seemed to be peeling, his back feels rough and scaly. I dont think he is suffering from any allegy, 'cos i hvnt intro new food. Any mummies experiencing same problem?
Lavender bear,
Did you change your baby's shower foam or anything? Or try use some calendula cream or other moisturizing cream see if can help sooth the skin?

Sigh. I got mastitis again. Feverish, and aching all over, feels like I'm falling apart. Urg. I hate inflamed ducts
Hi HBB & mashy,

THanks. Didn't know there's a required amt of milk we should still be giving. I also give toufu abt once a week, no cheese yet.

THe mag mag at 150ml seems to small by now. What other straw bottles are you mummies using that can contain more at one go?
Poor lamagier, hope you are feeling better now...this must be the third time you are having mastitis? When are you gonna stop nursing?

Sunsweet, didn't know can buy here, I always stocked up when hubby or me go China...will check out tong ren tang, thanks for pointing it out!

LavenderBear, just baby's back?
Yah, 3rd bout of mastitis. Depending on how this bout goes. I'm a few days shy of my 1 year target. Now supply is pathetically low with mastitis =( But if supply don't go back up after I recover, I guess may just have to stop now. See how it goes from here.

Monday blues. Still recovering from my 2 days of fever & blocked ducts... sigh... back to my laptp again
Hi Mummies,

I have been sick and the worst thing that my gal fall sick too. Yesterday she have fever point up yo 39.6. Send her to KK immediately see doctor already. She have to take panadol every 4hour if not the fever will shoot back to 39.0. Hai~ If wednesday still have fever, doctor say have to send her back to KK again. I am so worry and sad. Must be me lah who pass her the bugs. Pray she faster recover for her next week birthday.

I hope i can breast feed her till i dun have because she refuse fomula milk.
any mummies have this problem?
Lamagier & FOZ: it's baby's back and shoulder. I havent changed his shower foam since the day he was born. Have tried applied mosturizer, not very effective. Hope he get his baby soft skin back soon.
Hope your baby recovers soon.
I tried a bit of formula on my baby, she rejects also. I think baby try to add a little formula to BM, then increase bit by bit to let you baby get used to the taste? At least that's my plan for now.

Or maybe your baby 'recognize' the person who's feeding? Mine doesn't take frozen EBM when I try to feed her, but she readily takes when her nanny feeds.

Oh dear. Hope your baby's skin condition improves soon.

Happy birthday to Xin Rui, Kaelem, Cate, Adelle, Hayley, Ethan, Ivan, Shanna, Regis and other babies who born on this week!
tmd - i think i cant post long msg. got locked out again.

here's the msg in summary - do mosquito bites- looking patches on bbies skin mean it cld be allergy ???

mozzie bites looking means hives??? yes!!!! It is allergy. Better check out what caused it.

My son just got bitten by mozzies at the chalet and they swell until very big. He has one on his forehead, so he looks like Luo Han fish now. His hand was also so swollen and blistered that we thought he burnt himself at the bbq. The dr said it's allergy and gave some cream + antihistamine.
My girl kena mozzies bite before. Big red angry looking. Leaves a darken patch colouration even after it subsides. Take a few months to fade off completely.

Prob have to verify if it really is a mozzie bite before can confirm if it it allergy or not
Chk wif the doc if you could use ibuprofen (6 hrly) and paracetamol (4 hrly) concurrently? I gave that to my #1 when she had high fever over 39.5 deg, stick to juz paracetamol if fever is 38.5 deg and lower. Hope she feels better soon.

My LO is also refusing FM (meiji and similac) and fresh milk. She's a total latched on baby but now wif her top tooth, it's getting very uncomfortable to nurse. Juz started giving her ebm in straw cups for day feeds, but could only express miserable amt. She won't take FM or fresh milk even when she clearly hadn't had enough... So her other milk intake is coming fm yogurt and cheese.

thanks and hope your bb recovers quickly. Any other symptoms? Sounds like viral fever to me. The fever doesn't seem to go off easily and have to keep feeding fever meds. After the fever subside, the rashes will come out.
mashy - hives ??? oh shoot, i went to google and it sounds like it. but dr sears also say no need to see doc. i'll monitor a bit more. thanks !

lamagier - i think some were mozze and some were not. cos sometimes the patches are like you said take time to recover.

oh nooo... anyone got diy remedy ?

it will usually go away on its own without medicine. Unless it's very serious, then see a dr. My boy once had a reaction to an antihistamine (yes, dr said maybe it's the colouring) and he had swollen eyes, hives all over, and we had to see the dr. We were given anti histamines.

U see if it's serious enough to see the dr? If not, it'll go away on its own.
she just dun like formula milk no matter who give her. she will make the "puke" face if we force her to drink.

thank you mashy, lamager, noelle for your concern.

get mosquito repellent. I use off which is quite good. Just that I forgot to reapply for him after he went for his swim. We also got the mosquito coils for the general crowd.

When I go to zoo and water catchment areas like reservoirs, beach etc, I will apply California Baby Citronella SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion on her, though more for the sunscreen properties, the citronella also helps to keep off the bugs. I used the mosquitos repellent stickers or rub-ons, but those either fall off, scared she take and put into her mouth or become ineffective fast when outdoors. But some individuals are sensitive to citronella oils so better test on a small patch of area before applying generously.
bestberries: my niece got bitten by mozzies and the small 1cm bite can expand into big 50cents patch. PD says she is hyper sensitive to bites, prescribe immediate application of cream once bitten. She applies California Baby cream too.
Pinky & Lamagier,

My boy refused FM for a few days initially, when we tried to replace the afternoon feed with FM, so we gave up and tried just before he sleeps at night instead. maybe becos he's tired, he didn't protest as much.

Or maybe it's not the FM but the teat. Used to give him medela teat but on a fren's advice, I switched to nuk latex teats, which are supposed to be softer and hence more similar to bfing.
Thanks HBB, i'll go check out the munchkin. Tried nuby today, and even i find it hard to suck from the supposedly leak-proof straw.

Mashy, i use a normal milk bottle to measure first, then pour into straw bottle.
mashy, sam

thank you for advice. where you gals bought the California lotion?

Yesterday was a nightmare for me again. my gal not feeling well and she keep on crying till 3am then fall sleep, now the poor mummy have to working like a zombie.

one year old can give family food already? i only know that nuts have to give when they are 3, is it? My hb secretly give my gal ice-cream when both of them go downstair for a walk. They came home, i smell that my gal face have ice-cream so i confront him and get to know he feed her that. *Faint*

haha, my gal had an ice cream cake for her birthday so yes she has tasted that. ;) I can't give nuts coz she's allergic to peanut. Yes, going to start giving her family food from today. But will choose the healthier and not salty ones.

LOL, i tot my gal was the only bb who eat ice-cream. Share some healthier family food with us
must be easy to cook 1, very lazy and no time to cook.
Haha, mine has eaten ice-cream too and some chocolate cake! I only let him try tiny bites for exposure to new tastes. He also has tried miso soup, very mild curry (seems to be surprised at this taste, but opened mouth again for more), etc.
Mine has tried durian, curry chix, ice cream, choc cake, PG's lychee martini, iced lemon tea, basically tried everything we eat. But he doesnt like curry chix

my gal had viral fever and since yesterday, she had angry looking red patches on her face.. hope that it will all subside for her to be pretty in her birthday party pics this weekend..

BTW for the rashes thingy, i tried califonia baby cream it just got redder so i think i better just leave it alone.. brought her to see the gp the cream he gave also made the patch redder.

for the rashes fr viral fever, no need to put cream. Will go away after a few days. Thanks goodness she has recovered for her birthday party.

I just did a roast chicken today. Easy but need waiting time coz it's in the oven. It's a 1 dish meal so dun need to cook other stuff unless u wan rice to go with it. The basic marinade is sea salt, pepper and thyme. U can do it just before u cook if u dun want it too flavourful. I put potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, onions and garlic in the casserole, toss them with olive oil, sea salt, pepper and thyme then top it with the marinated chicken thighs and dump into the oven for 1 hr. Just need to baste it in between so rather fussfree and easy.

That was the first table food that I prepared for my gal.
talking bout table food
tsk i got a pork ribs queen at home now!!!
edna aft her porridge... ate 3 piece of pork ribs fr my water cress soup.. she was screamin n screaming for more but i onli limit to 3 ribs
and yesterday she had soup w rice!!!!!!!
she realy dun wan cereal n porridge!

I think she's all grown up. Give to her! Better like this than refuse food. That's a headache.

Thanks for the tip. I'm going to make pork ribs soup for my gal too!
On behalf of Shanna, thank u to Aunty Pinky & Lamagier! ^^

Shanna also dun like porridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We started giving her rice now, ytd was rice with ikan bilis stock, she finished 3/4. Today was pork ribs soup with soup, my hubby said she finished all!!! Hahahaha!
