(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Re:kindermusik trial,
Hi kitty,
I'm fine with the trial on the 7th Feb.Anyway the trial is for an hr or so right?so guess wont take up much of a time for me.

But then might need to see majority of the mummies reg the date.
Thks for coordinating it.

lamagier - take care of yourself! i think i need to sit down and plan for myself how to approach this part time work thing cos my office dont encourage, i.e. if you do it, sure you wont get promoted. you working part time ? can i know what line are you in ?

foz - you working part time too right ? what line are you too ?
mashy - you're totally right, i'll just need to volunteer him more next time

kim - yup, whats the hurry?? its one of those things where if i dont see, i dont complain. if i see, i feel stress. i need to monitor this maid more closely now. lots of this small small incidents add up and show that she dont really genuinely care abt my bb like she appears to be. in front of me, she'll ask bb to sing song, clap hands, do action action. when i'm not looking, all these small things.
Kim: That's good news!

HBB: Maybe skip the cereals/purees (have you tried other grains like barley, oatmeal, etc, etc?) and try some finger food or lumpy stuff and see.
HB wun get water dn fast if use plain water.bt if use milk..yes it does.i avoid stirrin while feedin as stirrin will make it more watery

hi, i'm keen to join.

Re: KM Trial

There is only Sun 10am slot for the trial and the date given by the lady is 7 Feb. The class is open up to max 12 bbs. The cost is slightly higher that the one gina's gp paid cox it's the 2010 rates ($30) and if we can reach 12bbs, we just need to pay the cost of 11bbs.

1) kittyng
2) peanut
3) pprincess
4) lavenderbear
5) sherryl
6) twinkle
7) japa
8) xman
hi mummies like to check how many times per day do you all bathe ur bb?

if bathe in the morning/early noon and go out, will u all bathe bb again when back? cos now our bb is more active & tend to perspire more.
Still working full-time now. Think I'll be the first to get asked to go on part-time if really implement cost cutting =(. You've got mail =)
For me yes.

I bathe my girl in the morning say 9plus to 10am..either stay indoor or outdoor,by evening say 6plus,I will bathe her again,feed her and start her night time routine ard 730pm.

Coz personally i felt tat to give bb a warm bath makes the child sleep better.

healthytimes get watery very easily too esp if you use breastmilk.


yes i also think why must feed fast fast?! my mum also say i feed my baby too slowly must be fast, her mentality is that baby don't want to sit in the high chair, so if sit too long, she won't want to eat, and if she didn't finish her food, she'll wake up frequently at nite. wat logic...
but i thought wat if next time they start to eat food that they have to chew, won't that be dangerous? like choke very easily cos used to eating so fast?
Oh dear lamagier, do take care! And try to go back and rest cox with rest, you get well faster. I'm facing my boy 24/7 with my mask on and he kept trying to tear away my mask...thought i'm playing peek-a-boo with him! haiz... Then worse is, we bf...so hard to take med right!

Bestberries, i agreed force-feeding is nt gd...can cause phobia in solids next time. Like wat other mummies say, it should be a fun process. Like Amber, my mum also said i'm slow in feeding and bcox i was slow, the cereal turns watery easily and my boy hates it. So in order to let him finish quickly, i hav to compete with time. It's lumpy too if i feed it fast and he enjoys it

Sam, din know healthy times get watery easily. So far, i know HB gets watery v v fast, so i only use water. But for earth's best cereals, i'm still using bm.
lamagier - mail received. you got mail too. hmmm, it does seem like a good thing to be "asked" to work part time, then company must compensate you more ?

amber, kitty - yar i think so too. but what to do? i'm working, i can dont like it all i want, but i'm not at home, who knows what happens ?
bb bath
I bath gareth morning b4 10am and b4 7pm daily as a prep for him to go to bed. Since he was born i did tis routine so he knws that by the 2nd bath its time for bed... And now tat they r on exersaucer and walker daily, gareth really perspire alot so the 2nd bath is a must..
Haha, I wish.... pay less. Company was talking about possibility of no pay leave and shorter work week = pay you less (while doing same amount of work) to cut cost
have to actually register w them den put on waiting list cos the places at both Evans Rd n Forum r full..hehe..

Amber n Sam,
HT wont get watery if u jus use puree.. breatmilk will b too watery.. haven tried HB thou.. Sam, even if jus add water/puree oso will get watery??..

i bethe Jav in the morn or noon or b4 we go out.. but wen we come hm, if hes nt sweaty we'll do a wipe down... if sweaty den we'll bathe him, change him into pjs.. den slp.. hehe.. cos normally Jav slp better aft bath..=)

ya i'm working too...usually is my mum take care, as she is the main caregiver, i can't change anything when i'm not there, things like letting baby watch TV and running into the room the minute baby cries, no matter wat i say she's just going to do watever she wants...
and now our relationship is so strained because of her kept correcting me watever i do. quite depress over this too...

but you've got 2 babies so watever stress, yours must be doubly so...
Re: feeding/ bb eating speed
of course we also dun encourage bb to take forever to finish the meal, but not forcing them to 狼吞虎咽 ehh can cause indigestion..

Bestberries, u can go sim lim to buy hidden camera n install at home to monitor ur helper's movement. My neighbor told me she did aft she rtn to work, she was shocked by wat she saw. My hb deals with security camera too, but not s inconspicuous s these sold in sim lim. be prepared to see way is undesirable though.

Kitty, if u keep stirring the rice cereal, it will turn watery. So once u mix the cereal well, lv it n scoop fr top to feed. If cereal is not blended well, use back of spoon to mash just enuf amt for each spoonful before feeding.
how i wish i could have the 'options' @work too.. shorter work week.. but the worst part here, i gotta work on Sat (yes, every Sat!!!)
i dun mind pay cut if i could just work 4-5days/wk but it's almost IMPOSSIBLE here! hehe..

i agree w/ kim.. install camera.. u might decide u wanna tell her or not.. for me, i dun wan things to happen & regret later.. so we decided to let her know on day 1 she's with us.. so far so good.. at least, she dare not trying to be funny.. at times, i'd make a call back to correct her way of handling my baby on the spot so she knows i'm "watching" (o_O)
thanks ladies, 1st time trying the HB cereal with water, and I dropped in some fruit puree. She just loathe it. I stirred in fruit puree. Maybe should just lay the puree on top and get a scoop of it with the cereal to feed.

Not sure what made it worse was that she was so hyped up from playing with my MIL before her lunch that she keep 'talking' when she's eating so gave the cereal excuse to keep dribbling out. MIL then put a toy on the table to catch her attention and I realised that I don't like her to be distracted by toys when she's eating. So I took it away. I just said that I don't like her to pick up bad manners at the table. Probably too much to ask of an infant but I feel that she's learning to eat at the table, so why encourage bad behavior.

hehe the shock you give your maid once in a while gave me a chuckle.
hahaa.. boh pian.. i don't like to use 'tough' approach but still need to show her that she can't anyhow do her works.. especially when it concerns my baby.. but i'm not that particular when it comes to household chores.. take & give lah..

re: distractions while eating
i also agree with u on not to give toys while feeding.. they tend to put them on their mouths too! normally when she's getting bored but still wanna eat, i'd do the silly dancing & singing (if i were at home) while my maid fed her.. i dunno if it's ok or not cos it seems the same with watching TV (starring crazy mommy)
hehe maybe i was wrong too!
I also feel that it's good fo our kids to develope good eating habits. No toys or games while eating. I also didn't like it when my mil was trying to play with my girl while I was feeding... or keep telling me "bb already has enough, bb dun wanna eat liao, bb full...." when I'm trying to feed a cranky baby
lamagier - eeeh, i think i will have same work less pay if i go part time too.

kim, linsu - actually i have 1 camera installed already, am getting another one. but its quite close range, so you can just move out of sight. and some more my office pc bars access to the camera. so i have to ask my hb to do spot check. but currently its not really helping much cos limited in angle.

linsu - your "o_O" is so funny. lol. its like 1 bulging eye.

amber - i think i have the same stress as all mums here. yep i think q straining on your rship with your mum. my MIL and me now a bit weird weird, she'll ask me what i want to feed my bb, a bit formal like dat.
hello mummies,

XR is also crying in the moddle of sleep last night..

I dun know why.. maybe her teething process hurts.. but i so jealous of my MIL cos she only sooth down when ah ma comes and carry her.

but poor ah ma have to sleep late.

your self made Cream of Brocoli, you boil the soup after pureeing the veg with milk?

I wonder if I prepare it earlier in the morning and then feed my gal in late afternoon.
Should I store it in the thermal flask / keep in fridge then have my MIL warm it up via the food warmer. I'm worried abt the milk turning bad part.

Working mummies,
Do you prep your bb's food in the morning and leave it for your bb;s caregiver to feed later in the afternoon? if so how u store the prep veg puree? esp green veg.

Leaving our little darlings in the hand of a caregiver and at their preferred way of taking care of bb is really a No Choice situation for us.

So much that we dun like certain things to be done or taught to your kids, but we have no choice cos (usually) we need the income.

Who doesn't want the best for their child, like how we mummies can provide them?

For me, I also do not like certain ways my in laws looks after my gals. e.g. speaking broken chinese (speaking baby language in broken chinese irritates me, worst still, speaking broken english at times) but what can i do is to try to correct them whenever i spot it..

other things like, they tend to leave my kids to tv in the afternoons when they are not napping.. I was hoping they can be taugh something but I think its also impossible for them, they really are caregivers not liek Childcare teachers.. so I did my best by borrowing chinese stories books from the library and leave them at home.. and always encourage my gal to pick up a book and ask her granddad to read to her.. at least its something better then nothing..

If i can be a SAHM i think the kids will certainly be better off in having a more enriching childhood... but my Hubby told me not to stress him.. sigh..

I'm planning if I could work a few more years then later change to a part time job will it be tough? cos by then I'm in my late 30's liao... sigh..

anyway next year I am thinking of sending my younger gal to CC for 1/2 day when so that she'll learn more in school... rather then staying at home...
kittyng: sorry, i cant make it on 7 feb, i have friend visiting & she is staying at my place. Cant ditch her for an hr.
kim: my boy only like sweet golden kiwis (hb say it taste fermented to him), once my mum bought the sourish one, he refused to eat the puree, keep spitting it out.
Sunsweet: At the moment, my boy only has puree at my mum's place cos there's enough hands at her hse to help out. When hb is alone at home with bb, bb only eats cereal. Personally, i dont like to freeze puree, maybe u shld consider preparing easy to make puree (eg: avocado, banana instead)

i cannot feed my bb those no cook puree all the time.. have to prep veg for her too..

next month I'll have to give her veg stock and intro pork ... meat stock... tat means I;ll start her on Brown Rice with Si Shen powder.

the stock I can prep in advance then my MIL will reboil it with the rice powder then add in the puree.. she boils it i'm ok.. just that now we only reheat not boil so I a bit worried.

Anyway for mummies who are more in to the Yin and Yang of food.. I found this site.. http://the-chinese-kitchen.com/yin-yang-food-how-does-it-affect-you/ .. if you hve any sites that shares the yin and yang of food.. please share.. I'm interested
Re: helper problem

hmm, my helper will take care of bb at my mum's place on weekdays. My mum will complain abt her to me (which I think quite common), but the worst is, I can sense my helper trying to complain abt my mum to me too! I got a feeling she has no respect for my parents when I'm not around. I don't want my parents to be bullied by her or to see her 'lian se' aka face! Anyone got this problem too?

Nevertheless, my parents did mention that she can take care of bb well.
Btw, warm feeding bowl avail at kiddy place.
I don't know there's such product until I saw my niece using it. Basically, below the feeding bowl there's another bowl that you could put hot water so that the food is always warm.
Re speed you take to feed babies: Slow and steady is my opinion. Just like us adults, if we take our time to eat, we not only enjoy our food more BUT we allow our brain to catch up with our tummy, thus am more able to gauge if we are really full or not. Studies have shown that European style of eating - variety and longer hours at the table - can help lower weight gain and obesity so start your kids young.
Re: Child care
I also think no one would spend as much time, effort and attention to details when it comes to teaching out kids. But we got to deal with the trade off between work and time spent enriching their afternoons....

Speaking of broken english and chinese... I dun like it when my mil make 'tsk tsk' and other sounds at my girl to try to catch her attention and try to make her smile. I deduce she's not that comfortable baby after not being ard one for so long... and don't know how to interact with bb. But bb not little animal, no need make sounds at hre. Can talk to bb like talking to normal human.....

Sigh. Doc said I caught some viral stuff. MC tmr... which means I'll be wasting a day of leave to rest at home....
Gosh, haven't logged on for just a few days and so many things to catch up!

Amber - thanks for the info on organic.

BTW, does anyone (still/new to the forum) want to go for the Aquaducks trial next week? 2nd Feb at noon?

JTS, I joined the Aug mum bec she had availabilty (the one who posted here some time back) on a Sat trial last week.

I didn't sign up with them as we felt that the lesson was only so-so. They did the swaying from left to right in the water, up-and-down in the water, go round in circles in the water...Then they also did the 1, 2, 3 and then pour water over bb's head and they emptied a basket full of toys and got babies to collect them and put them back in the basket.

I didn't go in the water, but I touched it. I felt that it's not really heated. There is a plastic awning thingy over it and so I feel that produces a greenhouse effect which heats the water, but the water is not heated. Plus, the lesson was at 5pm and so the pool had been "in the sun" all day.

Purees. I tried the pea puree today. I remember sometime back, someone was mentioning the problem about the "shells". How? What to do? I gave some puree to Yann and at first he was OK, but then I think he started to cough because of the shell thingy! How to get rid of that? And I also added water and didn't find it that smooth...

Speaking good Eng/Mandarin:
I think that is something we cannot "run away" from. even when they go to school, they will pick that up...it's up to us to teach them how to know what kind of "English" to use in different situations.

My Mandarin is so horrible that I don't speak it to Yann in case he learns the wrong things - which is possible! LOL!

BTW, if anyone is organising a JG trial, I'm very keen. :)
Re: table manner
agreed that table m other mannerism starts young, as young as now.

Sunsweet, I hv not made cream of broccoli yet. But for other cream of purée, try to keep the purée as it is. U can do the cream v easily. Just add baby rice & fm/ bb's milk before feeding. if u make fresh in the morning, keethat'd broccoli in the thermal flask, then u get ready the rice cereal n fm in the feeding bowl so ur mil j need to add hot water for the rice cereal, then add the broccoli.. If u like, add unsalted butter into the broccoli so that it's smooth.

U might want to let ur mil know the adverse effect of using tv a bb sitter. I was told it causes hyperactive attention defecite. I oso found taking care of bb sometimes lv me no time to do other things, not to mention ur mil has ur #1. If tv is the oy option, ask her to put educational DVDs meant for baby and toddlers.
Re: language
my sister likes to mix her English with mandarin, and mandarin with hokkien when talking to k. She thinks it's nothing wrong cos we grew up this way, but I strongly disagree cos the reason my mandarin was better was that I had a very good Chinese teacher. And the reason my English improved was because I went for speach class.
Anyway, I think it's right to use language properly as this is their foundation year.
lamagier: Take care and get well soon. I hate that "tsk tsk" sound that my outlaw makes to the children as well. Worse, they sometimes clap their hands in front of their faces just to get their attention. I find it very annoying but I hold my tongue since they live in another country and we don't seem them often.
Note on the butter: Do make sure that your baby isn't lactose intolerant or monitor them if you're introducing them (but not with another new food otherwise you won't know which caused the allergy/discomfort)? :p
Lil Gen never take cereal via spoon b4... from 4-6 months, she take cereal with milk via bottle-feeding... At 6 months, she go straight to porridge and totally skip cereal (via spoon-feeding)... Maybe Ju En is like Gen, skip the cereal stage and straight to porridge?
next time come over to my home, I get the dino-dad to cook a big pot of porridge for the 2 girls...

Gen also took cheapo Nestle cereal back then when expensive Organix is OOS... keke.. luckily she's not fussy about food unlike me... glad that she took over dino-dad... next time she gonna eat mummy's left-over if her portion not enough for her... wahaha... I'm so bad...

get well soon yah...

In all of dino's swimming session at public/friend's pool, the dino-dad will just bring her to shower in the Men's changing room... Some of the public pool dun have water heater in the changing room, no choice thou, the dino jus bath in cold water... but she's used to it and dun scream when dino-dad bath her in cold waters... we try to avoid going up to friend's home to bath as we didn't want to trouble them and also avoid the long queue during group swim dates...

my Dino is much lighter than ur girls, she's only 6.2kg and always in the underweight range since birth... I guess some babies jus gain weight slower than others... jus like for adult, some ppl gain weight easily and had to constantly watch their diet while others can eat and eat like nobody business and dun gain a single kg at all... I'm one of them, so I guess Gen take after me... Think on the brighter side thou, maybe she has high metabolism rate and will definitely be the envy of most woman when she grows up...
Sometimes when u r v sick of working & stuff, try to apply for half-day leave and go for ur pampering treats... It helps... Me & dino-dad applied "urgent" half-day leave yesterday citing reason that we need to collect car from repair workshop, we went for facial & body massage together in couple room b4 going to collect cars... v v shiok and certainly leave u feeling refreshed...

We bathe Dino twice a day since birth.. she loves bathing and would fuss if we didn't bath her at the stipulated timing (7am & 5pm)...

U gotta work on every Sat?!!! OMG!!! And I thought mine was already quite jialat liao... that means u work 6 days/week, with only 1 off day? alamak!!!

Sometimes I also jealous of my MIL and hubby coz Dino cry like as if i'm torturing her when I carry her... immediately stop when either of them take over...
Lavenderbear, it's ok
Yeah, i'm going to try kiwi puree too.

Re: KM Trial
1) kittyng
2) peanut
3) pprincess
4) sherryl
5) twinkle
6) japa
7) xman

Mummies, thanks for your reply (ermm, japa stil pending your confirmation). I would let you know wat details I need from you soon. Then we shall take this off the thread

Re: Speak good English
Agreed that this is very important to inculcate from young. My Filipino helper who comes from a rural setting does not speak very gd English and worse, she picks up Singlish (dunno from where). And i really get annoyed about all the lah, lor when talking to the bb. My nephews and nieces are picking up all these real fast and it's not easy to correct them....haiz
Dino mum, can i know what fish you always use to add into the porridge for Gen? Cox my mum will be preparing the ikan bilis powder to make the porridge. But i dunno what fish i should start with.
Kitty, use threadfins or known as ikan kurau. My mom says use the tail if u find price too expensive. Cantonese call it ma-yau-yu I think. Try not to use ikan bilis due to salt content.
re bathin
i onli bath edna once a day.if sweaty in evening i wipe her.becos of her eczema i did wn wan to trigger anythg worse.... cos bathin her = strip body off e natural oil... if no eczema prob i def will SCRUB her clean before she touch her bed
Eh... Actually up till now, I dunno wat fish my MIL use to cook porridge for dino... I'm hopeless at taking care of Gen, even more hopeless at household chores and cooking... I only learn how to turn on the stove after moving out from mum's house... Later I ask the dino-dad about the fish, he does the cooking, feeding & cleaning... Oh dear, i'm so bo chap... Luckily I married a "motherly" hubby...
Yes yes... Me also can only bath once a day coz skin specialist advised me not to bath frequently due to eczema, same reasons given... Eczema so irritating, super cannot stand the itchiness and I cannot live without my steroid cream...
dino mum
ehh u got eczema also?
i got a very good doctor who brought my eczema under control... so good that i nvr touch my steriod cream for 2 yr liao
previously i got eczema all over the body till bleed n gt raw skin... for 3 yrs! so ugly rite!!! arghhh but ok lar now beter le hehe
edna still on diet! haiz
dinner time she refuse to latch... cereal also feed till KNS like tat... end up my mum fed her by acting clown.. and she eng sew eat like a snail.. she realy shut her mouth tight and we make her laugh/cry to make her open her mouth
wonder did she eat too much for the past mth and decide she diet for awhile then start storing food again
Thanks kim. Shall suggest to my mum when I go back tmr. She always ask me to ask my forum frenz this and that cox everytime I give suggestions, she does not seem to understand wat i'm saying. Haiz...conclusion: I'm really a lousy cook!

Dino mum, dun worry. Take your time...cox i'm not introducing porridge yet. Hee...doing some homework here and there first... U are really very fortunate to have such a motherly husband!
thread fin aka ma yau yu is good.. but if bb cough u need to avoid this fish becos it make them phlegmy according to the TCM. cos fish is good but not too much.. same as salmon.. salmon depends where it comes fr.. if fr deep sea.. need to avoid giving too often.. if fr river.. can eat no prob =)
if im not wrong sg salmon normaly fr the sea
no lah.. Sat only half day (til 1pm) but it's enuf to 'kill' me! hehe..

any specific brand of unsalted butter to use?

Think Edna might be on hunger strike for short while jus like some of our babies going on milk strike at certain stage prev... Think she'll be back to eating pretty soon once they used up their "reserves"... Btw, which doctor u went to? Mine was hereditary from father side, I been to many skin specialist since young, now applying elomet... I hope to stop steroid cream also...

Tomolo I get back to u coz dino-dad snoring now le... Keke...
It's my good fortune to marry such a motherly hubby but his misfortune to marry a fatherly wife... Wahaha....
