(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


u can buy books like "Feed you child right" or "First Food" its written for asian parents by local nutritionist..

As i learnt most of my weaning recipes from there..
Re: Unsalted butter

I see that Annabel Karmel uses unsalted Butter for prep the purees. Do you actaully put animal fats in your baby's food now?

Or when should be introduce fats like butter / olive oil in their diet?
My charlotte same as your amber, she wake up 5.30am in the morning, she play, flip, trying to clawl, taking to herself the we have to feed her at 6.30am before we took her to my mother place. she will only sleep around 8am after my mum bath her.

i like the photo of K sitting wif the bear

My girl is a fast drinker, she want everything to be fast, last time the teat hole very small, she cannot drink fast then she pai chek then she refuse to drink. I change the teat (philip-for thick solid liquid type) then she manage to drink finish all the milk about 150-180ml in 10min or less. Maybe you can give it a try

my gal also like that she tired and dun let her slp, she will cry very loud like somebody hit her, and she can cry for 30min without stopping. have to cuddle her and bring her go walk walk to cool her down. but usually her aftnoon nap only 30min or 45min . before sleep i dun let her play too much if not very difficult to clam her down too.

how your baby and you?

cny is around the coner, any mummies have recommend of anywhere to buy nice baby clothes?
hi sunsweet, yr recommendations for puree noted.
but papaya/butternut squash/banana is sweet, is it bad for her phelgm? one colleague tell me cauliflower is 'liang'...haiz!!!
other than potato dun know what else already...cos she tried broccoli and carrot before...i usually let her try new food every 3 days, and tomorrow is a 'new day' and since cannot try fruits, dun know what to intro.

mummies, for those who tried potato puree, just feed the puree or u all mix with rice cereal also? cos thinking both carbo, then mix already isn't it super filling?
oh yes 30th
sorry ah my brain a bit block now haaa
i haven got the AI cream yet but i got 1 spare tubes at home now and so if u need it urgently u can hav it 1st. otherwise 30th will b nice. (remind me 1000times ok?)
mes sup my hse? now invite u to my hse u also dunw an cos everythg is shifted out to living room
nxt week gt reno LOL
Mummies Japa & Sunsweet>
*v guilty* I started my boy or rather MY mother gave my boy plain porridge at 5months old. Surprisingly, my boy likes porridge and is taking well! Sigh. Im looking for a nanny who insist baby must eat porridge when turns 6months old.

I hardly have time to make puree for my boy as actually, as he was almost sick for 2weeks. Early stage of bonchitis and now on & off having runny nose but no cough. *huge sigh*
Xiao Bai Cai puree..
steam veg and puree using strainer..

same goes with my spinach puree but i boil spinach instead .. read not to steam.. something to do with some oxyli-someting acid which is will hinder the absorption of nutrients in babies..

you still giving BM to your boy?

If so it should help him recover faster..

else u may like to try colostrum powder (to bulit immunity) to add to FM... think u can get them at GNC.. I got them online..
shan yao / chinese yam.. buy the jap ones it sweeter.. I love to make soup with it..

can add to porridge ..

other things u might want to add to plain porridge is red dates or lily bulbs.. both norishing too..

wolfberries also can but cannot feed them the berries cos will cause indigestion..
evie, u can try to make some puree if u manage to find the time, and freeze them.
nanny can just heat it up and feed baby everyday...convenient.

mummies, i see some website saying white potatoes to give babies when they are 8 mths?? saying nutrition of potato is not as high as other fruits/veggies. any other reason why?

guess i will try feeding pea puree tomorrow then.
thanks for the link!

i was about to ask here about the unsalted butter cos' yesterday recd newsletter fr babycentre abt Annabel Karmel. Her recipes r quite interesting but I somehow also dun feel like preparing my bb's foods using butter at this stage.
i read somewhere Kelp is good but of cos its for older babies where u can make soup with it.. but my #1 has a bit of LS when she 1st took kelp.. after that she's fine.

It states that pumpkin has similar properties as seaweed.. dunno in wat sense leh..

cos its a bilingual chinese herbal soup receipe.. so they don't explain in details..
rest well & drink redoxon.. looks like the virus is widely spread ard.. at least 5 ppl in my offc kena. Now my hubby also
All have similar symptom which is started from sore throat then followed by blocked nose, fever.. Trying my best to stay away fr him hehe.. The doctor he went to yesterday said that it's a virus that is 'in the market' right now.. so take care!
Thanks Kim for the info. We made it back to SG but baby didn't sleep much even tho it was a night flight. But at least he didn't cry..
Problem with bassinet is once the seat belt sign is on we have to pick him up. So we keep disrupting his sleep. So I think I'll try with an extra seat when we go back.

Kim, I like the picture with the bear. And I think you were very clever with the arrangement of the seat on flight!
K looks SO cute and comfy in the seat.. ;)
Re: Flash card

Anyone started flashing cards to your 6 mths old?

i thinking i got to work hard for this #2.. think i was lacking much disciplinary for #1..

sunsweet, i started when baby is 3 months! hahaa...kiasu
but not very consistent la. maybe around 2-3 times a week, getting lazy these few weeks.
i show alphabets a-z type and numbers 1-20 type
re: kelp

have to be careful coz it contains high amts of iodine. Recently AVA recalled Bonsoy becoz of the kelp. Not so good for young children & babies.

i thought we start with words.. not alphabets?

i'm thinking of making both chinese and english cards..

and try to teach both toddler and baby at the same time haha..

thinking how i can do it over the weekends.. thats my new year resolution this year.. to better educate my gals..
Lamagier, hope you are feeling better! Take care ya.

Kim, i love both pics of K. He's so handsome and photogenic! He's still cuter than the bear

Seems like many mummies are very creative in making puree....I've not varied a lot for my boy yet. Gonna try apple puree soon. May I know which apples are the best?

Jes, lucius is like jav. Napping lesser and lesser each day. Can stay awake fr his morning nap like noon till 8pm. Sometimes i force him to nap and he cried and cried in yaolan. Even if he managed to nap due to my persistent rocking, it was like the most 10mins. But then he sleeps early like 8pm most of the time. Increasingly, he's also flipping in his sleep...then he started laughing in the middle of the night. Gosh...i woke up many times due to that. Haiz...dunno is it sleep too early become like this or wat.
at first i tot same but they're not.. petit miam for 1yr+ n there's another type for baby (baby yoplait).. my sis took the baby yoplait pic in Jakarta.. i can't find it here


Ooooh! Someone contacted me asking about Aquaducks and they managed to get a WEEKEND trial class!!!!! Am v irate(to put it mildly). I am going to call them tomorrow, but am going to speak to Nurun, not Ainun(who is the one who coordinates for Tanglin). It was Nurun who co-ordinated it.

BTW, if you want to buy Yoplait, you should can check the ingredients. My friend who lives in the US, when she went to France, found the Yoplait in France not as sweet as the US, so she wrote to them and asked them about it (this was some time back) and they said that the yes, she was right, The ones in America are sweeter than the ones in France!

This also goes for Cadbury chocolates - the ones in Asia have less sugar, cream/milk, if I remember correctly.
Chiyojade: you are super patient, I would have lost my temper at them long ago.

HBB: Last night was much better! He fussed around 2am as usual but lasted for less than a minute, woke up at 5am and I knew he was hungry so I fed him and he slept pass his usual waking time of 7am today. So happy. What time does Edna wake up for milk? She's dropped her 5am feed?
Thanks Linsu, HBB, kitty
I took leave and stayed home. Din wanna spread bug around virus. last tear took so many days MC that I paisay take MC this year... so use my own leave =p

Edna training to be escape artist? Muahaha. Reminds me of a Jap comic I read... baby ninja
she is doign many unexpected thg.. she is trying to do leap on my bed!
crawl on top of my pillow then wan leap onto the side table for the remotes!!!!
Definitely sounds more like ninja training then army training. WHen is she going to do camoflague and shooting ninja stars?
Ahahhhh, our little ones are learning and exploring new skills everyday.

Mine have been acting differently for the past 3 days. His night routine goes hay wire. He doesn't like to be cradled to sleep with his milk. He wants to lie on the bed himself, and fall asleep on his own. Yes, I like that, but at the same time I don't like the way he skip his feed. He didn't gain any weight for the past 4 weeks. All the milk and food duno go where... PD suspect it's due to the diluted milk intake during his 2 weeks of cough.
at this stage our bb shld gain weight slower accordinly to my PD. he said now they prob will grow longer faster than gaining weight
so dun worry =)

i dun clean edna's toys w any cleaning agent.. jus a clean cloth to wipe...

I also salute your perseverance!!! As for me, I only shoot out 1 email and patiently wait for their reply, no reply I deem that they are not interested in doing my business...

And, I'm so v surprised to receive Marsden's email amongst the many emails I sent to other swim schools like Aspiremumbaby, swimfast, etc... I gotten reply from swimfast that the slot for this term is full, no trial class available, classes for babies only at SAFRA Yishun and next term starts only on Apr... No news from Aspire till date...
As for Marsden, keke... luckily they managed to reply the email thread within a day.. not shitty as I thought... They have jus set up a Sunday class at 3pm at Turf City. However, they do not have a time slot available for a whole new class as all time slots taken up.
As quoted from the email:
"There are 6 babies in the class with parents.
All the babies will be around the same age within 6 months of each other.
The duration is 30 mins and our current term runs until the end of March. The cost is $25 per lesson with a one time registration fee of $25."

Currently, I'm now in their waiting list, the next free slot will goes to lil Gen... Will not be going for any trial thou, I'll be signing up straight once there is available slot...
Seems like so many courses/trials are starting in Apr (a brand new term), lil Gen gonna be busy busy...
