(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Bbethan: Glad to know he's better. I know how costly PDs can be.... the flu bug has been lingering in our household as well. My #1 was a bit ill and so was I but thankfully everyone seems to be on the mend.

HBB: Fingers crossed for a better night. He actually threw his pacifier out of his cot this afternoon then started to whimper. After tossing and turning for less than 30s he fell asleep. Monkey!

Thanks Jes.

Sigh, happily went to tell my close close uncle & auntie friend at work about baby go swim & proudly show off pic. Kena scold & nag till I literally wanna hide under table. No more showing of pics for now =p
Hey Kim,

My friend is staying at Balestier/Novena area.

When we take Yann to a non-heated pool, he actually "cries" (makes noise, is more like it!) a little in the beginning, bec it's a bit cold, I think, but once he's in it, he's fine and can stay for a long time. LOL! I usually judge and see if it's cold or not according to how I feel.

Actually my gym is in a hotel, so it has a pool but I'm not allowed to bring babies and guest must pay $30, so I did actually bring bb and husband once, but I snuck them in - and if anyone dared to ask(no one did, of course), they were hotel guests. I told my husband to shower at home! Hahahaha! And I used the Mustela No-Rinse on baby.

lamagier - I took bb to pool when he was about 3 months. When he was there, then I took a photo and later showed it to my grandma and parents. Cannot scold. Deed was done. That day was a bit bad also because the water was very very cold - even for us, but I was die die also must swim as I had already packed everything and we had headed all the way to my gym!

BTW, I actually also asked AD about submerging head in water. They say, on the average, it takes 3 months after the start of the lesson.

All those who are ill - GET WELL SOON! CNY coming!
lamagier - I took bb to pool when he was about 3 months. When he was there, then I took a photo and later showed it to my grandma and sent an MMS (when he was in the pool)to my parents. Cannot scold. And even if they had wanted to scold, it was too late. Deed was done. LOL!!!! That day was a bit bad also because the water was very very cold - even for us, but I was die die also must swim as I had already packed everything and we had headed all the way to the gym! Hahaha.
hbb, lamagier - hope you get well soon.

today i brought my bbies to the library. ariel was feeling screamy so she decided to scream and scream when i dint let her chew on the library books. she chews on everything now. there was this man sitting in the babies section and reading, and making tsk tsk noises. i was so pissed off. when he did the tsk tsk thing the 2nd time, i told him THIS IS THE CHILDRENS SECTION. IF YOU WANT TO READ GO TO THE ADULTS SECTION. grrrr... so irritated. anyway after that, he stopped. heh heh. oh, and i also got free book bag for signing up bbies as library member

re chewing - as i mention, ariel chews on everything under the sun now when she's awake. she especially like to chew on my lv bag handle when i bring her out. shld i start her on paci ?
amber is into a habit of becoming a vampire, she'll wake up at 4am and play and talk by herself until 5.30am, tell fall asleep again. for almost a week already. she's not fussy or irritable during the day or night, but i wish this habit will stop cos its making me extreeeemely tired when i do night shifts on weekends. any suggestions ?
thanx bestberries i am better today but i still hav no much energy to walk while carrying edna.. guess my zhong qi not strong enuff yet... still coughing but much better.. but mynose forever block.. wrapping 'wanton' every min hahaaa

alamak... hope u feel better now... hugzz...
ahh the poto.. my mum saw hw we dunk edna's head in the water she also say we cruel... tsk tsk..

hee thg might b better soon... dun worry

this edna... tryin to wean her off evening nap... she was ok while we were out havin dinner.. no noise nothg... on the way home aso ok.. tot she is ok w no nap... tsk.. refuse her last feed! end up now she is 'nappin' gg to wake her up at 10+ for her last feed.. arghh... hw to wean them off nap huh?
she been a good girl
past 3 days when we goout for dinner..she allow us to eat w/o fuss... but jus realy need to know hw to wean off the 15 min power nap haiz
haaa amber sounds liek edna when she was 3 mth old.. dun worry she will out grow it
for now jus ignore her.. since she is nt crying or fussing.. dun bother lar hehe

no worries I will contact AD myself if I want to trial on tues 10am. Any other mummies want to trial then I will call them instead of troubling Chiyojade.
HBB: Think she really needs that 15 mins so just let her drop it on her own. Max does it too but he'll go to bed the minute we get home. Like today, he napped on our way home in the car for 15 mins, woke up when we got back, I changed him into PJs, gave him milk and he K.O again.
jillian yes usualy she is liek that.. she doze off in the car
come home wash up drink milk n zz again haaa.. looks like cannot skip the nap lor... haiz
hbb: yah, if skip that nap would be worse cos they are overtired. Imagine our car so noisy, Ally talking, her DVD playing and hb and I talking , Max can still fall asleep so we know he's really tired.
i tried denying amanda off the evening nap too. end up she's very grouchy and slept early. result = wake up very early. otherwise she'll take the early nights off as a nap and wake up at 10/11pm. cannot work. will need to give her more time.
BBEthan, HBB, Jillian,
i tried taking the nite nap off frm Jav too.. but he'll b cranky.. hmm.. nowadays, he sleeps at 8pm/9pm thou.. he will normally haf his milk arnd 5pm, he doesnt nap den i'll gif him cereal n puree at abt 8pm..aft tat change him n he'll slp.. sometimes till 11pm or 12 plus am( oni a few times) den he'll haf his milk, he'll hold his bottle to finish everything in his cot n throw one side n fall asleep immediately till next day abt 6am.. sometimes 8am(rare occasions) .. milk.. den will fall back to slp till abt 10am/11am..
i feel during the day he doesnt slp tat much, so at nite he can slp better..=)
haa jes
edna opp as jav
if she dun get to nap in day time.. at nite is HELL.. she will cry n cry in her sleep hee hee
i believe int ehopp.. need to sleep well in day tiem to hav gd nite sleep as well
jus now when we r out at the food court i was pretty piss w this woman... dunow ats her problem!
edna was sitting quietly in her pram... lookin about like a little curious fella.. no sound nothg... she watch this stupid woman on the nxt table eating... and this stupid fella... im not askign her to entertain my girl ok... if she doesnt wan to at least smile at a lil fella who is lookin quietly at her.. then dun lar.. instead.. she keep giving edna that kindof 'im gg to eat u up' kind of stare.. I feel liek askign her does my baby owe her moeny or wat.. thru out the 25 min she keep givin edna tat kind of face
the poor lil edna.. look at mi.. look at her.. look at me again wondering why gt an idiot waitin to prowl on her...
aft the stupid idiot left.. a family of 3 sat on that table.. the uncle seeing the curious pair of eyes.. gave her a smile.. and the curious fella.. gave a big smile!!!... she tot she finaly met an angel LOL
realy dun understand some ppl... why r they so rude (as in keep givin tat rude stare)
im nt even asking u to say hi to the kids!
hbb, some people are just weird lar. Frankly, I also don't know what's Joie's thinking when she looks at stuff or people, so as an adult why need to be so angry of an infant's stare? hehe lucky she left, scarely she gila one.
ya exactly
we duno wats the kid is thinking
so if u wan to look at them at least dun giv such unfriendly face lor.. negative effect leh...
i feel edna not even staring at her... edna is jus lookin ard her surrounding...

im quite annoyed becos of some personal experience w ehh kids with special needs.. with such stare it will somehow affect them negatively.. so i feel it goes the same for a normal kid as well.. tsk tsk
for a while i wish edna can do the boooo w saliva flyin out LOL
Oh... I think Edna is so sweet..
Poor girl, she must either be having a terrible time coming to term that you have such an angel, or even more poor thing, she may have been "abused" when she was young and dunno how to show love.. tsk tsk tsk..
HBB, forgive her, she has no grace.. there are many like that. EVEN some of my church members!! Imagine every SUnday morning no boby bother to open the swing door fr car park to lift lobby for me and our church preach so much on GRACE.. tsk tsk tsk.. I think these ppl only remember GRACE when they are in church (like my pastor knows).. cos last sunday after church, someone did not hold the lift door and the door closed on the stroller with K inside. If its my hubby, he would say, "thank you for NOT holding the door!"..
yes she must b super jealous tat i hav a baby LOL
jealous i am bf-ing
jealous i get to chg poo
yes forgiv her hee...

im bad.. bad w suaning ppl becos my kind of suaning civilian wun catch it LOL so i usualy get tongue tied... haiz
Sam, thanks!
Gina, ya, should say dun look at ugly or sad or angry ppl. hahaha! But actually say say only, I would not do this.. cos I m trying not to expose K to my negativities.. keke
u knw whn the family of 3 came to sit down.. i ask edna to say hello as usual.. and we wave bye to them before we left... at least its courtesy i guess..for someone who is willing to giv that lil nice attention to us... also hopin to clear edna's mind of the rude woman!
i tink diff bb different.. i realised Jav slp too much in aftnoon, at nite he cant get to slp fast.. he will fuss til 12am or even 1-2am den slp!.. my frens daughter whole day she refuse to slp.. but at nite, she slp frm 8pm onwards all the way till morn..
Jo, i will stare back at the evil person.. TSK.poor nana.. teach her to do the BOO with saliva.. ask Jav teach.. he got lots of saliva.. always dripping.. hahaaa

i prefer the one w bear.. hehe.. but K looks v cute sitting properly by himself in the other pic too.. hmmm, difficult choice.. buy both?..haha..

same for us too, i don und hw n why.. some ppl attend church n they forget its teachings pretty fast.. even wen we jus come out frm church, they will squueeezzeeee for lifts.. despite ppl like us standing there for so long w bb n pram.. even old ppl, they don care.. they jus RUSH in... in carparks, they'll start horning if anyone leaves slightly later .. sometimes i feel its jus so ridiculous..
Edna is sooo cute! Next time you can also try to say, "Edna, why don't you give aunty a smile? You look so much nicer when you smeil adn you use less facial muscles" and then the lady might be uncomfortable that you are trying to be nice!! LOL!!!!

Kim - I also like both. The one of him alone is quite classic, bur the one of him with the bear is nice because his eye contact is better, like Sam said.

Re Lack of grace:
Pp are like that. Sigh. I'm quite terrible. If I've had a bad day and no one thanks me for holding the lift door, I'll say "You're welcome" when they step in. Or if I'm not feeling so horrible, then I'll say something like, "Which floor?" VERY LOUDLY and they usually tell me and then say thank you.

But I must remember NOT to be so sarcastic when Yann is at the age where he absorbs everything we adults say!
aiyo, don't teach the booboo, now I scold Joie for doing it when I feed her solids. Teach already, headache, but she knows mummy don't like that, so she does it only to her grandma.
Jes, wa... honking?! I think our church member better there.. Ya, and these abled people somehow are blind to those in wheelchair too!! My hb & I also more leaning to the one with the bear, ya, got eye contact too.. Thanks!
Chyojade, thanks! My my, you are same like my hb.. he did that and guess what, the "idiot" even has the cheek to say, "but I din't say thank-you.." and my hb replied, "precisely." Classic!!

HBB, or tell Edna, "can you teach this aunty how to smile?" hahaha

Dam, ya, I also try not to blow with my lips cos if K sees it, he'll follow and will blow his saliva all over me.
hi ladies!

re; milk intake
TJE, my dd drinks less! only drinks 125ml of FM at each feed n sometimes can't finish! I wish she cld drink 180-220ml at 1 go, so can hv longer interval btwn feed. She drinks every 3hrly or so. She not on solids yet cos last w wana start but then she LS so I mite start her dis wk.

Any mummies can suggest how 2 make her drink more? she sometImes doesn't finish in 1 fd then gota wait n fd again later. I juz wondering if she's develping a bad feeding habit!

HBB, that encounter with the woman is so weird!

Chiyojade, thk u 4 yr patience n perserverance with AD. I will remove my name fr the 12noon Tuesday list as well.

re: AD
For mummies who brot their #1 4 lessons, do u remember wat is taught in the lessons during 1st few mths? is it juz getting used 2 being in a pool or do they actually teach submerging head underwater n breathing underwater?

Re; playgroup
Chiyojade, I m happy 2 open up my home n start a playgp too. I m in the Hougang area. Any other mummies keen?

Kim, yr son is sooo cute! Lovely photos.
hi ladies,
anyone used guardian wet wipes b4?
how is the quality like? texture comparable to which brand?
anyone can share?
Does any mummy here know whether porridge is essential for our babies now?
Is it a MUST meal to include in their diet besides milk & cereal? Any kind advice? Thanks!
evie, i will start my gal with porridge when she is going fm 6.5 to 7 months. but just one meal like dinner.
then lunch still rice cereal or oatmeal. or else whole day eat porridge is very boring!

hbb, my gal now coughing with phelgm..still puking her milk now. but improve by not puking all but some.
can i feed her apple puree? cos many ppl say sweet things will cause more phelgm.
i am running out of ideas what puree to feed her! cos seems most of them are sweet like pumpkin, sweet potato, pear, apple, carrot!
she is now having spinach puree for lunch...no idea what to feed for dinner.
if cough then better skip e fruits first
hw bout veggie?like carrot or brocolli?
dn giv too much spinach due to high nitrate content.i intend giv every 5-7 days once

I will start porridge later at about 7-8 months.. when i start her on puree meat..

Now i'm just letting her try out different fruits and veg.. and meat stock.. so mixing them with cereal will be easier job for my MIL.
oh ya is ur gal on medication for cough?understand tat some cough med for bb make them puke.. cs they dunno hw to spit e phlegm.so puke is e other option.
Thanks, I'll keep trying... Giving sweet potato today, hope she'll take it well. She has developed eczama on her cheeks and ard the mouth area.

I prefer the one with the bear. Cutie, cutie...
edna gt e same prob! e cheeks gt eczema... nw i try putting e AI cream as barrier 1st before feedin to minimise e eczema..works thou hehe

Can give the following puree:
Xiao Bai Cai
butternut squash

then can start slowly on Veg stock, then proceed to meat stock..
same! vote for the one w/ bear bear..

haha.. same applied for stacia.. if she din sleep well @daytime.. nite time headache liao.. she'll keep turning & turning in her cot & sometimes crying in her dream.. but if she napped well in the aftn, she'd be able to sleep thru the nite..
last nite she cry ard 12ish.. cry n cry pat her also cannot end up cuddle her for 5 min.. she doze bk to sleep... sigh.. so now i realy dun dare skip her nap manz.. nitemare!!!!

I'm now on veg puree stage still.. only started solids on 1 jan.

for my #1 I will feed veg stock + veg puree (1 veg from the veg stock) and thicken up with some cereal.

Else veg soup with Veg puree is not filling right? Unless u feed 1 veg puree with mash potato maybe filling enough..

will do the same with #2 later after i've intro a decent varity of veg..

currently i've intro:
Rice Cereal
Xiao Bai Cai
(Just started Spinach today)

next week will be:
Pumpkin / butter nut squash

1 week can only in 2/3 kinds of veg cos will do the "4 days" rule to make sure she does not have allergy to the veg..

probably the week after then I intro more Fruits:

I vote for Lil K with Bear..

Where you did the photography at?

I tot of letting my gers take some studio photos too..

#1 turning 3YO next month..
yah.. pretty sad right?.. wen u noe tat everyone of us go to church tog n share the same faith but yet straight aft the preachings, they can show these attitudes.. =\

yah.. it can b taught.. Jav pick up alot of things frm my dad.. so i owaes tell my dad don show him cos he'll pick up realli fast!..
but for boos.. he did it all by himself.

if Jav do during mealtimes, he'll get smacked by me.. so now, he don dare to do it during mealtimes.. he normally does it wen he wana gain our attention..

thanks for great info! I dinno got veg stock leh hehe.. onli know abt chicken stock or using porkribs to cook the porridge (but I oso haven't started my gal on it). I'm lousy in cooking haha.. shall find out how to prepare it..
