(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Chiyojade, I have pulled my name out of the 10am class cos I really want to have a trial before I signed up, secondly, due to change in nap time, 10am is no longer ideal for Kaelem.. I added Kaelem to the 12pm trial on FEb09.

They hadn't replied to my email this morning, so I rang them and this is what Ainun said - she arranges classes at Tanglin:


A) Babies who are 6 months do not need a trial class. They can, if they want to (see below for timing)

B) The TUESDAY 10 am class is NOT a trial class. Therefore, that is the class that you want to sign up for. The other classes that I listed above are also NOT trial classes. Those are classes to SIGN UP, i.e. you don't want a trial.

At the moment, the Tuesday 10 am class has got 5 spots available only.
Those who "signed up" for the 10 am class are:
1) Sam - Joie (6 Jul 09) - Suntec is preferred.
2) HBB - Edna
3) poohbear75 - Caitlyn (Jul 26 09)
4) Jes - Javier (11 Jul 09)
These are the other spots available for CLASSES:
Wednesday 2pm: (1 spot available)

Wed 3pm : (6 spots available)

Thursday 3pm (6 spots available)
1) lavenderbear

C) Trial classes are available and are complimentary. Trial classes last 15 mins and are ONLY on TUESDAYS at 12 noon.

The earliest openings are: (pls put your name)
2nd Feb (5 spots)
1) Yann (6 Jul)
2) Edna (29 jun)
3) Alexis (11 Jul)Yuli
4) Caitlyn (26 Jul) poohbear75
5) Joie (6 Jul)

9th Feb (6 spots)
1)Kaelem (Jul13 09) KimKurek

D) Suntec also has trial classes, but the trial is PART of a class, so this means that it lasts for 30 mins. I DO NOT know the timings and am waiting for an email for more info.

MengLee, arriving in the late afternoon or early evening has it's advantage of over-coming jet lag easier cos after arr, u get home, unpack a little, freshen up, relax and go to sleep. If you arrive in the afternoon, our body may want to sleep and screw up the system. For arrival in the morning, I usually suggest a nap between 4&6hrs and go out and get some sun to allow body understand "day" and by the time evening comes, you may be tired enough to call an early night. You may w/up very early the next day, so long it;s not anything before 5am, you are more or less adjusted. Do avoid arrival between 10pm & 6am.

SQ provides a bag that contains 2 diaper, a pkt of wipes, baby bib and a spare bag for throwing soiled diapers, you can use the air-sick bag in the seat pocket for this as well. They'll also give you a stuff toy if it's available. K got Dexter (from Dexter Laboratory), we left it on SLC cos we knw on the way back he's gonna get another. He also has a turn-down bear from business class on the way back. the bear is meant for kids traveling in their business class during a night flight after the crew turn down the bed for the kid, they place a bear on the bed for the kid.

Mel-SIn is not a very long journey, however, I don't like betting on spare seat, therefore I bought a seat for K. The bassinet will accommodate baby up to 16kg, however alot of time, it's the length of the baby that you want to consider. SEcondly, it's true that during turbulence weather, you are required to take the bb out of the bassinet and bucket with you. It's rather inconV and cause a lot of disturbance to bb's sleep. We had a bassinet from SFO to SIN, but in the end, we use the seat to place K cos he sleeps better on the seat with the crib mattress I packed along to make the seat like a cot. (you can check my fb for the photo of how we prep his "bed", really reminds me of the SQ's B744 first class lol)
Now bear in mind bcos our bb is less than 2 yrs old, if you decide to buy a seat, you cannot accrued the mile flown.

Remember to request for baby meal (bottled baby food) even if you are not yet starting these as you can bring them back with you. Usually the crew will ask if you require the food to be warmed up or chilled or serve "as it is", they will provide a melamine side plate and a cup. I found the cup very useful to feed baby. IF you are daring enough, ask the crew to give you all those bottled bb food that are left cos AVA requires them to discard when the drystore cart returned to catering.
HBB & Gina, hope you both are well soon!

Sam, K is getting a habit of licking my shoulder when I carry him with his chin resting on my shoulder. The other day at an ex-colleague's wedding, he wet my chiffon sleeves too!! Good thing he did not "eat" the sleeves..

RE: BB's milk intake
K has reduce from 6oz 4 hourly to 4oz 4 hourly. Just now was the only time he finished a 5oz feed.. tsk tsk tsk and it's not as if he eats a lot for cereal or puree, still snack portion only. Think he probably show some weight loss at his 6mth check..

RE: 6th mth
WOW!! Our bb is half a year old!!! (I know some are already 7) Wow, time really flies!
for Jav, he drinks 220 ml of bm can last for 4 hrs.. sometimes 3.5hrs.. but for fm can last 4-4.5 hrs.. during lunch n dinner, he gets cereal+puree which lasts him for 2-3 hrs b4 he has milk..
TJE, my boy hardly can finish 100ml if bottle feed him with bm. I believe he is small eater with more meal type. Unlike most bb here. he still cant sleep throughout the night. Till now he still cry for milk every 2hrs.
Hi gals..

I am selling off my Hwa Xia swimming package..

15 swimming session + 3 massage.

Selling at $180 only.

Interested, please PM me. Thanks!
Hi Ladies, sorry for interrupting I am selling away bumbo chair with tray. My son has out grown it. Retail at 80. Willing to let go at 60. Bought during Xmas. SMS at 98520050 or email [email protected] if you are interested.
Re: Solid Feeding and Poop
I was hopeful abt Char solid feeding cos she's always so interested in what we are eating... So the first intro was ok, rice cereal, she loves it. No poop the next day, no biggie, was back to norm the 3rd day. So I tried carrot yesterday (4th day). The blender won't work so I mashed it thru a sieve, it was a little grainy but she took 1/2 tbsp nonetheless with 1/2 tbsp of rice cereal. She started fussing at every bf session (like she had wind) and pooped right after. So far 4 poopy diapers (usually only 1 per day), and you could pretty much tell what she had eaten ;p So how, is this sign of allergy or indigestion fm the "not so fine" carrots puree? Should I stop giving her solid for a couple days?
Noelle: that's pretty normal for babies, their digestive system is still immature so their poop comes out looking pretty much like how it went in. If its not runny and she shows no other signs of discomfort then I would say carry on. Don't forget the important rules, ABC ( Apples, bananas, carrots) = constipation if given in big amounts.
Think Char just needs to get use to solids and she'll be fine.
trying to catch up the thread
gonna start fm today most prob today

re: milk ss
my supply suddenly dip! frm every pump 200ml to now miserable 100ml or less. lucky times get abt 120ml to 140ml!
anyone experience the same prob? I dun see any reason y the suddenly dip

re: gathering
seems like all the gathering are at the east. anyone in the west?
Ghess.. My #1 caught the flu bug... any aromatherphy/ diffuser remedy to help disinfect the air at home..

don't wish #2 to fall ill together with Jie Jie
I am soooooo irritated with AQUADUCKS. After I submitted all the names for the trial lessons, they contact me and ask me for year they were born (!) and then I tell them and take up a spot for Kaelem on 9th Feb, they now tell me NEW information.

So here it is:

A) The babies can join any existing class for a complimentary trial which lasts for 30 mins. (They didn't mention anything about a complimentary trial class!!!)

The timings of these classes are:
1) Tues 10 am - 5 spots available
2) Wed 2pm - 1 spot available
3) Wed 3 pm - 6 spots available
4) Thursday 3pm - 6 spots available

B) They can also sign up for a trial class which lasts 15 mins on Tuesdays, 12 noon.
There are 2 trial classes available. One is on 2nd Feb and 9th of Feb.
There are no other trial classes for 6 mth old babies for the rest of this month.

So this means that the original 6 babies (5 babies) can take up the Tues 10 am class again.

These babies are:

- KimKurek - Kaelem (Jul13 09)
- Sam - Joie (6 Jul 09)
- HBB - Edna
- Gina - Juen (Jul01 09)
- poohbear75 - Caitlyn (Jul 26 09)
- Jes - Javier (11 Jul 09)

TJE - your name is not on the list in any case, right? Or are you Juen's mommy? Just want to clarify because there are actually only 5 spots available.

Please RE-CONFIRM and I will submit your names names. You can start anytime. Maybe state DATE next to your names?

I am not pleased with the service and up till now, I still don't have the dates for the SUNTEC classes, so I am going to contact Marsden and see what they have.
I don't think it's so much the teachers, but it is the admin side? After hearing m=m eon the phone with them, my husband said,"Wah! They're not very professional!" ;-P
it must be tough liaising with Aquaducks... I prefectly understand ur frustrations... Btw, like wat Yan mentioned, think u can forget about Marsden as well... U'll most probably experience the same shit as Aquaducks... I've email Marsden as well but no reply till date... Told my hubby that I'll give up on both schools... I'm looking for other swim schools for lil Gen as I'm ok without heated pool, fine with public pools and ok to sign up w/o going for any trial class so long as there is weekend schedule and dun encounter the same shit like Aquaducks and Marsden...

Btw, can u email me ur email address? U can PM me coz I enable my PM here. Many thanks...

my Dino also drink less than 200ml (only 180ml currently), jus like Ju En... My PD also told us not to increase her milk intake and to stop at 180ml leh... Dino is drinking stage 2, Enfapro now... The instruction for the Enfapro also indicated that babies at 6 to dunno how many months (i forgot liao), recommended amt is 180mls, so i guess wat the PD says make sense since 6mths they "officially" starts their solid... Dino did gain weight but v slowly... I had the same query as u about the bm and fm... i thought that bm is more diluted than fm (thus not as filling as fm), thats y bb on bm r drinking more when compared to bb on fm... my pd always ask if i'm on bm and then ask about the amt which dino is drinking... then he'll say whether the amt is sufficient or need to increase the intake, etc... guess i think there is a difference between the two...
mommies who using pigeon bowl for feeding (the big & small bowl in 1),
how much cereal/purees u feed if using this bowl size? full to top or only half or 3/4 of both bowls?
dun worry.. i guess so long bb is growing n keep chuckling.. shudn't be big prob.. after i started stacia on solid, her milk intake oso decrease.. now max 150/160ml nia.. few days ago total milk intake for the day onli 450-500ml.. but she's completely fine.. i guess on certain days they cud eat more but some days less.. well, i still worry like u hehehe.. i guess it's becos we sayang our babies lah.. but since not only 1 baby like that, i'm more relieved!
Ju En is not alone. when i see everyone here drinking 200ml n above (esp the girls), i wonder when Amanda will ever hit that mark. if she can drink 180ml, i think i can strike lottery that day. used to drink 150ml every 3.5hrs. ever since started solids. can nvr finish that. now reduced to 120ml per feed. she's even a smaller eater.
Hbb: I let Max cry last night when he woke up, to see if he would settle himself back to sleep. He cried really loudly for about 10 mins and then went back to sleep but since he shares a room with Ally, he woke her up. Hearing him cry was quite heartbreaking but I can't deal with his constant night wakings anymore. Happy to say that for his day nap he only fussed for less than a minute then K.O. Did it take long for Edna to sleep on her own?

Bbethan: How's your #1? His fever subsided? Despite his rather large size, Max never takes more than 160ml per feed as well.
TJE/Bbethan, my Naomi is small drinker too. she can only take 120-150ml and sometime only drink half, then another half an hour later must force her to finish! somemore most of the time she still leave the last 20ml for the ghost. Now I can see her saliva is very thick and keep drooling. I tried the little tooth teehing gel in berry flavour, she hates it! she cried and give me sour face. I thought this is better the Dentinox, because I tried Dentinox myself and it's quite stinging. anybody can recommend good teething gel?
Haiz. she chew on everything now. on the caterpilar, and now I just found out she likes to chew on the curtain. She pulled the curtain on the sides of her crib and chew the edges. But when I give her a teether, she just simply throw it away.

Chiyode, OMG, I think those swimming schools are very mafan. I'm quite surprised, I thought they supposed to give good service...Must be very frustating. Btw, when you said Marcel's dad now think that he can do the teaching himself, it's remind me of my hb, he said the same thing too. Y men all think like they can "fix" or even "teach" everything in the world.
I'm very grateful for your perseverance with Aquaducks. Very. Absolutely impressed. So a very big THANK YOU! I'm going to take myself out of the Tues class, because logistics-wise it'll be hard to keep up with doing dempsey for a term, as I don't get a ride on weekdays, unless I decide hella with the car, get a signed agreement with dh that I'm not responsible for any dinks whatsoever. I'll throw myself on Aquaducks's door at Suntec one of these days and check out the trial situation, anyway 6 months or not, Joie has other options to take a swim. Meantime, I'll just take a note of which babies are interested in Aquaducks, and put us up for a trial class if I drop in on the Suntec outlet since they are so lousy on the phone/email.

oh ya, I welcome any other mummies who wanna meet up at Suntec for a hang out hehe ;)
HI Mummies! Helping my sister to spread the news. There will be a Fun in the Sun Bazaar this weekend Jan 16 - 17, 2010 at East Coast Park Big Splash area. There will be over 70 stalls ranging from baby/ kid items to face painting. There will be new and preloved items for sale. The bazaar starts at 10 am on both days !
i brought him to see PD this morning for his 2nd bout of fever as till this morning, it didnt go down and keep hovering around 39 degrees. after letting the guru touch a bit and letting him out of the house for that few minutes, it seems to work wonder. now he's better already. his throat a bit inflamed... so prob a viral fever. n now he's cleared of hfmd since more than a wk. hope everything is back to normal for all of us. 3 PD trips these 2 wks made me $300+ poorer

Thanks for all the effort you put into organising this. Really appreciate it. Am beginning to wonder if trial is so difficult for them to communicate properly, how good are they for their classes. I've tried Masden with my elder and was not impressed with their admin as well as classes so wanted to see how aquaducks is like but seems just as bad. Anyway, if the trial does go ahead, my detail are as below:

So here it is:

A) The babies can join any existing class for a complimentary trial which lasts for 30 mins. (They didn't mention anything about a complimentary trial class!!!)

The timings of these classes are:
1) Tues 10 am - 5 spots available
2) Wed 2pm - 1 spot available
3) Wed 3 pm - 6 spots available
4) Thursday 3pm - 6 spots available

B) They can also sign up for a trial class which lasts 15 mins on Tuesdays, 12 noon.
There are 2 trial classes available. One is on 2nd Feb and 9th of Feb.
There are no other trial classes for 6 mth old babies for the rest of this month.

So this means that the original 6 babies (5 babies) can take up the Tues 10 am class again.

These babies are:

- KimKurek - Kaelem (Jul13 09)
- Sam - Joie (6 Jul 09)
- HBB - Edna
- Gina - Juen (Jul01 09)
- poohbear75 - Caitlyn (Jul 26 09) - 19 Jan/2 Feb
- Jes - Javier (11 Jul 09)
poohbear n ChiyoJade,
i pulled out.. cos i wan to go suntec instead, will check it out w Sam..thanks! =D

) The babies can join any existing class for a complimentary trial which lasts for 30 mins. (They didn't mention anything about a complimentary trial class!!!)

The timings of these classes are:
1) Tues 10 am - 5 spots available
2) Wed 2pm - 1 spot available
3) Wed 3 pm - 6 spots available
4) Thursday 3pm - 6 spots available

B) They can also sign up for a trial class which lasts 15 mins on Tuesdays, 12 noon.
There are 2 trial classes available. One is on 2nd Feb and 9th of Feb.
There are no other trial classes for 6 mth old babies for the rest of this month.

So this means that the original 6 babies (5 babies) can take up the Tues 10 am class again.

These babies are:

- KimKurek - Kaelem (Jul13 09)
- Sam - Joie (6 Jul 09)
- HBB - Edna
- Gina - Juen (Jul01 09)
- poohbear75 - Caitlyn (Jul 26 09) - 19 Jan/2 Feb
well done!! hee.. max well done too haa but poor ally got woken by the didi yea..
ehh edna ... cry to sleep since she was born.. so i cannot comment hw long it takes for her to sleep on ehr own
but now her sleep(9+pm) is definitely no cry one.. aft milk pop her to bed n say gd nite and off i go watchin tv in the same room/ bath(she sleep nxt to the masterbedroom wardrobe area and she doesnt bother... she jus roll roll roll n sleep in 10 min (i tink)

re milk intake aft solid
PD say milk +water shld b about 1litre a day... i tink its more on the concern of getting hydrated than drinking more milk... now edna onli tak it 700ml of fluid.. so i cheated... since now cough n flu season... gave her some nan bei xin water jus now she gulp down 100ml within mins LOL
sam.. ehh in tat case why dun u count me n kim in as well for the suntec trial?
u r realy patient! if im u i exploded long long ago!!!!!!
very much thanx for ur effort!!!!
Updating the Aquaducks list - Tanglin
A) Existing class for a complimentary trial which lasts for 30 mins:
1) Tues 10 am - 5 spots available
- poohbear75 - Caitlyn (Jul 26 09) - 19 Jan/2 Feb

2) Wed 2pm - 1 spot available
3) Wed 3 pm - 6 spots available
4) Thursday 3pm - 6 spots available

B) They can also sign up for a trial class which lasts 15 mins on Tuesdays, 12 noon.
There are 2 trial classes available. One is on 2nd Feb and 9th of Feb.

Seems everyone from the list is pulling out from the trial class for tues at tanglin so in order not to trouble you further, I will also pull out. Are you confirm going for the trial on 2 feb at 12pm? If you are I will join you then. Will call up aquaducks to confirm a place.
Can. I'm going with Jes on Fri to check out Aquaducks at Suntec and figure out if how we can possibly get some trial classes for the babies.
(Atm, I'm including the initial handful of us wanting to try Aquaducks: Kim, HBB, Jes, Sam, TJE?) If can put us into a class, I'll try to, otherwise I'll see how the split is, and let you guys know).
ya sure then uc an update us on sunday
dun tink i will join u girls on fri cos im on the road of recovery better stay away fr u all till sunday hehe

thanx for ur help!
Sherryl, BbEthan, Gillian n Jo.. can i haf yr emails pls?.. mayb can pm me.. i only haf Sam's in my hands.. sorrie for the trouble.. i am trying to work out a lil sth on the playgroup dates n will keep u all informed by emails.. at the same time.. u all contribute all yr ideas in!.. hehe.. thanksssss..=D
bbethan, what's hfmd?

me feel so bad. i got cold/flu whole of last week and now my gal kenna.
her cold and cough is bad.
every morning feed, after she drink, she will cough and puke out every single drop of her 180ml milk with her phelgm! i tried to feed her again after a while and it happened again! until her afternoon feed then she is ok...happened for 2 days already.
i was coughin all the way too v scare pass to edna also
u can buy some pear, cook w nan bei xin and then some chuan bei and wu hua guo boil water n drink for the cough. no cough also can drink so u migth wan dilute it w a bit of water for bb to drink
buy 'ya' li.china kind.its e cheapest kind of pear.tisdrink is neither haty nor coolin.it nourish the lungs instead.cn drk like plain water
I don't mind arranging for you guys if you want to continue to try to go for a trial at Tanglin, because the 10 am is a trial class, but it's part of a class and that one only has 5 spots.

If any of you want to know, the person I emailed and spoke to was Ainun. I was quite cheesed off because in our phone conversation, she mentioned the noon trial class and did not say that the 10 am could also be a trial class. She just said that it was a class, NOT a trial class. Then today, her email said that the babies can join that 10 am as a trial class.
So it's like why would anyone want to have a 15min trial class when they can have a 30min trial class? Anyway, I told her that she didn't mention it earlier (this is just one of the things that got me so irked) and there was NO "apology", no "Oh, I'm sorry." So, I gave her another chance and said something like, "OK, since there is this miscommunication, let me get this straight...the classes....blah, blah, blah" and when I finished, she was just, "That's right", once again, no "Yes, sorry if there was a misunderstanding, etc." Nada. Nyet. Nothin'. For me, it just goes to show their service standard.

And the other lady, Nurun, still hasn't got back to me yet. And I sent the email out late Friday night. I don't expect to reply at the weekend, but hey, it's already Wednesday night.

Anyway, poohbear, am NOT going for trial on 2nd Feb anymore. Those who want to go, please don't pull out because of me. The trial is still available. Let me know and I will email the names to Ainun.

BTW, my friends Jerome is now keen to try for ONE month, the private lesson at his place (!!!!), but he says he is only keen to start next month. I haven't replied to his meail yet, but just to keep thsoe who are still interested in the loop.

In the meantime, I will just bring my bb to the ordinary pool - be it public or my relative's condo and "swim". My main thing is to want him to be able to submerge his head underwater and not be scared about it. I have tried the pouring of water over his head at bath time and he is fine with that.

I actually rang them and the one at Holland is fully booked, but the one at Turf City has a trial spot for ONE person on Tuesday at 10.30 am.

Then, I think they may start another class as well, actually. They said that there are 2 heated pools - the one at Turf City and the one at Holland. The trial is $25, but if you sign up, then it is absorbed into the package.

I am keen to start playgroup as well as organise the once a month thingy for all of us. I stay in Bishan. :) Anyone else interested?
BBEthan, K hit 180ml for about a week and dropped below 120ml, then finally established at 120ml now.. I think he mayb using his reserves for energy cos when he cries, its as if he has a 3 and 4th lungs (ask ETrito or Lamagier).. Now occasionally, he is taking 4.5oz, only occasionally.

Chiyojade, sorry to hear you have to deal with idiots to help us with the trials.. My gf who recommended AD told my hb they are very good and she loves them.. Her bb is now 14mths, and he started swimming at 6 mths.. I wonder if they actually have a SOP established!!

RE: Mr. Fix-all & MR. Teach-all
Supermen, SOME of them actually cannot be trusted. Not that their personality but sometimes they see problem as very small, and since they are not actually handymen or coach by profession, they lost-it when the path is not as smooth as they first foresaw. Then they become angry and in the end, we the supermoms have to come to their rescue.. lols
Chiyojade, forgive her, she's not SQ trained hahaha... Perhaps what she meant was "join the class as a trial".. Where is your friend staying? I don;t mind if location is conV for me.. However, the reason I want K to go AD was that I was told they hv heated pool.

Today after coming back from running the town, we were both sweaty, he was worse cos his car seat is warm. So I put him in a cold water for bath.. It's too cold for him I think cos I can see his goose bumps. So I quickly splash water on him and took him out, dry and dress him. this boy needs a warm pool.
