(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

haha.. but hb says too ex.. the pis is 700+.. he ask me wait till yr end then buy.. but my avent falling apart.. so im tinking of getting the mini one to stand in firsdt till i get the pis lor.. got any places sell slightly cheaper?..haha


are u trying to wean bb off bm? i'm starting from today and i got engorment this morning after 15hrs of no pump and 1 time latch only. I have a really good remedy to clear hard lumps. it works for me for the past countless times. Go to a chiese medical hall and ask for malt (mai4 ya2 tang2) and a kind of preserved fruit (san1 za1). bring it to boil for 10mins and ready to drink. i'm not sure abt the exact portion, but it's abt 3/4 rice bowl of malt and abt over 10 pieces of san za. Hope it helps for you. btw, i drank at 12pm, and pumping now, the lumps are cleared... if you dun1 pump can latch to clear too.
more milk should pump more mar! has! hope u recover soon! where u got ur goat rue huh?
i saw online, 120caps for 80bucks or 60caps for 45bucks.

i'm using the avent duo, also feeling that the pump like 'no strength' now. Wonder if it's coz our breasts are getting seasoned or what. Having difficulty getting let down too.
errr…I dunno what type of pump nursery ward is using…hehe….anyway, there are medela blue & also yellow pumps at the lactation room….lucky u tell me the parts are diff…..think I better check first before buying.
HBB, so the blue pump is more powerful hor! but dun think I can get the accessories for it since it is for nursery ward only. Hmm….i better go and check with the other mama cow in my department.

Just got my goat’s rue at Vitakids. The salesgirl told me that MMP is same as fenugreek. So I will just continue with my fenugreek and add on goat’s rue. Kim, I also heard that chick essence works for some in increasing milk ss. but does honey play a part in increasing milk ss?
HBB, it’s $48.40 for a bottle of goat’s rue containing 60 herbal liquid capsules.
I showed my hb the video edna in jumperoo. now we decided to get one for our boys...hehe...yours is from amazon.com rite? how long did you wait after placing order?
i dunno abt eating supplements for milk supply, but i always do dry pumping and fully empty breast. so far it works for me. my PD taught me that breast must be fully empty for brain to trigger it to produce more milk. i took fenugreek last time and i think got a bit of placebo effect

lamagier - poor thing. how u recover fast. last few days i had lumps and headache again, now as i speak i can feel slight engorgement again cos missed my 3 hourly pump, and only pump at 5.5 hours cos went shopping.

mashy - wow ok i will bookmark your recipe on clearing ducts. sometimes at night when i clog ducts can cry one, cos pain and panic

hbb - hope u get well soon. i think you very alternative career leh, all the baking and children's party, sounds like a fun job. envy

etirto - i think u may be right when u say maid dont appreciate. she might just think we too much money dunno how to spend. ok i see how

yan - wah lau, this kind of maid ??!!! ur agency trying to be farny or wat ? threaten to report them to MOM !!!
RE: Blue Medela Pump
HBB, Beverly: Ya, this is the hospital grade and nursery ward in hospital sure have this for mom who just delivered. Beverly, I am not sure if you can get parts there though. Now if you need accessories, you know where to get right?

RE: Manuka honey
I don't take this for milk supply, this is good for respiratory system for us. I was told that it also prevent cough. Last time I take it with Ginseng Extract everyday in the morning. Now no income, so only take when I don't take chicken essence or birdsnest. I thot since we cant give bb honey, I will take and hopefully can pass it into my milk for bb..
Mashy, ya, was told oatmeal is good but not the instant tpye, must be those require cooking over the stove. I take instant oatmeal for b/fast.. may thats why no help.

I had mastitis before too....can visit kk 24hrs women's clinic if you need to..even if PH they will have an experience trained LC nurse to help massage and clear the ducts..I went there once on a sunday and they had a on-call LC nurse to help me clear the ducts..painful but it really helps..

I had a crazy sleepless night yesterday..
my boy cried for milk at 1.30am but refused to drink..push out teat and cried out loud!! end up struggling and finally drink 50mls only..2 plus am went back to bed cos feeding time took about 35mins!
4am boy wakes up again..cried for milk..this round I made FM to make he sleep longer..who knows refused to drink..cry and cry and refused bottle..Bo pian..to pacify him I latch on and he drinks for 5 mins then fell asleep..
5 plus am wakes up again..same thing refused bottle and keep crying..latch on but think he not feeling full so finally managed to drink another 90mls from bottle..

Morning till now..feeding time is always crying ,struggling and can't finish milk..I sooo frustrated and tired!!
Your man not the only bu zi dong one!! My hubby simply bo chap and sleep the whole morning!! Now tat i have no maid im really goin nuts, looney, bonkers.. watever to call it to describe me now.. hais...

Imagine i had to take care bb day n nite, plus milk pumping and now still have to handle all the house work!! How to survive!!.. I really salute mummies who does it all by themselves.. I SURRENDER..

SOrry for all the whining.. i jst venting after a long long day...

I got my previous maid frm tis agency, it was ok thou but this maid seriously problematic... Now im stuck coz work permit under my name so i gotta wait for her to b transfer out b4 i can get anor maid... really suay to get this maid... hope my next maid be alrite.. i chose a indonesian this time again.. i totally give up on a philipino..
hmm, my pd dun charge me for consultation so that mean he dun do assessment on the bb?? ugh..not visiting him after the final dose of vaccination liao..

Dunno what's w Cate, she pratically scream whenver she wanna sleep especially if im doing the feeding..Dun see such an issue at infant care leh..not even when my IL r carrying her..is she bullying me?

Finally gng for a short trip next mth..gng w my IL but not w bb (leaving her in my relative care) Luckily it's a short trip or else i will bring her along. My hb not keen to bring her for long trip but i se bu de leh..will worry afterall..
for my PD, he doesn charge consult but charge this 12bucks for the development assessment. mayb u wanna call and check?
by right, why people would choose to go PD also is bcos the PD will check on everi injection. and polyclinic is onli done by the nurse no checking. tat is also one of the reason why alot of people choose PD rather then polyclinic when the savings itself is more then $200.
I managed to buy Piglet & Tigger shoes @ HFC Mothercare... happy happy... The store is huge, first time there after swimming at Hwa Xia...

Re: Baby Einstein
I decided to give it a miss... I borrowed Bell's DVD and tried it on girl but she doesn't like it, barely less than 2 minutes and she begin to scream... she's ok when I let her watch Channel News Asia every morning, hm... weird...

My girl is like that too, always bullying mummy... Luckily she doesnt do that to daddy...
can try the parts fr mums and babes cos they do carry that blue pump
tink retail at 1k plus
it works wonder.. but too ex LOL cos my sis use it when boy was hospitalise... nt enuff sleep yet ss more than usual LOL

ehhh i got ppl carry for me leh..if ship direct fr amazon the shipping kills!!!
might as well buy locally leh

ehhh cos i dun wan to go bk to engineering haa so when i started doing such thg for fun... friends invited me to do such workshop for their kids bday party hehe
even my dh is into balloon sculpting and we did for a friend party before hehe

ehh if u buy mini 1st then PIS u incurre additional cost leh... yr end is not far way lor
haa u must b v happy..i like e pumpkin one but no orangey clothes for her so i gave it a miss.. bot a pair of ballerina flats for her today thou
RE: Men (again, sigh!)
Not forgetting we are also the one to record bb's daily nap, feed & poo time/ amount/ sometimes even have to track our diet to see what cause their discomfort. And... we also do the developmental record in their health book too! How busy is that?
After showing black face this morning, the man finally is washing bb's clothings now. cannot understand them. must show face then will zi dong a bit. do a few days and back to old self again.

agree with hbb. get a pis once n for all. go first few yrs n buy... only $500+. mini also not very cheap. tell yr hubby since u all planning for #2, more worth it to buy now.
mums and babes is the one located at united square? I guess the accessories for blue pump must be expensive if the retail price for that pump is so expensive. perhaps I should just use the office's set (feel uncomfortable to use that) but if it's really powerful, I will give in and try out :p

RE: jumperoo
aiya...then I can't order from amazon liao. I tot we can't find the deluxe jumperoo here in sg? Dun feel like buying rainforest as the height is non adjustable.
Hmm.. sounds like a phase for most of the bbies here! Fussing during milk time, crying when sleepy, waking up more @nites & wanna play!!! I'm sure we miss the time they r inside our tummies when they din behave..
Re: Men
We women are automatic car...will change gear automatically. Men are manual car...must change gear one, if not forever first gear...
Mine is even worse...say I'm "tai guo fen" to show him black face wor...ask him to bath baby, he said he dunno...ask him pack babies' bags to bring to infant care, he also said he dunno...win liao lor, dunno then no need to do...somemore said I'm "tai guo fen"... *angry*
those at mothercare no sales... saw quite a few interesting ones but they r real ex. like one that plays lullaby n can shine images up the ceilings.

re girls shoes
now i know why u girls r so ga ga over the disney shoes at mothercare. me also fell in love wif the black minnie mouse shoes. piglet ones also nice nice. wanted to buy but $$$. keep pacing up n down n looking at them. still dun know which one to buy.

baby 4th month
does anyone know what's the significance of baby's 4 month? Amanda just turned 4 mths today. i know some people cut their hair. i didn't cut hers during 1st mth. thinking of bringing her to trim a bit cos all like grasses liao.
Re: baby soft sole shoes - Disney
I saw the Halloween shoe but a bit difficult to match clothes, I almost buy the Eeyore shoes, but kena stop by hubby... I wonder how many Disney shoes there r to complete the collection...

Re: Gymboree trial class
Mummies who r going for the Gymboree trial class, there is a 50% disc for their trial class if u sign a package with Hwa Xia... I signed up at Harbour Front Centre and was given the disc voucher for Gymboree... Not sure if all Hwa Xia branches give out the voucher coz HFC branch us just beside Gymboree... Do ask the staff for it, they might forgot to issue... For existing Hwa Xia member, maybe can try asking them for Gymboree voucher during next visit thou... At least save $20 for Gymboree trial class...
I'm taking my normal pre-natal supplements. Calcium, pre-natal multivits & Neurogain. Taking apple cider vinegar cos my friend said can help loose weight =p By the way, More Milk Plus tablets contains Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, Nettle Leaf & Fennel, definitely different from Fenugreek tablets. I guess the sales person probably refering to the fact that both are used for increasing milk supply

I only took goat's rue for 3 days then totally stop liao. Me & my stupid experiment...

Not trying to wean off, but my sister did warn me that my supply so high, will get engorgement if I suddenly reduce no of pump when go back to work. So I was trying to prep my body to prolong the pumping time... Thanks for the recipe to clear ducts. I go try tmr. (*Sigh*) 3/4 of my left boob is still inflamed, red and painful to touch. So torturous to knead, massage and pump every 3 hour when all the skin is red and sore.

Thanks for the info. If my fever comes back again, I'll head for KKH instead of TMC...

I got my goat's rue from TMC pharmacy. S$48.40 (before FBI discount) But I guess you may want to see if Kim & Beverly have positive effect from the goat's rue before trying it out.

And if you get the liquid form instead of tablets, it's about $8 cheaper (S$40+). Just don't know if goat rue will taste nice or not.

Re: Goat's Rue
Mummies, do keep close watch on your milk supply increase and pumping frequency. Sigh. I only took for 3 days and the effect lasted for more than a week (now mastitis & fever so supply plummented). Mastitis is VERY VERY painful experience... Pain of crazily pressing & massaging a blocked and inflamed boob is equivalent to contractions when 9cm dilated....
lamagier: I can imagine your pain. Had blocked ducts a few times and even that was painful enough. Even now it still hurts whenever I feed him on the affected side.

Beverly: my hb was like that with #1 as well. So I used to tell him come I'll teach you so next time you'll know how to do it. Another thing I do is I write down a list of items to pack then I'll hand him the list. Now with #2 he's a lot better though at times still have to ask him to pitch in.

Not sure what's up with Max, he woke up every hour or every 2 hours last night! After his feed he would go back to sleep but would be very restless till the next hour then cry again. I'm alone today with the 2 kids cos hb has to work. Hopefully they will both nap at the same time later on!

Give your hb a list of things to pack for the bag, then he got no more excuse. When my hb does that, i give him a list too. After a while, he'll remember and no need the list anymore. Sometimes have to treat them like retards. sigh. When i have to go out alone, I have to write a list of things for my hb to do! Even taking care of my boy. I've to write down step by step what activities to play with him, when to cook lunch, how to cook lunch. I always tell him that he leaves his brain in the office, now at home, no more brain.

Dunno how to bathe bb? Practice makes perfect. Watch while he does it and don't interfere. Or another way, haha. Don't care how he does it, so long as the bb comes out clean. :p

i increased my does to 5 tabs yesterday. This morn managed to pump out 90ml after the morn feed. 20ml better than yesterday's morn pump. Hopefully it'll get better by the day.
i saw the freestyle on ebay. selling 540 i think......

poor you - get well soon.

can understand wat u r going thru. my filipino is driving me nuts too. hang on in there... things will get better soon ...
at first it was a fren who gave birth 2 weeks earlier then me telling me that at 4th month, bb haf to go thru some traditional ceremony. but realised different dialect group have their different ways of doing. my friend i think is a hokkien, say that they need to use duno chao sha bao and duno what bao, swipe the mouth wif it. and after tat shave.
wherelse for me, khek, was told by my dad that is to have chicken head and use the mouth to swipe bb's mouth and was told by my aunt that it might 'baby to talk faster' and then use 'pang bia' to collect baby saliva. not sure the real reason. but my dad call it 'kai zhuang' ceremony.

okies, shall wait and see. but i see like quite a gd feedback so far. i tried googled for it too and also have gd feedback. how many tabs did u taken each day?

supposed to be 4tabs a day at first huh? bcos i remb reading online.
I 'hiao' wanted to see effect fast, went to take 2 tabs x 3 times a day when recommended 1 tab x 4 times a day... Moral of the story... always listen to instructions... dun be smart alec
hbb, is the balerina flats on sale?
Talking about baby shoes, I have already stand by Naomi's shoes till size 10 (which can fit 3 years old)hahah
aiyo... u ok anot? gosh.. if u not well to meet later u sms mi k...

bbethan hahaa..nice hor the shoes..imagine edna got so many shoes for less than 1 yr old

no the flats not on sale

i got ppl to bring bk for mi leh.. but i tink those toy renhtal pl rent the deluxe one so u can try asking them if they hav stock for u? since i tink they do sell if u wan to buy after renting
yah lor.. sigh.i told him too..but he say v ex. hahahaa..

thankiew for the info.. where is first few yrs?..

Coolkero, Mashy n littlenotes,
im wanna get the pump in style.. isit the same as free style?..different right?..=)
hmm, ya i checked out ebay too.. the cheapest oso abt dere one... thank u for all yr help n info! =D
RE: 4mth
I m Hokkien, my mom says traditionally, we use one type of Chinese biscuit call 发霉饼 to dap on the drool so that bb will not drool (but this is if the bb has drooling problem. According to my gf, she says really work. But these days u dun find this type of biscuit anymore, so just use Marie biscuit.
Shaving of hair, tradition has it that the hair was from the mommy's stomach, so not "clean" that's why must shave on 1st mth, if not on 4th mth.
Shaving of eyebrows-- it's believe that kids who did not shave the eyebrows will hv bad social manner.
The Teo Chews will use chopsticks to wipe bb's mouth with meat which is call "kwee chor" meaning from now on bb can have meat. (cos u know some teaching on raising bb is that bb should be vegetarian until a certain age)
re: 4th mth

My mum made me buy a drumstick and use my #1 hand hold it and let her bite it (or rather brush it with her mouth) to prevent her from drooling in future. My sister did the thing where you get the child to choose from a set of things like books, calculator, ball etc to see what her child will be next time....
Jes, I prefer the PIS that comes with the Metro Bag to the backpack. PIS uses normal batteries, Freestyle uses Lithium.

I m not sure abt PIS, but the Freestyle I have was fr USA, the plug says 110-240v so I dun hv 2 use transformer, but an adaptor so the 2 flat pin can be inserted to our socket.

Actually u can order fr US now since the USD rate fell below 1.42. Use Vpost to ship here. The retail price is USD350. If you hv friends in USA, they mayb able to get cheaper. My MIL helped me checked, at one of the shops 30mins drive fr her house, they sell it for $320.
Gina, I think I will shave K's hair & brows cos I realized his brows not even, one side very define the other thick but not nice. I want to see if he'll get more hair aft shaving cos he so little hair now, must plan ahead for his father's balding genes (tsk tsk)

HBB, oh, so freestyle same same voltage. So user friendly right? cos like that good for those who travel between countries of diff voltage.
I jsut dun understand why USA everything also must be diff. ppl use M, CM, MM, they must use inches & ft, we use kg, they must use pounds... Sianz
I am seeing that 5oz for Kaelem only last him about 2.5hrs these 2 days.. I felt as if I am going backward again, he was able to stretch to 3.5-4hrs last mth with the 5oz, now again I am thinking if I should increase the milk or keep it as short as 2.5hr interval (which I think is not right).

Maybe my sis eager to find out what her kid will be
Anyway I am still contemplating whether to shave my girl's head or not cos she has so little hair...on the one hand, shave already may grow more and nicer but on the other hand worried, shave already after that botak for a long time!!!! Already now when I dress her in all pink people still come up to me and ask :boy or girl?"!!!!!! Must relly start wearing hairband for her....
Edna likes Violet? My girl has no response... Sianz. Has more reaction to Leapfrog caterpillar. Her godmother got her a rotating musical carousel, she smiled at that one... Guess have to wait a bit longer for her to learn to play with violet
Still remember about the Mini Toons mat which you asked about? Attached is the website with the various kind of designs... (http://www.minitoons.com/toonsfloormat.html)
A quick recap of wat I could remember after seeing it at Suntec earlier:
1) 100 by 200cm cost $59.90
2) 130 by 200cm cost $79.90
3) 140 by 185cm, I think cost $139 (but got further disc of 15%, I think)

For all the above, I asked the staff and was told that I could get 20% disc coz I'm a Mini Toons member plus it was my birthday month... Jus in case u wanna get items from Mini Bits or Mini Princess store, the 20% disc also applicable this month for me... Let me know if u wanna buy...

I saw the quality of the mat at Mini Toons, I think the Bumper Playmat is still better although more expensive... I think your nearest Mini Toons branch is Suntec City (jus opposite Carrefour at Level 2)...

Wow, u know so much about the traditions... V informative leh... I didnt know so much in detail as my mum and MIL often explain in Hokkien/Teochew coz they dunno how to translate it over to mandarin, often leave me puzzled (wondering wat they talking about)... After reading ur post, I kinda able to relate wat they prev talk about...
