(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

mashy, nice to see u here
actually its my hb who's very agst giving FM.. sianz lor.. i keep begging him to just give but he keep saying next time got allergies/asthma etc how?? sigh.. adding to my depression

btw, ur ss v gd, did u have to supplement with FM before ur milk came in? my milk ss only came in yesterday on day 5! so chi2 dun4!

kimberly, thanks for ur encouragement
i have been downing water/milo/fluids by the gallons, and drinking lots of soup daily too. yet to try fenugreek though..

i am keen to give some FM to help me differentiate between whether bb is comfort sucking or really just not sated by my BM. but hb agst it

my boy is also starting to gum down on my nipple! my girl never did that.. guess boys are fiercer and more impatient?? argh..

Mashy, and the bb will have constant hunger every 1-2hrs is it? I think I have to observe my Kaelem, cos today, he kept crying for feed after 2 hrs..
good that some1 settle the food stuff for u cos thats the most impt esp when u r doing bf hehe... the rest can ignore! =p

haaa i tink i no hope liao lar aft bf sure go AA hahahaaa

re: formula
since i bought a tin of similac for 1st week of supplementing... now i got about half a tin left
my girl onli drink 1 week.. wonder if i shld let her fin up the remaining formula? a bit wasted if throw away like that...
what i noticed is if it's comfort sucking, baby will suck n release shortly. but if really wants to drink milk, will cry non stop n very loud.

for me, i used the pacifier as she's sucking non stop. when she's really hungry, she rejects the pacifier. if comfort sucking, sucking a while on the pacifier is fine with her.

do babies have growth spurt at week 6? dun know why my girl is demanding milk every 1.5hr to 2hrs. didn't manage to drag her feed today to 3hrs. and the worse part is she will vomit out after feeding. how to stop her. will giving ebm solve the problem? i'm worried if give ebm, n after drinking, still want milk, then got to latch again?
re: growth spurt

this growth spurt is making me veri blur! if that's the case mayb my boy is hafing a growth spurt hence would wan to b nurse almost everi 1hr since noon todae!
but like that do we still pump? im not even sure hw do i find the time to pump also. afraid that once i empty out my breast my boy would be crying for milk. but dun pump, afraid that wun b able to haf more supply + waste of BM as they will leak when overflow! sigh
RE: Uterus contraction
I m feeling slight tingling pain on my lower ab, near right groin while I express BM.. is this the so-called uterus contacting back to it's pre-preg size?

i also bought a tin of similac on the 1st dae of returning and onli haf given my boy 3 feed. cost me 39bucks!
worst is mine is not small tin, is big tin as when im lookin for FM, there's no small tin and my boy is crying like mad so just rush and buy. now feel so wasted. not sure whether can sell?
yes i tink its a sign of uterus contracting..

ehhh dun tink ppl will wan buy open tin of milk powder leh... duno can keep for how logn aso but i tink not recommended to keep for more than 1 mth aft its open.. so i tink i better start giving my girl every nite haa.. also can train her to sleep thru if possible w a full full tummy =p

i dun dare to gif my boy FM, bcos scare that he will fuss and dun wan my BM animore
my dad keep tinkin that once i go back to work, i will feed FM. hahas! cant b bothered to tell them i wan to gif BM all the wae till i haf no more supply.
i also not sure whether got ppl wanna sel not, bcos like not hygiene liaos. but so wasted for me to throw away! it's a big can!
if u mix feed he wun fuss one
like example onli 1st feed in morning or last feed at nite =)
i tink my left over shld onli last mi a week or so

hw do we mix BM together wif FM? bcos i thought they sae BM cannt heat up too high temp else the nutrients will all run awae? i did hear of mixin before, but haf no idea how to do it

hahs! okies. i blur myself. tempted to throw. bcos was told that if gif FM his jaundice will go down faster. shall see how. else jiu waste that 1 big can!
Ridwind is avail at all pharmacy? my girl seems to still hv a lot of wind in her tummy. today she keeps letting out gas. saw her poo has bubbles too. no side effect right?
i tink all pharmacy shld hav
accordign to PD ridwind have no side effect
she wanted to giv mi sth else which is stronger n might hav side effect but i opted that out thou..
u try rid wind 1st n see how.
i onli giv her 3 times a day as isntructed by doctor.. but the box says giv every feed =) i tink 3 times a day is enuff la
have u guys learnt how to differentiate bb cries?
like when they wanna milk, when they just wanna a cuddle etc?

and how many times/day ur bb poo?

my ger's poo poo & "wind" are sooOOo smelly lor... *faint*
and she likes to poo again & again after each change... shiong on wipes & diapers... =p
winnie mummy
yes mor eor less ic an fig out why my girl cry
for milk or for sleep.. this 2 bah.. other thg not yet... hee
for example diaper soil... lol

poo frequency varies.. my girl about 3 to 4 times a day max
winnie mummy
if want milk, will cry out v v loud n quick if delay longer. then the head will keep searching for the nipple.

if just want cuddle or sleep, will be softer.
Jules: congrats! Nice to see you here. How's XY taking to her new brother?

Max was exactly the same the first 3 days, just nursing non-stop, after that it got better and now he feeds every 2 hours. What I usually do is feed him the minute he wakes up, if he falls asleep that's fine, if he's awake then I'll talk/play with him. After that when he starts crying I'll put him down for a nap. If he starts to fuss, then I'll feed him again. Its all trial and error I guess, usually if he isn't hungry, I can pacify him by carrying him and walking around. If that doesn't settle him then I'll take it as he's hungry.
Regarding FM, I was so tempted to give him one feed of formula as well, just so I could get more than an hour's rest at night. But in the end I didn't and it did get better. If you're worried about nipple confusion, you can use a syringe to feed him. Hope that helps!
hbb - oh so sneezing is ok ha. today so funny, my bb sneeze out a booger from her nose. hee hee, so cute.

etriro - thats quite vomit blood. sent my new maid back today. this saturday getting new ones. not putting much faith in them so starting to train myself to wash bottles, sterilise etc.

cluster feeding
luckily someone mention this today and i went to google. my bb cluster fed from 8-11 pm just now. the thought of giving up bf totally crossed my mind, cos i'm so tired and my back is aching and my bb still hungry !!#$@#@ lucky read abt cluster feeding and nnow i know its normal.

any mums here getting backahes and arm aches? seems like everyone here is doing fine except me. i ache all over, my neck also

my auntie say that they use plain water to test whether the bb is hungry. but for me, i will use my finger and tap arond the mouth area. if he follows my finger or even suck on my finger, i deem it as he's hungry. but if he doesn, jus sometimes open, sometimes close, i will deem it as he jus wan comfort.

it's gd that baby poo! to me i love his poo bcos of his jaundice. more poo = more toxic out of his body! hahas! my boy also like that. i kanna once where i change the diapers 4 times in a row. jus pee, poo, pee, poo.
Have any mummies brought your baby back to the PD/GP/Polyclinic for the HepB-2 jab yet? I'm still considering on the 5-in-1 or the 6-in-1, although I'm likely to take the 5-in-1 from the polyclinic.
I'm getting arm aches too. for me, tat's cos i seldom carry heavy stuffs. with all the bb carrying, my arms start to ache esp at night. keke

Re: poo
Oh, so more poo is good! i was beginning to get worried. After bb was discharged from hosp today cos of jaundice, the time interval between each poo is 2-3hours. luckily i'm using cloth diapers. :p

My Owen is born on the same day as ur Gabriel too. Mine's an emergency c-sec case too, but it's at KKH. Gabriel is 1kg heavier than Owen! i admire u for ur courage to do ur confinement yourself, cos sometimes i realli feel handicap at times. jyjy

does anyone burp often after giving birth? in fact, i burp A LOT during my 1st and 3rd trimester. (i can burp 4 times in a row and less than 5mins later another 4 times zzzz ) now still burping ><
sigh, today not a good day for me. bring baby for one week check up, bb got jaundice 293, doc say either admit hospital or rent photo therapy, so we rented and let bb stay home. but the bad news is doc see my #1 and feel that she has thyroid, and confirmed thru blood test. i'm soo stressssssed. i've decided to give up latching and go on wif pump and supplement with nan hypoallergic cos my #1 kinda got eczema, so better take precautious. initially worry for bb, now more worried for #1, hubby just got lectured by mil for our unhealthy lifestyle of eating outside food that might create #1 having thyroid. i thought that thyroid is most genetic. anyway, just needed a place to breathe, thanks for listening.
Re: jabs
i dunoe the diff btw 5in1 and 6in1 too. my friend recommended 6in1 cos less stress/jabs and less trips for the bb. but of cos the bb body has to handle more vaccine. was reading a lot on vaccines. kinda influenced by some parents who are against vaccinations...

mil are all like that. just ignore her. u know v well it's not your fault. yes, thyroid can be caused by iodine deficiencies, but i dun think that can ever happen in a spore child! i agree genetic could be the most likely reason for your child case. can realli feel for you, esp when everything seems to go wrong. hang in there, things will get better! ^^
hi Kim,
My baby, Xin Rui, is cleared from jaundice. Don't know its the herb or the FM feeding helps. I believe its the FM. cos my #1 had breastfeed jaundice and cleared only after 1 month.

however the doc said XR'S weight put on a little too fast as i demand feed her for the pass 2 weeks. Now XR is 3.9kg put on almost 1kg since birth. Usually bb should put on about 200gm per week only.
He suggesting me slow down her feeds. Go by schedule rather than demand feed even though i'm giving breast milk.

Just to share the formula he used to calculate the amount to feed per day is : (150ml - per kg)/total no. of feeds day.

For the evening cries if says i could be colic but it could also be just a normal thing that the baby wants to be carried. Personality thing. So if didn't give me any med on it.
bestberries, if the new maid also failed, better change the agent. It's hard to find a good maid and it's even harder to find a good agent. Most of them will cheat one. Tell us that maid is 23yrs old, in fact they're only 18yrs old. They still want to "play" kind. Hope this time can work for you.
Do you use the breastfeeding pillow when you bf? It's really help. I think your aches are due to the incorrect position...You have to sit straight and the most important is: relax your shoulder (put it down) because I notice that all mums including me will put strain on the shoulder when bf.

Kitty, bf is not a matter of short or long nipple lar...in fact the nipple shield is soooo long, I never see anybody got that long nipple le...Anyway, the baby is not supposed to suck on the nipple, but the aerola. If your baby suck on the nipple, try to pull down her chin so that she open the mouth bigger and cover the aerola part. I know it's easier to say then do it, my baby also till now still sucking on the nipple only sometime.
I see Etirto, i'm using Twinkle's method now. And i realised it's easier to try latching him using the lie down position. And i've been squeezing my milk out using hands, to show him where the milk comes fr. But my boy is really aggresive and most of the time, he will bite my nipples (sooo painful!!!). So when he really latches well, there should not be any pain right? Any ticklish feeling? Cox sometimes i feel itchy...
*hugs*coolkero. Hope everything will turn out fine for both your children. Do wat u deem is gd now and ignore wat your mil said. Dun let her affect u k. Cheer up
<font color="ff0000">Sunsweet</font>
Good morning. Hey, my PD said something different from yours, my son has only put on 800 grams and PD said it should be an average of 1kg per month so mine is short by 200 grams but he said not to worry, 800 grams also acceptable...XR is receiving power BM
hi jules

no, i've not supplemented with any FM. If u really need to supplement, then give Nan HA, it's supposed to reduce the possibility of asthma/allergies.

yah, my gal will cry for milk every 1-1.5hrs.

usually my gal will suck me dry when she goes on like that every 1-1.5hrs, so nothing for me to pump. hehe. When she stops the constant feeding, then i pump. I usually pump in the morn after her morn feed and at night after her night feed. The afternoon pump is dependent on when she can give me 2-3 hrs wait. If u still feel very full after feeding her constantly, then u can go on and pump them out.
Ya the nipple shield tip is so long. My nipples can't fit into it exactly. Tat's y I said no use using nipple shield! Jus latch wif our own nipples.
My nipples also short but when my gal latch on covering the aerola, inside her mouth she actually pulling/stretching the nipple long enough for her to draw out the milk. Cos when she let go my nipple, can see the nipple like a bit longer than when u initially insert into her mouth.

Itch of nipples could be due to over stretching of nipple or by over pumping. But I feel it can be relieve after latching my bb. Is like helping to scratch the itch,hee!
anyone has good recommendation on PD? looking for someone who's patient n friendly. not those rush rush type. n hopefully queue not too long
Re: Leftover FM
If there's no one to take over the remaining FM, keep it for making cereal when you introduce solids to your bb. My #1 was TBF but she didn't like BM wif her cereal, don't know why... So if you don't mind the can sitting ard for a few more mths, keep it for later use

how did the PD 'feel' that your #1 has thyroid? Anyway, thyroid is genetic. MILs are like that. They always find ways to blame us for anything wrong with their grandchildren.
thanks mummies 4 all ur support. mashy, i was actually telling my PD about my #1 rashes behind her knees, and telling her that #1 sweat even in aircon room, and PD see her eyes a bit bulging n touch her throat, and straight away she detect it's thyroid (graves disease). now i change focus from bb to #1, thank god got CL to take care of bb. if not i'll really fall apart now.
hi mummies,
been a long time since ive logged in..
congrats to those who have given birth!..

im like u.. have short nipples too...i used hte nipple shield while in hospital stay n even bought a pair b4 heading hm..but for the first few days bb din have milk intake.. he kept crying for every 1 hr.. din poo or shhshh..so we guessed he din have any milk.. den i realised one thing nipples are short n plus the nipple shield..bb like don have the strength to suckle n get the milk thru the shield... so i pump it out n feed him thru bottle frm den on..

my bb is oso having phlegm..sometimes wen he breathes u can hear the phlegm in him.. theres time he even breathe n have a sharp sound made like got no air like tat.. owaes gimme a shock..
my CL oso says can drink some powder.. but i didnt give oso..tot if it worsens will bring him to PD..

my bb has been crying..wailing.. n oso sometimes he 'gek' until his whole face go red.. some of the times its jus aft his feeds.. so cant be he's hungry rite?.. so i oso dono wad is wrong actually..n he keeps jumping n wailing in his slp suddenly..=\ does anyones bb experience it?

my bb's like yrs..asking for more n more milk.. used to give him 80ml..but it seems like he owaes cant slp aft tat n aft an hr he'll throw tantrums so i increased it to 100ml.. now hes drinking 100ml BM each feed everyday ..sometimes it can last him for 2 hrs plus..sometimes 3hr..

i think u jus keep on pumping every 3hrly..it'll have more.. i now can have abt 120ml to 140ml for both sides..beginning i started with only 60ml.. doc ong says in the middle of the nite oso pump..den its sending msg to brain to produce more milk cos its needed.. so i wake up every 3hrly to pump oso..=)

*sigh.. seeing bb crying lidat i oso dono wad is wrong.. only can carry n pacify him.. but sometimes he screams until v jialat..till the whole face red.. i oso dono wad to do abt it..

oic. My hb is now at KK with my #1 to check if there's anything causing his slow growth besides genes. He's less than 3 percentile on the chart.
