(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

amkgal - wow this is the first time i heard of inlaws saying such things abt hving kids... usually is they want more and more of them...

Regarding work, maybe your bosses may not even decide to implement yet ...so don't worry... maybe when u are back, then starts?

fifi - yeah.. always when it's time to sleep, the small one will roll around inside also...hehehe

Vibe- wow! u mean now it's $86... last time she bought for around $50 - $60 or sth lidat leh... if i m not wrong...

Lidat my Braun one is cheaper cos i got it online
tiny bubu- gd luck! dont sabotage his plan again hor, go anyw w him ya

tummym- think u muz hav cook ur porridge on med to high fire haha add water 5 times wow biang!

hey does any of u bb like to kick 1 side only? mine like to kick on left but book says slp on left best so every nite he kick & kick like angry i lying on his leg or wat, shdnt b right? we wldnt hurt bb wn we slp ba hor?

my antenatal class didnt say use sterilsed ball leh but dip in warm boiled water cannt use tap water leh.

nxt wk i goin glucose test. so long time , those who have tested what u gals do ?
sweethalo, well they've said weirder things.. i just dun keep track of them else i'll either lose my temper, or lose my sanity. dun wanna put my husband in a difficult position sometimes.. but well, going out with them is intolerable sometimes esp when they start mouthing off about how tough and miserable our lives are going to be with a baby.. makes me wonder if they even want it??

when we were going to get married, my mil cried to my husband a few times that she's very sad that he's getting married.. which is like also.. very weird...
yes yes fifi & cash, my bb like he not enough space wn i lie dwn (usually i'll lie on my side) he kick furiously after awhile settle dwn, i wk up go pee come back he angry again so cute!
yeah..am one of the less discipline ones..the 'siahsters' never fails to tempt me..heheheh. am a gluton lor..

hmm..all night birdies retiring early for 2molo's shopping spree?
y like that amkgal dont be bothered by them... my MIL sometimes also say life be tougher, true lah but she didnt mean in a upset manner just an advice tone.

is ur hubby a mummy's boy? keke mayb she just feel sad her son is now belong to another woman. i can understd lah nw bb in tummy 25yr later he grow from my darling precious boy to a grown up hardly talk to me, no more hug hug & then married moved out, qt sad what. although life is like that... aiyoh i so scare of aging...
hehehe... yeah Nozomi not many nighties today ...

I forecast that tmr ORCHARD verlie crowded! hehee

amkgal- that's wierd! If they so against hving kids by sayin tt they make life miserable then why wld ur MIL cry abt ur hb leaving her nest??
Sorry for the long post, I was reading and reading ... too fast!

ahnetsan: It's a gift leh, dun know the price though, but Vibe just message that it's $96

I feel my heel a bit tight when stretch backwards (toes pointing towards myself)
BTW, I did yoga for the past 8 years, but got to STOP because of pregnancy! Cos I had a fall when I'm 2 months pregnant and apparently it shifted my joint somehow
So I can say I'm pretty flexible before that! Now I'm not!

Cassey.. how to deposit a mum herself? haha
If you are scared of pain, wanna try the hypnobirthing class as well? My friend who tried it years ago is very supportive of it
saying that I must embrace the pain ... it's part of the process

tiny bubu: remember to walk around in the plan to stretch, dun just sit there

Get from Cordlife! I went to both talks... Cordlife really sound more professional! Plus they have track record! Stemcord has not have any cases of using the cordblood yet!

amk_gal: no worries, we have the right to be funny... haha, there's one Friday my hubby got to work overnight, and in the morning, he still tell me he's going to working until late evening. I just broke down for no reason and tears just come down... hahaha dunno why cannot control.. anyway in the end he rush back and I still got to settle my tears down for another good hour
Anyway, my colleague also (I'm in the IT line, almost all my colleague are males) told me his wife can suddenly go into depression. So I'm not that worried

So just CRY OUT!
Dun worry about MIL, I'm not in talking terms with her anyway! She dun even tweet an eyebrow when she saw me pregnant during CNY... like she never notice

My lady boss is suggesting that I should get full time nanny, although might need to pay more, but at least they won't complain if you come and pick your bb up late cos they are supposed to be look after the bb overnight!

bbaugustine: I'm having boy but I can't eat too much at one go... but I do get hungry really fast!

Vibe: I tried the Cadi thermometer at my little niece, and yeah, she not so frustrated with it then then ear one

Createjoy: I asked my gynae which way I should sleep too, he said better sleep on the left... but my left joint got problem, so no choice... anyway, he said we won't hurt the bb cos there's water surronding it
started my bb spree not long ago (esp the big items)..the mood is finally back.
+ no hand-downs from anyone..so have to start from scratch again.

orchard 'flooded' with preggies 2molo? muahaha.
Wah, trying to read thru the archives and havent finished leh.. While waiting for my mcdelivery, come in "ka jiao" abit.

Tubbymummy, yeah..didnt spell wrongly, named as Genieve.. it came from the city geneve in french. Cos the other name is way too long.. think baby will have a very hard time memorising.. hee. Yr name yvonne? So wat name u eventually gonna name yr girl girl?

Cassey, Thanks for verifying the name in advance for me!! Wow, U have got a great memory and rememeber the spelling correctly too! Really has
got the teacher's brain! PEI FU!

Re: 1.7+ Club
Weee! so now we have Cassey, Blurmom, Audreyaw & myself.. anyone joining in?

My mcdelivery coming.. havent finish reading the archives ah.. Hungry liao.. *RUN*
sweethalo: I didn't quite get what my gynae says, there's 2 blood vessels on our right side, so if we sleep on our right, we are kind of obstructing it from sending the waste out...
i heard fr a preggy fren too..that sleeping on the left aids the nutrients flow? or something like dat...
but when i lie on my left, my bb keeps kicking,,like she's uncomfy like dat..so i rotate btw 2 sides..
amk gal, hmm... why your mil's reaction so weird towards her son's marriage and your pregnancy? she very attached to your hubby is it? and feels that you are fighting with her for her son, and now still hv another one to fight with her, she'll hv even less attention from him?

re hypnobirthing:
my fren had tried hypnobirthing. straight from the horse's mouth, she says it felt good. she went for hypnobirthing course to prepare for it.

fifi n cash, it's a huggy for baby. cos some babies just love to feel the tags like some other babies love pillow corners or pillow cases etc.... so these folks especially sewed tags to these huggies or beansprout pillows or cuddlies for kids..
fifi, the first plush looks like a toy from 0-4mths... However I saw better one at kiddy palace... Got animal face and bright colours! Go and have a look.. Feel them, shake them then buy them Hahaha

Btw, I went to bed at 9pm then got up not long ago.. Cos my bb resting on my organs! Got that kind of heartburn sensation... Argh!
saw the taka fair bathtub..i think it should be big enough..erm, looks like std sizing to me.

fwah..mac ah.. am drooling already.. feel like having a fish fillet with extra cheese now.
yeah, it's causing me back aches... my chiropractor asked me to pop my knees up while sleeping on my back to ease the back pain. And when sleeping on the side, put a pillow between your legs, that ease some of the stress our back is taking too!
sweethalo - think all at taka fair 1 very small...
saw 1 at kiddy palace quite big think only $29.90
thinking of getting e kiddy palace 1.
ooo... cos my mum was not with me that time ... and she keeps telling me when we shop tog that this tub too small.. all too small...faintz

Midnight SIAHster - hving my Haagen Daz strawberry ice cream now.. ehhee *slurp*
Mika Rei: yeah, my colleague's wife also strong supporter of hypnobirthing... that prompts me to cancel my Mt A antenatal course

Sweethalo: Mt A delivery will come w a bath tub, not sure about other hospital

Believe it or not, I've not bought a single clothing for my bb
but I'm lucky enough to have 2 bags of hand me down, haven't go thru what are they yet

However, understand from my auntie that I need new clothing for the bb when he return home from hospital
dolly2009 - yeah i kn, happen to be at MT A and saw some new mums going home with bath tub- my mum said - AH this bath tub is good sz!!

But am not delivering at Mt A leh... deliverying at GlenE
did u take a look at the mothercare bathtub?

gng to koonz soon..to avoid being siah again..good night mummies.
taka nxt baby fair will be held in aug... from now till then, they will still be holding 10% for taka card members. so ur card will comes in useful!

enjoy ur trip!

The last time i posted here about the Nepia diaper. THis time I would like to share with you the info about the cloths TMC is selling.

The cloth for swaddling the baby, the material is pretty thick so is good only if your baby is going to sleep in an aircon room if not it will be too hot. As for the washcloth i feel that the material is not good/soft at all. Finally i bought other cloths for my cleaning my girl.

I did not enjoy WBB class at all cos i felt that she gossip alot. She always emphasis that she/they do not make money out of all these but honestly i do not believe. Apart from selling the books, cloths she will even sell Avent products. Why would anyone do all these if they are not making $? Apart from me, i had 2 other friends that go to her for advice (dont rem how much she charge) on latching/crying baby/ sleeping issue after the delivery and we were all very disappointed or felt cheated.

If ever you need a lactation consultant do consider going to GE hospital even if you are not a patient there. The charges is lower (2 years ago) and they are great. My girl had problem with latching on and i see Sister Catherine (if i rem correctly) and she is really a wounderful person. I delivered at GE and was quite happy with the nurses there. They are very patient and the maternity ward is not very crowded.
nozomi - ya the one at shaw centre... shld be still on, think just started on sat when i was there... 50% off... then if u get 3-4 pcs additional 10%, 5 above additional 20%

Superbee- but Aug like macham just finish confinement leh... hehhee
wow BB! U are one MTB that makes me glad finally that i am delivering at GlenE...

I've only heard abt GlenE's lack of expertise but one fren who just delivered there was quite happy
dolly, so you going for hypnobirthing? still hv backup option if it doesn't work right? v brave to go for it leh.

superbee, GSS in may & june... don't know if will bring some good deals. hehe!!

BB, which day of WBB's class do you attend? seem like she does it on othr days but not on tues. yes, i heard of her book but she did not bring it to show us, she also doesn't sell us anything. we jus hv free samples fr mamil gold and pampers for the 2 sessions. so, lucky me, i guess!
so far only attended 1 lesson and I quite like her... i guess if u don't want to buy the stuff she doesn't force u to right?? so it's still ur choice mah... Don't like then don't buy but if nice, it makes things so convenient hehehe..

I took a 2 bedder and of course like any hospital it is small but if you are going for natural birth and only staying for 2 days, time flies so fast and you wont be bother too much about the size. If your hubby is the one that going to bring the baby to you from the ward they will ask for mummy's ID which i think is a good thing as well at least baby is in safe hand.

We are now located in France and recently there was a case that the mummy was taking her bath and leave her baby alone in the room and a crazy women went into the room and took her 2 days old baby and escape. Luckily the police managed to track her down. I will make sure for my next delivery i will never leave my baby alone.
i attended her class too, all 6 lessons.. interactive and funny.. never ask us to buy stuff oso... but usually the stuff she brings get sold out veri fast hee.

finally got my internet access up at tmc. hospitalised for 10th day aredi, trying to remain sane here.. cos i have a weak cervix and last week have a bit of contraction. freaked me out manzz...
and bb too premature to be born now, so have to lie flat o bed.

think maybe end of next week then can discharge... hopefully

anyway, mummies with tmc can rest assure, their food i must say is above me expectations and the service is good except for 1 or 2 nasty nurses...lets all jia you together
dolly u v brave leh...i salute u! I'm still hoping i can do wout epi...
anyways detailed scan shows dat my placenta is slight low..till now doc haven advise me whether it has improved..haiz...

err... my first time, so won't know what will happen huh, just hope I really can "embrace" the pain! My friend told me if we take medication or epidural, our baby might be a bit blur blur when it come out. She wanted him to be alert and can latch on straight away

My colleague also stop the nurse from rushing my friend during delivery, wow, I didn't know we can do that too!
