(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Wanna ask if anyone of you do pre-natal exercise? Can we do squatting exercise at this stage? Will it causes pre-mature birth?

Tubby, once a week?? my hubby will be so delighted if he sees your post cos i make him clean it every day and every 2 weeks must change the litter thingey inside. then i make him dettol it and sun dry it. you can see why he's so excited to do all this when it was MY idea to get the cats. heh. but before preggie i used to do it all, cos i didnt have babies, so they were my babies. maybe good practice for me eh?

another random qn: what do you all feed your kits? i buy them royal canine for kittens but now im thinking of changing them to adult biscuit. what's good?
Me using Proplan now- find it very good, the fur becomes super soft... but i leave it out on a bowl so they hv access to makan all day...

They also hv soft food when we are eating breaky, lunch and dinner.... used to give Fancy Feast but now quite ex and also concerned wht they put inside... so switched to buying fresh Tuna and steaming it for them. Big one HATES FISH!! the small one wallops everything including his gor gor's food..hehehe
thanks Cassey, yah i do the hospital wash version (cos my mum nurse mah so she teach me stuff like this). i will walk around the house and scrub2 hands, scratch2 (lucky i dont keep long nails) for a good 30 seconds.
sweethalo, wet food 3x a day! i only give them once for dinner, and i use Fussie Cat. i used to buy the big can and use for 3 days but the fishy smell i really cannot tahan so i went back to the small cans, and split half2 for each of them. usually i buy 1 carton abt $19 and their dry food $28. sigh..feels like im buying FM for baby like that. i buy from the farm at pasir ris and i stock up once a month. if you're not already buying from there, you should consider cos not that far for you and members get 20% discount. only thing is i scared dogs lah, and the shop i go to got a very very very big dalmatian. proplan biscuits sell in plastic container one right? i will ask for sample at next farm visit and let them try, if they like i will buy for them.

Cassey, west side got farm like this or not? i think there's one but can't remember the name. near an nursery i think..
Hi mummies
Sorry to interrupt.

I have a set of Medela Swing Just bought on 19march.
Warranthy Still with me.
Bought $469 its with Cooler carrier bag

All Item
-Medela Swing Rp : $369 Condition 9:10
-Cooler Carrier Bag (4 bottles in bag) Rp : $109 Brand New
-3 pcs bottle Rp : $35.90 Condition 9:10
-Purelan Nipple cream 37gBrand New
-Diapers Dispenser bag.Brand NEw
-A pair of baby leg socks Brand New

Willing to let go $380
Onli use less than 5 times.As good as brand new.
Price negotiateble
Collection at Bukit Panjang

Kindly Email me at [email protected]

cassey/sweethalo/caramelle, yes, you didn't read wrong, he SIFTS thru the litter about once a week, sometimes twice. The litter is in the service yard, and we keep the door closed almost all the way, with a crack to let the cats walk in and out, so stinks don't really come in hehe. He tries to do twice a week, but some days he's just tired after work, and can't be bothered to inhale ammonia. So like I said, I won't push him, cos I'm not contributing... (and yes, the cats were my idea too hehe). He completely changes the litter around every 2-3 weeks. Empty the whole litter box, clean it out thoroughly with detergent, dry it then pour in new litter. During each litter sifting, he will also use some deodorising powder thing. Not sure if it really works, but the cats are used to that, and I think it's psychological for us haha.

caramelle, I feed them Wellness kibbles for breakfast, and the same kibbles for dinner, but half the amount only, the other half I top up with Wellness canned food. I alternate Wellness canned food with Tikicat canned food, once in a while with Fancy Feast canned food. Wellness is supposed to be all natural with no funny chemicals and preservative, so I switched them over from Iams to Wellness. But they really enjoy their Tikicat, so I still buy it.
I order my pet food from this guy in Changi Road... they deliver to my place so no need to hassle make hb go with me and carry. I order only once every 2-3mths leh...

The proplan recommended by them comes in a super big Paperbag packing. The shop repacks for me into smaller bags in indiv plastic bags puts them back into the big packaging.

I was using Science Diet furball etc but not very satisfactory after awhile. So far Proplan makes the fur nice and fluffy.
Science Diet made my kits poop very stinky, so I only tried 1 pack when they were kittens, and stopped after that.

My fatter cat has no ability to pace himself, so we can't leave the food out for them throughout the day, so very troublesome. We tried it out a couple of times when they were really small, he just kept on eating, and gobbling and stuffing his face, until it appears like he ate his body weight in food, so we had to intervene and remove the food bowl. And the same fatter cat also has timing issues. If he eats 1hr late, he will throw up all his food. One time, he almost threw up in the middle of eating, right back into his food bowl.

How to stop this vomiting ah?
tubbymummy & sweethalo, so u'll diff fm mi...b4 pregnant every fri evening & sat i will sure hv programm either wif hb or frens....i oso love to go down area f shopping....sometime hb so tired liow but i still wan to shop...but eversince i pregnant bcome don like to go out le...so hb comments da ne leh u dun wan to gO shopping...hee

caramella, how long will u b working fr home??

dolly, hmm dunno leh...but i dun seems to eat alot but then still put on rather fast...but tink sleeping do help mi abit as stomach will b softer while sleeping!
sweethalo: Thanks but how we know if our placenta is low or not leh?
My only exercise is swiming, it helps to lighten my backache, now I can walk fast again.
dolly, think your obgyn will tell u if u have low lying placenta. It should also be stated on your records too. If your obgyn appt card is the detailed kind, then it should be stated there. Maybe next round when u see your doc, just ask if the placenta is in the right place.
Tubby, when we go to work i will leave the food out from 7am to 7pm and then i come back, feed them wet food for dinner and top up the dry food a bit. i find cats will continue eating as long as there's food. and if they overeat they will puke! yelch! with what you're doing: removing the food bowl, does he still vomit? maybe he's eaten too much so reduce the serving portion? my kits puke when they eat food that's been left out for too long, either it gets soft or there's exposure to bacteria maybe?

i saw the wellness pack before, it's natural holistic food right? well this weekend i will ask for both proplan and wellness samples, see which one these 2 like and whether poo got any difference. then when hubby is back, i will buy a full pack of either. i heard science diet not very good, causes poo to be stinky.

sweethalo, fluffy fur = fur all over the house?? if yes, i will be very tired leh..heheh..cos already now muffy's fur is all over the place! coco lisa (the younger one) is much better..
Cassey,thanks for your update,hope you have a great day ;-)

Shelisa,we miss you .. see you very soon.. i will attending the gathering too ;-) We can go back together after the gathering.
jam75, i've been working from home for past 2 weeks and next week is my final week. my ligament stretch is almost fully gone and im more mobile now.
cassey, last nite i ask my sil bth say strecth mark can onli b notice aft dlvy leh?? izzit true?? tot if we dun c anything dat means no strecth mark form ma?? but they told mi NO lo aft delivery then u will know whether u kenna strecth mark!
Merlynzz, haven't seen u ard the neighbourhood lately after our last lesson.
hope things are better at work for u now. Also pek cek with my colleague but I can't be bothered to talk to her.

haha.. cassey is so drama in exclaiming certain things.
yeah, having a boy does not equate to eating more. I dun actually eat a lot more.
Very much 3 normal meals with ocassional snacking. No supper and very little cravings as well.

Cassey, *sayang. Be more diligent with ur cream now n hopefully these marks are temporary n goes away after delivery.
I totally can understand how u did the pelvic thrust. I do that once in a while to check for those marks as well. Scared I miss some areas.
With the sudden growth of the bump within the last two weeks, even more worried that it may hav caused some stretch marks. Area ard the navel is also very delicate lately, feels very tender.

Kena this left right thingy too. Was wondering what happened again cos so difficult to read!!!
caramelle, I don't leave their food bowl out, since fatso can't control himself. So what they eat is portion controlled by me (which explains why they're lean haha), and always freshly scooped out. So for now, if we feed them late, I will only give him the 1 scoop of dry food first. He still throws that up half the time.
yyy i kena shift left n right since the stupid big pic was posted??

so hard to read...arrghh

Shelisa- welcome back

Cassey - cheerup abt the stretch marks... if hb can laugh abt it, means it's not that bad la
jam75, actually my job can abit work from home, but meetings and technical support desk when im not around will suffer cos im not in the office physically. but they know they can call me if they need help and so far i've done 2 phone meetings.

re stretch marks: jam75, no lah. pregnant time already kena stretch mark, it will stay on till after delivery and you must jaga by keeping area moisturised so during pregnant it wont stretch anymore and after delivery the lines will disappear. actually they will disappear into fine silvery lines so if you stand in the light no one can see. hehe

bbjun, i so lonely in the stretch marks club..why won't you and Cassey join me?! hehe
if have also nvm, cos it's all for a good cause right?
dono why the woman paste such a big big picture side by side!! arggh...

Cassey- what cream are u using now? maybe change the cream
Jess, where you staying? As i might be taking a train there myself. Need to meet someone at MRT station. As im not familiar there.

Cassey, *high five* i have stretch mark too. sob sob. Mine is at the upper thigh both legs &&&& also at the lower part of the leg after kneel cap there. dunno is it i always have to walk alot. that y my legs have strtch mark?

sweethalo, same, i also kena shift left n right since the stupid big pic was posted. So have to click here n there
Hi bbjun,
Yup, I havent bump into you since our last session at the Doc's talk.
Work issues has been ironed out and things are getting better.
Guess we all need some efforts to communicate with our colleagues.
I hope you will be able to have some good results with your difficult colleague.

Hey add me to your msn if you have one. Maybe we can meet up for dinner during weekdays. Sometimes my hubby work till v late and its so boring to do dinner alone. My MSN is
[email protected]
Other MTBs can add me in too.

Cassey, thank you for the invitation. I will be visiting my gynae on that day-late afternoon. Can I RSVP with you by next week? I need to check if i can push appointment earlier.
caramelle! Choy choy! *touchwood* I am really praying hard not to have any n have been so diligent!!!
wah liew.. see jam75's post on stretchmarks, my heart sank to the ground!
<font color="0077aa">caramelle, my baby is a Royal CaNIN girl. She's tried Serengeti before but hated it.
So I buy Indoor 27 and sometimes Active 32. She gets chicken jerky treats... But no wet food.
From young, I've been convinced by dog-seller tt wet food isn't ideal for maintenance of dental hygiene.
That's MY take on it.

sweethalo, agree with you on the stupid picture thing. Inconsiderate seller.
Now I have to enter enter manually to chop off long paragraphs.

bbjun, thanks! But sorry ah, I don't agree. Moisturising doesn't discourage stretchmarks.
It's usually already programmed in our genes, even if moisturising helps, it's only to a tiny extent.
But I'm same as Tubbym~, at least I can tell myself and bump that I did my best. *wail*

sweethalo, hubby wasn't laughing at my stretchmarks. *sad*
He was laughing at the WackO JackO pose - cos I lean back, stick bump far far out in front,
and then crane neck fwd to get close to mirror without compromising backwards bend.
I look like a moron when I'm going that. Would have giggled if not for the stretchmarks.

Tubbym~, GROSS!!! Cassey's litter is cleared every day...!
But then we top it up with about 5" of litter so one litter change goes a LONG way. Heehee...
We can go for 4-6 weeks without emptying out the entire tray and it still doesn't reek.
I must show you what litter brand I use when we meet.
merlynzz, sure, will add u in tonite. office cannot access MSN. sighz.
Sure. Easy for us to meet up anyway.

Btw, I just rem something.
To all mummies, if u are still looking ard for husk pillows, my mum just made an extra one since she has extra husk left (as to why she has so much cos she sells eggs at market n can get it easily from the veg stall next to her!). She may be making a couple more cos I think I still see some more husk at her hse. If u dun mind a not so fantastic cover, I m helping her to let it go at $8. Tot just help her to get a nominal sum to cover her cost and time spent. If u are interested, just PM me. Will try to find time tonite to take a pic n send to u. The one she just did is a pink cover with some bears.
sweethalo, will try to post the pic up tonite.

Ok.. gotta go back to work else I won't be able to knock off on time today to enjoy my mother's yummy food!
ok lah..going to feed cats, hang clothes and find food now. tonight going for antenatal class so wont be online. don't miss me and be good okay everyone!
cassey, does ur sis have any stretchmarks? cos i heard it's genetic..... so if she do have it, maybe it's all in the genes and not even the best cream will help.

and please all MTBs, dun scratch if tummy gets itchy ok?? it will leave marks.... i'm refraining myself from scratching.....

think the way to stop us from strolling left to right is to post quickly and be on a fresh page and this will be in the archives.

tubbymummy, any good buys around?? hiak hiak.....
yalor, not walking around on my feet, so let the fingers do the walking... But these nursing bras are indeed nicer mah, the rest of the designs are all quite sad...

Cassey, boh bian, when I'm not doing it myself, I shan't complain. I used to poop scoop every 2 days, but now hubby's doing it his way. He's also doing all the housework, and of late, I've relegated washing of dishes to him as well, so eh, think I better not push it, in case he goes on strike, and I have to spend money to employ PT maid... I use a 10 litre bag of litter each time. Not sure how many inches that is, cos I obviously haven't looked at the litter box in a long time haha... no recollection.

Agree with the dental hygiene thing, so mine used to be on 100% dry food, with the occasional treat like fresh fish or egg yolk (occasional = once in a BLUE moon). But since I started reading up on how some dry food are super nasty (use saw dust, road kill, etc etc), I have started them on a little bit of wet food a day, using the sort of wet food that I can see what actually goes inside (I like the Tikicat sardine cutlets one, proper pieces of sardine inside). The Wellness ones all look like luncheon meat, which I'm not too happy about, but their full ingredient list looks decent, and the "naturalists" give good feedback, so buy lor...
Oh die, i forgot to speak in short sentences just now to benefit the left/right gang.
lovelytulips, my mum has stretch marks. I myself have stretch marks from
weight gain last time. So I don't think I got chance to go scot-free...
caramelle, i hv been monitoring the strecth mark &amp; so far still ok but till my SIL say will onli realize aft birth...i scared!!

bbjun, hv heard once in 3rd tri no stretch mark form should b no more le...was quite happi till last nite heard bth my SIL say the same thing mk mi worried again!
Harlow Ladies

Wow! Its a HOT day, isn't it?

hatemenot, tell baby that just a couple of months to go... Hang in there.. Jia you jia you... Take care, rest well...
Blurmom, it was HOt then it rained (my side), then HOT again.
Wanted to take opp to do laundry, realised I ran out of detergent. Sigh.

sweethalo, I was just looking at the otah, looks quite yummy. Hv u tried?

tubbymummy, use baby detergent first? kekeke

Ahhh! Busy shopping with bb stuff then forget about ourself right?
That happens to me lately, I realise my memory is falling apart!

Where do you stay? My side is bright and sunny... I feel so sticky after waking up...
Feeling abit pek chek with this weather....
