(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

morning mummies, one post before I start work proper. Agree with hatemenot that while she brings these things to classes, she never formally ask us to buy. She just share whatever she feels about the pdt good qualities are n let us know if it's available for us to buy that day. Seriously, she will not force u and u dun have to feel obliged to buy if u are not comfortable. Me n hatemenot are in the last class of the day, so usually only left with very little items to buy cos almost all sold out liao. So far, I have not seen her selling other companies' pdts, except for bringing those that belongs to TMC. Freebies are just what the companies give TMC ba... so she just bring along to give to us.

WBB does have some strong opinions on some ppl's practices and CL's doings. But each of us are all entitled to have our own opinions and do not need to have the same views as her. Most of the time, I take her stories as info cos I will never know if my CL is like that until I use her finally! so it's just good to know.

hatemenot, OMG.. didn't know u are hospitalized!! How are u now? I m gg TMC this sat for gynae's visit. Can I go n visit u?

gotta start work liao! Catch with u all later.

Morning ladies,
2 pages of archives...Read until my blur and forget who say wat.

Just go for your trip any enjoy yrself. If yr man do pop the question than that BONUS!!! Otherwise expectation kill joy.

Hope everything is fine, do rest n take good care ya

Re : cotton ball
I just get the cotton ball from pigeon and use it to clean my boi's eye.
First Mum, what are you doing to me my dear? posting sites selling carter's bodysuits?? i have to refrain from clicking! hehe

Cassey, i sensed some people must have stepped on your toes from earlier entries but didn't ask. anyway most importantly, thanks for organising this! i know it's a lot of work..that's why i never do. hehe
i will have to check and revert to you on my RSVP. cos the place not halal but pls dont change the venue on my account. either i join you for coffee or something after that or another time k? wow, 20 preggie mummies is a big group, will create quite a sight im sure!

actually it's true, if you're not active on the thread you will feel very left out when we meet cos when we talk abt a topic, you may not know what we're referring to. and if you expect someone to "include" you, then i think it's quite inconsiderate no? i hate having to draw people into conversations, though i will feel obligated to.

(Eh thanks for missing me Cassey, i had to babysit the younger kit in the living room cos they're not allowed in the MBR anymore where my laptop is. now she's in season so if i go to the MBR i have to lock her in the toilet that's why i MIA yest. she's much better today so i can leave her unattended in the living room).

Tubby and sweethalo, my bigger kit makes small monkey-like noises which is very cute. except when she's in season then i really hear her voice. but hopefully after surgery next friday, i won't hear it anymore.

lovelytulips, thanks for info. i agree that Ade does sell cheaper than most other spree-ists here too. think cos she really buy in bulk.

re birthing video: hubby and i missed our class last week which was showing the vid. but good also i think for me, i wont watch it because the more i know what to anticipate, the more i will know when the pain will climax so it can't help me relax. im planning for total drug-free delivery (fingers crossed!) so if i dont know the worst is yet to come, i'll take it in my stride. hehe

sweethalo, eh you stay seletar your house is it at the colonial house that one? my boss lived there too but her house kena taken by the JTC people for development. yest i went jln kayu for breakfast with hubby and he was saying wouldnt it be nice to live at the private house opposite, think at jalan tari lilin there. he's been obsessed abt buying private property of late. i couldnt agree less.

bbjun, i still havent go to see pupsik pouch SORRY! cos i had a small party at my place on sat and spent sun cleaning up. will try this weekend okay?
HI all,
good morning! Took MC cos yesterday very tam jiak, took a piece of fried chicken and kana sore throat! Now very painful. Had heartburn too, so irritating! Weather bad, plus many pple in office down with virus infection. So sure kana one way or another!

wow, 10 days already! You must take care! I also had contraction last week, but was told to monitor. My cervix wasn't open so got sent home with ventolin. TMC got internet assess? Must pay? Glad to know that at least the stay is a pleasant one, but still wishing you a early discharge! Nowhere better than home!
please take care. hope you can be discharged to rest at home this weekend. rest well and tell baby to hang in there!

u too. rest well k. btw can i ask how often are the contractions and did you feel alot of pain. i do feel like menstrual cramps sometimes and worry they might be contractions. would appreciate if u can share your experience (if you think its ok to share here la). thanks!

i remember u said u shop like ure having twins. that left an impression with me, all right!
hatemenot, sayang u. hopefully you can get discharged soon.

dolly, u r so brave. on any courses abt hypnobirthing already? wat does it teach?

fifi, my placenta is mid low. is urs abt thr? i think if gynae doesn't mention abt anything, it means shld still be ok bah. cos if it's any lower, they'll hv to warn abt csect.
First mum,

what happened was there was this crampy pain in my tummy last wed's night. I couldn't really sleep as the pain comes and goes, and it was quite painful. I tried timing them, it was abt once every hour. Morning, I called my clinic and the sister wanted me in immediately for checkup as they were afraid that it may be real contraction. Doc saw me and gave me the virginal scan, whereby he concluded that the cervix is still a good 5 cm closed from my virginal. He commented that I did the right thing in seeing him cos we never know what's up inside! So I was given ventolin and sent home to rest. The pain stopped in 3 days time. By sat, I was alright already! Hope this helps. If you are unsure, I suggest you calling the nurse. Time your contraction too.
Mika the report wrote slight low..aint sure exact position. gynae nvr mention anything thereafter, maybe gotta check w him at my next check up.

hatemenot ya take care n rest well!
morning all!

juz finished reading archive....tink the thread more posting at nite leh! realli pei fu those nite owl mummies leh...now 10pm i m zzzzzzzzzz liow le...u'll dun feel sleepy huh???
chk wif u ladies do u feel yr tummy like v bloated or like going to explode?? last few days tummy realli v xin ku but i dun seems to eat alot leh....but aft resting on bed tink tummy will b abit softer feel beter!

oso my right lower breast dunno y feel abit pain leh even without wearing bra leh! any1 encounter the same prob wif mi ma??
hatemenot, didn't realise u were in hospital! Do hang in there, complete bed rest is prob the best thing for u now, even tho u're prob bored to tears... Since u got your internet connection now, come in and chat with us, won't be so bored ok? Take care.

sweethalo, until now I still haven't go and apply for Robinsons and Taka card! I took the Robinsons form already. Taka one... see how first lah. Seems like Robinsons more exciting leh. So how, u decided today go where gaigai? I may change my mind about going out, cos my arm is very sore, and my legs look like pigs trotters. May spend the day at home putting my legs up instead. But so boring, and so many temptations outside....

LFB, I did the shin press test last night, and... OH. MY. GOODNESS. GRACIOUS. ME. I left so many indentations in my shin! I must be super bloated with water! I show my hubby, and he looked at me like I'm an alien. And after rubbing on the spot for a while, the indentation was still there. That part of my leg was behaving like a piece of dead flesh, no bounce, no response one. CRY!!
It must be a lot worse at night, cos now I press my shin, the indentation last maybe 1-2 secs, then goes away by itself. I must be storing water like camel like that lor. This prob explains why I put on 2kg over the last 1 wk only. I haven't been eating more than usual, and was wondering where all the weight came from.

Cassey, I think my water retention is not related to the amount of water I drink, cos I'm a mini guzzler too. I drink about 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day, and during the course of the night (from going to sleep till first drink in the morning), I do another 500ml too. My sodium intake is also not more than pre-preg. I'll just assume it's bad luck...
hatemenot.... do take care. and must really rest. i heard of cases/pple who manage to bring their bb to full term. jia you!!

sweethalo, i was actually thinking if pigeon will have additional discount on top of the 20% at robinsons.

tubbymummy, dont go out then shop online la..... lotsa temptations around....

i think water helps in water retention in that the more we drink, it's better. as oppose to what some of our parents think that water retention is caused by drinking too much water.... :p

sleeping on the left side is better as it allows better nutrients and blood flow to the placenta (i think so). lying on the back isnt that back, just that need to have 2 pillows so that the diaphragm (spelling?) and upper body is raised to prevent any breathless-ness.

Decided to stay in today... so hot!! ehhehe

TubbyM- yeah tempted to go out but look at the blazing sun... sian oredi...

Hatemenot- hope u are alright... take care.
sweethalo, first it was blazing sun, then now my side started raining, proper rain some more, even though there's still sun. Think go out like that sure fall sick right?? Strange weather. I think I KIV till tomorrow to shop...
Lovelytulips - from wht i remember, pigeon has 20% off but like bo additional member discount during the last member's sale... only the 5% fr the credit card. Also some items are nett- like the nappy liners, nappies, breastpads etc. I bought a fridge to go the last time and that had 20% nia..

TubbyM- I think Robinsons card is quite good... quite all rounded stuff to buy... also has big bedsheet dept that has good offers for exclusive member's sales... Taka card not so great if nothing much there... dono why i can't really find anything to buy at Taka Baby fair leh.. my fav is still the Tangs card! 12% hehehe
sweethalo & tubbymummy, u'll realli love shopping huh?? i now super lazy to go out le...now mainly work & go back le....even wkend i prefer to stay at home! tink recently i m realli getting too lazy + the super HOT weather realli mk mi choose to stay at home!
ya ya, Tangs still my fave, but I think when it comes to baby dept, Robinsons seems to have more baby stuff... That's why thinking about it lor.
jam75, funny thing is, I actually didn't enjoy shopping before I was preg. I didn't like browsing around for fun, see got anything to buy or not, I was never like that. I always told my hubby he's super fortunate to marry someone like me, instead of someone who wants to go orchard every weekend to window shop. If I needed to buy let's say work clothes, I will go out and one shot buy 3-4 suits (so that I don't have to shop again for a good few months), then come home. I won't get distracted in between with handbags lah, accessories, shoes, whatever. I really didn't enjoy shopping, and I hated going out with girlfriends who liked shopping, cos they waste a lot of time haha. I think maybe now being pregnant has made me a different person! Hehe... I'm like on some mission to check out every baby or pregnancy related thing there is!
hehehe... so my forecast for Orchard crowd is wrong...giggles...

Prefer now to enjoy aircon in the comforts of my room...heheh...

Is caramelle back to work oredi? she doesnt seem to be online for long periods..

Caramelle - i don't stay at the seletar airbase area... mine is on the other side of YCK road... Seletar road itself- Seletar Hills Estate.
jam75- before preggie, hv not stepped into orchard road for more than 2-3yrs since we came back to live in Singapore... prefer the country life and doing gardening.

Now become back to younger days when working,destressing in dept stores...hahaha
sweethalo, does your area have one road called Jalan Redop?

jam75, I'm pretty amazed at what's sold on BP as well, even profiteroles and eclairs, fried cempadak, etc. Goodness!
Anyone knows what the price of Pampers Comfort is?

hehehe... how come got so called foster brother? u mean your nanny's kids ah?
tubbymummy... i was thinking of buying those eu yan sang/lo hang ka birdnest instead.

sweethalo, was thinking of getting nappies, cotton balls. guess i'll probably get them from the taka bb fair then.

the weather's been so strange lately... raining at one moment, sunny at another.
Hope you are getting well soon.
I had some contractions too last month, due to getting too upset over some issues at work.
Take care and rest well at TMC.
Thanks for the feedback on the food and service @TMC.
merlynzz- hi there... do take care and rest well..

lovelytulips - u hv the taka card? yeah if nappies no 20% it's just std price. anyway I bought the tollyjoy ones... it's cheaper and i can't find any difference with the two bags i was comparing.

Unless Robinsons has the $5 giveaway voucher then it's worth it lo... if not, no pt since only 5% on the card. You can consider buy from Tangs too... since nett items no further discount but Tangs card gives 12%
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"><blink>Confirmation of Central Gathering</blink></font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">
Date: Friday, 17 April 2009
Venue: Shokudo @ Basement 1, Raffles City S.C.
Time: 6.30pm til late

RSVP via PM pls!

Confirmed Attendees to date:
Bbaugustine, Bbjun, Cassey, Creamer, Createjoy, Fifi, Innocentwar, Jackie, Jam75, Jess Ma, Katelee, Kikismom, Shelisa, Tubbymummy

Tentative Attendees to date: sweethalo, nozomi

<font color="ff0000">*Note: ONLY June MTBs <u>currently / recently actively posting</u> on this thread are invited</font>.
(I can't be inviting you if I don't know you. So do organise your own gathering if you like, please.)

<font color="ff0000">**<u>Gatecrashers NOT WELCOME</u> as reservations will be made.</font> Gatecrash: to attend an event UNinvited

Thank you.
Organiser: Cassey</font>
sweethalo, im still working from home. but nowawdays like got so many things to do so im always on my work email. and also i find there's housework to do. these days my house is so clean. although im always hungry cos i dont cook so i always have late lunches. i tell my hubby that's the only thing i miss abt work. used to be that breakfast, lunch and dinner i eat like clockwork timing. next week is my final week working from home. then hubby leaves for taiwan and i go back to work and keep myself busy again.

btw, you and Tubby use litterbox for the cats? if yes, who cleans it now? im thinking if safe for us to clean in our 3rd tri cos when hubby go taiwan i will the one who need to do the cleaning...?
Re; Birdnest- hv been taking the Eu yan sang type. They had a good offer around CNY and VD. Find it easy and convenient to take...no hassle. Anyway, no proven results from birdsnest... so can't be bothered with troublesome preparations etc.

Just taking for psychological comfort ...wahhahhaha
Caramelle - yeah i use litterbox as i don't allow my babes out of the house to roam... so far, my dad and hb cleans them for me... but this morning, dad went out and hb rushed off to office, so I jus used a plastic bag to shield my hands before using the scoop to clear the poop. Then after that wash my hands thoroughly with soap.

I think 3rd tri is ok ba...
sweethalo, no, my mum was his nanny hehe. He lived with us for 10 years, only going home 1 day a week, sometimes not at all, so he treated us like his primary family instead of his own mum. Calls my parents Pa &amp; Ma
<font color="0077aa">Having boy NOT = eat a lot la! It's individual!!


They're out of my line of sight, but hubby was talking to Justus Jr. yesterday and noticed them.
I had to go stick out my pelvis into the mirror like a psycho Michael Jackson before I could see anything. GGGRRRRRR....!!!

Tubbym~, guess what? Hubby only came back just before midnight... but he did do the hand massage for me. Heehee... *happy smile*

sweethalo, oops... thanks! I'm eating the bad overnight porridge now. Haha!

bbaugustine, thanks for PMing. What bbjun said is very true. I may miss responses here. WBB's class IS very popular... sweethalo and bing were 'fighting' to pay to secure their places! Haha... We're very fortunate to have gotten a place, I guess.

dolly, thanks, but no thanks to hypnobirthing. I'm a skeptic!

bbjun &amp; caramelle,thanks for rallying around. APPRECIATE IT!

vibe &amp; Merlynz, you keen on joining for gathering?

Many things I want to respond to, but work beckons and I'm too lazy to do OT so I shall keep reading.
jam75: Sometimes my tummy also feel like exploding! But after some rest it's ok again.. Maybe we are gaining weight in quantum instead of gradually?

I love shopping for bargain
That is if you place a SALE pricetag there, for 2 product that look alike, price alike, I'll go for the one on SALE! haha, found satisfaction in how much I saved
Hi Ladies,

Lunch break sneak in awhile. Recently had not been posting but everyday before start work will go thru the archives first. Anyone miss me? haha

hatemenot, do rest well, good ger hor..

Cassey, Thanks for the effort. How i wish tmr is 17 April.

Just to updated, bb weight 1.1kg on week 28. Recently she is so active. During night time when im gg to sleep, i will slp in her first. I will like 'mommy gg to catch u" then i will try to guess which side she will kick and gently tap tap that area. then keep repeating regardless guess right or wrong. Sometime we can play up to 30mins. haha. sometime i dropped tear, EMO!! As im so happy that she respond and playing with me.

TubbyMummy, the bird thread u post, i feel not bad leh. As she mentioned don't need to clean/pick again. Maybe will order from her. But mostly will order bn003 shell shape. But will let you know again if im gg to buy from her.
sweethalo, yah hubby has been rushing off to work a lot these days too since im at home. usually he'll put in some biscuits for them and clean the litterbox before he goes cos he leaves at 7am and i leave abt 30 mins later but im always rushing so sometimes i miss. but nowadays, he doesnt even leave them biscuits. and the poor girls will come scratching at my bedroom door until i wake up around 9. think hubby pampered that now when im at home i'll do everything. he's even asking me to cook! but i lost my recipe book my mum gave me, so now i cant even fry vege cos i used to follow all the recipes step by step. haha!
<font color="0077aa">caramelle, it should be ok to clear litter now. BUT I'd say:
- Do it in a well-ventilated area (to prevent nausea caused by the ammonia) and
- Always ensure you clean your hands thoroughly after - whether or not you're handling food.

P.s. SO SO SO SO SORRY SORRY SORRY FOR THE CHOICE OF NON-HALAL PLACE! I just assumed they'd be a choice for everyone since it's like a Marche. You pack McD's la?!?!?! *SORRY SORRY*</font>
hehe Cassey, it's okay don't worry. i'll ask hubby if i can go there and eat fish instead or something. btw, if it's like marche means they cook on the spot is it? i so suaku..never been to either. have heard of marche tho cos their cow mascot so prominent.

today i had to do the litterbox after so long, and then i Walch-ed my hands to my elbow. thought of wearing gloves but like so troublesome. thanks for advice on ventilation, i must remember to open the side window at my kitchen when i clean the box.
thanks dearies for the encouragement.

cos my cervix length is very short, abt 20mm so with the contractions, my gynae scared i pre term too early so ask me to rest here to buy some time, get the baby bigger first. now on ventolin as well. was in labour ward last week and got the drip for ventolin. but dr chan rocks lah.. serious, very professional and cares for her patients very much. oso ask the nurse to help me wash my hair.. although they did not since i cant sit up.

i realised stress really contribute to contractions too. so take care all mummies.. chat tmr.. =)
<font color="0077aa">Further ranting abt stretchmarks
In denial. Kept telling myself no la, it's clothes creases from sitting down.
Hubby laughed hysterically to see my psycho JackO pelvic thrust.
But did another psycho JackO pelvis thrust in mirror this morning and sigh. They're still there.
caramelle, mine use litterbox, hubby cleaning it. He cleans it only like once a week, and I don't complain since I'm not helping to do that at all. My cats have never been allowed to roam outdoors at all either, so I'm pretty sure they're safe, but I just play on the safe side anyway (plus since it's not something I enjoy doing, what perfect excuse to let hubby do hehehe). My hubby's theory is that we have never let them out, but before we got them (at 1mth old), we're not sure what conditions they lived in, so who knows. If your cats have always been indoors, then I think should be ok. Like sweethalo said, wear gloves, then wash hands thoroughly after that. Try not to stir things up too much, cos the litter can produce some kind of dust, which I don't think is a good thing if u inhale it. If want to be super KS, wear a mask...?
<font color="0077aa">caramelle, no prob. They do cook on the spot. It's basiclly a foodcourt with stall that serve "higher class" cuisine. Haha..

> For me, clean hands thoroughly doesn't mean using disinfectant/sanitiser/the kinda soap I use. It means washing all surfaces of my hands thoroughly... like the standard hospital handwash technique that you can see on posters. rub palms, backs of hands, between thumbs and index fingers, between fingers, scratch nails on palm bed to clean them out...

Tubbym~, WHOA! It can't be that hubby CLEARS litter every week or it'd be chock full of waste, right? Hubby CHANGES the litter every week?!?!?!? *impressed*</font>

yeah... i held my breathe while picking up...hehehe...

TubbyM, once a week? not super stinko ah??? I always scream for my dad or hb to clean straightaway...hehehe...cos my fatty quite stinko biz...
