(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

I not sure want to sell or keep, actually the pump work very well on me, but just too slow cos I use manual.

Ear thermo,
FYI, some of my mummy friend spree from Amazon it cheaper by abt ½ of the price in Singapore.
Cassey dear,
poor thing! Ok, cool down. But I do agree. If we are not sharing here and then we meet, abit strange! Somemore we shared so much here already! Too bad for me not able to go! You gals enjoy yourself!

Yesterday I walked so much that today I just have to rest more! My legs were actually tired!

Birthing video
Ya, I watch alot too from youtube! Hubby was cringing when I switch on the volume. He was asking me,"will you scream like that?" I said," well, depends! " Hee hee, think he freak out!
ahnetsan, already controlled. else, i probably end up even more. think if go with u MTBs, with all the "ransacking", will be worse.... probably i see even more. ha.....

sweethalo, yup, boy boy. urs??? (i lazy to check back the table)
hmmm... i boought the carters 5pc set, the 7pc gap rompers, 1 pair of the wristlets and 2 sleepsuits.

oh, and she has alot of those jeans stuff but i think probably too big for NB.

and yes, she has shoes.
LFB, my legs are aching badly now also...... sometimes i wonder if my legs can tahan my weight.

cant imagine end Apr, beginning May. think will be too lazy to go out.......
Agree with Cassey and LFB too. It's nice that there are more ppl who wanna join us, but it's like we don't know anything about them, whereas they know so much about us.

If there are any silent readers reading this, and would like to join us, please just come on in and chit chat to us first la, so we can get to know you too. We won't bite

lovelytulips! Purposely say got lotsa girl things just to siah me right?? I wanna go too! sweethalo, how how how??
sweethalo... think First Mum posted a link saying someone selling 5 pc carter set.... must find the link....... (think in archive already - u all talk so fast)

Tubbymummy, wahahahhaah....... my hb was telling Ade that if the next time i'm having a girl, he will faint..... :p imagine all the pink pink rompers, they are real lovely....
<font color="0077aa">LFB, thanks for empathising. You &amp; ahnetsan both say cool down cool down. It wasn't an angry post leh. Just a formal one to make things clear. That's all. It gets on my nerves cos... I'm doing all this NOT for any old hag on the sidelines to drop on by.
It's for each one of you girls here <font size="+1">"HERE!!!"</font> whom I've come to know and feel for as my friends.

That aside, isn't it plain poor manners to be inviting either yourself or your friend to what is essentially "someone else's party"? Hmm..
u gals make me wana go again. to kpo and see what else is there.... wahahahahah

we can form a shopping gang.

Cassey, yea, cool down. it's probably weird-er for them to join cos they havent been talking to all of us a single time......
sweethalo, I remember u asking me if I'm peranakan. U mean only peranakans say "siah" meh? I know it's the same word in hakka. hehe.

Oh! Haven't checked out the Pink Cream link yet! Hehe...

lovelytulips, the link and the ones sold by Ade, same price or not?
<font color="0077aa">sweethalo, I guessed that.. but what language and what pronunciation? I only use it as in like... die, sia!!

l'tulips, ok I chill. Chill.
Wanna say thanks to the rest of you though, who have been cooperative with your PMs and very encouraging.
Included but not limited to: bbjun, creamer, Tubbym~. You are a precious minority and I really appreciate it!
** I hope I don't get stabbed on that day by some angry MTB, possibly from a foreign land.

Where is caramelle today huh?</font>
hehehe... I think it's very Peranakan to use it that word leh...hehehe...I am half peranakan...

I thot Die sia is a different Sia...

This is pronounced SEAH (goes kinda upwards in tone) ... but it's a temptation kind of thing... Die Sia (tone goes downwards) is not... it's more like Die Lah.. right?
TubbyMummy, different prices. Ade's selling them cheaper.

It comes in a pack of 5 as in like the 5 pc Carters blanket. not too sure if can mix and match, gotto ask Ade cos i just took them as it is.

thermometer - when's a good time to buy? need to get it prepared now??? or can buy later after birth...... maybe a silly qns: but do we need to get those plastic covers that goes into the ear, just like the GPs does when we see them (for hygiene purpose)?
Ya, peranakans are famous for borrowing from here and there, then improvise a bit, and proclaim it "peranakan!" hehehe... Same goes for food. Hehe... I'm only 1/4 peranakan, but every now and then, I get my peranakan lesson from the boss of a nonya restaurant. Wahahaha... he's fantastic, he knows EVERYTHING. He's a walking history book on all things peranakan.
Ya, think the Braun comes with 21 covers. Haiyoh, my sister still not confirmed whether coming in Sep or not. Now don't dare to depend on her to bring me my thermometer leh. Think ask ILs better, they already booked air tickets.
hehee... how i wish ade is home on thurs! Wahhahahhaa

TubbyM- hv u bot it yet? if she not back in sept then ask her mail it to u...
Yup, I'm local
Sister overseas, parents half the time overseas (but now that I'm pregnant, they're in Sin, yay!), IL family overseas. The rest of my extended family (aunts, uncles etc) are pretty much all here, but I don't keep in touch with them, so... eh.... not counted hahaha.

sweethalo, think I ask IL to buy, safer lah. The last few times I asked my sis to buy something for me, I never heard of it again haha.
*fainted* yeah then better ask inlaws...hehehe

Tonite must ask hb if he approves of me venturing to Woodlands on my own...waakkakakaka
Tubbymummy : Ohhh.i'm local too but my family likes to travel overseas really often too. And my man's from Australia.

It gets pretty lonely sometimes..... =[
Ahnet- i need to get swaddle blanket leh... my fren said even use few weeks also good to buy... she told me get hooded blanket can also use as towel...
ok, will check the thermometer out... Braun got sale one onot ah.... hehehe

sweethalo... she's home today, tell her u wana go la.... u also leave in the north rite???
yeah live in the north but hb still not home yet... still waiting for him to come back...*hungry*

sometimes those sprees zoom in when websites got offer... apparently sometimes Amazon has sale or what... i also dono... if can, u watch ebay ba...sometimes some wierd seller comes and sells cheap
hi ladies

anyone hit by the blues?? i been feeling really down since last night.. the whole of today also very down and blue... heard more depressing news at work.. even worse.

wonder if it's due to hormones, or just usual bad mood..
ahnet- yeah, just wana touch touch to feel isit soft bo... before decide

amkgal- cheerup ba... maybe sometimes u are tired so very sian feeling lo.. sometimes i am quite mang zhang too
<font color="0077aa">amk_gal, I'm feel grouchy and grumpy. Does that count? But I think mine cos my man has been away the last nights and today, only returning in the wees hours of the morning. So I'm bored.

sweethalo, me hungry too. Just finished cooking pork porridge and devouring it now as fast as I can given how hot it is.
Stupid me burnt a pot of porridge earlier, came online and left it boiling on stove.
tinybubu, sounds familiar... especially when my parents are away for like 6mths at a stretch, will feel abit unloved at times (I'm horrible lah, baby of the family haha). Thankfully hubby doesn't travel much for work...

sweethalo, hooded blanket same material as towel? Will it be as absorbent as a towel...?

amk_gal, I remembered u posted briefly (yesterday or day before?) and sounded a bit stressed. Everything ok? Think if you're stressed or slightly depressed in general, pregnancy hormones magnifies the whole feeling and makes u feel more blue... I had a bout of the blues couple of months back, but manage to shake myself out of it in a couple of days. Hang in there, and share with us here if you wanna get anything off your chest. We're all good listening ears
sweethalo, seletar as in near seletar camp/country club??? i seriously dont know where's seletar except for the seletar camp and the seletar country club. oops.

LFB, that's the thing with women. haha... buy and buy.

amk_gal, cheer up..... hormonal changes makes us more sensitive and emo. i can cry at the slightest sad scene. very pai seh sometimes.....
