(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

<font color="0077aa">sweethalo, of course not nice! I had to throw out that potful (cooked enough for lunch tmr) and now leaving it to soak.
Crazy. I'm too free I want to make myself scrub a pot. Duh!

ahnetsan, fat from birth... but no tightness except when have mild cramp in the night...

*Off. Been here all afternoon. Must get a life outside of you ladies!</font>

don't be sad. Things can get abit moody at times, but we must be happy and relax! Work was very taxing for me too when I was in first tri. But I tell myself no matter how tough the situation is, it will pass! So try to lighten up! Come in here often, we cheer up up one another? If not, get ahnetsan to bring you go shopping! Retail theraphy works best for us!
cassey, only pork porridge enough meh? wont you feel hungry a few hrs later?? i will sure feel hungry after 1 or 2 hrs max...
amk_gal : i hope you feel better.focus on other things...umm,like baby shopping....

i know when i started feeling down, i immersed myself in making a comprehensive list of things to buy for the baby and to pack for the hospital bag.and every time i bought stuff, i checked things off my list. and i felt a strange sense of satisfaction. or maybe i'm just OCD and on the brink of insanity...
lovelytulips, yeah quite near Jalan Kayu. CTE YCK exit.. hehehe

Amkgal hope u feel better soon... maybe u need to do some shopping?? hehhee
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, you don't know how much I'm eating ma. Haha...
I cooked a big pot anyway, can eat again before bed. I love porridge. YUM!

*Have a good evening, my friends!*</font>
LFB, haha i thk sweethalo will be a better person to bring amk_gal for shopping...
she's more pro in tis.
amk_gal : i can post my list up in here and you'll see what i mean.it has columns for how much it cost, what colour it was, where i bought it from and segmented into different categories.very retarded but it helped me through my prenatal blues. now i'm just doing my last min prep (birth plan,cord blood decision,buying a thermometer) so that from mid april onwards,i can sit back,chill out and enjoy my last moments of silence in the house. =]
TubbyM- porridge, just wash rice and put more than usual water for cooking rice and leave on slow fire over stove, add salt to taste nia... then when rice gets more cook, add water gradually, and softer almost ready then u add whtever ingredients...
okiez... now i know where....

my hb's thinking i'm crazy cos i'm always looking at the BP thread. and i'm even thinking of ordering the Muar otah cos i'm craving for it. haha
Talk abt food! Tell you something scary! I went to Dian Xiao'er tonight and ordered theor mongolia spare ribs! You know what? I cleared the whole plate! Hubby not meat lover, humour me by taking only 1 piece, the rest, all inside my tummy! Wah, so scary! I also polished a bowl of rice, 3 pieces of tofu and half a bowl of soup! Cassey, you are not the only big eater for sure!
sigh.my tummy feels very stretched no matter which position i'm sitting in.... =[

going to go lie down in bed and watch tv.

goodnite girls.talk to you soon!
just fried a plate of chai tow kway for my man! He can tell me he hungry, very hungry! I was like what?!?! We had dinner around 6pm! Peng!
LFB, good appetite! Everything sounds yummy... I wanna go to Din tai Fung to eat their tofu...

sweethalo, I have only ever attempted to cook porridge ONCE in my life. That was when I was staying in indonesia, and was having diarrhoea, and when I called home, my mum told me to cook porridge and drink the whitish water. So I put rice in a pot, and added lotsa water. It boiled, and suddenly, all the water disappeared! I added more, by the time it reboiled, disappeared again. This happened maybe 5 rounds, before I gave up, and threw everything out. I have never tried to cook porridge again haha. In fact, I don't know how to cook rice.
So I NEVER eat rice at home (I don't fancy rice anyway). My mum finally bought me a small rice cooker this year hahaha.
My mum in law was telling me overnite porridge will cause wind in the tummy but I didn't really believe so I ate a small bowl...thought it was one of those old wives' tales...but the next moment I was suffering from a tummy ache so that was a lesson. How funny pregnancy changes how your system works. Never had a problem with overnite food in the past!
Cassey, i can go for the gathering so do count me in. Hope to meet you guys and get to know you better. I think it will be interesting to see all the mummies with the pregnant bellies at the same place. Wonder if we will get stares...=p
sorry.. long post... me doing OT.

Lovelytulips, thanks for the concern. Also telling myself the same thing but it’s just more crazy today since I have training to conduct and career fairs to go networking. Matters made worse with incompetent and easily stressed colleague who keeps passing her work to the rest of us. If not, I won’t be so busy. Anyway, things will be less strenuous physically after today. I can just sit n use my brains after today!

Cassey, yes I m another water guzzler n I felt so deprived of water today cos of the talking I have to do continuously for four hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. Well, things are busier (as per above). I still log in to read but difficult to participate in the discussion cos I can’t keep up when it moves too fast.

Oh ya,… was it caramelle who was gg to look at the puspik pouch last weekend? Did you post any feedback here cos I may really have missed it.

Re: thermometer
Yes, it’s better to get one that scan from the forehead. Fast and accurate. My mom gave me hers after she realized I was looking ard for one. I didn’t even know she had such an advanced thermometer. She told me she bought it via her traditional off-line auntie network BP during the SARS period!!! Wah liew.. I didn’t know my mother is into BP before me!!!

Re: gathering
Cassey, Can fully understand your reaction and appreciate that u did just that! Else I will be scratching my head trying to figure out who I m meeting that day! I m definitely looking fwd to “meet” the silent readers here in the forum before I meet them in person. So do join in the discussion!

Re: Birthing videos
Those gg for WBB’s class, u are gg to watch MORE birthing videos in class soon. She wants to show u the different ways of easing pain during labour and types of birthing methods. So lotsa videos to watch. Dun be late for class. She usually shows them at the beginning of the class.

Amkgal, I m sure it’s just the hormones playing pranks on u. I have that once in a while as well and will just tell my hb on the phone that I don’t want to talk that day. Poor him, he has to start sweet-talking me to made me feel better… which of cos, doesn’t work all the time.. can’t beat the hormones. N I still dunno why I just suddenly felt that way!

bbaugustine, do PM cassey. easier for her that way cos she may just miss your post here.
Yep I have dropped Cassey a PM.

Are most of you in Mrs Wong's class at TMC? I tried to register for her class but it was fully booked! and there was even a waiting list...So i ended up registering for the Sun morning one. The 1st lesson had us do antenatal exercises and there was some info on nutrition. Is it the same structure for all the classes? My sleepy hubby felt a little awkward with the antenatal classes at the beginning. I think for most men they just wanna find out the practical stuff like how to bathe, put diapers etc...and be done with the classes =p
welcome bbaugustine

yeah, my Sat nite class started watching bf video of twins... then go do exercise then nutrition talk.

the exercises were quite fun... think most of the hbs looked quite interested leh...
LFB, chartow kway sounds gd..... ah....

think i'm the opposite. i cook porridge the most as it's the easiest thing to cook.

i think it's not just overnite porridge. my mum says preggies should not take any form of overnite food.......

bbjun, i can understand about the passing of work to the rest of u. now that our due date is nearer, i'm very vexed over the handover of my stuff. with the economy down, i will have no exxtra headcount......

bbjun, i read somewhere that WBB will start selling stuff during her class like washcloth etc..... true??? and when will she do that?
I guess it makes sense that since we have a baby inside of us we want to ensure that whatever goes to him/her is fresh so we shld all try not to eat overnite food...

Hi Sweethalo!

I am having a boy too...my mum keeps saying that mummies who have boys tend to eat a lot...as she sees me eating like there is no tomorrow but I'm doubtful if it is true. She says she didn't eat that much when she had me or my sis.hee.
bbjun, remember to put your legs up tonight ok? Keep them elevated above hip height, help reduce/prevent water retention in legs, soreness and swelling. Cajole hubby into giving you a nice foot massage?
Rest earl tonight, sounds like u had a very busy and tiring day.

bbaugustine, glad u can join us at the gathering
I believe we'll definitely get stares, so make sure u doll up! Hahaha...

Ok, I'm retiring from the forum for the night. Been online for very long, eyes going wonky. Last night only slept at 4am, hope today got better luck, cos I wanna go gai gai tomorrow! Hehe... Ta!
lovelytulips, yes, she will. I think in lesson 3 she gives out a goodie bag with pampers, one avent bottle and some avent lotion samples.
Lesson 4/5 she will bring TMC washcloth and bath towels. I bought one set of the washcloth and two towels. I can't rem what other clothes she brought to class to sell... maybe the swaddling one as well. Supposed to be made of very good materials, can machine wash many times and will not go moldy. I think the washcloths are a good buy.

re:passing of work.
hmm.. actually, my colleague is incompetent to the extent of having my boss to rescope her work to let her manage n yet, she cannot. End up, we are the ones doing the work and she still has the cheek to complain here pain there pain. Somemore, poses as a hindrance. I avoid talking to her at all times cos she raise my BP n make me super irritated with degree of denseness and narrow-mindedness. Three of us are carrying her work so that she can do other things. I only feel bad for the other two colleagues who have to take mine when I go on ML. This colleague, she will most likely get just 10% of what I m doing cos the rest, she just can't do it. I am not sure if my colleagues can manage or not.
bbjun- are u in WBB's class?? ask hb to do the Indian dono what and the Swiss dono what... hehehe...

bbaugustine- i think so too... i eat and eat... in small portions since beginnign of pregnancy... my mum said she suffered so much carrying me, nvr eat much..hehehe
yeah must make sure I choose my nicest dress for the gathering to flatter my belly haha

recently my colleagues keep saying that I look much bigger recently...maybe cos we going into last trimester so got growth spurt is it...
sweethalo, I dun think WBB collects the money from selling these things. I believe she may have worked with manufacturers to come up with good pdts like the washcloths etc, but these are all under TMC brand. Not WBB. She will share more on how she works with different companies that do BB pdts in one of her lessons. It's more like she plays a consultancy, advisory role, just like what she did for TCS baby shows like the one that Evelyn did before.

TubbyM, oredi raising my leg up as I sit in front of my PC. But Hb not ard to give me massage! M knocking off liao... catch up with u ladies tomorrow if I have time at work. Nitez!
do all the antenatal classes from TMC get the goodies or only WBB's class? If only WBB's class, then not very standardised right...

wah I having craving for food now...cos ate proridge only earlier...sometimes when I get hungry in the middle of the nite I dream of food haha.any mummies who are like that?=)
hehehe u will be happy to note that the June MTBs always talking abt foodie...hehehe and their cravings... we always SIAH each other on...
and we always talk about shoping also! wahahahah

yea, WBB stresses that she doesnt profit from all these... if she does, she'll be one rich woman. but well. she possibily be a quite well to do lady already......

bbausgustine.... having a boy will eat alot meh??? i think my dinner appetite is getting smaller... dont really feel like eating dinner sometimes..... hmmmm

go where gai gai??? update me leh.... i wana get the cotton balls and some bb toys/rattles.....
even cotton balls can get us all excited right??

ure a goner...

the robinsons sale is for members only? until when?
hehehe... First Mum -yeah... think gone off rocker liao... very bored leh... sian...

RObinson sales not for members only ba... but members got extra discount lo...
sweethalo, help me see if pigeon has any discounts ok??? thank u.....

taka sale, heard they have it again in may. but with all the sales on these days, they mite just have one anytime soon......

gonna zzzzz...... very tired. gd nite!!!!
hi all
ard 1 week din log in read so many threads to read ...

dolly - i had bought the cadi thermometer during the baby fair ... quite user-friendly and accurate ...
bbaugustine I'm having a princess but i eat like no tmr too! have gained 7kg at least! abit worried on hw to recover..hehe

caramelle - the small beanie pillow at $16.80

and check with u gers...r ur bbs more active when u r lying dwn in bed preaprig to slp?mine is like breakdance inside lor.....
hi ladies

thanks for all the encouragement! ah i think retail therapy is out for me for a while. just had a major one last week and trying to cut cost..

guess i'm a bit irritated by what my husband said last night. just a small thing, but still irritates me all the same. having some concerns at work too.

anyone feeling that your appraisal for the yr will be affected cos of maternity leave? i'm a bit worried as i only have less than 3 months left, and still not much work has been implementated, as the bosses up there still have not even decided wat it is that has to be done.. by the time action has to be taken, it'll be too late cos i won't be there anymore.. by the time i return to work, all the action is over.

also worried that cannot find babysitter. found 2 initially, but both backed out due to the ungodly hours i need them.

lastly, i'm really quite bothered that my in-laws aren't very excited about us having a baby.. to them they keep saying that children are burden, make our life miserable and that it is the beginning of torture. feel sad. like our baby is unwanted.

ahnetsan - cost of the cadi thermometer ard $96. Can find at kiddy palace or guardian or watson. but if u got kiddy palace member got discount .
Was selling at $86 during the baby fair..

sweethalo - my hb was comparing the baun 1 and the cadi 1, den he says cadi 1 more advanced and cheaper, somemore made in spore... muz support .. hehehee
