(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

my elder son has been taking the Vit C and Echinacea and it helps, especially now that he's schooling and the frequency against flu-bug has reduced and recovers faster.
no, nt yet, waiting for my fren's order.

Shld b able to if u dun mind e taste. Hahaha, I'ved tried them. E gummy fish abit of fish smell, then e Vitamin C & Echinacea, taste like normal gummy but nt as sweet.

U wan gathering dat day i bring a couple of them for yr boy to try
In this case can help me to order Vitamin C & Echinacea...dun think he will like the fish smell..

hmmm..but they claim that omega is good..bbpotato did u let ur boy take tat..

can they consume at the same time & one a day or they can consume a few??
Each day 2, so currently he's taking 4 gummies daily.

Think e taste shld b acceptable to kids, cos my boy takes it together with e Vit C

Anyway I m ordering b4 30th, so he can still try 1st then c whether he likes it or not
My elder son Marcus is in P3 this year, been giving since he was in K2. Before that, he was taking Scott's Vitamin C Pastilles (mixed berries flavour) till my friend recommended this to me..
If I remember correctly, this is given for children 4 years and older.. u may wanna double check.. he has been taking that since he was 6-yrs old..
jling, i'll b going from sembawang... shud b able to give u a lift, but i not returning to sembawang after that leh...

dun need fanciful nametags, there r self-adhesive stickers where we can write our names and just stick it to our shirt, i think that shud b sufficient, right? i might have some available at home... kikismom, i let u know...

Re: Northpoint gathering, shall we fix it at 4pm?
1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel

isn't 60 fishballs too much? we have so much food leh... might not b able to finish...
ohh is for 4yo above..bbpotato ur kendrick oso start at 4?

That's what I'm thinking too..those white adhesive sticker...juz use marker to write the name
are we tagging mummies name or baby's name? or both?

i ok w/ the timing. FB marilyn say go her hse at bishan... haha i stay bt batok sia.. 4pm is abit late leh. 3pm ok or not? if not chat not long go off for dinner or rush home.. r we eating dinner together or what?
mayb u share w/ us ur frd's name.... n bb name... i'm also ok w/ them coming, the more the merrier , the more jaw dropping onlooker at botanic garden haha.. hw cm so many bb??? LOL

1 qns: so many pple so many food how to share the food? no table. go merry go round across each mat? heehee...
bbmarilyn/bb potato
Thanks for ur info..I think i will start him when he's 3..

I think we tag on mummies name & nick beta or u prefer both bb & mommies??

If the gathering @ bishan...count me in
i ok lah if ur pl near mrt. more convenient for bb. to slp, eat n whatever.. once a blue moon...

wet tissue if ahnetsan is normal tissue.or chk frank?
you blur already la.. in fb is 26th jan at bishan.. 4th feb 4pm is at northpoint.. you all want to stick to 2 dates or combine to one?

i'm going off for class.. take care mummies
i'm alright with bishan too on 4th feb... actually it's probably easier for bb, like what createjoy said... those in sembawang can share a cab...
so u ladies prefer 3pm or 4pm?

i think tag mummy names and nick will b sufficient lah... else too much info on the tag, looks v complicated.
i'll not be home on 4th feb, will be at client's place till mid-afternoon. Since Doveyc will be on leave that week, stick to gathering on 4th-Feb at Northpoint? ok with Createjoy and jling?
Think my name is being missed out.


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. ahnetsan + bb jarius - tissue papers
21. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
22. bluedrea + bb ashton + hb - agar agar

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT
Repost cos misspell my nick. :p


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. ahnetsan + bb jarius - tissue papers
21. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
22. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT
I try to see how many picnic may I can find.. Maybe alloate one may for all the food. I think in the car got one more I need to check tomorrow I keep u all updated..

Hmm I bought 3 pkt nuggets le also about 60 pieces leh.. Too much meh??
ordered 60 mini fruit tartlets. hope it be enough. will have to went back serangoon to get my mat & tent too.

dolly do come..long time i see yr baby
now go chase after shelisa & jessma to join too
jling, marilyn,bluedream,rosel,kikismom
oh 2 dates, i confuse also thought 1. then 26 is meet where what time? 26th marilyn free? go ur pl 26th? then 4 feb meet northpoint 3pm?

ya hor foldable tbl gd idea but i dont have :p

brging tent? sounds good. i wonder where is my mat n tent.. like half a decade didnt see them or mayb longer LOL...
MaryG, my boy will be restless after sitting in the high chair for a while but it cld be because i didnt bring any toys for him to play with at the restaurant so he became bored and wants to get out after a while.

Count me in for the Northpoint and Bishan gathering if its 4pm onwards. Im available on 26 jan and 4 feb. I think Marilyn's home is a good alternative as it makes feeding and interaction easier for the babies.

Re: Northpoint gathering, shall we fix it at 4pm?
1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
is this northpoint or bishan gathering? bishan me ok, northpoint TBC.

Re: Northpoint gathering, shall we fix it at 4pm?
1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
7) ecmom
Re: Gathering at north

bbmarilyn's place at bishan, 26th Jan, 2pm onwards till dinner time?

1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine
8) ecmom

Northpoint gathering, 4th Feb, 4pm, Meet where?

1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine
8) ecmom

I summaries here, you all update accordingly k
jling, createjoy,
i am ok on 26-Jan at my place at 2p.m.. hmm.. just that I won't join you mummies for dinner as my elder son got to sleep early for school the next day morning, hope you understand.

And my hubby agreed to join the Botanical garden gathering on 23rd-Jan too!

bbmarilyn's place at bishan, 26th Jan, 2pm

1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine
8) ecmom

Northpoint gathering, 4th Feb, 4pm, Meet where?

1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine
8) ecmom

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. ahnetsan + bb jarius - tissue papers
21. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
22. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar
23. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT
Posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010 - 12:32 pm:   

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Chicken nuggets
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. ahnetsan + bb jarius - tissue papers
21. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
22. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar
23. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT

hello mummies,
been MIA for a mth or so now.. would like to join u all for botanic garden party but i paiseh leh.. never went for one gathering before.. always fly kite cos i sick or bb sick or whatever reason.. i also dont hv facebook.. so never see before.. haha..

anyway, my bb just recovered from another long episode of diarhoea.. the first one, she was warded in kk on 5dec.. the 2nd one started on 7jan and ended just yesterday after we changed milk on mon.. i am so frustrated with myself and everyone.. my mom says i am getting depression cos i think everything is not clean enough for my bb.. and i still think my bb got diarrhoea cos my helper is not clean enough

i have arranged for her to go for skin prick test this coming fri.. hopefully can be more informed on the allergies she may be having..

and now the milk she is taking is enfalac lactose free milk.. burnt pocket again..

btw, any mommies with Oplus blood group babies.. seems like allergies etc is quite common with Oplus blood group? at first i brush off as old wives tale.. now i think it is making more sense..

sweethalo, re bb not taking solid food well.. mine too.. she is a fussy eater.. i started her with happybellies brown rice and she loves it.. but when i got stock of the HT brown rice.. she doesn't take it so well.. i guess i should hv started on the HT first cos happybellies is so hard to find and more ex.. and as for the bottled apples etc.. i am like throwing money away cos she will not take them.. she will like try and give me funny face and i end up throwing 75% away after 3 days

oh, on myself i am 17wks preggie.. still not sure abt gender yet.. and i dont feel involved abt this pregnancy.. havent talk to new bb yet and i just feel like carrying lumps of fat instead of a bb.. haha
