(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs


My boy is also O+, so far ok, however I noticed dat he can't use ru yi you, after applying, e area will hv small small bumps, then will be very rough. Me also O+, hahaha, no allergies leh, until delivery then kenna rashes all e time.

Do join us @ e gathering, there's always a first time.

Mine is another fussy eater. He dun take his solids well. Will start spitting e food out after a few mouths. There r bulk purchase on the happy bellies cereal. I m interested to buy cos my fren told me that her ger like it, however I still hv 6 boxes of HT. Haiz.

fat_mom, how's this pregnancy going? Hope it's been smooth sailing
let us know when you know if it's a boy or girl ya?

I bought stuff from the below BP. It's closed already, but maybe u can PM the seller to see if she has excess stock of HappyBellies cereal. Think her prices are pretty good.
hi all,anybody knows where i can get a arm's reach mini cosleeper? looking for a new or second hand but called up mums & babes and they have stopped shipping this in....
Hi mummies, it's been a long time since I logged in. Been bz with work and kids. How's everyone? Ever since I started my boy on cereals and on total FM, he has a hard time pooing. I wonder whats wrong man. I tried to change his formula to Friso but it's the same. Now I'm trying any Mamil Gold. Any bb facing the same? Thinking whether to bring him to see the doctor or not cos' my heart pain when I see him straining so hard to poo and the poo is so dry & hard. Fed him lots of water to drink also also no use.

Can I also check with you ladies what brand of cereals are you all feeding your bb? I'm feeding him Nestle but now trying out brown rice & ikan bilis cereal. I've also intro-ed him to carrots, pumpkin, ikan bilis soup, chix soup, xiao bai cai. I'm slowly intro-ing porridge to him so that once he wont be so shocked when we feed him porridge at 8months onwards.

Hi Fat Mom, my boy is also O+ but so far ok except for the constipation part.
My name went missing from the gathering list.


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. ahnetsan + bb jarius - tissue papers
21. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
22. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar
23. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
24. Jackie + Jovey + bbJosef - Muffins

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT
With shipping how much would the Lil Critters Vit C cost? I bought mine from Robinson n it cost me $49.90 for 180 gummies bear (before 20%)

think shld b $2-3 for e shipping, hope to consolidate more orders so that we r paying e actual weight instead of volumetric weight.

drugstore will definitely b cheaper than SG.

Today went down to TM liao, no vacancies oredi, cos juz taken up by a pair of twins, so hv to b on waitlist. Sob sob
hi bbpotato,
i heard of allergy to ru yi you too.. my cousin O+ was fine when bb but when he became toddler he got rashes when he put that on

re gathering, i would love to join.. but let me make sure my girl is totally heal from diarrhoea first.. dont want her to infect any other babies.. today first day without watery/pastey stools.. i am going to be an expert on bb diarrhoea after all these trials.. it is really not fun having sick bb

and if urs fussy eater, i suggest u dont start with happybellies till he is used to the taste of others first.. cos mine stick to happybellies.. hard to switch now..

what is TM? some kind of infant care?

thanks for the thread.. pm seller already.. price is indeed good.. last few wks i have been checking practically all organic shops via telephone, seems like there is a islandwide no stock till i manage to find some Jul expiry ones.. i think should be same batch as the bulk purchase.. but now abt to finish too.. my gal eats alot.. cos doc wants us to stick to brown rice first.. have u started with the wholegrain or oatmeal yet? i ks.. bought a lot even at retail price for jul expiry.. cos i scared no stock later..

this one is tough.. much tougher than the first.. i tot first was bad.. but this is worse.. and i am still having morning sickness.. when i had amelia, i was already feasting at this stage.. taht is why i said i am like carrying lumps of fat.. cos i just have no moods at all..

everyone in the family is asking me the same qns.. i quite bochap leh.. last time first kid so excited.. now 2nd one.. different attitude.. bad me.. now i know why got 2nd child syndrome..

hi bluedream/bs,
i think constipation is much better than diarrhoea.. but then is that linked to o+?

i sometimes think i am not a good mom.. my colleague's wife immediately made the decision of feeding soy milk once she knew her girl is o+.. it took me so long to know mine doesnt take cow milk well.. 7 mths of trial and error..

btw bs s, u may want to try NAN HA.. i think this is the closest to mother's milk.. hypo allergenic formula.. but more ex than friso and mamil gold.. my gal been taking it cos when she take mamex (mamil step 1), she will get rashes.. but now she is on lactose free formula becos of the recent diarrhoea

re picnic.. seems like practically all food covered already.. dont know what to contribute leh..
fat_mom: Hey nice to hear from you! Thot you came for gathering before? Just join if your girl ok lah. It must be tough to be taking care of baby and pregnant! Please have happy thoughts and dun think too deep
Start talking to your belly...

Now my boy suffering from cough, so won't think of coming to the gathering unless he's completely OK. He loose appetite and suddenly my BM is piling a bit... My hubby said at last I dun need to worry no stock. Just finish a pump...
Oh, btw, cos he's coughing, and dun like to drink water, we tried Glucolin and he drinks! So mummies out there whose babies dun drink water, can try that! We tried pear juice, apple juice, cranberry Apple juice all dun like. Was surprised that he's ok w Glucolin
my boy same as your boy.. cannot put anything related to oil esp ru yi yu on tummy and chest area... how to cure this problem?

its tough being pregnant and taking care of baby... take care and rest more, join us if you can.

Nan HA is closest to bm?
Hi Fat MOm,
My boy is currently on Nan Pro. So I dun think I want to try the HA version cos' i think it shld be pretty close and cause constipation as well. Btw, you may want to try to feed your gal rice water so as to solve her diarrhea. A PD also shared that when kids have diarrhea, try to feed them dry stuff like biscuits rather than bread so that it does not aggravate their condition. So maybe if you're weaning your dd, you may want to try to feed her the rusk etc.

I'm also an 'expert' on diarrhea liao cos' my eldest boy used to get it very regularly. I guess at your dd age, the PD will only prescribe lacteolford (cant remember the spelling) right?

Dont blame yourself too much lah. We're all still learning to take care of our kids also.

No worries about the 2nd child lah... I was also like that for my 2nd son. I think it's quite common cos' we're all tired out from taking care of the first one liao. But somehow, despite the 'neglect', i feel that my #2 is more smarter than my first one here... or it may be just my imagination... lol
Re : bb weight

can I ask.. My son weight been v slow recently. In fact he gain 1 kg only since 5 mth old, which is like over 2 mth shd I b worried? Seems he eating more though but no gain weight leh. Now still 6.9 kg only
Fat mom

for diarrhoea can try rice water
I use rice water to make milk for my bb also
partly cos he not gaining wt

Ru yi you
last time Javen also dun like, but everytome we put for him we do it like playing like that now he kind of likes it..
Hi 11 Beans,
As long as bb is drinking & pooing and behaving ok, dun worry too much about the weight gain. I know that after bb reach a certain age, their weight gain is very slow. My son after his 5th or 6th month check-up only gain 200g. But I attribute it to him being more active nowadays cos' he's always crawling.
Hi all,
Im new to this forum. My baby gal Claire is born on 15 June 2009 @ TMC. I am a SAHM and would like to meet up with mums around my area as well as play mates for Claire. We are staying at Jurong West St 61. Look forward to meeting up soon
Hi Audrey, welcome
Too bad I stay quite far from you (central east)...

fatmom, I havent started bb on oatmeal or multigrain. So far only done rice cereal and barley cereal. Will try oatmeal when I get my stock. Hey, 2nd child got syndrome meh? I'm the 2nd child, have 1 elder sis. I feel like the baby of the family leh. Wahahaha! Guess you're just not as excited because you're going through the same things again so soon, and the morning sickness is affecting your mood. Hopefully once the ms passes, you'll get your energy and enthusiasm again. Or maybe it won't feel like a fat lump anymore once you feel baby kicking?

11_beans, agree with BB S, baby is a lot more active now flipping/crawling etc, so weight gain will slow down. Don't worry as long as he's alert, happy and healthy otherwise. My girl now 7.5mths only 6.5kg haha
Really?? Glad to her that.. Pd said bb shd triple birth weight my 12 months

doesn't seem like Javen on target.. Haa anyway he's healthy that's ok !!

my hubby' the worried one he ask me to ask u all hehe
Wah, must triple birth weight at 12mths? Think Skyla confirm cannot make it haha! Her PD said that for 6mths & above, he usually wants to see 200g increase per wk. Eh, she's definitely not meeting her KPI
But ya, since they're healthy, that's all that matters.
So much cheaper ah. Can please help me to get 2 bottles of Lil Critters Vit C. Thank you.

Re:Gathering at Botanical Garden
Both my bois are being exposed to HFMD today!!!! Really want to PIAK PIAK PIAK my brother. Knowing that his son was down with HFM yet he never called to inform. If he did, i would not have went to visit my dad (whom is staying with my bro).
I will monitor my bois and would only attend the gathering if they are 100% healthy. Cause i dont want to go around spreading HFMD. Sigh
Hi ladies..
Would like to know if any of ur baby developed rashes(one big red patch) ard the mouth area when teething?
My baby girl has 4 teeth liao n two more on the way out now.. Very fussy these days..
Pple with O+ blood are more prone to allergy than any other blood grp. my family all O+. My hubby got some allergy, i got asthma. my kids chances are high too. my 1st daughter had eczema, sensitive skin n my 2nd daughter has sensitive airways/nose. Heard that controlling diet can have some effect coz certain food are triggers while certain food are super food that help control allergy. u can read up more if u interested
at least your boy put on 1kg, Cayden din put on at all since he 5 mth old. lucky he got some reserve before it.
sometime I'm quite worried too but cant help much, juz make sure he eat well and stay active
abt blood group & allergy,
it not true for my kids, they both are B+ but both inherit my sensitive skin and airway/nose.
Hi BS S, thanks for the welcome

I read most babies arnd Claire age has the same problem ease me a little. She has not gain much weight too since 5 mths old.
Just wanna do a quick poll how much is your baby daily milk and solid intake now? Claire is taking ave 600+ml milk (BM) plus a few mouthful of solid at most.
Im having really hard time to get her to open her mouth but once the food is in usually she will swallow. Can share how you all get your dd to open their mouth? I have started cereal for her, some vege purees, tried porridge she hates it. We went BBQ she loves the sweet potato which i feed her using my fingers. Seems like she only take food when i use my fingers. She already has 2 bottom teeth and 2 upper teeth also appearing already.

Welcome, my boy also likes to eat food feed fr e hands. I was telling my aunt that he muz b a malay. He is drinking abt 180ml BM every 3hourly. Cereals and porridge also only a few mouths. He only gained 0.8kg for two months.

Last week tried him on FM, he totally dreaded it.
morning to all mummies

createjoy- hubby said no tent..troublesome(sob sob) hey is it las sat u bring yr son to Jurong poly? i was at the bus stop & not too sure is tat u cos i was busy searching for my Ezlin card.

Fat mom- my son is O+ like me & he don have any allergies
& same same like bbPotatoe boy, nesher will get rashes if apply ru yi you. other than tat he is a healthy baby.

Welcome Audrey Chee Hui Ling

i staying at jurong west too st.64 next mth st.81 Keekekkee
Wow!!! Wow!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy to hear you all getting preggie…
17wks! Cool. Ur #2 right?  yeah, do update us abt the gender.

My boy is O+ grp. PD says he has cow milk allergy lah. Eczema (but pd mentioned before eczema is due to parents having sinus or asthma, which is me, cos I haf sinus)… until now dun dare to try formula on him yet. Scare he vomit like crazy again.

Btw, I would haf to give the botanic gathering a miss…

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
21. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar
22. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
23. Jackie + Jovey + bbJosef - Muffins

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= 60 Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance.
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (i don't know what to bring... )
21. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar
22. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
23. Jackie + Jovey + bbJosef - Muffins

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= 60 Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance.
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips & nachos
12. rosel + bb + hb (TBC)- 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genieve + HB + helper - 1 carton lemon tea & chilli & ketchup sauce
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak
20. maryG + hb + bb Trey - (chicken franks)
21. bluedream + bb ashton + hb - agar agar
22. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
23. Jackie + Jovey + bbJosef - Muffins

*Pls Bring Your Own MAT
Bbpotato my mum was suspecting maybe baby gum painful coz teething. I used to use Pigeon weaning spoon but change to soft tip but baby no improvement le still don't want to open mouth. I am also planning to stop giving bm so only express and giving from bottle. I mix some formula w bm so baby can slowly get used to the taste. Eg for 150ml I'll have 90ml bm and 60ml formula. So far she is ok. Try starting w lesser formula first in case later baby don't want waste bm!
Hi Annie, can I join if there is any gathering nearby our place? I can't make it for Botanic gathering.
jamus sprouting his first tooth. so excited, but he is rather cranky n fussy since last week. doesn't want to drink his milk at times. but finish his cereal n porridge.

hi audrey, welcome! my boy takes abt 720ml FM, 1 cereal n porridge feed. mayb u can try showing her that u are eating at the same time? i'm using the munchkin spoons, very colourful ones. he usually open his mouth when bring the spoon near him. maybe my boy is tham-jiak :p
we got lots of food but think we need more drink. mummies who not sure what to bring maybe can considere to bring drink.

also do we need a extra mat for the food?
haha u know what? i found my tent but my hb also said not tent! he say crazy ah so troublesome n u wan our boy stay in the tent meh? well i just worry v warm n scrotching sun by 10.30am.

hi! i'm sahm too i stay bt batok. jurong west st 61 is boonlay that side? am meeting maryg this wed at imm 12pm, u wanna join us? maryg u wont mind right? maryg is working, so i meeting her for a short lunch n brief shopping
createjoy- we bring suntan lotion for our boy loh..kekekekeke hey is it u went jur poly too las sat?

hey wed u coming at IMM
where u all be.. i sneak down if boss not in LOL
Audrey - hello and welcome!

Fat Mom - pls take care and dont think too much. Just be yourself.

Hi all - My poor lil baby was sick last Fri. But is recovering ...
She was coughing and phlemgy since last Tue, but i do not know what had gotten on to us that we didnt bring her to the doc .. until Fri morning that i thot she seemed not quite herself and felt very warm. Yes, she had fever on Fri! Was grouchy and cried and cried even when carried. Must be so very uncomfortable.
No fever this morning but still coughing away. And oh, she so hated the medicine!

I see u guys talking about blood group .. and allergies. It just dawned upon me i do not know what blood group type is my baby! What a mother!
Hey THANKS bbPotato!

Hey Annie .. hahah .. yes, i'm sure! I just dont hv it in my head! ;)

Got a question: re APPLES
What type/brand apples do u guys get for your babies? My baby didnt like hers this morning and i tried and it tasted soury sweet ... my baby sitter says should buy the very red red ones. Is that it? I'm gonna get some today after work. For today, she'll just survive on cereals.
Hi beemom, envy ur son can take so much
Yah already did wat you suggested, i take one mouthful then give baby she also dont want, tried all ways to distract her, but lips still close tight. My mil also having the same problem feeding her.
Hi createjoy, sorry cant join you this wed got something planned already. Ill be away this wkend till CNY, we catch up after that? ;)
Newmom, i read somewhere shld get either Fuji / those really red colors so not so acidic. Anyway my daughter hates apple taste, already have hard time getting it in her mouth then she spit out aarrggghhh!
my boy will vomit whenever i give him apple. 2x alrdy. so kinda give up on giving apples. maybe next time try to cook the apples first den give and see wat will happen.

wow the thread is moving really fast.

MaryG, i should be gg to the gathering. just changed my facial from this sat to the week after.

fatmom, maybe it's the morning sickness making u feel so down. go satisfy and cravings and u'll feel better soon. talk to ur hubby or a good fren if u r feeling depressed and voice out whatever u r concerned with or thinking about. cheer up k, it's wonderful to have a baby growing inside u

sweethalo, my gal is getting more and more fussy abt eating. just started white porridge on sat. she refused to eat after a few mouths, even though i open my mouth and say "ah-um". then i started singing doe-a-deer, then she ate half the bowl and started fussing again. then then i remember seeing my mil reciting "yi zhi yang, liang zhi yang" - one goat, two goat when feeding her. so i tried the reciting that and then she finished the whole bowl! wa... dunno what to say. but this doesn't work when feeding her avocado. even my mil can't feed her more than 5 spoonful. hope Noah will be interested in solids soon!

NewMom, we bought some organic apples from nz. and it was really sweet when we ate it fresh. after blending, it tasted sour so my gal also not so keen on it. think you can try adding it into the cereal and see if she likes it?
