(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

createjoy, my boy also scratches his ear (inside) till bleed. i applied a little hazeline on it. initially i tot is ear infection. but guess is teething period, he has been feeling feverish as and when, alot of drooling n biting. rather wakeful these few nites.

brough him for his flu vacc, PD said he is growing well (so happy). he weighs 9kg, 72cm long.

maryG- it true wat..

Moving soon-

now the fighters all went missing after i told owner i going to move.. no more fighting no more quarrelling.. wonder wher did they go to..
now the hse is so quiet as they be back after 2am & be gone at 4pm everyday. owner looking for tenants to take over the room i staying. she felt sad tat we moving & keep telling us not to move & willing to lessen the monthly rental fees.
jamie now they gone missing, u still wan the room

now they gone i really regret moving out kekekekeke cos lots of freedom ther & u can use as much as electricity or water without ppl nagging at u not to. & u can even use the oven to heat dishes or the mircoswave to cook simple dishes like sausages

was thinking of moving after CNY & get a small steamboat cooker to eat inside the room. kekekekeke
Hi Ladies, Its been quite awhile I have last post.... Pardon me if I miss out any post as I just scan through all the post.

Lovelytulip, tks for helping to post my attendance in the gathering!

Ahnetsan, If you are bringing tissue paper then I'm not gonna include it in my bringing list.

Gathering: Seems that there's lots of food, I'm still thinking what else I should bring! Does all babies eat baby bites? If so, I can go and grab a few box for our babies to enjoy
play ard w/ the timing too. jayden feed better after a good nap, wk up 10min break n then eat he be qt ok. i ever tried to give biscuit which he like dip w/ porridge to feed, he eat also. as for cereal into milk, i think ok one leh. every night i add a scoop nestle plain rice cereal to his milk. n he drk the brown rice cereal by btl cos the instruction for brown rice is 150ml, unlike HT or plain cereal i think it's heaty. scare he constipate so brown rice i dont mix accord to thickness i like to feed, instead i feed by btl.

n did u cut out his milk straight away? initially i still let him drk some milk 1st till he not so hungry then i feed solid, then slowly i feed solid w/ some milk to sip in btw then till now it's solid first then milk or water.
wow annie cooking in room will have smell on clothes leh even in wardrobe u know..

yes jayden love bb bite! i give a pkt a day rotating flavour n gerber puff! but after that the park will have alot bb bite lying on the floor haha just kidding! jayden always shake off the last mouthful from his hand cos it's wet n stick to his hand n dont know hw to put inside his mouth already.
ur new owner dont allow eating in kitchen/dinning tbl? dont use their equipm no fry just boil like u say steamboat also cannt??
createjoy- keekekekeke jus thinking only lah but we can do light cooking & use the oven & mircoswave lah. new owner abit strict in using electricity but who cares
Hello! HT orders should be arriving on friday!

maryg, newbride, ur order confirmed liao!

those who havent pay can tfr to my acct posb savings 052-29161-5 pls! thk u!! will upload the list once again! =)<center><table border=1><tr><td>
ht orders
Healthy Times.xls (33.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>
who is interested in the north meetup? let's put down our names... shall we fix it at 5th feb, 4.30pm? sun plaza or northpoint?

1) doveyc + bb

sorry jamie, i forgot to transfer yday... will do it tonight, i promise...

so many ppl gng for botanic gardens gathering, me so tempted to join too... lemme go back and convince my hubby to let bb go for pneumo jab after CNY!! keke (evil grin)
u only put paper plates/forks... dats y i tot since no one bring tissues, den i bring... nvm ba, i bring something else lor. * think *

bbpotato was suggesting me bring drinks since there are so many of us...
beemom- nesher nanny grind the broccoli into small pcs then cook it together wif the porridge she add abit of ikan bilis. tats all

she didnt add soya sauce or salt etc as she said once u add tat the baby will be choosy bout food &amp; refuse water
beemom, just boil the broccoli florets.
then blend it.
put in rice cereal or porridge if u hv intro it.

annie, i think u got a good nanny.
i hv to keep nagging and telling my MIL abt such things like no salt/sugar instead! how irritating.
japa- thks
i also don know whether can add salt or soya sauce. she was the one who tell me not to
so i know how to prepare for my little one

gtg pick my little prince
bye have a nice chat in here
i assume u very eng i put ur name dwn huh hahaha.

north is yishun hor ? not punggol hor? the area is what huh?

5 feb north gathering
1) doveyc + bb
2) jling + bb
3) createjoy+ bb
my time is flexible...haha

but 3rd and 5th feb i cannot, i have lessons in the night.. only 4th feb

i suddenly remember i might not be able to attend the bontanic garden gathering.. let me go and check my lesson plan..

9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) drinks or fruits-will confirm
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips &amp; nachos
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad

23rd jan gathering
just checked my lesson plan, i have afternoon class on that day.. or can i attend the gathering alone without bb? but to go off around 12pm.

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper(TBC) drinks or fruits-will confirm
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips &amp; nachos
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks

Pls Bring Your Own MAT
Putting in Superbee's updates into the list.


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips &amp; nachos
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks

Pls Bring Your Own MAT
haha dovey can change tp 4th feb??

jling, wat u studying now? u so hardwking, i just snake at home so ashame no upgrading but i cant brg myself to read haha :p
yes i reduced amt spaced out the milk today. crying will also induce vomit for my baby. 3 times a day is quite bad, hope noah is ok now
jamie, i've transferred liao...


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB Eclairs
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren Soon kueh
3. blurmom + bb Daylon paper plate/forks
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC) pandan cake
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB= Mini Fruit Tartlets from delifrance. Will need to know how many ppl attending then order:-
6. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB(TBC) sandwich
7. ecmom + bbCayden + helper(mum and Elisha TBC) potato salad + tomato appetizer
8. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB Fishballs or Bee Hoon
9. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper- watermelon
10. createjoy + bb jayden + hb marble cake
11. sweethalo + Noah + hb potato chips &amp; nachos
12. (TBC) rosel + bb + hb - 1 carton of chrysanthemum tea
13. creamer + bb Genevieve + HB
14. jling + bb jack curry puffs
15. bbaugustine+ augustine+HB or helper (will be confirmed) fried noodles
16. 11_beans + hb + bb Javen + helper Fishballs or Bee Hoon - bbPotato u choose which one u wanna bring I bring the other hehe
17. kikeeko (fang) + hb + bb siew yin + toddler JJ fruit salad
18. New Mom + hb + bb Abigail - Green Tea packet drinks
19. dovey + bb kaelyn + hb - otak

createjoy, 4th feb ok for me too...
morning mummies

jamie- hubby said he transferred the money yesterday afternoon.

wow the botanic gathering sure alot of ppl &amp; babies..looking forwards to let nesher meet more june babies
<font color="0000ff"> hmmm I see no meat on the menu..

I bring chicken nuggets instead of beehoon lah since hot fried noodles Liao hehe

or u all think shd still have beehoon u bring some also lor.. But need meat or the guys lah haas</font>
So many posts!

dovey: my boy take the pneumococal @ 2, 4,5 months

MaryG: have been letting my boy sit on Ikea high chair... got to buy one more cos the current one pass to the nanny

Weight gain.. now I'm heavier again also, was 64kg in Nov but now 67! still 5kg away from pre-preg.... lost around 17kg...

createjoy: Kendrick ear also itchy, it seems to be ok after applying Calendula cream

bbPotato: Is the Calendula cream having good discount still.. if got then I can buy one more and collect from you together
What other things are good huh?
Createjoy: hehe, I look at the link you posted about UTI, actually my boy just did the MCU test (yeah! negative) and circumcision on Tue, we din want him to be on antibiodics for so long so we've stopped giving him after few weeks.
wah change date for me ar... then i better make it then...haha

i'm taking ACCA, accountancy course... took this course for very long time already, just that stop halfway cos of bb, decide to go back to complete it, delay for one year already...

haiz..and finally got a degree through the joint program but still looked down by ppl, my hb, bil, sil all got degree long long ago, so whenever other ppl ask something abt us, someone will sure say abt me.. don't have degree la...blah blah blah... now got degree, told them but nobody give a shit... so sad so now die die have to complete this course and be certified accountant and earn lots of money and show them i'm not useless.. coming cny i see what they have to say again...i'm always the target board...sorry to vent it here...long long story...
jiling- huh... y yr hubby side like tat... i only got dipolma &amp; i don think i going to upgrade myself... too old to study now
if got money nobody will look down on u lah.
hb n i no ezcema..

i got put calendula cream he still scratch bleed

oh the thing i wan to share w/ u is the vit to help his gut recvr the culturelle or what i forgotten not the test. the ,mom who say she feed her 2mth bb w/
