(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

MaryG- she a real nice lady..all tis while she knew i have family problem & will be late to pick my son she take care of him till 9+pm & didnt charge me anythings... she help me ask ard to a find place for me etc etc

no wonder lah maryg wk for family can chop chop pack at 4.. i be working in jur area till next yr end then move to bt timah.

annie i'm so envious of ur nanny.. so worried for jayden going infantcare till now i haven go pay still pinning a hope to find a good nanny instead..
maryg numb behind back is normal huh but ur mum only get it recently i haven even hit 30... scare scare... it only started recently..
annie: so lucky leh u! gd nanny hard to comeby these days.

createjoy: bt timah got office ma? my office is near IMM. i 24 hrs 365 days see my in-laws lo... no freedom... everything i do will be watched lo
... hoping my new hse to be ready fast so can have our own space and see them not so frequent as now.

ok. gotta go le. tata!!!
hi mummies

i have gotton Staccato to open up music trial lesson for our babies. i got 4 slots left so if u r keen, pls pm me asap(latest by fri 12pm) and provide me your name, bb name(with surname) and your contact no to help u to sign up the class.

FYI, it's FOC and it's this sat 19th dec at 2.30pm. the session is 45mins and u can click this link to view more info - http://www.staccato.com.sg/earlyculum.shtml#Baby%20Mozart
LFB: i bought the swimming tub, wanted to let my boy try at home. so i tried last week, he started to cry in less than 5mins in the tub! he likes bathing time, so i also thought he will enjoy swimming...

started to cook porridge for my jamus yesterday. he gave me the funny expression when i let him try. was carrot porridge yday. gave him pumpkin porridge 2day, he enjoys it. maybe becoz i added more pork to cook.
Beemom: Ya lor, he loves playing with water and kicking. So I thot I want to let him go swimming! The min he touched the water, he started to pout! Then after awhile, he started crying! The lady said it's difficult to train 6 months and above. The easiest is 2-4 months! So now, he can only be contented with the bath tub!
LFB & beemom,was it the temp of the water? or no float no security? i giving jayden porridge too but aft eat he keep crying, i wonder if he is still hungry.. i cook half a tbl sppon of rice each time. how much r u gals cooking? now i still give him some EBM after porridge.

nowadays he seems to recognise strangers , strange environm he need some time to warm up. and wn i cook not beside him he also cry.. dunno is he hap to be cranky, bored or he scare alone
this is not good when i just abt to o bck to wk oh dear..
Hi.. I seldom post here but got a question about jumperoo hope mummies can give some opinion..

I'm thinking of getting one for my boy... he's 9 kg at 6 mths 1 week.. will he be too heavy for the jumperoo?

Is it a good investment? or exersaucer is better?
Augustine has never been a good sleeper ever since he was very young. I tried many ways to make him sleep better in the day but most methods only work for a while and then flop. The most successful one to date is latching him on the bed with me lying down beside him but i think it creates a very bad habit cos he will latch and sleep at the same time. And when he wakes up from his sleep, he will want to latch to go back to sleep so im like his human pacifier. Been trying to change this habit by sitting up to latch but he always wakes up when i put him down on the bed. Like today, he had 2 catnaps only in the day, 15 min each cos i was sitting up to latch him to sleep. I dont know what to do with this boy. Kinda resigned to the fact that he is just a very active boy who doesn't need much sleep!!!

At nite, he hasnt slept thru the nite yet too. He sleeps at abt 8pm then wakes up at either 12.30 or 2.30 and then again at 4.30 or 6.30. Its kinda random nowadays. Sometimes, he even wakes up at ard 10.30pm. I have kinda lost track of how many times he wakes up at nite cos he sleeps on the mattress beside me so i just carry him over to latch while still lying on the bed. I notice his morning nap is getting shorter and he doesnt need that much sleep in the day anymore cos when he takes longer naps in the afternoon, its harder for him to sleep at nite. And he wakes up earlier in the morning now. It used to be abt 7 plus but now its 6 plus and this morning it was 5 plus cos he went to bed earlier last nite...how not to be sleep deprived like that???but i have grown accustomed to it already...
thanks for the link, i tried the controlled crying for night time sleep and it does not work.. maybe coz daytime at mil place she like to pat her to sleep..

I'm keen but 19th dec is my friend's wedding, going to help out as sister.. so no choice..

pm you liao..
bbaugustine - all babies are different and unique in their own ways. And i'm sure you and your husband have tried all ways and means, so do not be discouraged. Sometimes, they will just grow out of it at some point. So, do not lose hope ... i'm sure your baby will grow out of it and start to sleep thru the nite soon. Meanwhile, hang in there.
bbaugustine: Think Augustine and Kendrick is quite the same too! Now I also dunno how many times he latches at night. Recently I've been using pacifier for his initial sleep, cos after latching he still dun wan to sleep... it works for the last 3 nights. But when he wakes in the middle of the night, he refuses pacifier and wanna latch to sleep back again.

Annie: Good to hear that at least u've a good nanny! I'll need to work out with my new nanny next year
Hopefully she's as nice as yours!

createjoy: my boy also starts to recognise strangers, they can carry him for a few minutes but he'll start to make a crying face and will stretch his arms towards me. But my mum tell me that when I'm not around, he behaves.. eats his porridge and dun give much trouble

Ah Ching: My boy love the jumperoo and will get very excited jumping jumping jumping! He's not yet 8kg though
re Swimming, ya, i heard that they can even automatically float if you just throw them into the water when they are very young .. a friend told me he saw it in some documentary program!

We wanted to bring baby to the pool this week, but since she is having some prob doing her naps, my husband feels we should not do it and just concentrate on settling her down. Anyways, i havent gotten her the swim suit yet.

Any mommies know where to get swim suits for baby girls? I saw a one piece type in Kiddy Palace. Wanted to buy a 2 piece type so that when she grows longer, she can still wear .. NOT becos i want her to be sexy! hahah ... i just want to save money!
stingy mommy here!

And oh, i was rather tempted to get one of those inflated tubs for her to 'swim/play' at home ... looks like i should not! Will just bring her to the pool when her routine is settled. Thanks for sharing!!!
New mom, thanks for your encouragement. Well lets hope that Aug sleeps better when he grows older. Their sleeping habits are supposed to improve according to a friend of mine who has a very active boy too.

Dolly, kendrick and Augustine always had same habits since young!!!You remember the hourly feeding? and now the sleep habits haha. They can shake hands and be good friends! If Kendrick doesn't wanna sleep at nite, it means he has slept too much in the day because for a while i had trouble putting Augustine to sleep at nite too. He will latch and latch and can't go to sleep. Then recently i realised he falls asleep faster when he sleeps less in the day. I dont intentionally let him sleep less in the day, but it just happens he doesnt wanna sleep long so the nitetime sleep improved. funny rite.

Augustine just rocks from side to side in the jumperoo, he doesnt jump up and down. how funny. Think he is not much of a jumper!!!

New mom, my hubby is absolutely horrified by the idea of putting baby into the water without a neck float. haha. So Aug only goes swimming with the neck float on and his head is always dry hee. The 1st time we brought Aug swimming, protective daddy clung onto Aug and refused to let go haha. I was telling him to let go and see if Aug will kick and move on his own. He has a neck float and we are right beside him, dont know what daddy is scared of haha.

I know alot of caucasians just put the baby into the water without any swimming aids and the babies can swim and float on their own. How fascinating.
New Mom, to adjust from 3hr to 4hr, you can try adjust one slot at a time. Example stretch only the morning feed to 4hr and others as 3hr feed. There is no straight rule. Follow your baby cue.
wow bbaugustine - your hubby so protective! hahah ...
my husband, not that he is not protective, but sometimes he can be TOO daring that i am scared .. oh ok, maybe lets just say i am the protective one! hahah

BlueDream - hey thanks very much for your concern. My baby is fully adjusted to the 4hr feeding routine (and 4 feeds per day now) now in the course of one week (last week). From 3hr, we changed to 3.5hr for 2 days, then 4hr. She was and is ok with it. But the problem is her nap time. She is just not taking her nap well now. Today, we "made" her do her nap. The morning one was broken nap (ie she woke up, we got to either pat or carry her) .. then in the afternoon also, but better.
createjoy: there is a neck float, and i didn't let go him in the water, still holding on to him. so sad...that he doesn't like it. should have let him try much earlier.

newmom: dun invest in 1 first till u know your gal likes it. guess i saw quite alot of bb's swimsuit at taka. can check it out.

so exersaucer is better?
bbAugustine: Yeah, I remember the hourly feeding... hehe, now he's latching 2 hourly when I'm around at home.
Yeah, I'm watching the sale, cos I wanna buy the teething pendant as well, the lady say can consolidate my order and send me in January

The potty watch sale is on the first day leh! You missed it liao!

bbPotato: I've just made the tranfer and PM you, really Thanks for helping to order!
HI morning mommies!

din post of quite sometime hope every1 fine!!

re : flip
my boy once started to flip kip on showing off flip here & there non stop so hv been letting him play at mattress but hv to kip on eye on him cos v fast he flip then he will end up at the corner of mattress!

re : teething
my boy started to teeh when he is 5mth le...now bottom hv 2 teeth v cute!

re : nite feed
my boy kip changing his nite feeding pattern...last time he use to drink milk ard 8+ then can tahan till 5am...but now he change pattern again b4 zz ard 9+ he hv to hv milk then 12am+ wan to hv another feed then follow by 4am+ to 6am+...usuali he wake up 7+am
my boy also wakes up for nite feed, sometimes 1 or 2 times, no matter hw late is e night feed. nw worse, if his daily milk intake hit his quota, e last feed, he dun wanna drink.

my #1 only stop when he reaches 1YO
bbPotato, my fren wan start to hv No nite feed when her boy 4mth+ she can njoy to sleep all the way...even in the morning my fren hv to wake his boy f milk...envy!
my boy also still wake up for night feeds leh... so every night i still haf to wake up and carry him up... but these few nights, he jus wan to be carried and will go back to slp, instead of latching me. not sure why suddenly he only wan to be comforted.
and it's making me so tired everyday....
ahnetsan, agreed is v tiring if middle of the nite still hv to wake up....sometime aft finished feeding my boy & i can't get back to zzz immediately have to wait f 1 or 2 hr then can zzz by then when i juz start to zzz & is time to get up to work le!
for me, usually i carry him to my bed, latch him on, zzz a while, till he finished latching, then quickly put him back to his cot, then knockout again.

normally i zzz around 10+-11, wake up @ 7, but seems dat 8hrs of sleep is insufficient.
Hi Ladies,

Check with ladies, any of your bb kenna diarrhoea before? My Sermaine started diarrhoea on
Tuesday, bring her to GP on tues night
Wed still the same so noon bring her to PD, PD said is dunno what stomach virus (not rota-virus)
Till now she still on diarrhoea.

Any Advise?
Shelisa, mine oso kenna diarrhoea b4 was ask not to give him FM change to soya milk till his dirrahoea ok...tink aft dat he actuali teething...so not sure bcos of teething so my boy kenna diarrhoea! i was ask to oso dilute the milk in case he diarrhoea!
Did u try to give rice water?

If diarrhoea persists, mayb u would like to bring her do a stool culture.

Last time for my #1, he kenna diarrhoea and fever due to food poisoning, given med and general antibotics also can't stop the diarrhoea and fever, once eat immediately out at e other end, till stool culture's out, then knew e exact cause and given the right antibotics to cure, viola, immediately recover.
hi mummies:
Some of singapore milk sample no:
Friso:6419 8484
Similac:6277 6345

Still have few not yet update, if you know please update, let other mum benefit.
bbPotato, stool culture at??

bbPotato/jam 75, time being i only feed her very diluted rice porridge. Maybe tonight feed her the porridge water
hi,any mummies here stay in punggol area.I stay blk642c
sometimes we can bring out our babies to play together, we also can share experience.

Wyeth milk company send free sample for punggol area also come with baby nutrition specialist to guide mummies how to change different stage milk powder and different brand milk powder,

It will be start 2-5pm 19 DEC
if you are interest can contact me @ 8188 0158
LFB and Chidori,
I also bought the LG Asobang mat, think from World of Korea. Ordered 2 Wednesdays ago and mannaged to have it delivered the very next day. Kate loves it and she's learning how to sit up and crawl now. She's been "creeping" around for a while already but now starting to use her knees - graduating to proper crawling.
Kate: Ya, heard rave reviews from pple and thought it's a good investment. Considering we save abit here and there. Now waiting for it to be send on Sunday! So excited! My boi is trying his best to move around, but with limited space, really difficult. So hoepfully the mat will help and he can enjoy free movement.
Hello mummies,
currently posting from langkawi..haha..missing and worried for jack very much

just want to ask any way to make jack poo poo everyday, after the constipation scare last week, i get very worried when he don't poo everyday, my mil ask me to potty train him and make sure he poo everyday if not i will be blamed everyday, my hubby ask me to stop all solids, only milk and to feed medicine, i on the other hand prefer to give him fruits and vege puree but still nothing.. haiz not easy to be different roles..

also jack's didi area is red and itchy, everytime we open his diapers, he start scratching it, any remedies? or is it infection?
dolly, wasted!i was eyeing the potty watch. Thought it will be useful...

Augustine has progressed to 3 hourly feeding now. Sometimes he can stretch even longer when he is out. Cos when is outside he is distracted by all that is happening around him so his milk feeds are stretched longer...
jling, try apple and pear... shd be ok.. Ashton poo twice a day this week.. but I still monitoring..

I also keen to start potty training. But no idea on it. :p
Hi Shelisa,

Diarrhoea no joke. My boy had it when he was 2 months. PD diagnose to be some form of lactose intolerance thingy and got him to be on soy milk for a couple of days. Do bring him for 2nd opinion.. Remember to hydrate your child!

May I check if you have gotten our ikan bilis loot? Heehee.. Was wondering when's a good time for you to send out thru mail since some of our mummies have already met up with you...
