(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Orphanage Donation:
Hi I recall one of the ladies here did mention a thread on Orphanage Donation. Can I have the link or contact again? Tks!

Think the mat helps them to learn to crawl faster as they have space to practise. What's the size of your mat? Mine is 2100x1400x18mm
split! hihi, how's work? I'm enjoying my holiday though

Pupsik sale today is the fridge-to-go!
Think a mummy was looking for one to store breast milk?
Mystery Sale 6 (35% off on 19 Dec only) Fridge-to-go® Double Bottle Tote
now S$26.60
hi mummies

i have a set of almost-new Baby Can Read double sided flashcards (Set 1 and Set 2) for sale at $35. this is quite a good set of flashcards, just that i didnt realise that I had a similar set already. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Cheers!
I also got the 2100mmx1400mmx18mm size. Was discussing with hubby and decided just get the thicker one, though we also thought that nothing different with the 15mm one though.
LFB I was actually intending to get the 15mm one but out of stock for the design I wanted. So bor bian got the18mm one instead. I paid $288 inclusive of delivery. How about u?
Hi any of you planning to sign up baby for those learn and play classes?Heard it's good to start early to stimulate their motor skills and social development.. Considering to bring my girl to gymboree..haiz but not cheap leh..
Kate, same price, but now Christmas promotion, free 1 pooh picnic mat. So ok lah. It's actually friend's recommendation to take LG Asobang, cos they said LG better than Parklon. So I take lor.
doglefox: hwmuch is gymboree? i'm interested in these classes too as i want my girl to b able to socialise and get used to ppl being ard her and actually interacting. =)
jamie: the class im interested in is Play N Learn $399 for 12 sessions of 45mins each.nt sure if incld gst or nt..but heard from a frd is nt bad
wow lau blue dream the mop idea is funny siah! i cant imagine my son mopping the floor! seems dirty leh hahaha wear for fun ok lah but if the hse really dirty he mop around then he lick the mop area sooo gross hahaha :p

jling holiday ah so shiok everyone went holiday *red eye* here... california cream will help or not? can try it wrote for nappy rash too.. hw cm he will constipate he on BM right.. did u tk v heaty food, r u also constipated dont mind i ask... wat veg u give? i once read fibre is good to pass motion BUT u must have enough fluid as well i forgot exactly & hw to explain.. something like fibre need water to bind to form soft bulk. adding too much of a fibre in the diet too quick n bb haven adapt then fibre combine to be a big bulk causin constipation, diarrhea and bloating, gas etc.. could be he need time to get used to it or is he on FM as well? if on both FM n BM must drk water also n certain brand more heaty.. u might also wanna csider switch brand to try..

website research suggest infant on diarrhea to tk yoghut leh beco of lives culture mayb can try abit ?
wow biang my pump alot pattern. last mth spoil adaptor now the funnel 1 crack big hole.. shit!!! am still contemplating when to stop then this spoil that spoil mk me waste $ already so broke. need to come up w/ $1900 for jayden infantcare deposit & duno 1 or 2 mth fee.. then hb tooth v pain dental do a bridge lah need to go thru a package instalment $1500! here i trying to save every cents then there extra cost here extra cost.. really is the chinese saying what hse roof got hole always got rain
Doglefox: wah very ex!! How much is first trial?

Createjoy: u were talkin abt fiber needs water to bind, so when we gif a lot of fruit/veg puree, n baby is on bm, does she still nd to tk in extra water?
if just bm no fm i think 10-15ml a day will b good. beside a source of extra fluid also let bb have a habit of drking tasteless water if not later toddler only wan drk w taste how? jayden tk 1-2 FM a day on top of BM so he tk ard 30-40ml water.as well
hi mummies
do you use playpen for your babies? What's the difference and is playpen only for sleeping? Is playpen stable enough for baby to crawl around? thanks in advance for sharing
newmom i think playpen nap ok but dont slp long hrs, not enough support for back, personally opinion...
so small hw to crawl.. can sit inside n play toy but when crawl stage dont think bb content w that space hahaha
thanks createjoy
mine still worming so don't know if necessary to give her playpen to start the crawling or just progress from cot to play may/yard will do.
hi mummies, back from holiday and sickness worsen again..jack knows that we went for holiday so on milk strike and reject all FBM now have so many frozen ones don't know what to do with it, thought of giving it away.

gave apple leh, still nothing so resort to medicine again.

For potty train, i think only when they know how to talk and can walk then train bah.

califonia cream ar, maybe i will try again, previosuly use for his rashes but no use. Constipated though on BM leh, i suspect is solids and ya i think i take heaty food also..haha i not constipated leh.. any other cereal to give besides brown rice and normal rice? i give green pea, spinach, sweet potatoe as veg.. not on FM yet
my dear jling, brown rice is heaty... so u stop it for the time being might help. and try give him sm banana puree... wn recvr then maybe 1 week eat 2-3 times brown rice cereal.wauhaha ur boy so clever go stroke to punish u for going holiday w/out him :p
so just give normal rice cereal only ya? Aiyo on the day of leaving, he knows we are going off so he cry and cry, only want either hubby or me to feed and carry him, no one else. Have to tell him that we are going to work then ok. Sleep also very little, hoping to see us. Once we are back, he also back to normal.
morning mummies

Ah Ching- the jumperoo stated for below 11.8kg so save the money to buy other stuff for yr baby.

Dolly- she a nice lady... yesterday she helped me take care of nesher even though it her off day as she knew i be busy unpacking in our new rented room

Newmom- i brought those disposable pampers for swimming for nesher.. as no pt spending money on swimsuit as he growing fast.

shelisa- poor sermaine
help me hug her.. somemore we still feeding our babies milk so it be quite difficult for her to control her bowel

jiling- nesher been potty trained since he was taken care by the nanny as long time ago he poo once 5-6 days & i changed similac to nestle pro na then to friso as i tot it could be due to the milk powder but still the same so let nanny train him, now he pooing everyday but must poo in the potty.

finally i moved to the rented room.. really tired & quarrelled wif my in laws on sat... really cant tahan them.
ther i busy doing packing & trying to make my son sleep in the sarong & they stand behind me & made funny faces which made nesher more cranky & refuse to sleep as he wan to play althought he is very tired & keep rubbing his eyes... i hate them
quite funny if think back

ic, maybe i should buy a potty to try, does nesher poo around the same time everyday? what i'm afraid is if we go out the whole day, no potty then cannot poo..haha

hugz, finally you can some peace
jiling- i will try to make nesher poo after every feeding of milk & he poo once a day. if i go out the whole day, he doesnt poo at all as he be distracted by the ppl & places. he poo mostly in the morning.
Babyhopes, yup, PD also gave her lactose intolerance. So your boy how long then recover?

Createjoy/japa/babyhopes, pls pm me ur add.

Poko1/Jackie/babymycomfort, mail out ur stuff today.
I PM you, did you receive? Wanted to collect the rice from you. When is it ok? Tmr lunch can? Thanks.
Hi Shelisa,

My boy recovered after 2 days of soy milk. PD told me to give him for a week but I stopped after 3.5 days..
PM-ed you my address! (^_^)
good morning mummies

it will be christmas in 3 days time! so excited that this will be the first christmas i am spending with my bb. ;p

can finally take a break from work and spend more time with bb, as i am clearing leave now. yay!
jiling- sure good luck.. tat time i also don know how it shuld be done so the babysitter show me how to support him up holding his thighs 1 thumb out & 4 fingers in
Hi everyone! Just wondering if your baby is having growth spurt? Mine wake up for feed 2 hourly at night. Wonder if it's too dry or he's really hungry.
dolly- i read in the book tat 6 mth will have groth sput but it be gone in few days & he be back to normal.. they will asking is teething got to do wif their frequent disturb sleep & it stated no... the book stated give them cool boiled water if they wake up
My boy is having milk strike instead...or maybe he prefer to play than drink milk. You can try giving water, if he is really hungry, he will drink very fast?
i also stay at sembawang!!

anyone know how to make bb drink water? my boy doesnt seem to want to drink water now... last time when he was 4+mths, i tried letting him drink a bit of water at my mum's plc, and he drank leh...now dunno y he dun wan anymore.
ahnetsan- i was told by babysitter once they started solid they will start choosing the food so at babysitter's hse he get to drink only water & milk but weekends wif me he get to drink fruit juice.

my bb doesn't like to drink water using her milk bottle since birth. so what we do is feed her using a spoon and a cup. she drinks alot if we use the spoon. perhaps because she can bite the spoon after drinking the water
used to feed my bb water wif spoon de. cos he doesnt wan to drink from bottle... but now even wif spoon he doesnt want too... and he also dun wan wif mag mag. haiz... dunno how leh...
ahnetsan- u let him drink glucose 1st then as it is colourless then slowly u mix more plain water in front of him so he knew u mixing sweet drink for him, later stage he will take water without the glucose
Annie, jling: Thanks! Mine dun even want to suck pacifier when he wakes at night. And refuses water even in day time

ahnetsan: Like your boy, mine also dun drink water, he'll taste it first, if it's juice he'll glup it down, but if it's water he'll wail! My mum helps to spoon feed him water and he'll cry like nobody business. He'll refuse bottle if it's water, milk ok though if I'm not around to offer alternative
dolly- good thing nesher still taking water & i really worry i overfeed him FM as the tin stated 210ml for 4 feeding but he is currently taking 5 feeding in a day...
las nite nesher stir & cried less then 1 min 2 times, i quickly carried him pat him back to sleep again or put pacifier in his mouth
chidori: this weekend can't meet up liaoz. has got company lunch on this sat. i received my parklon mat 2100mm x 1400mm x 15mm. like it a lot. bought it from ssw. wanted to get LG initially but cny coming... going to bao angbao soon... so save a bit lo.

newmom: hua xia the swimming ctre sells swim suit and floats too. got bikinis. but not sure of the price. their musical mat is actually cheaper then the bp here. i bought a sit-in float for $10. will be buying a neck float the next time i go there.

jam75: so envious of u!! yr bb sprouted his teeth! i just dreamt of my bb has his teeth sprouted.. 1 on top n 4 below. but well... its just a dream. wonder when he will sprout his first. any fever or sign of uncomfortable when yr bb sprout his teeth?

jling: hw cm didi red n itchy? wear pampers for too long? maybe try to change it often and try to air it a bit?

annie: my potty training fail la... he now likes to poo during shopping or when he is halfway thru his meal...

re: milk rash on face (chin area)
any remedy? pd gave us a cream to apply but the rash kept coming back. also anyone wash bb face with soap or just water? if soap use wat soap?

MaryG- chidori so fast arrange tis weekend to meet.. nvber inform me..
tis sat i meeting one mummy for shopping & exchange of milk & sunday be bringing nesher for his swimming at safra & library
oh potty training might take times...
