(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

annie: we havent confirm so nvr inform u ma. u told us to paper, scissors, stone wat. hehehehe.

my cousin found her confinement nanny liao.

need advise on how to stop breastfeeding. my cousin will be due in march. so i will need to return her the breastpump pretty soon... can anyone advise how to stop breastfeeding without taking medication?

MaryG- LOL.. ok update me once both of u confirm a date.. u know my number rite.. oh oh i delete yr number

i didnt take medicine to stop breast feeding as las time i jus lessen my pumping time then my milk supply dropped & now don have to pump at all except sometime when i shower i will squeeze my breast & the milk wil flow out
I dun wan to try glucose on him, cos I scared later he wont take water without glucose. Cos that KTB at my hse ar, he drinks water add wif glucose by my mil, dats y I hate it and I refuse to follow the same as him! if nt mil will use the same method on my boy. I must show her dat it’s different way of doing things.

My boy also has rash on his chin area. Especially after his saliva touched dat part, sure got red things come out one… but for him, it’s no longer milk rash le. Nw its become eczema. For milk rash, PD gave a cream to apply, it’s very effective, but must apply everyday lah.

Thanks!! I haven got any container to contain the ikan bili yet leh. Can put in Ziploc bag and store in fridge first mah ar? I sms u later to cfm whether it’s today or tmr ok? Dunno my hb stil wan to watch movie tonight or nt, if nt den I can meet up, if movie stil onz, den I meet u tmr ok? Thanks again!!

maybe do less pumping? den mayb milk will be lesser?
wat do you all do with the leftover avocado ar?
im planning to do avocado puree tmr... but the thing so big, bb cant be finishing the whole chunk right?

den wat am i supposed wif the left over one? put in fridge? or must throw away since it's been cut into half? and if can keep til the next day, hw to store it?

pls advise.
ahnetsan- then very difficult to get yr boy to drink plain water..
or u wait till his feeding time & he cried for milk give him water instead of milk then half an hour later give him his milk
sembawang meet-up

how about tue? we can meet ard 3+ or 4 @ sun plaza? where else is good other than pastamania?

1) dovey
2) jling
3) ahnetsan

how do you ladies introduce solid? i'm starting HT cereal on x'mas day. 1 spoon on the 1st day, followed by 2 spoons on 2nd day then gradually increase? should only intro new food after the 3rd day? when is fruits introduced?
hi, June mummies:

Any one has similac 2 400gm with new formula willing to sell at $10, i m looking for it,please sms me:8188 0158
gotta count me out... tue i wrking leh.
u gals enjoy ba.

HT cereal:
jarius loves the brown rice HT. tried last night. he likes it! can tell from his face, he definitely enjoyed it more than the nestle one. haha... but still a bit watery leh, cos of the bm i think.
maryg how fast u wanna stop pumping? if want fast put cold cabbage n pumper lesser dont empty , just pump till comfortable not hard then stop. shd stop in a week.. but not like completely dry, in the next 6mth still have a little little lah so if want to re-lactate also possible wan..

sigh bad news, boss just said her new office which i suppose to start in jan got prob so have to find another new location. so am not going to work..lucky i haven start going for shopping spree to get clothes to work & haven gave IFC the cheque.
sigh, bought the brightstarkids label , extra nappy cream & bib already... abit disappointed & thought can start work soon get back my financial independence and get cpf to buy house...so tired of watching my spending it has been 14mth since i stopped working so scary..
the good news is i still can see Jayden's gummy smile for another few more mths everyday.
they are really cute at this age..

i think the last time someone told me he dont flip becos he saw not point in doing it seems true.. yday he flip from back to tummy 3 times very fast while trying to see the stickers on his granny's cupboard. then i thought he will start to flip very often but he didnt.. haha really dunno what's going on his mind.

btw he hate porridge.. was it really becos it's too bland... i tried to cook ckn porridge on sun he also dont open mouth. but cereal he will open mouth.. now i keep playing peek a poo w/ him so wn he laugh i slip the spoon in :p anyone got good suggestion how to get them eating...?
ahnetsan i cut half. the other half i wrap in cling film put in container keep fridge. next day cut away the exterior that turned brown then the remaining still can serve
ahnetsan: my boy also dun like to drink water. have been feeding him with spoon. will add a little gripe water in on alternate day, have some sweetness.

i have bought avocado too, wanted to let him try. am also wondering how to store the remaining portion?
mummies whose babies are taking HT brown rice cereal,

how much are u giving ur baby for each meal?

are u replacing milk feed with cereal? or giving partial milk before/ after the cereal?
first mum,

my bb is taking 7 tablespoon of HT cereal, together with about 1 tablespoon of puree.

i mix the cereal with about one scoop of milk powder, and around 60 to 80ml of water. she no longer drink from her milk bottle during that feed. trying to cut away that feed, so next time if i feed her with porridge, it will be easier
oh oh papaya, i must have overfeed him then. he used to drink 200 EBM now i give 180, from there i pour the desired amount into 4 scoop cereal (nestle, HT haven start) then the remaining i let him finish after cereal.. am i feeding too much?? i read the nestle guideline 200ml to 5 scoop leh so i tot i give less..

i read somewhere that HT cereal is not as filling as nestle and heinz. thus 5 scoop of nestle cereal is equivalent to about HT 8 or 9 scoop. but i cant recall which thread i read it in.

thus, u may not be overfeeding your bb =)

for mummies feeding bb with nestle cereal, care to share how much ur bb is taking now?
annie: i still have yr no. will update u when confirmed.

re: stop breastfeeding

not going to stop immediately as bb is used to latch then sleep. but i think i will try the cabbage & not emptying the milk & less pumping when i wanna stop. thks for the advise mummies.

ahnetsan: same here. now even when only his saliva touches the chin area only it became very red.. is this eczema? i know the pd cream must apply daily cos i noticed besides contact with milk... while playing toys also will become red.. yr bb still like this? hubby ask me if can get facial wash for bb face but i duno wat to use or can i use... so sad that the cute little face become like this..

do facial with leftover avocado? hehehe... can wrap the leftover with plastic or ziplock bag. if u have the bb food cube tray, puree the whole avocado n store in the cube tray in freezer.

createjoy: ya. maybe the porridge is too bland. i noticed my son wont eat if the porridge is too bland too. so i add pumpkin/carrot/sweet potatoe puree to it. hmmm... u can try cooking with self-made stock also.

wah! so many mummies trying avocado le. i have yet to try. how does avocado taste like anyway?

my boy is on HT brown rice cereal. i use the similac scoop. 8 scoop mixed with milk. i will mix sweet potatoe/carrot/pumpkin to the cereal.

anyone starting on meat yet? mil kept pestering me to start on fish... so no choice bb start fish liao.

i used to give bellamys white rice cereal and 3 spoonfuls can make a substantial portion but HT after mixing the portion is very small. i give 4 spoons now, and it still seems little.

since u give 7, i know i can safely increase the amt i give to my baby.

i read on the HT box that a full feed is around 8 tablespoon. so you can safely increase the amount your bb is taking ;)

so far, my bb has only tried carrot and apple puree. besides pumpkin and avocado, is there anything else that i can puree?

only plan to start her on porridge when shes 8 mth old
but i still giving 180ml leh papaya u only pour in 60ml water 1 scoop milk powder... in comparison like i feed alot ;p

maryg i tried spinach w/ carrot, chk w carrot, pumpkin alone he eat but not w/ porridge. i scare i feed carrot, pumpkin sweet potato all sweet he next time dont tk veg so i try to mix other veg. i even tried toufu.. strange.. enfa recommend toufu but i read article says soy may cause allergy so i didnt give after 2 days..
papaya123: u can try sweet potatoe puree(after blending i will sive it before serving becos sweet potatoe has got fibre strends.)sweet corn puree (after blending also need to sive before serving), pear puree, spinach, broccoli,potatoe etc

createjoy: wat is chk? ya. i'm also mixing veges with sweet puree. going to try feeding him spinach today. i tried letting him taste the cucumber & his face all cramp up lo!!! he gave the very yucky kind of face lo! so cute! but my camera memory full so nvr take down. think i will try it again for the fun of it. so can show him when he grow up. toufu cannot meh? hmmm... i go back & check. I have the list from kkh. i was told not to introduce legumes e.g. peas untill bb is 9 mths old.
Hi everyone!

Was on leave since last Wednesday in the hope of spending time with baby and bringing baby out to the swimming pool, Splash parks, etc. But she’s been cranky, and always wanted to be carried, and not doing her naps.
Also when other pple carry her, she may just cry … checked with PD, he says 6 to 9mths some babies go thru this ‘stranger anxiety’ period. Hmm … hope she gets out of this soon!
When we were home yesterday, we let her cry and cry .. and she cried for around half an hour then fell to sleep! We timed her – after she cried for 10mins, we picked her up and assured her, then put her down. Did that for 3 times … and then she finally did her nap!

Re Solids Intro:
I gave my baby HT Brown Rice Cereal. Same as what Dovey intended to do. 1st day 1 tablespoon, 2nd day 2 tablespoons, 3rd day 3 tablespoons for 2 meals, 4th day 4 tablespoons for 3 meals. After one week then we started her on Avocadoes for 3 days, then stopped one day, and now she is on Carrots!

After cereal and other foods (eg avocadoes / carrots), we’ll give her some FM to see if she needs it.

But for her first feed of the day, we gave her 30ml of FM first, then followed by the solids, then end with FM (this is if she needs it, sometimes, she does not take any). We give her 30ml of FM in her first feed cos we learnt that if too hungry they may not take the solids well.

Hard Stools
When my baby was on avocadoes, she was abit constipated. Her stools were hard, and we could see she was not comfortable, and trying very hard to push out the feces.
Went to the PD yesterday for her 6th mth jab, and PD says to give papaya.

Re storage of Avocadoes:
A friend told me the Avocadoes will turn brown if keep in fridge for too long (maybe she meant more than a day).
When I started avocadoes with my baby, I blended all and keep them in the fridge. I gave my baby 3 meals of avocadoes per day. So the leftovers (which is not a lot as I only use one), I eat it myself!!! I love it!
I guess if you want to store it for long, you got to freeze it. I just bought the freezer trays at lunch just now. Will have to freeze pureed foods soon, cos now I blend them in the morning and only for the day, but it may be too rush. I was on leave last wed to yesterday so got time to steam carrots, and blend them. And I did the same this morning, but I think it will be too rush.

Annie / MaryG / Beemom
Thanks for your advice! Saw some nice baby gaps on 50% discount but they are for 3mths and below. Will check out taka. Where is Hua Xia?
Annie – got the diapers some time ago, but my husband feels she should be ‘clothed’ decently since she is a girl! ;)

Wow paisei I so long-winded! Got to get back to work now! 
annie: actually it is a safe food list from nestle. approved by kkh. i saw kkh has got the same list to when i bring my boy for injection. it tells u what food is safe to feed yr bb which cause less/no allergy. and wat food to intro at a later age as it might cause allergy.
tablespoon is those big metal spoon for baking right? im using our chinese big metal spoon, which is smaller.

so far i have given sweet potato, potato, carrot, zucchini,apple, pear and pumpkin. next up will try avocado, peas and spinach.
newmom: i bought the 3 tier steamer to steam the bb food together and then blend. easier n safe time. main point dun have to watch fire!!! hahahaha! just bought it n love it! can put them to steam while i do other things.

hua xia swimming? they have a few branches. there is one at harbourfront. let her wear bikini! sure very kawaii
annie: ok. tomorrow cos i use magnet to stick it on my fridge. i make a tick there on the food that bb tried. actually purposely put there also for my in-laws to see. to prevent them from any how feeding my bb. hehehhe.

first mum: dun try peas yet. pd say when 9 mths then can try. as they might cause allergy. zucchini taste better then cucumber ma?

mummies, how does avocado taste like huh? tempted to try cos i saw the offer at ntuc yesterday.
Newmom- cos nesher been taken care by different ppl , he not afraid of stranger & will smile at beautiful ppl.. he even smile at shelisa tat daykekekekekeke
Ok thanks MaryG! I think i have the 3-tier steamer! A relative passed down one to us. Ok good idea! I'll do that!

Ok googled them. I prob go to the one at Plaza Sing. Thanks!
maryg chk=chicken.. i just use the backbones w/out meat cos i dont want too oily & too tasty. i wanna to buy a steamer too but then i thought he prob dont need after 1 yr old & not wking better save the $. am abit worried though cos i sometime forget to off fire :p sweet corn?? cook already blend huh.. err ask u huh blender is those that blend juice? 1 thing push down to squeeze out the food? means very very puree?? oh oh i use chopper blender ( 2 knife inside turn) it doesnt serve the same purpose huh? so we suppose to blend n not chop??
Hi Dovey - i got the Freeze Trays from "mothers work baby" at Great World City. It's abit pricy at $20.90 for 2 trays in a box. One tray got 7 cubes. Each cube can take 2 ounces of food.
A friend of mine just use the normal plastic trays from Ikea. I happened to see it just now, so just bought. I would think the Ikea would be cheaper. Will get some more from there. My friend's husband is a doc, so if they think Ikea one is good enough, i am sure it is!

are u looking for trays to freeze the puree? i have 2 new ones that I didn't use. too kiasu. bought it when bb was 3 mths old. now that she has started on solids, i dont really like the idea of freezing food for her. so i prepare her puree everyday in the morn.

if u wan , i can sell it to u =)
dovey: you can get from this link too. i bought from them. http://www.babyetstars.com/

newmom: no prob.

createjoy: 3-tier steamer gd for us adult too. if no time to cook. just put rice/fish/vege into the steamer n dinner is served in minutes. kekeke. good investment. blender is those food processor. those with 2 blades. blend better for this age. chop not fine enuff. sweet corn need to sive after blend as the skin is hard to digest for bb.

gotta go off liao. tata~
Wow 7 tablespoons!! Haha mine only starting to take abt 2 tablespoons nia. 
U can try sweet potato, potato (my boy loves potato puree) or pear puree.

I still tell mil to feed milk even if after cereals, provided he’s still hungry lah, cos nw he only taking 2 or 3 tablespoons of cereals nia.

Yeah! Mine is still like dat… contact wif saliva or wif his hand or wif his napkin or whatever, it will be red red one. For my boy, it’s eczema lor. Cos last time his face also like dat, den PD says it’s milk rash, den after some time still like dat, plus his elbows, knees , back also got red red, so PD says its eczema. PD even gave me steroids to apply, which works wonders jus after one time apply! For facial wash, im not sure leh.

Re: meat, nope, im nt letting my boy touch any meat until abt 8mth or so. Nw I jus wan him to be on cereals. Porridge can wait til 7 or 8mth. Although, last wkend, my mum tried porridge wif fish and pumpkin, apparently my boy doesn’t like it leh. And regarding mil keep asking when can eat fish porridge, im jus standing firmly on my stand and say NO to her.

Re: avocado,
Thanks for ur advice. Shall put in Ziploc bag then…btw, when I puree it, can jus use spoon and scrape or jus must blender ar?
Papaya123 - yeah it is better to do it everyday ... you must be a SAHM? Cos i figured it may be abit challenging for me to do it each morning for her .. and i didnt want to anyhow rush it out for her since she is just a baby! ;)
papaya, i dun mind buying from you since they are new... where did u buy it? is there a link i can read more on it? how much u selling?

tks maryg and newmom

now i feel like i am overfeeding my bb! ;(
when i started off with 2 tablespoon of cereal, i did feed with milk after, cos the cereal is not filling enuff.

yes, my mil keeps asking me to feed my bb with porridge as well. keeps asking when can bb eat?? so impatient!!
new mom,

i am not a SAHM. working mother! but i make it a point to make fresh puree for my bb. really dont like the idea of freezing leh....
new mom,

sayang sayang. lol.
i know alot of mums freeze their puree. thats why i tagged along to buy the baby cubes. but when the time came for my bb to start on solid, i then realised that i didn't like freezing.

so don't feel sad!! there are many many mummies out there who freeze their puree ;)
den hw u manage to puree in the morning before going off to wrk? u put where? den u ask ur mil to feed the puree in the afternoon?

i been thinking of making puree, but i dunno hw to go abt doing it. morning alrdy rushing to pump and go wrk le, so tired too... and dunno where to put the puree things leh...
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Can anyone advise if their baby ever got diarrhoea before? My baby just turned 6 mths and she already got diarrhoea for 1 week!! PD asked me to only give her soy milk but she didn't recover..


my girl has her cereal and puree in the morning at 8am. so i will steam the apple/carrot at ard 7am for half an hour,till ard 7.30am, then puree it. if shes not hungry when i finish blending the food, then i will leave it in the wok, over small fire, so that its not cold when she eat it. but i wont hv enuff time to feed her. so my mil does the job

my bb is on total FM. so i have more time than u =)
