(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

ya lor, no choice. Actually mil and helper been telling me he wants to crawl and move. My place all tiles, so dangerous to let him move abt. Yes, once you get a place, the mat will be useful. My friend swears by it and said that made her daughter started crawling almost immediately! Now waiting for it to arrive. Have to shift the coffee table and playpen out.

tiny bubu- i forget the title as i read too many parenting books borrow in the library as every sat i wil go library. all i remember is the book is about training yr baby sleep pattern.
i realise my baby sleeps better if i turn on the aircon at night. it maintains a constant room temperature and keeps mozzies & noise out. but of course at the expense of fresh air i guess.
to be honest, i was trying to read your post to find what's wrong with the sleeping timing. quite puzzled cos it seems much more regular than my little girl's 2am, 3am sleeping times! But once she sleeps, she sleeps v well till she gets hungry. so you may want to try aircon?
Hi Tiny Bubu - my goodness, it must be tough for u especially now that you r pregnant!

Just to share my thots here. My baby started having prob. with her naps since late week, she didnt nap at all on Saturday, Sun was ok, and monday till now only have like one nap. I understand that by nap, it means at least 1.5hr to 2hr.
For their age and up to at least 18mths, they need 2 naps - one in the morning, and one in the afternoon.
Now they can have 2naps and one catnap.

My baby started sleeping thru the nite since she was 7 - 8 wks old (from 845pm to 7ish in the morning). She was on a 3hr routine, and she was quite a textbook baby. Her sequence is Drink, then wake up / play for sometime, then nap. Rather predictable.

Last week when we intro her to solids and adjusted her routine to 4hr, she started to have some prob napping and wake up early in the morning or will wake in the middle of the nite (but just need pacifier to be put back to sleep but there was one or 2 times she needed more time to be put to sleep) and there was also one time she woke up crying/fussing. In the past, she usually wakes up happy.

We believe it is due to her non-naps in the day. Of course, we are also thinking she may not have enough to eat. So today, we started to give her one more spoonsful of cereal.

And for the naps, this morning we put her to nap, she woke up 45mins after that, and my husband carried her to make her sleep. Then put her down, she napped for some time then now woke up agian. My husband is carrying her now.

I read that the nap time in the day is important, and if baby cannot sleep, we can carry them first (may need to do this for a few days) .. till they are into the habit of napping then slowly again let them nap without being carried.

So, we are trying to help her with the nap prob now. Will let u know if our solution works! Trying out different methods. If our current method dont work, i think we may have to put her back to the 3hr first and see.. or 3.5hr first.
sure! Come when you are free. Can let Nesher try b4 you decide whether to get one. But if space is a constraint, can buy smaller piece, cheaper somemore. I heard LG better, so talk talk to my hubby and he agreed to get Asobang. Think should be almost the same for all. I never try any, so can't comment! Can't wait for it to arrive!
thanks newmum!

lfb : sophie's the same.we moved the coffeetable and put the mat in the living room.she started flipping over non stop by herself and can now crawl.but backwards....

she's like a little worm.if i leave her alone for 2 mins to run to the kitchen to prepare her milk,i usually come back to the hall to find her almost under the coffee table or sofa (which is behand the mat).

my living room is all marble tiles so the mat is also a lifesaver for me.haha.

hubby initially didnt believe in the mat and said i was wasting my money to buy but now he's converted.hehehe.

my mat is 11 inches thick. wonder how the other thicker mats feel?
LFB- thks thks
next weekend might bring nesher for his 1st swim... will take alot of pic of his 1st time in the baby pool

I got the 18mm thick. Cos friend recommended. Anyway, I also cannot compare, cos no one to try! LOL! Hopefully I will get it next week. May have to do some shifting in living room. I don't think putting in his room a good idea. Want him to move out of his room for daily activities soon.

I brought my boi to Huaxia and guess what? He totally hated it! Was crying like mad and eventually we gave up! So funny! Thought he will like it since he enjoys bathing so much!
LFB- oh nesher also like bathing alot so i tot he might like the pool ...
then how isnt it a waste of money? u pay for the package or jus a day?
I'm in the same boat as you..
val has never been sleeping through the night.. she sleeps at 8am.. in the past, she wakes up at 1am and 4am for feeds and sometimes to play. recently, she started waking up at every hour and refusing to sleep.. after getting coaxed to sleep.. she will sleep for an hour then start all over again.. it has been 1 week plus.. hubby and I are totally sleep deprived..that we dozed off at work and driving..
can fully understand how you feel.. somemore you are preggie *hugz*

I din know that there are sleep clinics for babies.. maybe can give it a try.. other than supernatural methods, I have exhausted more options (eg cry it out methods) without success
chidori : i'm also not sure if the sleep clinics will work.read up online that if we dont do something fast, baby will lock in their current routine!!!

some mummies in other threads have tried feeding their babies with water instead of milk to slowly wean the babies off their nighttime feed...
yah man..
heehee.. i getting the small world play mat.. can bring our babies to flip/ roll/ crawl together.. u guys can come to my place if you dun mind
mine is not just hungry.. she wakes up to play.. sigh..
I dun mind if she wakes up for feed and sleep.. coz she is a small drinker.. day time at mil place, she at most drink 500ml bm..
annie : we brought sophie to hua xia at plaza singapura for a trial because we wanted to try it out.they charged us $30 and sophie loved it.

so we went to mothercare and bought the thermal baby swimming romper and every weekend, we bring her to the pool.i will carry her and let her splash around in the water.thinking of buying a waverider (one of those floats where she can sit in it)....
annie: didnt wear my swimsuit for a long time and nvr bring out for occassional washing that's y spoilt and stick to skin.

toffeecat: i hope we can move in next year lo! wanna have our own nest to breathe in.

bbpotatoe: its normal to have greenish coloured poos. old ppl will tell u that greenish coloured poos no good cos it is a sign that bb has been scared. after i check with my pd recently, she say it is not true at all. any colour poo is normal. however red, black, white poo is not gd.

chidori: i just purchase a mat from ssw also! maybe weekends we can meet up. kekeke. cos weekdays i'm working. usually sundays i will be at my mom's (st 73). so can gather. kekeke.
Rainbow Hydrocleaner E2 (latest model)

anyone interested?

Price now really good. usual $3424 but now able to get at $2800 + 8 yrs warranty n full accessories.

i read on forums n there r ppl still using it for more than 10 yrs lo! my cousins and friends bought theirs n recommended to me. i borrowed 1 and tried. amazing lo! its pricy but worth the money looking at the amount of yrs it can tahan n also for our kids health.

just sharing. i getting 1 cos both hubby n i got sinus problem and my hse can get dusty in just 1 day lo!
chidori/MaryG- then meet wher..confuse... u two play scssiors paper stone then let me know again which place..LOL

tinybubu- hubby intend to bring nesher to safra cos nearer to the place we rent
& it free..as safra members dont have to pay
MaryG- it be a rush for me as my lunch hour is half an hour.. i start work at 8.15am & go off at 5.15pm then lobang driver's van or colleague's car to pick nesher up...
i work 5 days week (so sorry) unless Japanese boss not in then i can sneak down & eat longer wif u
Annie and Chidori,

we went there for the trial. He hated it so much that no chance even to put the float onto his neck! The lady charge us nominal fee, so still ok lor! So funny! We really thought he will swim like pro, ended up cried non stop!
annie: eh... i confuse also. hahahaa. i cant bring bb swimming untill my new swimsuit arrive. still got a bikini at home but now too ugly to wear liao...
so many stretch marks...

japanese boss huh. then better not liao. cos they very "mao" one... aka strict... want ppl to start earlier then office hrs n go back later then office hrs. i worked with a jap co before... every morning still need to do group exercise lo! like small kids lo!
my cousin is looking for confinement nanny. due in march. any gd one to recommend? i wanted to recommend mine but my confinement nanny say she already have plans for overseas holiday during that period.
MaryG- so left both chidori & u decide wher
as mine is a rented room.
so too small for 3 babies later kana chase out by owner LOL

japanese boss don make us work early or late as long as we finish our work, they don care unless we went missing for an hour then in hot soup.
as we r tenants in IMM so we don do exercise & anywhere here auntie almost all are over 40s or mid 40s & i the youngest here so it be malu all ah ma gather at IMM to do it LOL
mummies,i'm placing my order with healthy times and they said they delivery for my items will be tomorrow evening.anybody wants to tumpang and add on? can let me know before 3pm?
annie: lucky u to have nice boss. my ex jap boss is lousy... very strict n petty... n very LAO DI GO!!!

tiny_bubu: u buying at original price as on their web or price at a discount?
i'm getting at their original prices.but i'm actually getting the baby jar foods (like the turkey dinner,jasmine chicken luau) because these are really hard to find in the market. i tried going to a couple of places and always find that the brown rice cereal and the dinner jars are almost always out of stock!
MaryG- my boss not nice & very stingy... old auntie here will wear low cut in order to get more bonus & for me who care the heck of them ... i jus work my part & dont be greedy..
maryg : yeah i realise NTUC also sells it at almost the same price as the website.But i know Cold Storage has a higher mark up on the products.
maryg if u all want go imm lunch count me in, but only this mth b4 i start work.. v sian at home.. home gathering also jio me leh better than go out spend $ and jayden can mk frds..huh old aunties wear sexy still can get extra bonus meh the boss so no fish eat prawn huh?

got a serious qns for those tk epidural any side effect? i seems to feel upper right back abit numb tingling feeling often these days.. could it be nerve spoil?? but will it appear only aft 5 mth??
createjoy- here japanese all old man wat
so old man see old auntie LOL

i remember tat time i delivered nesher i got side effect as i got fever & keep vomiting & my blood pressure was high but after 2 hours of sleep i was out of the bed walking here & ther & peeping outside the nursery room looking for Nesher

so far didnt encounter any pain ..(*touchwood*)
tiny_bubu: ya. i noticed the price diff at cold storage also. the supermarket at paragon also mark up pretty high. think becos more ang mohs shop there so they can mark up high ba

createjoy: not bringing bb for lunch leh cos i will be coming from work. if any gathering we keep u inform lo. where is yr working place?

no side effect. in fact those saying abt backache is one of the side effect is not true. backache is caused by us carrying bb for 10mths which altered our backbone into awk shape. numbing feeling is normal. my mom got it recently n consulted both western n eastern docs. both say nothing wrong. is fine n normal. if u worry just go see doc lo.
createjoy: i kept shivering right after i took the epidural. hubby tot i so cold but i say i'm not cold leh but duno y shivering a lot then the nurse heard me n told me it is the effect of the epidural. after birth, it wears off n i stop shivering le. besides this, i'm fine. nothing happen so far.

hmmm... no one interested in getting the vacuum cleaner huh?
tomorrow be a busy day for me... will go hubby's brother hse to pack my stuff & afternoon shuld be free so might bring nesher go IMM for a walk
later go collect my choc indulgence cake frm secret recipe.. taste it yesterday & find it very nice..wan let hubby taste it & buy 4pcs for Nesher's babysitter too cos she take good care of Nesher. Give her a day off tomorrow cos she nid to go malaysia to attend her 1st nephew 21st birthday

she told me to keep my leave & said she go off at nite but it be traffic jam & not nice for her to attend so late for the party..so tat tues i told her i took leave she was so happy as she can go early help out
& keep thanking me

annie: working for my in-laws... hubby need to go school so need to fetch boy early lo.. i prefer hubby to fetch then in-laws fetch... good for u to get good nanny.
