(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

kikismom, ya lor. Mayb also consider after 6mths also. Genieve today 4mths weight 6.7kg, length measure last week is 64.5cm ba.

shelisa, haha.. so this works for 2 mummies liao.. next kikismon?? Haa!!! But think its pure coincidence la, unless #1 can sense it and happy to have another siblings till they lift up legs and shun bian suck toes. hee...
tiny bubu congrats!! Super WOW!

haha kikismom, better start taking precautions if you dun want #3 so soon :p think ur gal is above avg according to the health book. babies grow at diff rates one. so as long as they are gaining weight and height and the doc never comment then everything's good!
kiki,last time my boy using similac after that change to enfalac a+.. although i prefer enfalac s taste,but my boy seem like drink less than similac liao..

tiny_bubu......congrats congratss!!
thanks...so she's above avg..i still dunno how to check the percentile thingy :p

i guess most babies will pass this phrase of sucking toes rite!!! *cross my finger*
creamer, u bad!!!!

kikismom, high five!! i also assume bb will pass that phrase as i see my nephew also got suck his toe leh. My sermaine is reaching her mouth too but she prefer more to bring her toe to touch her head.

toffeecat, i rem u work near Avent warehouse right?? If u got any info on the blender cum steamer can share with us?? Maybe we together buy then can get cheaper?
kiki,xinhua like to bring his toe to touch her head too but not suck his toe.. i sms you before i go back to my hometown but you didn't reply me ;''<
i guess it's cheaper cos it's warehouse sale? i bot a few toys, so far no defects leh. wah taka having sale again? but the sale only applies to those having taka card right? sale until when?

haha wow, you shd be happy dat ppl tot ur boy is 4mths mah. better than mine, ppl see my jarius, tot he jus over full month ar? dat one even more faint right? haha..

THANKS!!! for all the links!!! haha yay, i shall go and register and call up!! muacks!! love u deep deep ar. haha
btw, i got some nestle cereal samples from PD. however, it stated 6mths one leh, so dunno whether to let jarius try out or not.

i din know ladies will get gout too. i tot only usually apply to males. esp those who drink alot.
yeah, go see doctor ba. dun worry, i think shd be ok de.

ok, so i guess i shall not buy qv or sebamed.. cetaphil got offer now? only at guardian ar? i guess sensitive skin no cure one hor?

re: nursing rooms at shopping centres
mummies, i remb someone, but i forgot who, had a list of shopping centres with nursing rooms... can i haf dat list again? thanks very much!!

i gave my boy rotavirus dose le. i guess it's up to u whether u wan to let him take it or not ba. me n hb kiasi, so we gave lor. haha


haha dat sucking toes myth really works ar? heehee... how's ur feelings now? excited??

i stil dun dare to haf bedroom activity leh...
u so bad..next one will be u soon...g will surprise u by sucking her toes..whahahh

sucking 2 legs does tat means gog to have twin???

i sms u back asking when u come to collect but no reply back???
just called my hubby and he started laughing because he thought i was joking.

the thing is we did it only 1 time when sophie was 2 months old.

i'm still in shock.eheheh.
kiki,oo i see.. thanks thanks.. maybe i already in my hometown when u reply.. husband brought the DVD liao.. interesting..
Shelisa, yups i work at Philips. the Philips experience showroom is like a normal retail shop, so no further discount if buy in bulk. i've got staff discount, after which is sometimes higher in price than retail shops during sales period. so have to compare prices first. i'll go over from time to time to check if that blender SCF870 is out.

kikismom, will be starting in dec when she's turning 6mths. but she's very interested in what we are eating now. always staring to see what we are doing. yesterday she started smacking her lips when i ate an apple in front of her and continued throughout while i was eating! so funny

my gal doesn't lift her legs very high. doesn't seem like she'll suck her toes any time soon. she likes to flip from her tummy to back though.
kikismom, mostly i will try out when sermaine around 5mth old or earlier as she seem like got no interest to drink milk at all leh. her daily milk intake is only 500-600ml only. Her eyes damn bright when im eating my food. So waiting for Hein to send me sample then i will try out. Hein lady told me actually there is no answer whether 4mth or 6 mth onward (bcos she told me their packaing is 4mth onward but AVG advise them to change to 6mth onward). her advise is when u feel they are ready then let the ball roll. U tempting to start also?

kikismom, was chatting with my colleague whom it pregnant. then suddenly she popped out and say u know hoh if ur bb suck her toe or bring her both legs high high to their mouth means.... then i was!!! how come suddenly whole world is talking abt this topic?

tiny bubu, how come u go test got pregnant anot? six sense??
Tiny bubu,
wow congrats! This is indeed surprising! I mean, we are still talking abt our current baby! If my hubby, he will be so happy! He kept asking when should we prepare for no. 2. Faintz!

my boi very sturdy looking, so pple always thot he is 4 or 5 months. Moreover I didn't cut his hair since birth, so his long hair made pple think he very big liao. Taka sale is from todaytill Sunday, members got 15% additional discount(I think). But tmr start work liao, so won't go. If Sunday I am up for it, may send bb to my mum's place early and I go myself. See got good buy for boi.
tiny bubu

How do you know you are pregnant?

Hmm my boy is not sucking his toes so i'm safe..haha

when do you all intend to start your baby on solids?
ya lor, tinybubu, hw come u went to test? really got 6th sense ar? no menses yet right?

haha, so mummies, if ur baby is sucking toes, den u know wat it's abt. haha

thanks for the links too. shall ask for samples too.
hi5, jarius also stares at us when we are eating... last night we eating pear, he swallowing saliva while watching his papa eat. faint...
i have been trying to diet and eat less carbs but tummy still big like the day i was discharged from hospital.

i started to have cravings for koko krunch which i only had when i was pregnant before.

today when i had a pineapple after lunch with colleagues,one of my close colleagues teased me and said i cant keep eating pineapple because my 'baby' wont like it.he teases me all the time because i'm a bit heavier than compared to pre-pregnancy days.

then i remembered Superbee's post.so i started to panic in my head and crossed the road to Watson's, bought the Predictor and while i was waiting for the results, i was telling myself i'm seriously not ready to have no2 but will be happy with whatever god decides for me.then i took a look at the test and it was positive.

my hubby's happy.i'm still a bit freaked out....

we only did "it" once!!!to my calculations,i should be about 10 weeks now so the baby will be born in end feb/early march.Sophie wont even be 1 year old then.

wow! congrats!!

anyone losing a lot of hair? there is a old wives tale that bb and/or mummy will lose hair at 4 months. i beginning to feel my hair drop a lot recently lei

shd be starting bb on brown rice at 6mos, some pple start early at 4mos.
chris38 :i've been losing a lot of hair.hubby's surprised how come i havent gone bald yet! it's seriously so scary to comb my hair or shampoo my hair nowadays...

anybody want to sponsor me to go to Yun Nam?

Tinybubu - Congrats!! Gog to the gynae soon?

Chris38 - mine drop like nobody's bizness!! I can feel my hair thinning..its really so serious u know..sigh..when will it stop?
Tinybubu - Congratulations! Wow, i think it'll probably take you some time to let the reality sink in! But yes, it is good news! Just that you'll have to cope with the whole series of things all over again ... and so soon! But children are God's gifts to us. I know of pple who wants to have kids but couldn't.

When is your last day of work?

All the best to you!
I m also dropping hair like nobody's business. I hope it will stop dropping soon!!!

tinybubu, it's really great news even though it's so soon. Will you hb work in Sg instead now u are expecting no. 2?
bbjun : hubby's coming back to sg on Sunday for a few days.We'll probably talk about it then. I know its not easy to get a job in SG at the moment though.... Your hubby is also having problems right?
newmom : i'm supposed to hand in my resignation tomorrow.i planned it out very carefully.but now i dont know if i should stay on for the maternity benefits?plus my company gives us a one time cash gift whenever we give birth.
Tiny bubu: ya .. abit tricky hor. Quite tempting to just stay thru right? Sigh. Is the situation at yr mom's place better (for Sophie - is she ok?)?
Guess you discuss with your husband when he comes back this Sunday.
Ever thot of settling down with where your husband is, instead of him having to find a job here? Just wondering. Cos better for all of u as a family to be together. Just my thots.
tinybubu, yeah. Partly he is more picky about jobs now given his experience in the field. Coupled with the economy outlook, it's tough to get a job he wants in Sg.
Understand your dilemma on resignation. It's really a tough decision. The maternity benefits really helps a lot. Perhaps u shd just discuss with ur hb first and make the decision thereafter. U can always tender a few days later if that decision still stands.
wow, sort of glad to know i am not the only one! :p
i oso dunno when it will stop lei.. during my girl time i dun rbr i dropped so much! sigh... i now using my hb's pa wang shampoo (the jackie chan one) on alternate days

my fren went into yun nam and was told 50 sessions cost $8000...
im still dropping hair... whenever i shower or comb hair, it's scary. the hair comes out in not 1-2 strands, but many many strands.
alrdy my hair is fine enough le...now i thk it's worse... may haf to buy Ba Wang shampoo soon le...

how much does ur company give for that one time cash gift?
you may wan to consider carefully before u decide to tender tmr.
haha and ya, hw to face to ur gynae again? im sure he'll be laughing at you, but dun care him lah.

is the ba wang shampoo doing any wonders?
i wan to buy and try, but it's so embarrassing to buy and pay at the cashier.
dun tender tmr first ba. discuss wif ur hb on sunday first and den decide ?

hehee, are you hoping for a boy this time round or you want another girl? im sure sophie will be very happy!!
ahnetsan : they give $2.5k cash gift.hubby hoping for a boy then we can close shop.but i think a girl will be better for sophie.

i must thank superbee for the warning...otherwise i would have gone on eating pineapples and sushi without knowing i am pregnant.hehehehe.
wow, nt bad ar, ur company gives 2.5k leh. dats quite alot. haha. ya i also thk a girl will be a better companion for sophie.
how abt twins? mayb boy and girl, den u can really close shop liao.
Congrats Congrats!
yesterday u r just telling tat u will faint if the myth i tell u is true hor...hehe.. :p btw, r u still breastfeeding sophie? i think u may need to keep your helper cos having 2 child of close age gap is not easy to handle. i m glad that i got a helper to do housework, etc else i will b super stressed out with 2 babies crying at the same time! but i do know some FTWM or SAHM can cope with 2 babies of close age gap and of cos, their hubby do help out a lot.

the old wife tale seemed to be true somehow hor? so far i asked around and not all babies can suck toes one. happen that those babies i know can suck toes, seemed to kena the nxt one soon! :p

haha.. u scare ah? i tot u wanted #3 wor.. :p

Re : Dropping hair
Well the myth of when bb drop hair, mummy drop hair is also true.
It happen to me again.. but thank god i still have a lot of hair... :p Got a ex-colleague after giving birth #2, have to go yunnan for treatment... the price of being a mummy...
hello to all mummies.

creamer- sorry for late reply..jus back frm jur pt. kell said took bout 2-3 weeks so i be getting nesher pic next week.. will post in the facebook if i got it.

tinybubu- Cngrats Congrats.. me dare not even think of no.2.. if hubby is sharing the work then go ahead for no.2 but i think 1 is good enough

jessma- hope u be back soon

shelisa- hehehehheehe so u planning for no.2 soon
frankly speaking since pregnant till now we nvber think of night activity jus forcus on nesher &amp; try to get more sleep. got my CT scan result no sign of tumor etc
so will drag my case to 2-3 yrs see me one time
<font color="cc0099"> <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000"><blink>Congrats, bubu~!!</blink></font></font>
Exciting news to perk us all up! You didn't sound too thrilled when you announced. But I'm glad you are expecting again!
1 time success - SUPER FERTILE!! 10 weeks now. *So happy for you!* How are you coping with Sophie? I was thinking right timing to doubly confirm and cement your decision to be a SHM... Can enjoy SOphie and enjoy the pregnancy. When #2 comes along, it'll be hard to truly enjoy bonding with Sophie.</font>
Hi Tinybubu,

Congrats!!! o hppy for u!!!
Did u underwent normal delivery when u gave birth to Sophie in June? Only ND can conceive again so fast right??
tiny_bubu, congrats!!! such high efficiency!! look on the bright side! your children will grow up together! =)

chris, yes yes my hair is not dropping.. it's shedding... going to be botak soon..
Tiny Bubu: Big Big Congrats from me too!! Its great! I am sure your hair will regain their growth once the pregnancy hormones kick in :) Congrats again! If you intend to have 2, at least you can close factory soon. Siong next couple of years then you can relax :)And i think Doctor Woody will be very pleased! Make sure you ask for discount hor.

Creamer : Can you let me know if you can join by end of next week? Hope you can join us !

New_mom: Noted your message about the food

Superbee: I close factory le. I will make sure i pluck my girl's leg from her mouth if she is sucking her toes!!
Just login back to the thread and such fantastic news!

CONGRATS Tinybubu! Little Sophie will hv someone dear to grow up with

Maybe you shld reconsider sending your helper back since now you may need the extra hands to help out?

Toffeecat - welcome back! Long time no see!
tinybubu, congrats! Sophie will have a playmate soon!

LFB, I was at FP warehouse sale. There's nothing wrong with the jumperoo I think. If there are any defects, doubt big company like FP will dare to sell. Lawsuits, bad press... Those sets that I saw there, the box everything looked perfectly fine. I almost bought one, but kiddo already has exersaucer, didn't want to buy one more thing to take up space in the house. $200 is very good deal. Got other FP toys there too for $5-20, but some are a bit dirty/dusty, need to come home and clean up.

Shelisa, I read somewhere that last time weaning was advised at 4mths, so companies all rush to print on their packaging "suitable from 4 months onwards". In 2002 or 2003, World Health Organisation officially changed the recommended age to 6mths, but they never make it a law that companies have to change their packaging wording, so all these companies all happily still print "4 months onwards". Can make more money if people buy earlier, right?

Hair loss club: Me too lah. Baby always has a strand or 2 of my hair stuck in her neck, leg crease, arm pit, etc etc. When wash hair, the drainage holes all covered up with hair
My friend that time drop hair until got bald spot, had to change her hair parting!
