(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Shelisa, haha your gal is so cute! makes me tempted to see how my gal will react if i feed her some apple too. seems like everyone's starting to wean quite early. think i'll read up more and get a blender first. my hubby wants to get a normal blender and not the new one cos it looks like it cannot blend ikan billis. so might as well get a blender that does all the blending. and cook the porridge in a pot. will probably wait till mid-end nov before buying as usuallly the showroom will have a year end sale for staff. just bought a pigeon step 2 weaning set from taka + step 1 spoons to feed. and a bumbo. seems like everyone's babies are sitting up already!

hi sweethalo! yups long time no see. feels so good to be back.

bbjun: My boy weight 7.1 kg and 64cm.... looks like he's losing in the weight gain game! haha He cry for both jab though, but a little bit only lah
Came back from Taka sale, a lot of people! The 15% off applies to even sale items!

Have a talk w PD and she suggested not to introduce other food yet, cos baby is still growing well. So likely will start after the next jab which is in Nov.
Wow, bbjun and dolly, your babies are so big! Are they on total breast feeding?

My baby girl is only 5.8kg and 63cm. I'm considering to mix formula
Thks annie. Ok show me nesher pics when ready.

Just weight genieve at 4mths 2days, she is 6.9kg and 66cm. Afternoon feed her with some pear and banana puree, she didnt squeese her eyes though its a little sour. It taste quite good leh.
tiggerkaitlyn: Yeah, still total breast feeding

Actually my boy birth weight is 3.75, so 7.1 is still not double his birth weight, but I'm not complaing ;)
Fang, Bbjun, Amk_gal, Bbaugustine, EC_mom, Superbee, Caramelle and Dolly, and anyone staying in Choa Chu Kang area:

Hi - i just realised we have a small tin of NAN 1, 400g, and want to give away. If you are interested and live in Choa Chu Kang, and/or going to the gathering on Oct 24 (tho i may not turn up if my baby is unwell as she is going for jab in the morning), let me know!

New Mom
tigger, my boi was on BM for the first 3 mths. Now on FM.
Same as dolly, decided to wait another month to see if there is a need to intro other food. PD doesn't find it necessary when he is growing well n sleeping a good 7hrs at nite without a feed.
New Mom: Thanks! I'll like to have it if you can come for the gathering! But I'm using it as a standby if you dun mind. Cos my milk supply is those just nice type
Posting invitation by Fang again in case some mummies have missed it

Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & hubby & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom & Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly & hubby & BB Kendrick
Hi Dolly
Thanks for the link. I'm doing a comparison on the prices but mine should be cheaper. When you mummies check out diaper prices, how do normally compare to see whether the diapers are really cheaper? For me, I usually calculate it to the per piece price then do a comparison.

I would like to join the gathering but not sure if my boy will be cranky on that day or not cos' he's gg for his 4th month jab. Last month after his 3rd month jab, he was super cranky and developed a fever the 2nd day.. haiz...
Dolly, I m getting huggies dry n dry comfort from her today. Gg there on the way to send my hb to the airport.

BS S, perhaps u can share with us the prices when convenient. On the whole, we buy one packet from supermarkets or TCM halls, provision shops,etc, so usually we just compare by the packet price of the same brand since we wld have our preferred brand to buy. I m sure each mother wld have done their hmwk when comparing across brands - which wld require us to do a per pc price comparison.
<font color="0000ff">hi createjoy,

thanks for the offer on the 10 bottles! i stay woodlands..

i pm u we sms ok? cos i seldom log in now since i started work liao...
bbjun and dolly: That's great ur diet must be very nutricious for your babies to grow so well! Maybe I need to eat less McD, ha ha!

Some people told me that when they pump, the milk is quite oily, which may be why their baby is gaining weight well. Do you gals notice that?

My milk is white but not oily...
tiggerkaitlyn: breast milk are oily by nature? Think u dun notice cos you wash the parts straight away is it? How long do you pump? cos the first 15 min are foremilk and more white and watery, after that then hindmilk which is creamier

When you freeze the milk, you'll notice there's a layer of thick thick thingy floating on top, the rest are like water like that. And yes, eat less McD, that's the unhealthiest of all... I like MOS, subway, burger king... not that much better ....
tigger, my BM was super oily lor. Washing the bottles and pump takes a long time cos have to make sure it's really clean.

Yeah, diet is impt when u BF. I practically have little outside food during those 3 months. Most of the time I cook and it's usually fish, vege and eggs.

Actually dun need to freeze to see that layer. Just put in the fridge and can see the thick layer floating on top the bottom one diluted milky liquid. So every time must swirl to mix the top n bottom milk before pouring out to warm for BB.
bbjun: Dun need to swirl first, warm up the bottle and the layer supposed to dissolve leh

BS S: Can you get cheaper Huggies DRY and DRY comfort as well?
dolly: you pump for more then 15 minutes?! I only pump for 10 minutes max because the milk stops flowing at about 150ml. When I put it in the fridge there is a white layer but only a thin layer at the very top.

bbjun: you really eat a healthy diet! I have fish maybe once a week, maybe I should continue taking the fish oil supplements.
Are any moms taking their babies to classes? I was looking at gymboree, I wonder how responsive our babies can be?

Maybe baby massage classes are more useful?
Hi mummies,
I'll like to join this thread to get to know more mummies too. My boy #2 was born on 11 Jun...i'm quite active in Aug06 thread...
wow... some areadi weaning the babies... coming 4 mths can wean?? i remember i started my 1st gal when she was 6mth...
dolly, eh. If I dun swirl a bit, part of this thick layer get stuck on the sides of milk container. I dunno why got stuck there. My mother always joked that it's too oily. Besides, I don't necessary pour all out so it's best to swirl so I don't pour all the goodies out and left the diluted milky liquid in the bottle for the next feed.

Welcome Doris!

tigger, I don't have intention to bring bb to classes yet. My fren tried gymboree but she finally decided to go with Julia Gabriel. I m not sure why.
Tigger, did u try to pump beyond 10mins? Maybe there is another let down after that? At least for me, sometimes the first letdown didn't empty the breast and if I pump a bit longer, the second letdown will come and will empty the breast.
hi mommies!!
so long neva post redi. busy busy.haha!stil hari raya visiting.

hi doris- welcome 2 d june thread!i dun noe wen can wean. but i tot of startin some mashed fruits 4 my boy next month. wen he is 5mths old. il probably start wif mashed bananas.

dear fang n other mommies- wonderful response 4 dis 24oct gatherin. i wil come wif my baby boy.r we catering food?so mommy fang, we tranf d $ 2 u d day b4?

lookin fwd 2 d gatherin!
Hi Hayoki,

my aunty helped us got rid of our baby's cradle cap. She applied olive oil on baby's head, and used a cotton wool to rub them off. Must be gentle. Do not use bare hands/fingers.
I did my rebond last mth, my gynea give the green light to go ahead. so u can going ahead but i dunno abt colouring ??

my #1 oso start his solid food when he's 6mths but I give him semisolid like cereal when he's 4.5mths..i remember PD saying tat we can start weaning @ 4mths
thanks!! den i shall do rebond.. haha cos my hair really sucks now man...

haha i coloured my hair during jarius' 1st mth, but my hairstylist din really colour till the roots there...
and i pumped out milk in advance lor...den i jus pump out after my colour session and threw the milk away, until after 5hrs later, den i bf again.
i think my jarius hates my milk now.... he doesnt wan to drink even when it's time for him to drink... and worse, at times he drinks from btl not in cradle or lying down method, he drinks it while he's sitting up or when we prop him up on our shoulders... where got baby dun lie down and drink milk one???

and we tried to spoonfeed him water...guess wat, he loves it leh!! and wifout a single drop of water dripping out from his mouth... my mum was telling me dat actually can try give him cereal le, since he can take water from spoon so well. and after giving him a few teaspoons of water, he stil asked for more!! faint!!

does dat mean dat he's ready for cereal alrdy?
i wanted to try cereal or fruit juice over the wkend de, but ended up din do dat.

any advice?
wah not ok nw le...cos nw the back end parts all 'qiao' out! like broom now. haha

ya lor, but my gynae say ok to colour la, jus dat my hairstylist say better dun, cos got chemicals.
bbjun: so you will continue pumping even if there's no milk dripping? I try to pump until it's soft, but not sure if it's empty.

re gymboree- it seems like a good idea to socialize the babies but maybe when they are a little older and are more aware?

Dolly: have you tried Nepia? I thought it's quite comparable to Pampers but at $15 for 48 pieces it's much more reasonable.
I guess j's ready for semisolid..u can try giving j some pear prune, some bbies will just wean out by themselves from bfing.

they will enjoy more if they noe how to crawl.. i guess now they r too young for that..maybe when they are 6mths, they know how to interact wif other bbies.. it'll be so cute to see them crawl around the playarea
when i rebond i takes 6 hrs lei cos i have stubborn hair &amp; got natural curl whahhah so be prepared to sit for at least 3 hrs
Kikismom: I was thinking that too! Once they can crawl, it will be more interesting. Right now all she does it lay on her back and shake her arms and legs. But gymboree offers classes for 0-6 months so I wonder wha they do!

Ahnet: maybe they have better technology now, but including a hair cut and oil treatment, rebonding was 4 hours! So the chemical sits in your hair for a long time.
wah piang! i dun thk i can sit there for 6hrs jus for rebond!! faint sia... can rebond only the end part mah? instead of whole head
Hi Dolly,
Yup i can get these 2. Could you give me your email address so that I can fwd you the price list?

Hi Tigger,
I brought my #1 to a class similar to gymboree when he was about 4mths and i think he didnt know how to appreciate the class leh cos he was too young then. Or it could be that the centre was quite small so they mixed all the children of the different age group together. Every kid went through an obstacle course like of thing. Personally, I felt that it was more suitable for bbs who can crawl already and above. And for the bb, really, how many times can they go through the obstacle course before they get tired during that 1hr?

Any mummies brought their kids for swimming at Hwa Xia at PS? Looks interesting that I want to try leh...
BS S - my daughter is also going for her 4th month jab in Oct 24.
And hey, my daughter is using Huggies Ultra and Mamy Poko as well. Am exploring on getting Huggies Dry and Dry Comfort ...
Can you share with me the price list as well?
i'll pm you .. then u can reply me.
Thanks alot!
BS S: Yeah, I've PM you, can just reply my email

NewMom: Yeah, huggies ultra and mamy poko expensive leh .... can try other brand, our babies cannot crawl yet anyway.

Doris: Welcome! Is your name Doris too?
BS_S, i was considering bringing my baby to Hwa Xia, but it's so expensive!! bought a swimming tub and neck float to swim at home instead!! more economical.
Ahnet, last sat give some hein pear juice to sermaine but she HATE IT!! once she taste it, she like struggling lor. make me feel like im feeding poison like that.

Annie, not at a moment, wanna concentrate at sermaine first.

toffeecat, seem like you have a nice shopping wor. i wanna wait for the avent blender as it look so convenient for mummy. Do update us once you have any info on that. Thanks alot.

Creamer, hein pear and banana puree?

kikismom, semi-solid means?

Reg Diaper, carrefour selling pamper comfort m size 58 pcs @ $10.50 only. which means per pcs 18cents, same with huggie comfort per pc price. anyone use pamper comfort before? I think it cheap thus buy a pack and standby.
tigger, some times after the first let down, I feel the breast is soft but not empty (oso check vol), I will continue to pump even if the milk is trickling only. the second letdown will just come later.
danelle is using pampers comfort &amp; lately use huggies dry. my mum, maid &amp; myself felt that huggies dry no good &amp; pamper comfort is much better in terms of absorbing the urine. u sure huggie comfort is $0.18 per piece or huggies dry? cos huggies comfort is more ex leh.. ;)
BS_S, I bring my boi to hwa xia for swims but not on a weekly basis.. more like fortnightly. If my schedule doesn't allow for that weekend, just wait till the following weekend lor.

amkgal, I find very leh jei to keep the huge tub n also waste water la. Agree that it is not cheap so that's why I dun bring him there so regularly. When he is one year old, I will just bring him to my fren's condo pool.
swimming at home: actually it's alright. we use the water to wash clothes and do housework after that so end up no wastage!

goodness me, losing my brains. went to work, brought pump and accessories to express breastmilk and i forgot to bring milk bottles!!! my god. gonna rush home later to pump soon! lucky short day at work today.
superbee, sorry typo error. is huggies dry $0.18. Im not sure the pasir ris tcm selling pamper comfort cheaper anot? Must check it out and let u know.

dolly: tks...yup..my name is Doris

currently my boy is using mamy poko.. think is the best... tried huggies dry which not tt good..

BS S: can share the price too.. tks..will pm u later...
