(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

I have 3 tins of BRAND NEW Isomil Advance EyeQ (soy-protein formula) for 0-6 mths, 900g per tin. I'm letting go at S$30.00 per tin. The expiry date is Dec 2010 and self-collection in Tampines.

Please PM me should you be interested.

hi everyone! been mia for quite some time. just started work as well. still trying to work out the best schedule for pumping. quite inconvenient as nursing room doesn't have a water source and the wash area in the pantry and i always have ppl waiting behind me. and i need to pump every 3-4hours otherwise the volume is stuck at 140-180ml. Volume seems to be dropping too.

hi amk_gal, got a fren that whose 1 plus year old kid still need to latch on before being able to sleep at nite. my gal sleeps at 11 plus and sometimes wake up in the middle of the nite, sometimes doesn't, but she will wake up around 6plus to 7plus for a full feed. also dunno why.
shelisa,baby hair cut on 4th mth old,must on lunar mah?what's 'qui zaw'.I bring max to studio for his 100 days photo shot.. later sent you the link.. just upload some original pc,with design one only can receive two weeks later..
Jess, i was waiting for ur email wor. So everything fine on your hometown? No, it up to individual, we are teochew ppl, so we use lunar 4th mth old. 'qui zaw' means let them eat meat, it is also some traditional thing. My mommy & mil insist thus i MUST follow such traditional.

toffeecat, welcome back. u really mia very long, how's ur girl doing?

jling, agreed with them. it is up to individual. for head/neck stable. Maybe u wanna everyday play with your boy (egs: sit on your bed, your leg 45 degree angle, then you let him grab your finger and u gently pull him up for few secs then continue this for maybe 5 times, then the next day 7 times)or not put him on tummy, then u use toy to attract him to look up/left/right. hope this help.
talking about flipping, my gal can now flip onto her tummy on her right side... but can't flip back... she started doing that on her own when she was 3 months 1 week. now the problem is, whenever we put her down, she wants to flip... yday night after her feed @ 12am, she flip and push herself up, and looked around... took us almost 1 hour to let her fall back to sleep.. hope it doesn't happen again tonight...
superbee / new mom
I guess, maybe i'm just too anxious.

I tried to put him on tummy and attract him with toys and he don't seems interested. I have to try harder then.
hmm any mummies here uses the sarong sling to bring baby out alone without the stroller? how do you have your meals when you have no where to put your baby
jling : hihi.i usually gulp food down when the bub is taking one of her 20min daytime naps.grrr! or i put her in her FP bouncer and strap her in and she's so enthralled by the toys hanging in front of her that she'll leave me alone for at least 20 to 25 mins while i quickly eat or when i need to run to the other room for a bit.Now that she's starting to flip (and doesnt know how to flip back),it really stresses me out.hahaha.
sophie has been trying to stuff her foot in her mouth!anybody else experiencing the same thing with their baby or is sophie just cut out to be part of Cirque Du Soleil?

Hi need some sugguestions on how to keep EBM cool.

For now, planning to pump during lunch time only at changing room, so no fridge. I plan to put ice packs at bottom of the Tupperware bottle carrier (something similar to those styrofoams ones with 2 holes for milk bottles) and then put 150ml milkbottles on top. It fits but dunno if the ice pack can last all day and enuff to cool EBM until end of day. Any other suggestions to keep even cooler longer? Any one come across container that is airtight and double walled? My mum has one but is bulky but inside limited space. I used to keep that in my locker. need a better solution... any ideas?
tiny bubu
sorry did not made myself clear, i mean having meals outside alone but have no stroller to put your baby... anyway you sound very busy attending to your girl, she don't sleep long during the day?

my boy finally realised he has feet, he tried to grab his feets and put into his mouth when im changing his diapers but i guess its not long enough to reach his mouth...hmm will that affect their spine bone when they bend until so extreme?
Hihi MOmmies,
wondering anyone uses MILK TRAYS?
Issit good? I am like spending too much $$$ on milk bags for storage...
qn: What do u use to melt the frozen milk? Put them in a bag first? or straight into bottles? Musrt be a sterilised container right?

Any links to buy the milk trays?

amk_gal: hands up! My boy still latching at night, and I still can't catch his timing...

new_mom: huggies ultra and mamy poko got spree leh, havent try to buy it yet

vogue_mommy: I used milk tray only once... my nanny dun like it
Think tubbymummy using it regularly. It's quite ok for me, cos I'm the one storing it and not using it.
You are supposed to just drop the milk bar into the feeding bottles.
Below website for the milk tray
<font color="0000ff">hi new mom,

my maid take care of bb with my in-laws dropping by occasionally for spot check lor..

bb seems so attached to her already.. haiz.. oh well.. today spent all day bonding to "store" up.. hahaaa

back to work tomorrow!!
<font color="119911">any idea where i can get glass bottles cheap?? need for pumping and milk storage.. bb uses only wide-neck bottles.. so i gotta pump into glass bottles, then tsf to the feeding bottle.

now gg back to work then realise i dun have enuff !! argh. cos need to bring 4 bottles to work, i only have 7 in total. yikes.</font>
11_beans: I went back to MtA nursery to ask for glass bottles, maybe you can try yours? But remember to go during office hour or Sat morning, cos the pharmacy selling the caps only operates at that time.
wow, seems like some babes here are quite acrobatic oredy.

My gal can't flip yet. But she can shriek quite loud, compared to my son. I had a shock once when i just took her home from the hospital. haha.

She takes 30 min-60min to finish 100ml. Is this normal for girls? My boy can finish in ten minutes when he was 3 months. Not sure if there is any solution for my girl. Any advice, mummies?
<font color="0077aa">Fang, if baby taking a longer time, maybe u want to use a bigger flow teat? eg alya was very frustrated with NUK 0-6m M flow teat but once changed to L flow, she finished milk in less than 10min.</font>
Hi Caramelle. Thanks for the suggestion! I will defintely try cos i cannot imagine spending 3 - 5 hours a day just to feed her. Really "oh my gosh" kind of senario :)
<font color="0000ff">dolly,

me that time stay 4 bedder.. think they will still give? Cos when i discharge, ask for sample milk, they also only give me one leh!!</font>
Hi mommies. Just bumping this up in case anyone has missed the below and will like to join.

Hi Caramelle, will get halal certified caterer if we are catering cos it depends on whether we can get the minimum number of people in order to cater.

Hi Superbee, you not having food right? Just want to confirm the number of folks before i do the food ordering.


Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; hubby &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom &amp; BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee &amp; BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom &amp; Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly &amp; hubby &amp; BB Kendrick
Aisha prob used to noise coz Ayuni is loud and I also need to raise my voice sometimes. I will still swaddle her if I need her to sleep soundly but sleeping on her side or tummy also help her to sleep soundly. Maybe can talk to ur baby like what bbjun said. Some babies quite receptive if u tell them what's happening. Today I just got Aisha's communication book (teacher-parent one). Just read the welcome note. There's about 30 infant on the list. Yest n today, average is 6-8 didn't turn up according to the sign in/sign out. There's total 6 in-charge of infant class. 1 infant teacher, 1 staff Nurse and 4 teacher. Only 1 Miss which is the infant teacher, the rest is Mrs/Mdm. Aisha's first day, she didn't wear socks after bathing even thou i drop her off with socks on. Today, she did. Think aircon is ok coz if too high temp can be quite stuffy. Does the infantcare has a separate sleeping room? So far, Aisha's pattern is average 2 hrs of alternating sleeping and awake time. I'm still monitoring. Usually, she's sleeping during pick-up time and the face blur blur with hair sticking to her face. haha...

re: Flipping
Aisha like to do the mini-push ups or the superman pose (heads n legs up while on tummy) nowadays. Once I wasn't looking while bfing lying down, she suddenly in superman pose. ahha.. haha like turtle hahaha. Yup babies will take their time to learn. They learn faster if u get them used to being on their tummy. Aisha used to turn to sleep on her side. Now she turn until she's on her tummy and sleeP!

stuff leg in mouth is a phase that will pass soon. Try to discourage her when she does that. If not, she will stuff her shoes also when she's wearing that.

most times latch at nite Aisha only drink from 1 breast for short while then go back to sleep. If she's in her cot or I'm sleeping in Ayuni's room, noticed she will not cry for milk but suck her fingers until fall asleep again. So probably not hungry and will really cry if hungry.
hi mummies..
sorry to interupt..
was wondering if anyone gave birth is gleneagles? could you share your hospital bill? thanks a lot!
that is ice pack? it is flat or what? I cannot figure out from the pics. I just got those gel ice packs. The plastic material which the gel is in can be torn if not taken care properly. I got new ones to replace the torn ones i threw away last time. Used 2 last time from 6am-3pm abt 9 hours. Now need from 7am-6pm abt 11 hours. dunno if the cold can last if not in air-tight/insulated container.
Fang - agree with Caramelle.
My daughter used to take like 30 to 45 mins to finish 120ml of milk. Once we changed it to a bigger teat, she could just finished them in 10 - 15 mins!
Baby Aug turns 4 mths old today. He is starting to mouth everything he touches, can grip and shake rattle but i think he is not really flipping yet. When placed on his tummy he can lift his head rather high and for quite some time. Sometimes he does flip from tummy to back but i think its not really intentional yet. No mouthing of feet yet.

Styliciously, i bought the Pigeon fridge to go bag to store ebm. It is supposed to be able to store ebm for up to 12 hours in cool conditions and with the ice packs provided. I havent started using it though.

Im still waking up to feed my boy at abt 5 or 6 am after his 12.30am feed and sometimes he wakes up again an hour later close to 7am to feed again...strange..
Dolly - Have u tried Huggies Ultra? If Huggies Dry and Dry comfort is also good .. or good enough .. maybe i should try.

I took a brief look at the thread link .. i cant remember how much i usually buy. Also, Superbee got some lobang too. I havent really look ... but from the look of the super heavy traffic thread, it seems to be really good buy like that.
My mind not working now! hahah ...
Am up doing laundry. 3rd round of washing. Putting in the last round ... my hb will wait and hang the clothes.
createjoy: saw your bedroom activity question. No doubt quite wet but our body is undergoing changes since still BF.

My first time I was so dry and turned off. Now I am not into it. No time and imagine my hubby touching my breast with breast pads is horrible so I rather don't do it. Besides I am not keen with a NUMBER 3 again as cash strapped and I tanking until now I want to vomit blood.

I am glad Kaelyn's a sensible kid. Now she sleep thru after 10pm. First few months only me taking care I really feel so worn out with pumping and feeding really no time to rest well. Now got to work and pump. I guess the best thing I can do is support her with BM until she turns 7mth old (december 18) she will be on FM.

I want to thank all who encouraged me and help out (you know who you are) in helping me to find a job.

Oh, I'm awake now doing pumping BTW...

Night all mommies
jling, don’t stress yourself over it. Let it be nature. Usually I will buy finger food and eat if I alone with sermaine with sling. Can’t really sit down to eat leh. Only got 1 time I so tire and wanna sit down to have a nice meal, I just put her on the restaurant sofa sit to sleep while I have my meal.

Tuny bubu, Sermaine high five with your gal. She also love to use her both hand to hold both of her legs and wanna stuff into her mouth. It just can’t reach her mouth yet, sooner or later it is reaching soon. Scold her, attract her with toy or pull away, she will still do the same thing back. Faint.

styliciously, I am using avent cooler bag + 2x ice pad (those gel type). The most I put is 12hours, the ice pad melted but the cooler bag inside still very cold. I think ur working place is air-con right?? So I think the ice pad won’t melt so fast. If im not wrong, Avent have 1 type of cooler bag come with the ice pad in it, the ice pad can last up to 12hrs.

Wow, 30infant? So much?? But I rem MCYS website state, 1 caregiver to 3 infant. I got no chance to talk to her as once she reach home she fall asleep I my arm, then when she wake up drink milk then wanna fall back to sleep only. Ytd was a bad day for her I think, I bring 3x 140ml ebm to sch for me. Ended up ytd, she only manage to drink80-100ml each time. Bcos when she drink milk it must be totally quietness or not she will refuse to drink.

You can monitor, if they didn’t wear back the sock for her, you can just write in the communication book to inform them. Sermaine pattern also slp 2 hours nap then awake 2hrs. But mon &amp; tues, they only write what time she nap but didn’t write what time she wake up. I assume must be short that y maybe they dare not write??

11Beans, I still have 6 glass bottles to spare but the bottle label you have to soak overnight to remove it and you also need to buy the cap and disc.

Dolly, last week I at Giant brought the huggies Dry M size 80pcs @ $14.50 only, cheaper then the BP leh. Then the huggies comfort dry M size 66pcs I brought at pasir ris Chinese medical hall @ $15.30 but their huggies dry selling @ $14.90. U want the address? So far I find both is quite good but the bad point is when sermaine wet her diaper, the diaper will look bulky.
Newmom: I used Huggies dry in day time and dry comfort at night. Tried other cheaper brand like petpet and ntuc, but my nanny dun like it cos it leaks, I also dun like the sticker design, so think got to buy back the huggies again. So far my baby not sensitive to the cheapo diaper which is good

Shelisa: Thanks for the cheap diaper deal! Think got to go giant and see if still got or not. Can put up the Chinese medical hall address as well?
Dolly, the address is Pasir Ris West Plaza, 735 Pasir Ris Street 72 510735
#01-306 Tong De Tang Can Rhong Zhong Xin
#01-354 Jin Tai Tong Chinese Medicine

There is 2 chinese medicical hall there. You can compare the price, as some item here cheaper and some item there cheaper. I usually go to Jin Tai Tong Chinese Medicine. FYI, their FM also cheaper then supermarket $3-$5 per tin.
Tiny bubu,

if I remember correctly, you bought sophie a jumperoo. Was it the rainforest one from Fisher Price? How much did you pay and where did you get yours? Thanks.
Yes wont b having food there.

Re : Sucking Toes
Just to share abt sucking foot &amp; toes. My #1 always lift up her legs and suck her toes when she was a baby. Old wife tales say if baby always lift up her legs &amp; suck toes means you will have the next bb very soon. Well, coincidentally it happen that i kena my #2. So i dunno is it pure coincidence lah?? ;)
hi lfb, i bought mine from toys r us for $269.on hindsight, i would recommend for you to either -

a) rent the toy for an average of $50 a month.

b) buy a 2nd hand jumperoo from ebay for about $150.

sophie loves her jumperoo to bits.a 2nd hand one might just do.you can wipe down the whole jumperoo to clean it as it is made of plastic.the fabric bits and the toys can be detached and thrown in the washing machine.
superbee : i'll faint if i get pregnant now.seems like i just got over the ordeal of giving birth and the many many tears of waiting for my milk supply to come in and stabilise...

Hi Tiny bubu,

thanks for the prompt reply.

I was thinking of getting one cos I am starting work this Fri, and hate to leave my baby with helper and mil. I just somehow dunno whether I can trust my helper and mil fully. Guilt feelings so was thinking of compensating my boi with the jumperoo. I will check whether there is a 2nd hand one around.

BTW, your gal head is stable when she started using, right? I read comments that it's better to start at 6months, or when their neck is more stable. My boi head still not 100% stable, so I wonder.
lfb : sophie's head is not that stable but in the jumperoo,she can lean back and have the seat cushion support her neck when she is looking up at the frog and the leaf toy.but most of the time she like to lean forward and look at the flashing lights and touch the toys in front so i see no problem.

i guess if something is really uncomfortable for sophie, she will tell me by crying but so far so good.i just checked on ebay,they have the normal jumperoo for sale @ $115 but not the rainforest one.
taka is having a member's sale this weekend where everything is 15% off.maybe you can call the baby department and check if the jumperoo has any discount this weekend if you plan to get a first hand jumperoo.

p/s : just like me.i bought the jumperoo to compensate so sophie wont be sad when she doesnt see her mummy around to play with her.....

ya loh when i found out i m pregnant, my #1 was only 9mths old leh... nearly fainted too.... anyway it doesnt mean u will get pregnant now la but maybe within the nxt few mths to 1 yr bah? hehehe... cos my #1 forum mummy whose son also suck toes also got #2 within the 1+yr old gap.
anyway u are aware that after giving birth, we r very fertile within that 1 yr and breastfeeding doesn't mean we won't kena pregnant leh.
Tiny bubu,

thanks for the info re taka! I will check with their children dept! If there is, it will be a good buy for him then. Now my helper will either read bible stories, sing hymn songs or let him play in the baby gym. I am afraid he will be bored soon. One activity he will never get bored is kicking! He loves kicking the sofa and feel the bouncer throbbing. But can be quite dangerous cos he is very forceful.

indeed very convenient. I wouldn't mind getting one. Will you be updating us? Or you want to start a spree ;)
lfb : yeah,sophie kicks like she has ADD!

superbee : to think of it, you are actually blessed because your kids does not have a big age gap so they will be able to play with each other.

shelisa : i have a normal food processor at home but we use that for everyday cooking so i'm a bit apprehensive to use it for sophie's food.i was thinking of getting a blender specifically for sophie's food but not sure which to get.some people say braun.some people say mash with hand and then put food through a sieve and some people say pigeon.not sure which to get.it would be awesome if we started a spree.i'm sure a lot of us would want to get it though.but i think shipping might be ex if it's an overseas spree?

Just to ask, anyone of your bb sleeping lesser in the day? My boi will sleep like an hour or less and then wake up. He will want to play, talk to, or feed. Now my helper putting him in sarong and he protested loudly by crying. He woke up 1 and half hour ago and still refuse sleep. I wonder why. Is this norm for 3 and half month baby?
