(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

tiny_bubu: Thanks for all the links! And Congrats! Suddenly the thread is active again!

First Mum: My boy took the rotavirus, just a few more POOs a day for the next 2weeks ;)

Dovey: Can try the number 63476338 for MtA, actually I din ask before i go, just went and assume they have bottles to spare

Annie: Glad to hear that you dun need to visit doc for your cancer! So can start breastfeeding again?

TubbyMummy my hair loss situation is same as yours. When carrying my boy, he will hope some strand in his hand too. If I don't notice, he will suck his hand with my hair.
Annie,ya.. we will be @ singapore end of nov.. can share with me nesher's photos too?maybe sent to my hotmail..Now i can't access facebook liao..
Congrats tinybubu! Shocking news is still great news nonetheless! It'd be great if lil' sophie has a lil' sister. Its always fun to dress up girls. By next year, u will be "upgrading" to two babies to ooh n ahh over. :D

Today was my first day at work. While waiting for clock to strike 07:00am, saw a mummy and baby waiting for the centre to open. By the time I reached downstairs, Aisha was 4th in the queue and 3 more babies behind. Today's work was reading and deleting 1247 emails. muahaha....
BTW, thanks to those who suggested cooler bags. I tried my method even thou quite bulky and it worked. My ice packs were not even 50% melted!

How was babysit day today for Alya? Did u have any ME time at all? I wanted to show u what I did with Aisha's newborn photoshoot photos. Then realised u can see for urself on Sunday itself. BTW, I will assembly the FP jumperoo so the 3 babies (Aisha, Alya & Sofea) can take turn to try out. ehehe.. hope all its parts are in the box and Ayuni dunt kepo2 also want to play. Hope u are coming to decision for Alya. Make one that is the best for urself too k? If not, how to care for Alya if u are tired b4 the day ends. Rezeki will always be there for Alya, don't worry. For every baby, there's always something good for them. I feel Ayuni's case, her rezeki was my promotion. Can't wait for sunday!

Do u need to pour in milk in indiv bottles or is that just ur method? I just gave them about 4 empty bottles and 2 milkbags. They will clean (or at least it look rinsed) the bottles and remaining milk in milkbags or milkbottle depending. Yes, 30 infants but so far, from the list, there's always infants not around (dunno y, sick?) Ratio is 1:5 for infants. Lots of MCYS regulations to follow, so not to worry esp if the licence is for 24mth which is the case for Aisha's centre. I like the fact that they have a staff nurse as one of the caregivers. If anything happens, there's at least someone who knows infant first aid. It sort of compensate the fact that there's soooooooo many babies.

New Mum,
try this link, very useful to shortlist according to location. Just choose infantcare as type of service and location and VOILA! https://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/home/ChdCccSrch.jsp

Won't be join u guys for gathering as Saturday is Kindermusik day with Ayuni! Year end sure got more of such gathering/functions... weddings, DnD..

usually follow the date ur baby born. Eg. 12th of every mth, then exactly or after the date. Or at least 28days after last jab.

Any mommies with hair loss every tried eating crabs? hehehee... Me n my babies don't have hair loss.. else, the house will have hair everywhere.
Congrats! tinybubu! u r superb! i be in great shock if i were u.. not prepared for that! but sure is a nice surprise.
wow u so daring to "shoot in aim for goal post" huh? :p i always go by withdrawal. been doing that for yrs till we decided to have bb so far no surprise. hee i will be happy to have another kid next yr so also abit phobia. the 1st 3mth i think was terribly busy & stress for me..
i be tempted to quit if i were u... :p in fact i just started working PT already sian! wish i strike toto 100000 enough! not very greedy :p

I also dropping hair... scary... often see my hair on Jayden.. to mk things worse, my hair is thin since secondary sch...
is there anything we can do to stop the hair fall or do we just have to wait it out?

btw,thanks all for the congratulatory messages!
good morning mummies!

i just started to use it. my hb oso noticed a lot of my hair on the floor, and he used the word 'one bunch of hair', not strands...

u ask ur hb to buy and pay at the cashier lor hehe.. but i tink not embarrassing to buy that la.. ask me buy condoms i more embarrassed haha

dun need paiseh at the gynae la.. he shd be hapi u giving him new biz again! hehe

mummies losing hair, read from internet it will subside after bb is 6months old.. 2 more mths to go.. hope i hv enuf hair to last until then!
hihi! my boy not sleeping at night again! ARRRRR!
Heard got some expensive shampoo to stop the hair loss leh. So far I drop some hair but not extensive though. Think my boy drop more than me
WHAT!!! I have to wait till bb is 6 months for the hair to stop dropping!?! OMG...
What has eating crab got to do with hair loss??
Superbee, wow, you very 'chun' leh!! Then last night was sharing the good news with hubby then he commented "PLS DON'T LET HER SUCK HER TOES HOH'!! as recently she love to hold her both legs to reach her face/head. Actually sermaine don't really drop hair, maybe 2-3 per days?? Like that also consider? Because i also belong to the lost hair club. Mine is worse i think, after washing hair, my toilet already flooded as the hair choke the drain even tho i everyday clear the drain. Hai, then i tried not to wash everyday tho that might can save some hair dropping, who know 2 days nv wash, still will drop 2 days quantity.

Annie, great to hear you have cleared!! I didn't plan have to no 2 yet la, but sermaine need a mother, my hubby also need a wife leh. hee

TubbyMummy, yup. agreed. i was told abt that too. So that lady ask me to 'aga aga'.

styliciously, i will put in individual. I'm using VIA cup, thus everyday bring 3cup x 140ml there. But good news is today 1 of the teacher told me that this coming mon there will be a new teacher coming in. She got cert on infant thing so i believe it will be better then this current auntie. But frankly speaking, i don't mind whether got cert anot as i believe experience play the biggest part. too bad, the current auntie got no experience at all.

Regard Fruit, last night i was having pear, and sermaine look so interested and tempted as she keep drooling, so i bite a small piece and put on her lip and let her lick lick a few time and stop. Then she stare at me fiercely!! then scream at me!! kick like hell!! roll here and there!! give her pacifier she still scream!! then no choice give her again, this time round she use suck 1!! she suck so fierce that i scare she use her gum to bite the pear then quickly pull out, then she start jumping lor!! ended up give her 'jin feng san' bitter bitter then she stop her screaming liao!! Regretted letting her to taste it. hope she forget liao.
Hi Styliciously and any mommies out there whose baby is in INFANT Child Care:-

We are exploring on putting our baby in Infant Care Centre.

May i know what we should be looking out for? Do share with me.

Many thanks!
New Mom
Styliciously, the link u post, i can't find Sermaine childcare centre leh!! what does that means?

New Mom, i will look for whether
-infant care is aircon?
-the environment?
-the person taking care?
-price range?

ahnet, i shld hv take the video and post in facebook!! really funny lor
Annie, u have view the pics oreadi rite? How u find the pics? U let your bb wear clothes for most of the pics or go naked? I was thinking shld i choose back Kellyphotography.

Any mummies got recommendations for baby photo taking? Intend to take baby to take pics now since she can lift up her head liao.
shelisa, since sermaine likes pear, mayb u can get the heinz pear and banana puree to let her try lor.. Im gonna let genieve try tmr and sun cos need to discard after 48hrs.
i have already given red apple juice to sophie.i bought it fresh from the fruits stall and after coming home with it,i diluted it with cooled boiled water and sophie loved it.

i have also tried to puree fresh mango and sieved it many times before feeding it to sophie.out of 10 spoonfuls,6 will end un on her bumbo and all over her face but she loves it.when she sees the spoon coming towards her mouth,she leans forward,opens her mouth and starts moving her head from side to side like the rooting reflex.

when she;s had enough,she will turn her head away when she sees the spoon.or if i touch her lips with the spoon,she will clamp her mouth shut and not open and just stare at me.

really considering getting a bender just for her food.i'm afraid no matter how much i clean my normal kitchen blender before i puree her food in it, it might end up tasting like onions and garlic.....

maybe can get this weekend from taka...the member's sale is on till sunday.yipee!

i've also tried out organic baby food (sweet potato) and she likes it but not as much as mango.
ahent, i find whole bot will b too much for baby. I scare later got phlegm leh. Think i try a couple of spoon jus to let them taste.
sophie really enjoyed it ar? so nice and sweet. she so clever, can clam her mouth when she doesnt wan.

btw, u went to see woody yet?

ic ic. ok ok, think wkend will try too. haha
AHNETSAN : hubby coming back on sunday night so probably going next week. hubby was overseas when i went for my first gynae appt when i was carrying sophie so i think this time round, it might make him feel special to go with me.since i'm almost done with my first trimester,we probably can see the baby well on woody's machine...

btw, anybody remember when we should do the detailed scan?is it before 13 weeks?
tiny bubu, check with u. u give sophie fruit juice everyday or every alt day? puree everyday?

creamer, i think abit sour not too good right? Can imagine their face scrabble up if it is sour?
shelisa : i usually give every alternate day.when she is a bit iolder than i will give her everyday.i find that she has no problems pooing now after i started giving her fruit juice.
tiny bubu, sermaine got constipation prob leh!! Err, then mango puree or sweet potato u also give alt day or u give 1 type only every alt day?
U give after milk??

Detailed scan shld be done at 16weeks
shelisa : i usually give every alternate day for her tummy to get used to it.plus i want her to know that her main source of food now is still milk.

i also always give after milk.

whenever she drinks her apple juice, even after the juice has finished in the bottle,she refuses to stop sucking like she thinks magically more juice will appear in the bottle.....

but whatever i give her, i will try myself first to see if it is too sweet or sour.if i think it is ok,only then i will give it to sophie.

for her apple juice,it's usually 1 part pure juice and 2 parts cooled boiled water.over time i will reduce the amount of water i put in.
wah the apple juice must be so diluted? i read le i abit lazy to do....somemore at mil's plc even yucky to do...can mayb can try scraping a bit off an apple and spoon feed? haha
Shelisa, if too sour most prob i will change to something else next time too.

A qn, if we introduce sweet stuff first, when we introduce veggie or bland food will baby be less receptive?
tiny bubu, hmm, i rem hein got puree like sweet potato or apple. Wanna try that out 1st. Actually i have hein pear juice, tho to give her 1pear juice:2cooled boil water 1 week twice now. that time u feed sophie sweet potato puree a few teaspoon, the left over 1 can only keep fringe up to 48hrs right?

Creamer, that what i worry. So some ppl advise feed after milk, serve like dessert.
Ladies, i just received 2box rice cereal, 1x pear juice and 1x apple juice from Hein!! Might let her try out this weekend.
update us hw sermaine is taking it ok? whether she likes it or nt

so those pear juice or wat juice from heinz..need to dilute it too ar?
<font color="ff0000">Any good and reasonable priced PD to recommend in the North?></font>

Hi mummies staying at AMK, Yishun, Sembawang, Woodlands,

Which PD are u seeing??? and what are the charges for 6-in-1 injections??
Can share with me?
I'm from Sept thread and looking to change a PD for all future jabs and consultation...

Please PM me!!

hair loss:
Haha I learnt hairdressing before and learnt not to use warm water to wash our head. It will enlarge the scalp poles and our human body oil will trap inside. Apply conditional at the end of ur hair, do not let it touch ur scalp. And most importantly, do not use fingers to scratch, massage in circular motion.

Hope this helps!

Tinybubu, congratulations :p
calling all mummies! i'm selling abbott milk powder. Eg. Similac, Isomil 2 Advance Soy Follow-on, PediaSure, Similac Mum and....... As long is under ABBOTT, i have. As i am working in a clinic, can get direct from supplier. PRICE SURE CHEAPER THAN NTUC!!! SMS @ 96838123 IF U R KEEN.
Hi BS S, welcome! Your boy same dob as mine!

My baby going for the 4th month jab today.... and there's Taka sale there
Re: Food/juices

Kaelyn sometimes drink pear juice from fresh pears. I did not give her any pork soup anymore. Waiting till she's older. Intend to introduce Frisocream to her when she's 6 months in a month's time.

2more days to start work... nervous and excited. I hope i can jagga work and pumping well.

i will miss kaelyn... sob!

*take more pics*
Hi Dolly,
I delivered my boy via c-sect cos' first one also c-sect. I chose 16 June cos' the OT was not available on the 15. hahaha... my boy will be gg for his jab on 24 Oct. You letting your boy take the rotavirus and pneumoccocal jab? I let my eldest boy take all when he was younger but he cries when they jab him that. According to the PD then, the needle size everything is the same so she guessed that it must be pneumoccocal medicine that might be more 'stinging'.

Now wondering if I should let my #2 go through the pain or not... haiz. After all, I dun have the intention of letting him go to childcare or school until he's 18months.

Hi mummies, can I just do a quick survey here? How much is a pack of Mamy Poko &amp; Huggies Ultra S &amp; M sizes? How many pieces in the pack? If I can get it cheaper, would you all be keen? I'm not familiar with the prices cos' my boy uses Drypers.

dolly, my bb also just had his 4th month jab today. PD can't help but to play with him for quite some time today cos he was cooing and smiling non-stop at him. So proud of him today that he didn't actually cry! He only let out a short cry after the pneumoccocal jab was given. Was happily sipping the rotavirus vaccine and cooing to the PD all at the same time. Didn't even let out one whimper when the 5-in-1 was jabbed.

He is growing well... 8.45kg and 62cm at 4 mth.

BS S, one mommy posted a link abt a BP on Mamy poko and huggies diapers a couple of days ago and it's quite cheap oredi. How cheap can you get the diapers at? Cheaper than the BP?
Tinybubu, congrats! you even faster than me as compared to my last second pregnancy. i had Kris when my elder son was about 4/5 mths old. ;p after child birth, women are esp fertile...

ahnetsan, i ever read somewhere that we should give cooked apples first before giving them direct... u can try using the munchkin's manual blender. i find it cheap and good. rinds quite easily too.
LFB- thks ..yah wont be worry bout the marking again.. if everything went smoothly i be going for checkup every two-three years time

thks..will still pump out once a day at nite for him to drink

Jessma- sure wait till i get the pics frm Kelly 1st

Shelisa- u still young &amp; u manage sermaine so well so shuld be ok for no.2 coming along hahahahha sermiane so cute want to share the pear wif u

creamer- i still havent get the pic as kelly said took 2-3 weeks so next week she be calling me. will let u know as soon as i got the pic. kelly wan us to took off nesher clothes so she took him naked on top but still wearing his pants. u can change yr gal clothing so kelly can take yr gal in different clothes.
kelly took nesher wif his hands below his head &amp; nesher lifted up his head.

qi7- i started work yesterday &amp; miss nesher so much.

Hi bbjun,
Can let me know whats the normal retail price of Mamy Poko and Huggies Ultra? Cos' i dun buy... so that I can do a comparison. Many thanks!
