(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Annie bb nt suppose tk honey before one leh read about it, forgotten y. Glad it was explained. Annie I thinkn betta just let ur mum know. Besides that no added salt n sugar bad for kidney.try intro veg before fruit cos fruit is sweet they will like it n after that try veg they may nt like.

Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun & BB Dylan
2. amk_gal & BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine & baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom & BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee & BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)

i recall seeing your boy b4 & he look quite a good boy leh..
<font color="cc0099"> ec_mum, oh dear... ya. I did read that overfeeding causes projectile vomiting.
poor cayden! glad tt pd isn't too worried n hope thgs get better soon!</font>
<font color="0077aa">ec mum, cayden also feed only 5-10min is it? alya also same..and wonder if she's only getting foremilk. read that too much foremilk can cause colic..at 3mths plus this can mean babies cry a lot cos tummy pain due to wind. wondering if that's the reason she's okay until abt 12 noon cos her morning feed at 6/7am like dream feed..she take abt 5min then go to sleep. but in the afternoon, she also feed abt 5min like that. then she cant sleep w/o crying. tried to catch her before she's sleepy but when i leave her in her bed w/o rocking she'll stay awake for abt 10min then call for me. if i entertain her..she'll overtire herself then start the crying.

getting abit worried cos going back to work in 3weeks..how like this..my mum also said she's not easy to care for. i really want her to fall asleep on her own, so now trying to let her sleep on my lap first w/o any rocking, and later just put her on bed with me beside then slowly i leave her be. sigh..

when i went out to visit relatives during hari raya, she was crying alot. made it hard for us to take her out..</font>
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom &amp; BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee &amp; BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom &amp; Baby Abigail
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; hubby &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom &amp; BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee &amp; BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom &amp; Baby Abigail
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; hubby &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom &amp; BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee &amp; BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom &amp; Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya

btw, can u choose a halal caterer like purple sage or something? if not possible, pls let me know. thanks and looking forward to seeing u all!
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; hubby &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom &amp; BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too
5. superbee &amp; BB Danelle and Jie jie Adelle (will be there from 2 to 3.30pm)
6. New Mom &amp; Baby Abigail
7. caramelle, hubby and baby Alya (Halal food?)
8. dolly &amp; hubby &amp; BB Kendrick
hahaha... got the freestyle at last! But the suction like a bit weaker (or is it more comfortable) then the PIS

TubbyMummy: Now I know why I can't pump single breast using the PIS... apparently I'm supposed to "wire" it another way if I need to single pump! hahaha never read instruction cos that PIS is so easy to use.
hi mummies... can't join for the gathering again...
enjoy yourselves, ladies and babies !

my mum said my gal has been crying a lot during the day, until her voice a bit hoarse now... any of your baby is like this? i just returned to work last week... initially, i thought she misses mummy, but she doesn't really look at me when i talk to her in the evenings leh, so can't be missing me, right? brought her to the PD before her voice turned hoarse, and PD said she's healthy... not sure if i should bring her to the doc again
Hi Dovey - sorry to hear about your baby. Maybe she is going thru adjustment?
My baby cried alot the 2 days ago (i started work this week), even when we carried her at home (after the baby sitter's). She is usually not like this. We suspect she could be over-stimulated (like she was supposed to rest, but didnt nap enough but played too much, or too many pple talk to her when she was to sleep). Yesterday she was ok. We are still monitoring ... hopefully it was a one off thing that day!

Caramelle - i think most if not all caterers are Halal certified ...
11 Beans - You wont be attending the gathering at Fang's? i live in Choa Chu Kang and work in Ang Mo Kio area.

Caremelle - sorry, i shouldnt say all caterers, but i think many are Halal certified.
Hi Dovey and New Mom,
My boi was crying so hard last night! We also suspected over stimulation. My mum's place can be very noisy, cos my 3 nephews and niece are 2-3yrs old, very screamy. He didn't sleep as much compared to b4, and when he came back, he was wailing on top of his voice! So heart pain! This morning also not sleepy, sleep and wake up, sleep and wake up. Told my helper to monitor cos I am heading back to work next week too. Sigh.

BTW, my baby these 2 days burped out quite some milk after drinking. Any baby also like this? It's like he will drink, then 10-15min later, when we carry him, he will spit out milk curd. He seems ok, no discomfort or frustration. But I am worried whether his stomach ok or not.
LFB - ohh .. hope he gets better soon! Yes, it is very heart pain. The following morning after my baby cried, i was contemplating take a day or two off to take care of her.
So you starting work next week and mom and helper taking care of your son? The good thing for him that he has cousins to play with and can learn how to share (i think).
Hi all mommies,

Anyone started using Highchair and has used Highchair on other kids before?

I am thinking of buying one for my daughter when she is ready for solids. She has just turned 3 mths last week. So i thot to research and find out first.

Any suggestion and advice on what to look out for or what brand, model is good?

New Mom,

Thanks. When I started work next week, my mil will come over and look after the helper and bb. I cannot leave bb alone with helper alone. I will stop work again from Jan to June, so that I can be with my bb till he one yrs old. No cousins except for weekend then.

High chair,

we didn't buy, it was a pass-me-down from my hubby's colleague. We just take it. To be, as long as it is safe and comfortable, it's alright. Mine is still in the box, so I also dunno whether it is good! LOL!
createjoy- me myself &amp; family hardly take vege so intro fruit juice to my boy. gave him 60ml-80ml per day. &amp; he will cried after finished up his fruit juice.
he been sleeping longer than usual
if he was fed at 8pm he will be sleeping frm 8.30pm till 5am without any feeding in btw. if he drink at 9pm it be 3am he wake up for his feeding then sleep till 9am. yipee.. can sleep longer now
Good to hear that you are stopping work to take care of your bb. Is this an arrangement with your current company? THen u resume back to work after that? Whatever the case, happy for u. Should be in good condition lah hahah ... How old is yr son now?

Annie - good to hear your son sleepg longer. Looks like better to feed him at 8pm instead of 9pm! =)
dolly, haha... and all this time thought it's the breast that's "faulty"!
Glad that you figured it out. I also don't read instructions one... hehe... until something doesn't work then scramble to find the booklet.

Brought kiddo for her jabs this morning, gave a dose of paracetamol just now to hopefully prevent fever. She seems grouchy now. Will cry unless she's latched on, and even with boob in her mouth, can threaten to cry. I'm hungry, can't get food cos dunno how to latch and walk at the same time haha. PD said she's developing stranger anxiety already, cos when she looked at the PD, she wanted to cry. Looked at me, ok again. Happened a few times. Hmmm... Thought they are supposed to do this only from around 6mths onwards?
New Mom,

ya, I am allowed to go back after my NPL. Hubby wanted 1 yr, but I think I cannot take it! My son is 3 and 1/2 months.
highchair : i currently use a bumbo and prop it on the floor or dining table.i also have a highchair from ikea that sophie's quite comfortable in.maybe you can bring your baby to test it out before you buy anything.your baby will give you the best answer of whether to buy or not.hehehe.
New Mom- the feeding depends on wat time he wake up for his milk...
cannot decide on me..kekekeke
today he napped too long in the afternoon so drank his milk at 6.30pm..guess he be waking up to drink his last feeding at 11.30pm or sleep all the way till 1am to wake up to drink like las time then sleep again till 7am next morning
my elder son got projectile vomitting too when he was on FM. PD said he had reflux n i was asked to give him colic drops. you are now using FM or BM via bottle? that time my PD recommended me to add Friso (comfort), which is a thicker milk, to the FM i was using. this would allow better retention of milk in bb's stomach if he were to have frequent vomitting.

maybe you want to seek opinion from another PD?

certain honey might contains bacteria which could affect bb. if Nesher is ok with the current bland of honey, then u gotta stick to using it....
Hi caramelle, I will get from halal caterer :) Will compare the menu and prices first

Hi New mom, my elder son used Ikea high chair since he is able to sit on the high chair. Economical too.
Stressed w the freestyle! Using it at home, 1st no suction felt (but was quite ok in the morning) then after reading manual, need to dry the parts, dry already still cannot, then find that the tube not tight. Tighten already got milk but not much, then find that right is leaking from somewhere. I'm stressed cos of this, do for 1 hour and only 30ml from each side and my boob still feel full!
Hello mummies,
Cayden recovered, no more vomiting since yesterday, but notice he got difficult breathing in air con room, yet he must have air con to sleep.

Thanks Cassey

If you worried Alya only taking foremilk, try to pump out abit like 20-30ml first before latch. I did that occasionally make sure Cayden get some hindmilk.
Alya sound like having colic, give her colic drop before latching, it help. Cayden also beside sleeping he want to carry all the time, this two days trying to leave him in rocker, on the fan and TV, put him back facing the TV without rocking, can see there is some improvement, he can self entertain quite long and he even fall sleep in it just now but only sleep for 15min. Maybe you try.
Good Luck.

New mom,
I used Ikea high chair for my girl, it cheap and good.

Cayden on full BM, he reject bottle.
dolly, right side leaking from where? the flange or the backcap?? i just got mine today. tried it, was quite ok. second time i used got like weaker suction. think somewhere didn't fix properly. maybe the membrane part.. tomolo i try again and see how. manual says there'll be a slight click if the tube is in place.. i gotta check tomolo
amk_gal: The leak is outside the bottle! The design of the freestyle is kinda stupid... unlike PIS which can only flow inside the bottles cos the membrane is inside. Now w the freestyle the menbrane is outside ...
If suction low, try to plug in the tubing tightly, I had a loose tubing on 2nd try. Anyway, suction is no good yet, for PIS I use the lowest suction, for this one I use level 7 also dun feel much
wow the freestyle really giving you proble, cant advice you coz I only use avent manual pump.
why dun you use the PIS instead?
maybe u can try checking the valves? One of valves was difficult to take out once and my hubby probably broke a part of it (the thin plastic part with the holes) while trying to take it out. There wasn't any suction at all. Once I bought new valves, it was back to normal.
Hi Mommies!
Thanks everyone for your input re HighChair. Will check out Ikea highchair first!

LFB - good your husband supportive! =) Oh so your son one week ahead of my daughter .. my daughter was born june 24.
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010. brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. thanks..

i second the ikea highchair! cheap, durable, very easy to clean. only $20+ my girl used it from 8 mths til 3 years old! and now still good as new for no. 2 to use. one of the best "investments" in the house.

but can only be used from abt 8 mths when baby can sit up steadily by himself. before that u probably have to get bumbo/ bouncer/ reclinable highchair to feed baby.
Dear New mom,

ya, he is supportive cos he thinks that baby should be better with mummy's care. I thought of doing cos that will prob be the best I can give to my boi!
My boy flipped today! And he can't flipped back.. hahaha

EC_mom: Left the PIS in office so that dun need to carry around mah
Else dun need to buy another one.

styliciously: hmm... the valve looks ok leh, how do you find the suction?
i'm not using freestyle. using the dual one, mini electric plus. Now, coz my breasts already "seasoned", suction not strong but gd enuff to pump out. sometimes if want to empty breasts or pump fast, need to squeeze alot. been using exactly 2 yrs, with a 1 yr break in btw. hmm.. u try to dismentle everything, put back n pump again see if got any diff.

saw new ikea highchair more ex but more stylo also. hehe.. like those egg shaped ones.
styliciously: Yeah, will try again when my bust full

We also wanna buy IKEA chair leh and the new wooden one look nice but expensive leh, wonder if really requires
There's another folderable type, maybe get that one cos can save space when not in use
Artist- in fact nesher seem fine wif the pure organic honey but mommies advise not suitable &amp; after reading the website i stopped it &amp; jus gave fruit juice or glucose or plain water.. anywher gave Nesher any drink he will jus drink it
dolly, how the freestyle now?? i tried a few times today. quite good for me. can get the same amount of milk in much lesser time. i switch back to stimulation mode quite often as my letdown stops quite fast.. suction no problem le. what i find is if there's milk in the flange, the suction becomes weak cos the flange is not fit tightly to the breast... so must stop and keep it dry. dunno why the milk keep flowing backwards instead of forward into the bottle leh. i was already leaning slightly forward.
Hi Dolly hv been using freestyle and find it gd..usually I use level 4 &amp; 5 or even 6 rarely, 7 is very very strong for me aready... Perhaps try chking the following:
1) membrane put in the rt way
2) valve tightly clipped on each 3 clasps cos even 1 not clipped well affects whole suction of both sides
3) tubing fitted in tightly at the valves and to the pump

4) flange cupping breasts well
amk_gal: What were you using before?
Yeah, a bit better, but only got 50 + 50 some more my breast very full. For the same amt of time I can get double if I use PIS. And yeah, the funnel was leaking this time and my bra all wet. With PIS also a bit of milk at the funnel but it won't leak to the bra loh!
Maybe the soft shield a bit too new, left my old soft shield in the office, cannot use it to compare
Hello mummies,
How is your baby first zhong qiu jie?
hb bought me chilli crab and emi durian cake. yummy yummy.
Want to bring my two kids downstairs but was raining till 7+ b dun allow me to bring them down
hi mummies,

i have an unopened tin of mamex step 1 1.5kg tin expiring feb 2011 for sale @ $53, self collect buangkok mrt. selling as my son is changing to step 2. interested pm me, tks.
Anyone had c-sect but then bedrm activity vaginal pain huh? the last 2 times was pain.. not as bad as virgin but something like that kind of "1st time pain" even though qt wet.... &amp; i even bleed abit on the 2nd time.. anyone know why?? not as if natural delivery wound bleed waht... too long no use becm sensitive??
hi ladies,

today woke up early n everyone's still sleeping tired from yesterday. Just wanna share Aisha's experience at her infantcare centre. Her first day was on 2 Oct (friday) as 1 Oct was a school holiday. I was supposed to wake up at 5.30am but slept back and wake up at 6.30am. So quickly pump my breasts, get ready her stuff, do last min iron-on n bottle labeling. Only got 100ml EBM coz she drank alot at 4am. So i brought that 100ml EBM, 1 and a half milkbags of FEBM.

Go down only around 7.40am. There was 1 teacher stationed to receive kids at the entrance, so we waited for the infantcare teacher to come. When the teacher came and said hello to Aisha to check her hands and feet, Aisha immediately gave a sad frown. hehe... She asked me if there is any habits that Aisha has or any special instructions. So i only told her about Aisha not drinking from the bottle and also that she can sleep on her own n sleeps on her side sometimes. She ask abt Aisha's breastfeeding pattern and say she give 100ml per 3 hrs. As I didn't feed her before leaving, Aisha already hungry. She suggested that I feed her EBM and Aisha took 45min to finish 100ml. Wat a accomplishment! She has never drank anything more than 20ml, even then most of the milk goes to her bib. ahha.. Yes, its the environment that make all the difference. It was bright and colourful and noisy with chatter. She kept turing her head to the sound of roller bags, gates opening, pple talking. I think also becoz the night before, I let her sleep beside me. I gave her a prep talk in the talk before sleeping. I told her that I'm going to work, so she need to go to school and drink milk from bottle!

So after the feed, looked at the infant section from outside the clear glass panels while waiting for the teacher to come to receive Aisha. The whole infant section divided into 3 rooms. Main area is the play area and the other 2 is the sleep room n milk room. There was a lot of babies and of coz, they cannot attend to every baby immediately every time. So there is always some babies crying at any 1 time. At the end of the day, they will give an A4-sized info sheet. It states sleeping, feeding and bathing timings and the activities conducted for the day. So far, Aisha has been a very easy baby to care for so I'm quite ok to put her in infantcare. For me being a FTWM, i would rather put her in infantcare than go thru the hassle of finding n testing a babysitter not related to family or travelling with baby just so that my aunt (who took care of Ayuni) can take care of her. I have already strike out the maid option long time ago.

I guess unless u really no choice n not a SAHM, infantcare is not for
1) first child/grandchild - coz too sayang to let other pple take care
2) low immunity / not on BM - coz will fall sick very very often.
3) fussy babies - coz they will be crying alot (unless u r prepared to let baby cry n adapt)

Some mums esp new mums need some trial n error before deciding the childcare suitable for ur kid. When I went to pick Aisha up, she suddenly cried when she realised that I was in front of her. Back home, she was so happy - waving her arms n legs - to be in my bed where she had mostly spent her days in bed. haha.. I will get more of that soon from Aisha, her excitement when getting to see her mum. I always get it from Ayuni, her excitement to go home at the end of the school day!


may i know how do you label Aisha's milk bottle? Do you use the printed labels or just write on paper and use clear tape to paste-on?

i was thinking of using the printed labels to paste on milk bottles. they are water proof but not sure whether it is heat proof if we were to use sterilize it together with bottle.
