(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

i bought customized labels online. got the pre-sch n daycare value kit. I used the tiny labels for milk bottles n its covers. i've sterilize it n nothing happened to it. dunt think u can use paper n clear tape coz won't be able to withstand wear n tear.. or u can just use permanent marker? dunno if it will fade away.



thanks for sharing with me the website.

heehee... just ordered some. though quite costly but at least this supplier dare to indicate that their labels are suitable for sterilization. those suppliers who provide cheaper ones in singapore dare not to indicate so...
now got extra 40 labels free. ;p
dolly, i was using ameda pump last time. today the freestyle was even better for me. finally managed to get 140ml in less than 30 mins. compared to the usual 120ml in 45 mins, it's a huge accomplishment!! i also have milk leaking from the funnel. when tat happens, have to stop, wipe dry and restart cos after that the shield just cannot hold the breast properly and suction become weak. i also irritated when that happens cos precious milk is wasted!!
amk_gal: I was using Medela PIS, and can get 100ml each in 15 min on full breast. So now 50ml each is slow loh.... Today din pump cos out all day, hopefully tomorrow is a better day
Hi June MUMMIES!!! ..

I had disappeared for nearly 2 weeks!! and I miss logging on everyday into the forum like I used to when I was on ML! ..
... my stupid bank internet barred forums, barred emails.. youtube, facebook, practically everything tt is recreational! sigh.. and when I am home, it is baby baby baby.. no time to surf at all!

Gosh gosh.. I never imagine my working life with my baby.. I hardly can breathe juggling everything! ... and everyday I can only think abt my baby and rush home. No more OT .. no more tapao work home to do.. I SIMPLY DON'T CARE WHAT OTHER PPL THINKS...my baby is priority.. sheesh.. I keep asking hubby if I can stop working to spend more time with baby. sigh.

Another gathering!! ... so nice... But I think I will give it a miss this time! ... had a function to attend tt day. have fun mummies!

Dolly, I am using freestyle too. I was an ameda user and initially, the milk pumped out from freestyle was much lesser! ... have u tried changing to the hard shields instead of the softit shields? I read somewhr tt different mummies react differently to the softit shields, some can pump more, some less. for me... i HATE the soft shields.. and I changed to the normal ones, and viola! ... my milk supply is more than what it was when I was using ameda.

Hope it helps!

Whats the diff between freestyle breast pump and PIS? Whats the price the diff? Did u get ur freestyle from US?
Hi Mummy Ash,

I starting work next week. Did ur milk supply reduce after u started work? If yes, was it reduced by alot?
MummyAsh: I was already using the softshield w the PIS last time and have not much problem w it. So I'm thinking maybe the new pair of softshield is not that seasoned yet.

Shirley: The PIS was from my cousin (she bought it for $700 2 years ago in SGP). Freestyle is supposed to be more expensive, the list price is > 900 SGD, but from spree, it's slightly less than SGD500. Now I kinda regretted buying that cos it's more advanced, instead of turning a knob like the PIS, it is more digital and has memory funciton and simple screen display, so to me, it just means more parts to fail! And it doesn't help that buying from spree meaning no warranty in SGP!

I started work 3 weeks ago, milk supply still ok, pumped twice a day in office when I had only 1 pump, now that I've 2 pumps, I'm planning to pump first before going to work to save one pumping time at work.
Hi Dolly,

Thanks for info. Medela sounds good. Like can pump more milk. Hows ur freestyle now? Can pump more milk now?
Hi Shirley: Yeah,sound like Medela can pump more milk in shorter time, in fact, I was told by my friend to get Medela when I was pregnant. So it was a blessing that my cousin happened to use it and pass it to me FOC

Will try the freestyle again today as I'm working from home.
<font color="0077aa">dolly, for me the most common problem abt freestyle is when membrance not fixed properly (the yellow rubber thingey) and when the cap outside (plastic piece that attach tube from outside and protect membrane) is not clicked on all 3 points as mentioned by sweethalo. im using the pumpin pal supershield cos i scared is the softshield keep sterilising cannot withstand. so far ok for me. morning pumps can get 120ml per breast, afternoon i drink lots of water and can get abt 100ml, all within 20min. but dont compare with my milk output, just compare with how much u can pump before. nipple must be in middle of flange and flange must close tight with the main part (the one which u attach membrane and other things to it). if slippery due to milk leakage means ur suction not right, check again. if u can wait, im going for the sengkang gathering and we can do it together if u want ok? i also massage my breast during pumping to get maximum output in minimum time. i dont pump more than 20min per breast. hope this helps.</font>
Hihi Mommies, back from lunch. Hope everyone ate their lunch.

Update: 02/10 Sermaine lunar 4th mth old. Due to tranditional, shave her head and eyes brow bold. The funniest thing is during the shaving she was laughing and smiling until when shaving her eyes brow she was screaming. Old ppl say must 'qui zaw', so we gave her jumbo sausage.

30/09- Sermaine finally can flip from back to tummy without any help BUT she will stuck there. 1 of her hand will stuck underneath her body and she cannot flip back to her back again. Since then, whenever we put her down to bed, she will imm flip and stuck there and scream for help.

Fang, thank for organising the gathering. Too bad i must give it a miss. Hope everyone there is enjoying.

styliciously, sermaine started her infant care 1mth + already. my daily routine is 6.50am wake up, pump, feed, change her diaper and bring her down to wait for sch bus at 7.40am (bring 3x 140ml ebm to infant care), then quickly rush up to wash, sterilise and prepare myself to work. at work place will pump 1 time at 2pm. Then 5.30pm on the dot rush home, quickly bath and 6.20pm gp down wait for sermaine sch bus. Once reach home, will let daddy play with her 1st while i wash those bottle and prepare next day bag. Then will give her a simple wipe again. Then she will nap from 7pm-9pm then wake up for her last feed and play till 10-11pm then sleep thru the whole night. Sometime will wake up 5-7am for her 1st feed.

Infant care is a private property. for 1st floor is for those 18mth onward kids and 2nd floor for toddler and baby. they have 1 communication book, will state what time she drink milk/plain water/gripe water, bath, sleep. When she is not napping, auntie will bring her down to listen to kid singing/dancing. whenever teacher read story book/fairy tale, if she is not sleeping auntie willl carry her down and put her on bouncer and let her listen. Sermaine enjoy 1 to 1 attention Privilege for 1 month as 02/10 got a 6mth old bb join her. so now is 1 auntie to 2 baby. Seriously speaking, i don't like the auntie that is taking care of her as she seem to have no exp at all. But heard from the teacher that middle this month there is a new teacher coming. she got certificate on bb and got exp. Hopefully everything go well.

i rem you mentioned your infant care is air-con, so Aisha can get use to it?
Wow u gals can pump 200 per 15min?! i only 180 at 6hr interval!!! 4hr only 120 and abt 20-30min pump... wonder is it really ameda nt powerful.. wow which infant care 1 - 2? hw much a mth? my hse here just kids 1-5...

aiyah nobody can answer my bedrm activity qns?
mine worst! The amt dropped drastically from 120ml to 90ml, both sides! So sad. Maybe my boobs know I am going back to work this Fri.

Just to check, will the supply return if I increase my pumping? Say if I increase only in Dec? Cos by then I stop work liao, can do more pumping.
I'm in! I found a junior secretary job starting on the 12th. I intend to pump before going, pump during lunchtime and when I come back, have to pump 2 times at night, so about 4-5 pumps per day.

Kaelyn can flip over and stuck one hand under her today, am so happy

Will be giving my mom a sum of money and ask her to take care for me

Half happy because found a job. Sad because I can't be there for her like 24/7 now. SOB!

Anyway, still intend to stop pumping gradually next month and drag till dec for her formula in her 7th month.

she is drinking 150ml every 4 hour. 8am, 12pm, 4pm and last feed 8pm.Bedtime is about 10pm every night.
createjoy, monthly fee is $600 after gov subsidy. As for bedroom activity, I cant answer u as im natural delivery. So far no problem for me only the 1st time got spotting for the whole day. 2nd time back to normal already.

Regard Infant Care:
Hai, as mentioned at earlier post, Sermaine is on 1 to 1 privilege care. But on 02/10 got another 6mths old girl join her. Then yesterday the first time sermaine met her and spend the whole day with you. Then after work I purposely rush there to spot check but didn’t saw anything. Have a short chat with the auntie, she said when sermaine drink milk, the other bb cried n shout for attention and cause sermaine don’t wanna drink milk. Worse that girl is teething so she feel terrible and keep screaming that y I think scare sermaine liao. Then… last night when sermaine reach home, as usual wipe her and let her have a short nap but we notice once she fall asleep, within 5mins she startled up for at least 10time then in the end she keep crying and don’t let me to put her on the bed. She never ever like this. I really in the dilemma whether to get a helper anot as my house got no adult if hubby and I go work. how???
<font color="0000ff">sorry havent been logging in here for sometime cos busy..

re : s26
promised to Shelisa

re : Similac
sorry new mom i just checked email, amk_gal sent me PM first (--")
So similac to amk_gal</font>

<font color="ff0000">for passing of milk, as hubby is outstation in bahrain this entire week, i cannot pass to annyone mainly cos i got no sense of direction to drive anywhere other than causeway point and jurong point! Anyway i am starting work tomorrow le..

so have to wait till hubby is back, ya? ermmm.. bb still abt 4 month old right - so not urgent hor?? paisay paisay cos suddenly hubby flying alot..

Amk_gal i will reply your PM</font>
Morning mommies.

Today is my second day at work. Of cos, I am missing my son and keep staring at his pics on my hp but am glad that he has gotten along well with the nanny and her family and is getting all the care and attention he needs.

He is turning 4 months this Friday and have already brought him to shave his hair last Sat. Must say that he is so kuai that he didn't even make a noise or jerk ard thru out the whole session. I think he was too preoccupied staring at my red toe nails and the shimmering shoes that the hairdresser was wearing. LOL.

Work is still crazy as ever with only more things piled on my plate since my team members have either requested for a posting out or resigned (all cannot tahan my boss). Interestingly, the newbies are not getting the work leh. Sighz. Am glad that I have stopped breastfeeding for I don't think I would be able to sustain managing work and baby on my own. Hb still not able to find a job in Singapore yet. Hope the economy gets better soon! I am already starting to fall sick today with a sore throat and headache. Am gg to buy some supplements and liang cha later. Really do not want to be sick when I m the only one caring for baby at night!

Shelisa, I am not sure if u are open to Chinese medication. U can go to Eu Yang San to buy Ba Bao San. My son got startled by the loud construction noises next to my flat in his first month. I gave him a bit of the powder once a day for a couple of days if I know he is startled and he wld usually be ok after that. It's good to also do baby talk to Sermaine and let her know that that's another baby's crying. Baby's adaptability is quite good one. I rem Dylan was startled for the first time when I brought him to visit my fren and her son when he was 3mths old. Her son was 10mths old and was teething as well. He is very active and likes to scream, shout and cry. I talked to Dylan and tried to intro my fren's son to him and let him know that Kor Kor is just making noises. After a while, he is quite ok. Of cos, the initial shock was still there and I have probs putting him to sleep that nite as well. He is fine the next day after I feed him the medication. I m not sure the medication really works or he just forgotten about it.
congrats qi7! welcome back to the workforce... dun worry as mummies taking care of your baby, u can b assured she is in good hands...

my supply dropped a bit too last week... continue drinking those lactation tea, i think it does help... i'm taking traditional medicinals organic mother's milk... i read that most of the mummies here take the tea from MIM...

i remember someone has the CD for usage of MIM sling... is it possible to borrow or burn a copy for me? i'm finding it difficult to use, by following the instructions on their website... tks!
shelisa, I have checked with a SinSeh before. He say ba bao san is better than Jin feng san, in terms of the herbs used and he recommended that I buy from Eu Yang San becos it is better in quality (of cos more ex) than the normal chinese medical halls.
oh dear, maybe the new baby is still not used to the centre. Maybe u may want to wait a few weeks to let Sermaine get use to having crying baby around her. So far i have no fixed routine coz havnt start work. Will start on thurs. For now, I try to sleep at 10pm so I can wake up early at 5.30-5.45am. Aisha sleeps at 9pm until I wake her up in the morning. In between, will bf as and when esp when I notice she sucking on her finger or cries and turns about. Usually, she's hungry around 4-5am. Been sending Aisha around 7.20-7.40am. Once start work, need to send her 7am sharp, since I need to be punctual for work. Evening time, i will pick Aisha up first then Ayuni. No fixed routine. Depending if my hubby/mum around to help, I can have quiet time with Aisha. If I'm alone, need to really multi-task. On a good day, I can cook dinner for myself and Ayuni while Ayuni drinking milk n watching tv and Aisha in her moses basket. Eat, washup and playtime in Ayuni's room. Ayuni will sleep 8.30-9pm. It seems Aisha's bedtime getting closer to that timing too. On a bad day, I will need to sit beside Ayuni while bf-ing/carrying Aisha. Basically bad day means Ayuni super sensitive and get cranky easily if I dunt tend to her. Also means I cannot do anything else like cook, clean up etc.

So far, on Sat I didn't wear booties for her and her feet quite cold esp since not many babies or pple around. Yesterday, her nose was dirty with dried mucus. She got running nose at nite b4 sleep and this morning also. Needed to clear her nose a few times. Today it rained so i put on a thick one-piece for her. Yesterday, while waiting to pick Aisha up, heard 2 mummies of infants there complaining about their babies falling sick and missed vaccinations. So far, so good for Aisha. Today, still sent her despite her running nose and they check her temp, ok. Her body trying to get use to the place. She's turning 4th mths and injections due this coming Monday.
Bbjun, okie, shall go yu ren Sheng check and seek for further advise.

Styliciously, ya, the only way is to let her slowly get use as if im gg to get a helper, also need to take at least 1-2mth then arrive. All along at home or infant care she enjoy the peacefulness thus now got another bb join her that why she cannot get use to it. Because when she wanna nap, the other bb scream and cry, that y she over-stimulate or over tire that y she can’t sleep deep in and often startled up.

I notice sermaine also have a lot of dried mucus, check with PD before and she said maybe she got sinus (bcos daddy n mommy got) that y she everyday have dried mucus BUT she say cannot be confirm as need to monitor.

I think Aisha is also slowly to adapt the new environment, give her some time. But I think it good to let her wear sock? Bcos I notice if I on my aircon, if I let sermaine wear sock, she can sleep better. Anyway can request the infant centre to higher the temp?? Like 25-26 degree?
Sorry to intrude. I have 3tins of 900g Enfapro A+ to let go. Overstocked and bb has decided to switch formula. Letting go at $35 each. Get all 3 at further discount.
i m c-sect for my #1 &amp; #2. for me, bedroom activity no problem leh. if u r worried, why not see your gynae for further advice?
i m also using ameda and so far my supply is enough to meet my bb daily intake even though i m back to work for 3 wks already. i drink a lot of water abt 3x500ml every day. at 5-6hrs interval, i get abt 250ml for 10-15mins pump.
I have 2 package of fitti premium M size, 44 pcs each pack, letting go at $10 per package. Self-collect at Blk 663C JW St 65. PM if interested.
I have a tin of NAN Pro 1 HA to let go, bb is tbfd. Selling at $35 as dh gotten it at $40. Self-collect at Blk 663C JW St 65. PM if interested.
This morning was a havoc! Tried to pump using the freestyle but it din work out again (it was ok yesterday though) maybe cos I was rushing to work. In the end,pump nothing, got a wet bra and pants cos milk drip out from the funnel. And I'm left w a leaking breast to work. Somemore got meeting at 9am and cannot pump till now!!!!

Now using PIS to pump in office, funnel wet also ok leh, and pumping good... what a relief!
jling: Welcome to the thread! Now we are not as fast flowing cos a lot of us went back to work liao!

Qi7: Congrats! Not easy to find job nowadays

LFB: No worries, think your supply will come back once you start latching/pumping more often. Our baby also will grow and their demand will increase as well mah
dolly: thanks. no worries, I'm currently working from home till the shfiting of the office is done.

Would like to ask, my boy is 4 months 1 week but he has no signs of flipping yet not even half. Usually when do babies flip? His head also not very stable yet, always looking down.
dolly, i haven't used the freestyle hands free yet leh! maybe tat's why i got no issues so far.. very happy with it actually. can pump 200ml today instead of the usual 100-120ml!

i starting on thurs le... oh my god.. i dun wanna go back. sob!

LFB, think supply will still come back. read some where it can resume to its previous level even if dry up, as long as restart within 10 months.

yesterday was a sad day. my boy refused to drink EBM at nanny's place. she poured away the rest of the EBM and offered him formula instead and he took it.. dunno why... anyone has this experience?? we tested him again at home. he took both leh... sigh. precious EBM down the drain!
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula 700gm to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010 brought at NTUC at $29.95. give me your best price..
brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. self collect at hougang. thanks..
Any1 want to order ON/GAP? One of the mummy ask me to open another spree. pls e-mail me your order ASAP

addiotnal 15% on ON + free domestic shipment for order above US$75
Buy any GapKids or babyGap item and get 15% off Gap Men's, Women's, &amp; Maternity merchandise.
just checking, anyone still latching baby at night?? any difficulty weaning from that?

i wonder why my boy is still waking up at night.. last night i tried when he woke up for his 3am feed. offered only 1 breast instead of 2. he fell asleep after 1 breast and woke up at 5plus as usual. dunno if he's really hungry at 3am cos doesn't seem to make a difference whether i feed him one breast or both..

and i'm wondering, when i eventually stop BF-ing, would it be difficult for him to sleep at night? cos now he'll sleep after latching at night.. in the day he's bottle fed..
did u check any sour taste in your EBM for your boy? cos there r 2 occassions that my girl rejected my Frozen EBM and we threw away too. wasted but no choice. anyway i didnt taste it but suspect may be sour bah cos my girl is taking the other packets of EBM.
Hi bbjun!

I started work last week and kept staring at my bb's pix on the hp too!

Hope your work situation improves and that your hb gets a job soon!

Drink lots of water and be well!

Maybe can discuss with your hb to take care of bb at night since he is not working yet? Sorry if i sounded kpo ...

Take care.
my girl @ 3mths &amp; 1 wk old can flip 180 degree on her own. she will lift up her legs and turn to one side then she keep attempting to roll on and ended up with tummy down and head up loooking happy. her jie jie(my #1) cant flip and can't lift her head for tummy time until 5-6mths so it really depends on individual bb leh.
hi everyone! been mia for quite some time. just started work as well. still trying to work out the best schedule for pumping. quite inconvenient as nursing room doesn't have a water source and the wash area in the pantry and i always have ppl waiting behind me. and i need to pump every 3-4hours otherwise the volume is stuck at 140-180ml. Volume seems to be dropping too.

hi amk_gal, got a fren that whose 1 plus year old kid still need to latch on before being able to sleep at nite. my gal sleeps at 11 plus and sometimes wake up in the middle of the nite, sometimes doesn't, but she will wake up around 6plus to 7plus for a full feed. also dunno why.
My hb is working overseas... that's why I handle baby alone at nite. He is trying to find a job in singapore instead.

Hi jling,

Superbee is right .. it depends on individual bb.

Superbee, my bb is 3mth and 2 wks old this wk. She has yet to do all that you mentioned that your bb is doing!
