(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

LFB, I envy your boy's appetite..
I always have difficulties letting my gal finish 100ml. imagine, she is only drinking 100ml every 3 hours and its those force feed kind.. sometimes take up to 2 hours to finish a bottle, hence delaying the next feed...
your boy drinking more than mine..
so sad, whole fridge of FEBM, but bb not drinking as much as she ought to..

sweethalo, yokogi's thread very LOUDLY declare that she open batch 2 for you! Kekekeke
I'm gonna browse the site and see if there's anything I'm interested in.
LFB, why not try let your boy drink more in each feeding. So that he can have the time to sleep or do other activities. I think the guideline is baby need 150ml milk per kg per day. 150 x weight of baby / no. of feed.
he chose to increase appetite when my supply running low! I am only pumping 2x a day, cos the milk really come out slow and little. Now I only can have 320ml/day. Sigh. Think maybe my body knows I am heading back office next week, so decided to slow down. So his major intake is FM lor. No choice! Hubby told me too bad, if not can save $$.

yes, I have increased to 150ml, but after that, he is still hungry! ~faintz~

I also SAHM from Dec onwards. Hee hee, we can all go jalan, only thing is cannot spend cos no income liao!
very worrying right? dunno why drink so little no wonder my gal so skinny.. only 6.4kg

if u can afford the time in office, then try to pump more.. good leh.. your boy sumo wrestler size.. chubby cute cite..
my boy was 6.1kg on 31st aug...he was 2months plus almost 3mths then.
whole of sept i din bring him to PD, so din weigh him...hopefully he gain abit more when i bring him for his jab soon, either tis wk or next wk...

dun worry abt bb being small sized la... small size good mah, can easily carry still. besides, urs is girl leh, skinny good wat, pretty pretty next time.heehee. as long as PD says everything is fine, den dun worry ok
hi all mums...new to the website.

my girl is not drinking much milk too and is 5.6kg and 59.5cm currently @ 15 weeks. she manages about 540ml per day.
welcome autumnberries!

my gal is 6.4kg at 3.5 months.. skinny skinny..yah as long as healthy then ok..
my gal is also using creamy also no diaper rash. my only grouse is that is it difficult to clean off..
evening everybody

LFB- Nesher is drinking 150ml-180ml every 4 hours. at nite is 1 feeding every 5-6 hours. could it be due to the 5 in 1 jab as the nurse was telling me his intake for milk might decrease after the jab. u nid to train yr boy to drag the hours longer then u be more relax.

Nesher wt yesterday is 7.525kg keep increasing..i even intro apple & pear juice for him...& mum gave him honey drink so he can pass motion.

gtg later going to my indian ex colleague hse.
pumping more also the same leh. I realised when I pump more times, the total amt is the same as I pump twice. Sigh. Office not too ideal as timing abit difficult to control. No choice. At least he still get some, better than nothing lor. He is ba ba(肉肉), not sumo yet. Actually don't really like fatty kids, cos I have fat genes, want him to break the bad curse and be tall and handsome! Ha ha ha!

wah, your son good leh, can control his intake. I cannot train lah, let him go on demand drinking. Next week go back work liao, dunno how. Hope my IL and helper can handle his feed. My boi went for his 5in1 jab last week, his weight was 6.8kg, 64cm! Think by now 1 week later, he is 7kg liao!
was reading babycenter.com website and came across articles on food for breastfeeding mums.

anyone still eating the prenatal vitamins? or fish oil?

i realise im nt taking these 2 after delivery le.... even stopped drinking milk powder for lactation too....
Mummies and babies Gathering

Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
Hi LFB, I am a not working mum too. Hope we can go jalan together after Dec too!

Hi Ahnetsan, I am still taking Fish oil and post natal vitamin.

Hi Annie Lim siew eng, I thought baby cannot drink honey? Because of some spores or something that can cause certain allergies to baby....

My girl is not 5.8kg at 3 months, 1 week. 58 cm. Am so far happy with her achievement :)
i'm still takinng. calcium, prenatal, dha n fenugreek. 4 huge pills everyday. also try to drink milk n eat fish daily esp salmon, my fave. what u eat will affect ur baby esp if on tbf. my nails tend to be very brittle if i dont take calcium.
does taking milk help to increase milk supply?

i think i have to stop breastfeeding soon. supply dwindling at a rapid rate and no matter how much i let baby latch on it's still going down. sigh. dunno why i'm the odd one in my family. my sister had so much milk and i have to save every drop. sigh!!
LFB- i trained him as tat time when he was two mths time he was drinking 120ml in every two hours so i fed him full. if he is hungry after two hours time he finished his milk i gave him the heinz apple/pear juice, or honey or glucose or plain water. if not i distracted him wif his story books or bring him for a walk downstair. nesher las week wt was 7.295kg & 66cm long. yesterday wt 7.525kg.

ahnetsan- he started drinking after his 3rd mth.. friend was telling me can intro earlier.

fang- honey is good for soft stool as my boy stool is hard & he will cry whenever he pass motion.
<font color="0000ff">brought bb to see GP today for his rash.. turns out there's some fungal infection and mild steroid cream prescribed.. effect quite fast.. 2 dose later, looks much better liao.. crossing fingers hope it gets better tomorrow..

took weight at doctor's today. At 15 weeks, Javen is 5.8kg. i am very happy with this achievement liao leh..
he drinking 100ml sometimes 3.5 hour, sometimes 2.5 hour.. whole day around 800 to 900ml ..</font>
ahnetsan: Depending on whether I remember or not, I'm still taking fish oil. Trying to finish my pre-natal calcium as well, dun wan to waste

I'm back to work, so far not so stressful yet, maybe that's why still can pump, now I pump twice in the office, each time around 100ml x2 side. Then after I fetch my baby in the evening, I'll try to pump one more time, cos my baby drinking 125ml every 3 hour at nanny's place, so much at least have 375ml to 500ml everyday.
<font color="0000ff">ahnet >> i'm taking folic acid, calcium (900mg/day) and fish oil everyday..

also eating lots of fish and cheese (calcium again)..

every night i drink 25ml of yomeishu for energy too (after last pump)</font>
Annie, agree with fang that babies under 1yr old shouldn't take honey, cos it may cause infant botulism... came across this on babycenter website:

"It isn't safe to feed your baby honey or corn syrup — or even cooked foods sweetened with either one — until after his first birthday. Both products can contain spores of a toxic bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Cooking and pasteurization don't always kill these hardy spores."

Read more here:

ahnet, I also take prenatal vitamins and DHA whenever I remember, which is about every alternate day...

U may wanna refer to e below guide on foods to increase supply.


I m drinking a lot of barley drink on alternate days. So far supply quite good not sure is it bcos of e drink or not. M able to get abt 240-300ml for 4/5 hrs interval.


My boy also borned on 19th, however he's only taking 120ml on 2-3hrs interval. Like Chidori's gal, my boy isn't too keen in his milk, hence resulting in overstocking of FEBM in e freezer chest.


Me drinking enfamama mixed with milo only. Previously took e pills but kinda grew tired of popping pills.
i've tried the heinz apple juice with Sophie and she hates it.Her face will turn sour and she will push the bottle teat out.When i juice fresh red apple,strain it a couple of times and dilute it with warm water,she gulps it down.not sure why.....

btw,i was reading the label for Frisocrem's rice based cereal and it said it is for babies 4mths upwards....Any mummies tried it yet?My PD claims can give a few spoonfuls to see if Sophie likes it but i'm afraid her tummy might not be ready for it.
Hi bb Potato,

We same same..i also have overstocking of FEBM. My gal also not drinking mucn...

Did u give him FEBM so far?

My frens were telling me not to give so much FEBM. Not good..
Shirley: Think FEBM is not no good, just that not as good as fresh or refrigerated BM. And yeah, I've been trying not to freeze my milk, since my boy drink almost whatever I pump... and then leave a few bottles of frozen ones in the freezer in case my supply drop. I'm kinda pumping out everyday and he's almost emptying everything I pumped! So also find it pointless to freeze the milk. Was reading some note and find that our BM can be in the refrigerator (lower compartment) for upto 8 days.

Fang: Thanks for the post! Checking w hubby if he can come w me. It's a good idea to cater and tt the $$ to you first before the gathering, at least not so pai seh if last minute cannot make it
So envious to hear mummies with over supply of EBM. My best quantity/day is 320ml, and with my boi drinking almost 120-150ml/feed, it won't be enough at all. My boi started to reject pure EBM when he was in his 2nd month. Hve to mix EBM with FM to let him drink. So this is what we do every feed. Partial FM, partial EBM.

Fang, thanks for the invite, but weekend is grandparents' day. So we usually will head to my MIL place on Sat. Hubby won't be happy if I say to skip a session. Moreover that weekend is b4 I fly off to China for work for a week. Want to stay with kiddo. Thanks.
Yeah. my mom told me the same when I was still BF-ing. Ask me not to stock so much in the freezer then. But last time got oversupply... no choice. It's impt to check for any funny smell before giving FEBM to bb. I did that diligently n found one bottle has funny smell when it's only frozen for 1.5 mths.

ahnetsan, yeah. Supposed to take the supplements when u r BF-ing. My gynae told me must take leh. However, to my mom, she thinks it's too much n thinks that it's all these supplements that make my little Dylan grow so fast. LOL.

I am tentatively ok and most likely just me n my bb. I need to check if my hb is back that weekend (likely not) and I m likely to be there ard 330pm. Will PM u to confirm my attendance later.
Thanks for organizing.
tubbymummy/fang- ohh read the website but mum said it harmless leh..&amp; i put more water to make it very diluted leh.. well guess jus give him fruit juice
Mummy Ash
my girl is not rejecting all EBM. Only 1 or 2 packets tat she reject. So everyday i just thaw 1 packet to trial n error loh. Danelle also take long time to finish her milk leh and prefer to latch than bottle feed too. But bopian cos i m @ work during day time so she just gotta drink bottle. Thank god she is 6kg when we brought her for the 2nd 6-in-1 injection + checkup @ 3rd mth. So still growing well as she is 4.7kg @ 6 wks old.

i shd be hopping by for the gathering with my whole village(Me, Hubby, Maid, 20mth old Adelle and 3mth old Danelle) but will only b there from 2 to 3.30pm cos gotta go for church service after tat. We wont having lunch with u all cos we will have lunch before 2pm to feed my #1.

11_Beans (11_beans)
i m still bf-ing and working. my girl first feed at 6.30-7am and i latch her then i will pump out the excess. during ofc hrs, i pump @ 12pm and 6pm. then i nurse my girl at 9pm to sleep and dreamfeed at 12-12.30am. then pump to clear the excess. i m drinking a lot of water @ work to maintain the milk supply and so far have 40 packets of frozen EBM. my boss didn't restrict me for MIA to pump as long as i finish my work. :D
<font color="0077aa">mummies, just to share very quickly not to stock up so much FEBM cos baby nutritional needs change through the months so what she needs at 1mth is not the same as at 3mths. better to consume FEBM within 4weeks of expressing - this i read from baby whisperer book.</font>
Hi all. Great to see some responses from Tiny bubu, dolly200906, bbjun and Superbee. Can I trouble for you to update the below list if you and your family members/baby/helpers can make it cos I worry i miss out anyone should i skip reading the postings for a couple of days, esp on weekends. Thanks for helping to update!

Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
Hi Tiny bubu.Your baby knows the real deal that is why she prefers the real apple juice instead. Clever baby woh..!

Hi LFB. Hopefully next time you can make it in another gathering :)

Hi Superbee. I will bring my elder son who is 28 month old in october to the gathering too :) Hope he will not creat a rackus and will entertain adelle. Kekeke

your PD said 4 mth old bb can try cereal already?

i used frisocrem rice cereal before. it was very fragrant but... very sweet also.... heinz one not so sweet... last time before it changed packaging, it was meant for 4 mths above bb. after it changed packaging, it became for 6 mths old bb...
Hi bbjun,

hw u check? taste it?? i just pour for my gal to consume lor...

I am still giving my aug supply...everyday i will give her 2 packs of frozen and the rest ebm...
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; BB Yonghao
compared to babies 6kg+ at 15 weeks, my boy only 5.5kg at 15 weeks.. he's the real skinny one.. nanny and i tried to feed him more, but his appetite is so so so small.. sigh. destined to look like me i guess. small small.
I went to the PD when Augustine was 3mths and 3 weeks old and he was 5.8 kg. Im happy with his weight cos he has been steadily gaining 1 kg each time we bring him to the PD and he looks chubby too. He is feeding well and active so I dont worry.

Public transport: I have brought Augustine onto the MRT many times and so far he has been great. He doesn't fuss. I think he is kinda used to going out already heh.

Milk intake: I still latch Augustine most of the time so not sure abt milk intake. He drinks every 2 hrs approx. However, when we do feed EBM, he takes abt 130ml. I did the calculation earlier according to the formula and it was 120+ml for his intake so it shld be right then.

I am still taking calcium and fish oil and i do try to eat fish at least twice during the week. Other than that, Im also taking soy milk as we suspect my boy is allergic to dairy products. We have spotted red specks in his poo and PD speculates it cld be a reaction to dairy products that im consuming so im staying off it for the moment.

Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
<font color="cc0099"> Tired of sleep crazies... Kyle hasn't slept through since 2M except for a single night here and there. And he's already 4.5M!!! Finished bedtime routine and put him to bed tonight. Went out to wash stuff and within 5min he was up calling out and whining loudly.
I knew he was fed, diapered, changed, tucked in nice and comfy. So impromptu decided to try "controlled crying".

Last time tried sleep training was several weeks ago when I posted that I lost that battle. Kyle called persistently for 2 hrs without ever crying or tiring. I gave up in the end.

Tried again tonight. Went in twice to pat, stroke and kiss him. He calmed for a while each time but started again after I left room. Still not actual distressed crying, but this time not just the calling like previous.
Suddenly realised he'd been quiet for a while and went in to check. YIPPEE!!!!

Praise God he fell asleep within 20min!

This is HEAPS better than the 2hrs previously. Hopefully if I need to do the same tmr, the time will get shorter and shorter.

My little sumo has lotsa cuddles and kisses coming his way when he wakes
Date : 24th Oct 2009
Time : 2-6pm
Location : Sengkang, Compassheights Condo, Multipurpose room.
How to come : Apartment is next to Compasspoint shopping mall or Sengkang MRT/ LRT station/ bus interchange
Food : Depending on number of people. If can get minimum 10-15 people, can get caterer to cater food and drinks.If not, we can order from pizza hut/ kfc etc
Cost per pax : To be confirmed. If catering, just need you to transfer into my account before day of gathering or upon your confirmation to join us for the gathering. If not catering, we can split the costs during the gathering. Is this ok for you gals?
Car park : Can park in Compassheights
Note: Please include your hubby and helper if they are coming by adding them into the below name list!

Looking forward in meeting you all!

Name lists
1. bbjun &amp; BB Dylan
2. amk_gal &amp; BB Yonghao
3. bbaugustine &amp; baby (i have to check with hubby, he might be working)
4. ec_mom &amp; BB Cayden, might be jiejie Elisha too

Brought Cayden to see PD yesterday, he have projectile vomiting since 4days ago, PD said he look fine and at good weight, the vomiting might be cause we overfed him, but he only suckle for 5-10min each time, how can he be overfed?
Last night he wake at 3+, vomit on me once I carry him up, and refuse to go back to sleep, want to carry till 6+, worried, dun know what happen to him. Hope tonight he is find.

Weight: Cayden weight 7.3kg and height 62 @ 3mths 3weeks

Public transport: Cayden first ride on MRT @ 3mths old, a bit later then jiejie which is 2mths old, I like to take public transport when I bring Cayden out, it more convenience, no need to close and open the pram.

Baby first Semi-solid: Ask PD yesterday, she say do not intro so early, recommended 6mths coz if intro too early bb might develop allergy. Ops I gave my girl first solid @ 4th mths lucky she is fine.
