(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hello mummies,
just came back from my checkup.. my gynae say dont worry abt swine flu.. husband can accompany wife one during delivery.. hospital is not that heartless.. anyway he thinks it is all overreaction.. there are hundreds of ppl dying from ordinary flu every yr.. i wore mask to his clinic (took from hospital entrance).. he say no need to wear.. none of his nurse or himself is wearing... haha

my bb is now 2.6kg at 33wk.. still on track to be a 8 pounder.. i ask whether i should do c-sec since bb is so big.. he thinks i can still try for natural cos he is pro natural.. looks like i need to walk more to build up stamina.. yesterday went tampines giant and ikea and i was like ko after a few hrs...

as for those going to gleneagles medical centre for checkup, pls go early.. today was madhouse.. the queue to declare and check temp was so long.. and i actually need to do twice cos i had to go to the hospital side to do pre-admission..

thanks.. oh so it's before delivery, right? Now can still drink as tonic?

fat mom,
Oh, the queue is long? my appt is next fri morning. Think better go a bit earlier. So all 3 blocks have temp check?
Also going for my 32wks growth scan on wed @ NUH. Expect a very detailed screening before entering their premises.
ehehe.... Fatmom, wondering if your gynae is on 5th flr of the Medical Centre...cos i saw a lady in mask there too.

Yep, checked with Gynae he said hb definitely can go in even if Red Alert. Also said over-reaction. Surprisingly, I was only asked to register names without taking temp.

I wore a mask to Gleneagles and to the clinic... Doc told me "Take it off la, i can't see your face" hehehe..he said I will make you wear if u are sick! hahah... but after we left his room, I put the mask back on cos there was this hb with preggie wife that was having a FLU in the clinic!!!

Doc also said that if really kena swine flu, just take the tamiflu drug... he said nobody did any studies on effect and there are stronger drugs tt hv been administered on pregnant mothers eg, chicken pox meds... etc...

Did not do Pre-reg today cos didn't want to go through hassle of queueing etc..
sweethalo, mine is on 7th floor.. actually quite a lot of ppl wearing mask.. esp on 7th floor.. cos lots of parents at singapore baby n child clinic.. my doc also told me to take off the mask.. i explain i am wearing cos i want to go hospital side to do reg... so wear first

think the security become more lax when more ppl queue.. when i left.. i walked in from the exit and take lift.. and i saw a lot of ppl walk in from the exit to avoid the queue

re the viruss, my doc also said as this spread to more ppl, the virus becomes weaker and weaker and that why the fatality rate drop.. he thinks the alert should stand down sooon..

babyethan, yup.. all blocks got to declare.. before i left the medical centre i ask whether i can go to the hospital side and no need to q.. they say ok.. but later hospital side say i need to requeue again.. waste my time.. why are u doing the scan at nuh when u are going to glene?

i also relieved but also sad.. cos i tot i got valid reason to go for c-sec.. i now scare of natural
Actually, find that the hospitals are quite havoc...not really as prepared as the way they claimed on TV.

I was there at 8.45am for appt, and all we were asked to do was fill up a form. No temp taking...

When we were done, we tried waiting for the lift but because half were controlled to only open at 2nd flr, it was quite hard to get in. Decided to take the stairs, and found the Svc Lift next to the stairway and took that one. So in fact, one can actually just use the Svc Lift and head straight up to the clinics without leaving names or taking temp etc.!!! Loophole!
Seems like another quiet weekend!
Went Mt E for checkup, the queue was really fast! And then there's so few people in the clinic today I'm done within 30min.
Guess a lot of people avoided Mt E today?

Fat_mom: Dun be scared of natural birth! We are made to give birth naturally anyway. In fact, ur gynae is really good to have promoted natural birth even he can earn more by doing C-sec.

Sweethalo: Went Muji at Paragon today and it's having 10% off storewide till tomorrow
Just to SIAH you!
giggle... Dolly so notti! SIah Siah Siah...hehehe

I was at Paragon today too... but only to eat lunch at Ding Tai Feng... my first time there... felt like i was in Shanghai/china...
fat mom
My gynae's at glene... But he always refer his patients to NUH for all the detailed tests. He doesn't have the equipment to do in his clinic. Secondly, he said it's cheaper to have it done at NUH and also he knows the prof there who's good at all these antenatal screenings.
Dear MTBs,

sorry to "interrupt" ...

just to leave a note for those looking for experienced baby sitter, please pm me.
hi ladies

went for my regular weekly morning exercise.. out of breath really fast these days. I'm having heart palpitations and breathlessness frequently these days, at least once a day.

I notice that my discharge getting more watery. Getting paranoid that there's water bag leakge everyday, but since baby still moving a lot and no contractions i guess it's normal right?? No odd smell too..

I really quite worried about preterm labour.. From my colleague who had preterm labour, she could tell that her child has lower resistance to illnesses and also poor digestion and respiratory systems compared to her other child who's born almost full term...

all this worrying is getting me nowhere really.. sigh!
Hey ladies, didnt post for quite a while but have been reading forum when time permits..

Went to the gynae visit few days back at coming 33wk+, baby weight 2.156kg and doc commented size of baby is ok and the amnotic fluid is enough. Baby is in heads down position but not in best position yet, but doc say still early now and see how she goes in 2 weeks time.

Kate, our baby weight seems smiliar, so our baby shld be abt 3kg not too big for natural den. Lucky you, my weight gain at 12kg liao.

Ling, you are not the only one dat has small belly, me too.. when i was at the expo fair, got an auntie ask how many mths i am, i tell her to guess and she said not due so soon, when i tell her due in June, she quickly say my belly is in nice shape and turn to serve other customer.. Nvm one, as long baby is growing well inside im contended.

Tubbymummy, haa.. u have the same thoughts as me. Alot of mummies also tell me watching movies will be veri difficult after baby born and i wana watch my last movie - Wolverine and pampered myself with gold class too! But when i go online to book den saw the ticks is so ex at $36! So 2 at $72 liao and the movie is less than 2 hrs so find bo hua.. den decided to watch at normal cinema next week loh. Hope next time got chance to watch 3hrs movie at gold class..

Caramelle, u mus be veri happy dat your hubby is finally back in town after yr long wait... neck got grow longer? hee...

Fatmom / Sweethalo, glad dat your doc say hb can come with us even when it comes to red alert, cos now sg dun have any case yet and hope there will not be. Actually i didnt think much on swine flu when we deliver till i read from here abt mummies concern..

This few days i experience a little nausea and giddy like MS, but i know its not since my MS stop after first trim. Doc say cos baby is growing bigger liao so have press on some of my organ dat made me feel this way. Hmm.. baby baby, good dat you are growing, mummy is ok to suffer this little discomfort
sweethalo, yeah lor.. the place was chaotic.. i guess it was first day.. so got teething prob..

guess so.. but i scared of pain.. and worse if i cant do natural birth, still need to do emergency c.. i shall pray against this fear

is there a need to do detailed scan at this stage? my fortnightly checkup are quite brief one leh.. doc just see position of bb and measure the weight.. nothing much

amk gal,
u still can do exercise? everyday i hv trouble climing the stairs.. i live on 3rd floor.. by the time i reach my door, i dont even have the energy to open the door.. heart would beat very fast as if i did 2.4km

dont worry abt preterm labour.. my bro who was 10 yrs younger than me was born in wk30-31.. though he did have lower resistance when he was younger, now he is as fat as a pig.. eat more than all of us and i dont think he seen doc in the last one yr.. so it is just initial stage.. once these preterm bb build up their immune system, they will be ok

i just gave away my wolverine ticket last fri.. tot it will be too violent and noisy.. gave my bro in law to watch..

i also feel giddy, heartburn, nausea, aches n pains.. these are all part and parcel of pregnancy... sometimes i quite depressed and told my hubby i want to stop at one kid.. if he want another one, he go and get pregnant himself.. then he will humour me and say he will try to get pregnant..
creamer, glad that baby is growing healthily and almost in position
About the gold class, yes me too, I saw the price and almost fainted. But I finally still decided to go for it. The verdict: No regrets!! So I think you should seriously consider too hehe... I watched in Gold Class a couple of times before, but it's not the sort of thing that we usually do for normal movies etc, so didn't even think about it until I was trying to book Wolverine, and I remember the seats and how I can incline and put my feet up etc, and I wondered why didn't I think of it sooner! And seeing as it may easily be a year before I watch my next movie, I felt that the price was justified haha. Thankfully hubby agreed with me, and could tell how comfortable I was, cos at the last couple of movies, I was changing positions every 5min, back ache, leg numb etc. Treat yourself!
fatmom, oh.. u gave away the ticks ah. As long its not a horror movie i still watch. Cover yr belly with sweater so the noise can be minimised. hee.. Yah, having all these discomfort will be hard on mummy, now i know why they say mummies is the greatest compared to daddy.. Ooops, hope no dadddy saw this. Cmon fatmom, smile always den baby will be a happy kid too. Cheers!

Tubbymummy, no regrets?! Wah, sia me liao.. with the seats dat can incline and lift our legs up shld be very comfy for preggie like us hor.. the show nice?
mummies, one of those odd weekends that im not MIA..hehe. hubby watching star awards outside and since i watch already sneak in here for a while.

went for gynae checkup yest at week 32 and baby was growing fine at 1.9kg. i went to AMK KK clinic and there was the usual temp taking, but no queue - i never had to wait for more than 15mins at this clinic anyway. at night i was reading obituaries from past few days newspaper then found out that my gynae's wife passed away recently on 18 apr. wished i'd known earlier then can say something nice to him..but he was okay, i didnt even detect that he's sad or anything. guess he must be composed in front of patients..but feel sad for him cos i think they're just 40+ yrs old only.

anyway my next appt is very long leh..at week 37 on 02june. i found that very weird cos i thought from now on should be seeing gynae every week right? my hubby say maybe since dr say baby and mummy is fine no need to come back often. anyone else with same experience at KKH? my next appt at the private suite. havent do bed booking or pre-registration also. are we supposed to do that ourselves? i asked my dr and he said next appt he will discuss with me about delivery all that, but no mention of bed booking. any mummies delivering at KKH can share experience? thanks..
Hi caramelle,

That's sad. But I guess your gynae shd be managing the loss well. If not, he would be asking someone to stand him for him for a while.

It's indeed weird to only see u again at wk 37. I tot it should be at least a bi-weekly check up now?
bbjun, yah that's what i thought too, at least biweekly right? oh well, i know a few mummies here also seeing dr at KKH so maybe get their feedback first. if need be i will schedule one appointment in 2 weeks then i can do bed booking as well i guess..
caramelle: I not at KKH though, started to see gynae every week after 34 weeks, but it's very brief one anyway. I just make sure everytime I ask him some questions, like what's his normal practice? need to shave? jabbig vitamin K? ...etc. The nurse has assigned me a padeatrian last week (wk 35). A guy called Dr Ng, also at Mt E clinic.
my sis was born at 30 wks. she was in the NICU for a mth. but she quickly became stronger and louder than my brother and me during the toddler years. i guess the caregiver plays a very important part. which was my mum.

my bb also 1.9kg at 32wks. gynae say growing well. position is head down.

gynae visits become every fortnight after 35 weeks. for me, its every 2 wks since wks 30 cos i get mild cramps at times so gynae needed to monitor closer.
Hi caramelle, I am seeing gynae every week now. I think different gynaes have different style of doing things.

Yest I ate 2 seeds of durians and I'm down with sore throat today.sianz.think I really too heaty.
Hello all,

quite a slow moving thread today, but I guess lazy Sunday is like that! I am counting down now, can't wait to start my half day working man!

Tubbymummy, Creamer,
I also went and watched Wolverine! HB and I woke up early on Sat, took our breakfast(yummy wanton noodles!) and took a comfort bus ride to Suntec. We were just in time for the very first show! He only allowed that hour cos less pple. True enough, only abt 6-8 patrons! The show rocks! I was so happy! After that was lunch at QiJi(I love their springrolls) and shopping in Kiddy Palace and Market Place for grocery. We were back at 2pm, avoided the crowd!

I am seeing my OB twice a month now, till 36 weeks, then change to weekly. My OB still on leave, so this wed appt got to change. I am still hoping for Fri or Sat, cos I really eagar to see BB.

Just had a chocolate chip muffin. Now I cannot take any food off rack cos of GD, so this afternoon, I had sweet carving again. I finished my last batch of muffins so no choice I had to bake a new batch just now. I also spent my morning making spring roll ingredients. I love those Hokkien fresh spring roll and since I am free this morning, I made a big pot for lunch, dinner and tmr's lunch too! Yummy! So mummy who can indulge, pls con't to do so! I am so envious when I read those who are still eating durians!!!
did u c dr adrian on last sat? i went & he told me that now due to swine flu, he cannot go MT A deliver liao... sianz....
pray that swine flu will die off soon then i can go MT A for #2 else need to go TMC which the traffic jam just simply put me off. :p
superbee : yup yup, i went to see him on saturday. my edd is 09 June 09 and i was thinking of starting my ML on 08 June 09 and taking 3 weeks Hospital Leave starting 12 May or somewhere around there.

He gave me an admission letter and he told me whenever i want to get admitted, to just go heck myself in and give the admission dept my letter. He adv to check in on 08.30 am and then he'll come see me during the day and write me HL letter.Then i can check myself out in the evening around 5pm.

So i told him i was thinking of Mount A 4 bedder as that is the cheapest since i'll be just hanging out for a few hours only.

But he told me that due to swine flu, he's not permitted to go to go to any other hospital except TMC. So no choice....I have to admit myself to TMC if i want HL. But he also told me that Singapore is over reacting to swine flu and probably things will change by the time June 09 comes around.

When i was in the the room with him, he got call on his hp and i overheard him scolding some nurse saying "must give her the epi now.dont wait.if you wait, then anything happens, you'll be responsible." i think he was scolding the nurse or maybe a husband.hahaha.

anyway, my baby is touching 35 weeks on Tuesday and now 2.534 kg....

But i thought seeing the gynae on Sat might be a hassle but it was as per normal.no taking of temperature or anything!

Oh, I signed up with Stemcord this morning.The salesperson met us near our place and we signed the papers...Umm, who's the darling with the sunnysideup email address that i put down as my referral? thanks a million!!!
creamer, no regrets because of the seats! Hehe... And got blanket some more, so you can use that to cover your belly if you're afraid the sound is too loud
The show is quite good, I'm not raving, but I quite liked it, while my hubby was disappointed, said he didn't enjoy it much (but he's super critical!). I felt that it was about the same standard as the usual Xmen movies, which were all quite fun. But still no regrets, since a) love the seats, & b) there's nothing else now that I want to watch anyway, except Revolutionary Road, but I wanted more action, so still chose Wolverine! Hehe...

LFB, all got the same movie idea! Will this be your last movie?

tinybubu, yup it's me
you're welcome!
hi mummies, haven been logging in oftn. i dun intend to see wolverine, too noisy, when i watch some dvd at home very loud bb move not stop and my mum told me not to watch any show with v ugly characters or horror show of course.. aiyah old wives myth but since i some along so far, i just avoid lor.

aiyoh sound like my gynae got another excuse not to deliver at MT A then. yeah i hope swine flu get over soon, i dont want many visitors but i sure wan my hb and parents to come see me during my stay...
createjoy, long time no talk! Yeah, action movies can be a bit loud, so better to avoid if you're not comfortable. For me, my girl was moving a bit more than usual, but not non-stop or violently, so I think it was ok.

Xmen III on ch5 tonight!
unless I can find something I am dying to watch, if not, this may be last. I think my fats alot, can cover my bb. I just felt abit warm initially in the theatre, other than that, it's quite ok!

Yeah, going to watch X-Men III now. I bought X-Men II yesterday, after the show. I like that.

Tiny bubu,
when you sign up stemcord, you just call and they will come and meet you, is it? Did you use the CDA account to pay? My sis told me can use that. I am waiting for my sis to come back from overseas to use her as referral.
LFB, can use CDA to pay. When I signed up, I didn't have to pay a single cent for registration, annual fee, whatever. After baby is born, you have 2mths to submit your CDA details to them, and they will deduct accordingly. However, they do take down your credit card details, in case you don't send them your CDA details, they will deduct the amount from your credit card.

Oh, and I don't think you need you sister to be present to use her as your referrer. Just need her name and IC no. So you can already sign up now if you like.
lfb : i went on the website and signed up to receive more info. then they assigned me a salesperson to liase with me.after texting her and numerous emails back and forth, i told her i was ready to sign up wth stemcord but since i am 8+ months pregnant, i dont think i can travel to meet her.so she volunteered to come meet me.and i told her i'm only free on weekends and she again volunteered to meet me on a sunday.quite a nice lady.

i used cda as well.all you need at the moment is to give stemcord your credit card details that they will keep with them. then you make a note on the form that you want to use your baby's CDA to pay for everything.They will not deduct or hold anything from your credit card now.They will give you 2 months after your baby is born to open the CDA.then they will deduct the entire enrolment fee from the CDA exactly on your baby's 2 month birthday.if deduction fails, then they will contact you and tell you they will deduct the enrolment fee from the credit card you provided them.

also, if you want to use your sis as a referral, all you need is her full name and her NRIC.they dont need any other information.and i found out hubby does not need to be present when you sign the forms as only mother needs to sign everything.

BTW, i asked vicky out of curiosity if dr woodworth charges stemcord a fee for cord blood extraction.and she said yes.so i asked her how much....

she said normal gynaes charge est. $300.Dr Woodworth charges est $200 and NUH gynaes do not charge anything at all.

That's why patients who are with Dr Woodworth get a slightly lesser enrolment fee than other mummies who are with other gynaes.But mummies with NUH gynaes will get the lowest enrolment fee of around $600...
Oh, forgot to add, Vicky told me that in case i forget to bring my stemcord kit to the hospital, i just have to tell the nurses and they will definately have spares at the hospital.Stemcord makes it a point to always have spares at every hospital.

Then, after you deliver, you just have to tell your hubby to bring the stemcord kit you have at home to the hospital to give back to your ward nurse before you get discharged.there's no extra charges for forgetting your kit as long as you give them back the original kit they gave you.like a one for one replacement.

and if you decide to terminate the stemcord agreement before EDD, they ill charge $100 termination fee to your credit card and get the kit back from you.

If your gynae is unable to collect any cord blood during delivery, there will be no charge from Stemcord.

If your gynae manages to collect cord blood but after stemcord does the testing and finds that they cannot store it (due to mummy having hepatitis or hiv etc etc), then stemcord will charge you $600.

during delivery, they will also have to extract 2 vials of blood from the mummy for their testing purposes.
Tinybubu, Tubbymummy,

Thanks for the info. The gynae charges can pay from CDA or have to fork out cash? My sis overseas, cannot ask her. Somemore I relax and sit on it, then realised I am going to be 34 weeks this week! Yikes! All the delay! I started packing my hospital bag, still yet to put in documents and marriage cert. Will run through again when I am not so tired!
LFb, no, believe the gynae's charges are an arrangement between the doctor and the cord blood company, nothing to do with us. We just pay the enrolment fee etc that Stemcord charges

tinybubu, I also used to live 5min away from GWC! But don't anymore... now in Geylang. But still like going back there for movies, cos don't have to jostle with the downtown crowd

thanks for the clarification. Will look for an agent asap. Realised I don't have many weekends to spare now, cos with so many things going on and I am looking at completing work b4 I get more rest.
i'm actually really bummed that dr woodworth cant do mount a now.... arggghh.

had already set my sights on mount a. guess now i have to make do with tmc..

i wonder what the outcome is for MAY MTBs who have already paid their deposit to mount a....
lfb : dont stress out too much,k? the reason why i stress out is because my husband is always home only on weekends only.like for example, he's leaving for australia on a business trip and will be back on 17 may.then he may be flying off again after that but not too sure... so that's why i want to organize everything and pack my hospital bag now and standby in case my baby decides it's showtime before her daddy is back in sg.

would you like vicky's hp no?you can actually text her and she's real quick to respond.

i went to kiddy palace at CP on sat and asked them if they sell any disposable waterproof matress underpads in case my water breaks in the middle of the night and the saleslady showed me nappy liners.i was completely going WTF in my head and wondering if she understood what i was asking for...
I am sure if they have to give birth in TMC, they still need to. Guess you should check with TMC whether they have vacancies. Apparently, their 2 and 4 bedders are very hot selling. But if single, should be no prob.
tiny bubu, understand what you are going thru cos my hb comes back fortnightly. So everything have to be prepped in adv.
Re: underpads
managed to find them quite easily at Kiddy Palace at Toa Payoh HDB hub quite easily. It's stored together with the nappy liners, changing mats etc. Not sure if CP ones does the same, in case u want to check it out again. The thing is that the underpads are not labelled at all. U can only see the label underpads on the price tag. The sheets are light blue in colour. Hope this helps.
bbjun : thanks!will try again when i go see dr woodworth again on 16 may 09.getting real lazy to even step out of my house to do anything.....feel like such a loser.heheheh.
hi mummies, sorry im too lazy to trawl through the archives but what was the advice again on where to buy disposable panties, how much and also the maternity sanitary pads?
Huh... tiny bubu 35 weeks baby already weight 2.534kg?

Me only 33 weeks and 3 days ago when I went for the scan, my baby only 1.6kg...

Anyone got good suggestion beside durians how to beef my daughter up?

I guess I am a little EMO today. Look at the funny post at *Free Items only*, under the malay mummy.
tinybubu, talk abt being lazy. I just wished I can laze at home n do nothing. The tot of gg back to work tomorrow morning is killing me.

qi7, what abt those mother's milk like Annum, Frisomum, etc? I think u dun have to worry to much. She may just surprise u with a growth spurt in the next few weeks. All BBs grow and develop at different rates.

qi7 : drink prenatal milk powder and eat more red meat.

caramelle : i bought my disposable cotton undies from guardian.5 for $3.95.it feeels like normal cotton undies and doesnt have that weird paper feeling.
