(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hi there,

I'm posting on behalf of my friend who is a beautician.
She does services such as pre and post natal massage, confinement massage, slimming etc.
You can call her direct at 91270522, Michelle for any queries.

blisstan, when I joined a spree to buy Braun IRT4520, a couple of the mummies who joined the spree said that they were buying the Braun to replace their CADIs, because they said Cadi's reading is not accurate, different everytime or something like that. So maybe go with Braun safer. Think I read a review somewhere that the 4520 is better than the 3020 Compact. I don't have actual experience with the thermometers, just sharing what I came across

creamer, enjoy your movie tonight! Yes, recline the seat, you'll feel more comfy, no squirming around because of backache hehe. You going to Vivo or GWC?

Shelisa, My old stretchmarks are also slightly raised, in the sense that without looking, I can trace out where they are. When they are put under stress now (cos once again, skin is stretching), they also itch a bit, so I think the itch + raised should be normal. But I don't have the rashes, so can't comment much... Maybe it's a heat rash thing? I think if it's allergy, you'll get more rashes than that right..? If they are only appearing on the stretch marks alone, could it be another way your skin is showing stress from the stretching?

jam75, when I watch movie, I don't drink water 1hr in advance, and then I go and pee twice before movie starts, just in case hehehe
Caramelle/TubbyMummy, yup yup. The stretch mark itself will like slightly raised up. But the weird thing is the on top of the stretch mark will have rashes. I called my gynae nurse, she say might due to skin stretch. She say if not getting worse, then this fri appt then see how. or not can push the appt early. I will monitor. Thanks
Shelisa, I don't have stretch marks but my tummy itches like mad and keeps me up awake at night as well. I don't have rashes either. This has been going on for like 3 weeks already and it has now spread to my armpits! The menthol cooling lotion that my gynae gives me only helps for to relieve the itch for a while. Very much, I think mine is due to stretching and heat becos I don't itch that much when I m in air con. Now only week 33, still have a few more weeks to tolerate.
i'm filling up the SCL form because i want to take my 6 days immediately after my ML, but it seems cannot submit now.sigh.

need to put down baby's birth cert no etcetc on the form before submission...
shelisa, my stretchmarks also dun haf rashes. but i think they are starting to move northwards le. sad sad. monitor it and if getting worse, bring forward ur gynae apptmt ba.
bbjun, ya, i rem that time u got post then i tell u go Watson buy the aloe vera gel to apply. But i rem ur got no rashes. Hmm, i think time being i will apply baby lotion 1st. Armpit itchy can be mad!! I can imagine man!!

ahnetsan, hugz, my stretch mark also move outward. widening!! and my stretch mark is in bright red colour. i show my nephew 5 yrs old, he cried, he say auntie tummy got worms!!!! so now he naughter i say, if u dun wanna be a good boy, i put thw worms out. wahahaha
wah shelisa, u scaring ur poor nephew leh! he got run and hide away mah? haha
mine not the bright red colour one, think like pink pink like dat, not very obvious unless under bright white light.
but confirm it's stretchmarks lah. hopefully they stay below the belly button area enough le... dun proceed anymore further upwards... scary
deerdeer: So far don't feel anything at the perineum, only sometimes feel funny at my pelvic bone, like baby head is stretching it.

ahnetsan: Yeah, met insurance agent just last week. But we are not interested in those endowment fund or education fund though, we are thinking of PruShield which covers part of hospital fees. Was also told that we cannot buy more insurance now because our BMI index is way too high
deerdeer i do sometime feel pain/stain at perineum area tot of asking my gynae abt it u got any ideal is it infection?
hello MTB,
how is everyone?

went to see gynea last sat, he said I might have another big baby, especially the head. 2.6kg @ 33wks
Try my luck to ask gynea again whether can I go for natural birth but the answer is NO. He told me there is two very sad case happen in Mt.A in march, 1 baby dead and 1 suffer from brain damage coz not in time to deliver the baby, he did told me the detail but I total forgotten the medical term. His advice is not to risk my baby. So ok lor. I confirm will go for c-sec within 8 to 10 June.
Realise I still haven pack my hospital bag.

I wont be your neighbour already, gynea said 3 June too early.

Received e-mail form the bra organiser, it ready for collection
Anyone need to buy a Medele mini electric? I've a BRANDNEW set in the box still. Never used (I'm from Jan 09 mtb thread).

Retails at $193.90, I'm selling for only $100. SAVE $93.90!
Contact me on 93223995 if keen, thanks!
annie- what is the gynae's yellow slip?? i just book my ward. And do you know if i want to donate the cord blood, is there any procedure i have to follow? for eg.fill a form.
Junebabyboi09- the yellow slip is to confirm tat we are using the same gyne whom we been consulting for our following checkup to deliver our baby.

as for the cord blood, i cant donate at all as i got history of cancer tumor marking CA19.9 so the staff cant accept my cord blood
ther be a lady asking ard to ask mummies to fill up the cord blood form if they wish to donate while waiting for their gyne to call them so u jus fill up the form given by them. tats all..

Ahnetsan/Dolly200906- if u wan to know more bout buying insurance policy for yr bb i can recommend my hubby to help u all. He is frm Prudential insurance & he be doing for our baby & his cousin baby too due on August.
my hubby was telling me las nite bb plan use medisave to buy $106 per year using our medisave.
Good morning all mummies... all gone quiet due to the advertisement heh?

Fri I'm going back KKH for the diabetic test... hope everything's ok. My mom have diabeties so it's better to test...

Annie: email me your contact okies... email to my yahoo account pls, so I can see you with my girlgirl, since our EDD so near
Happy_SAHM: Thanks for telling me about the bra, was just checking on Sunday and no news yet.

Annie: Thanks for the offer, it's ok since I've already talked to my agent.
Qi7: What advertisement? Do you need to test specially for diabetic? Isn't the urine test enough? Just asking cos my mum also diabeties but doctor didn't order for additional test. Anyway, good luck to you!
Any mummies here using an independent FA, or insurance broker? I am looking for one, so if you have a good one that you're currently using, can recommend to me? <u><font color="ff0000">I don't want agents</font></u>, cos I already have my usual Prudential agent who's an old friend of mine. I want someone who is able to source for the best policy from several companies. Got recommendations let me know here ok? Thanks!!

(Sorry, the "don't want agents" is in bright red bold font, hopefully to discourage any agents who are scouring the forum, to advertise here...)
Ahnetsan, yes!! He almost cry out. Everytime he naughter or bully his younger bro, I will snatch his hand and put at my tummy. Then he still ask me, mei mei inside the tummy not scare of the red worms outside meh? Then I tell him, mei mei good girl, so the worms won’t bite her. Wahahaha. I also hope it remain under the belly button, hope they stop their production.

Tubbymummy, recently got good girl anot?
bing, yes please, that would be nice, pls PM me her details, thanks! How long have you used her services? I'm mainly looking at hospitalisation policy for now, for both me and baby, but if she's good, will look into other policies too. Will she do small business like that?

Annie, ya my friend has given me a comparison of the different companies, and I am happy to go with Prudential actually because I am happy with the coverage and have no issues with the price, but because of my pre-existing health conditions, they have imposed some exclusions on me. However, I felt that the exclusions are too harsh, and my underwriter friend also agreed that the exclusion that is imposed on me is pretty unreasonable. So I'm looking for someone independent who can help me find a company who will impose reasonable exclusions on me, or at least advise how to go ahead from here. If I manage to find a company to insure me, I will consider insuring baby and converting my hubby to this company as well, as some companies offer some form of family discounts.

Shelisa, hehe.... I went out for movie on Sat.... OOPS
but otherwise VERY good girl!!
Tubbymummy- oic.. i get wat u mean as for my case all insurance companies doesnt covered me for pancreas &amp; colon cancer due to the CA 19.9 marking so hubby doing for me seeking his insurance broker friend for my case. did ask NTUC, AIA (which he worked before) &amp; Aviva all gave the same answer i m not entitle for the hospitalise insurance for my stomach...
Annie: dont PM la my email my sister using for her BP. can email to [email protected]?

Here says: oral glucose tolerance test- I'm suppose to fast 12am on 7th may, then go clinic at 830 8th may(gonna starved man), drink glucose , draw blood, drink again, draw again. I hate the sight of needle, so hubby coming to give me moral support.

My mom's diabetics is not inheritance. She got it when she was 35. But doc advice to take the test to *make sure*. I also did the same test when I was carrying my boy.
qi7- ok pm to u but using my company email...

yah i also heard my sister doing this test b4 but gyne said urine show no added of sugar so don have to do it even though my dad got diabeties &amp; nid to inject insulin onto his tummy..
tubbymummy, ok. will pm u her details. have been with her for 1 yr +. was recommended to her by my SIL as she is also serving my SIL for many many yrs like erm 6-8 yrs.

she's really helpful. believe she will do small biz like that. cos i remember a yr ago, when my hb and i started our financial planning with her, we didnt have much cash to start, and she advise us to start a joint savings acct and we didnt get any policies from her. she also didnt force us to take up policies. it's always our comfort level. so no pushes.

personally, i think those independent FA, they will be able to get more policies to compare from diff companies such as Aviva, AXA, TokyoMarine, etc, but they are not able to access to policies such as Prud, NTUC, AIA bcos those companies have their own agents alr. so sometimes, i do abit of research myself b4 i sign the policies. e.g. life insurance coverage of the same sum assured is diff for Prud, AIA and TM. TM is more afforable maybe cos it's didnt spend as much $ advertisting so it's cheaper? haha. but then again, those agents from specified companies will say are u confident in dealing with those smaller companies or companies which are not as popular as them.
Tubbymummy, went to the vivo one, wah the seats is really very comfortable leh. i order the jumbo hotdog w wedges and a hot choc inside, so shiok! but after eating feeling like burping so i keep reclining and raising my seats. hee.. U know hor, the person beside me is having flu and cough, i faster change seat with my hubby. scare scare.

Shelisa, i also have the red spots at my belly area and yest very itchy but i try not to scratch with nails which will cause marks, apply some moisturiser or strechmark cream den its better maybe is the stretching of skin. Also realise some spots between the breast and belly area which this seems like heat rashes cos the breast covering these area.
Annie, that's the problem... I accept that there will definitely be exclusions for my case, but I felt their terms was unreasonable. For example, like yours, if because of cancer marker, they want to exclude a couple of common cancer areas, then probably no choice. But in a different scenario, for example only, if let's say you only have some stomach problems, and the insurance company says that because of that, they also want to exclude your mouth and tongue, then that's a bit far fetched, right? So I want to at least know if other companies are also unreasonable the same way. If yes, then no choice lor...

bing, thanks a lot! Will check with her if she will take my case, or how she can help. Ya, some others have also told me that the bigger companies all have their own agents, so brokers are unable to access. I'll do my own research on those. But some of these so-called smaller companies have bigger presence in other countries, so I'm not too worried about that. Of course, I don't think I will take up anything from some XYZ company that I really never heard of before haha.
creamer, the vivo gold class is nicer than the GWC one, good choice! Hehe... Ok, the inside of the cinema and the seats are all the same lah, but Vivo one is nicer for their lounge area and the toilets! Hehe... Glad you enjoyed playing with your seat haha
tubbymummy- mine have to ask my specialist frm changi hospital for the referal letter &amp; even though my specialist stated they cant find any thing inside me i m still not covered ..
so my hubby said i m his troublesome client hehehehehe.. but i nid to buy cos he said he cant afford the hospitalise fees if i go in again &amp; my bb boy nid to get too as my family got history of cancer &amp; specialist put me on regular checkup twice a year as he said now don have doesnt mean wont get it.. but as i believe Jesus die in the cross for me i prayed hard &amp; stay happy always
Feeling tired again...

Yesterday, the little fella has become so so so active. Kept kicking at my ribs, macham very fun lidat!!
bing, thanks, I'll call her tomorrow when my house is quiet, cos today got guests, and expecting a few deliveries to arrive. Better to speak in peace. Thanks again!

deerdeer, my op on 3 Jun, but at MAH

sweethalo, long time no see!
I kenna kicked in my ribs yesterday also, really not funny lor. Thankfully only once haha. Ooh, they delivering the masks today!
Hello all,

didn't feel well so took a day off and seeing gynae later. Have a heavy headed feeling and tummy rumbling too. This happens in the night when I am sleeping. Got to ask him later.

think I will start this week. I will be 34 week this weekend. Thought good to start already.

wow, so fast! You must be excited! I am also longing for popping, but have to finish my work on hand. Sian!!!

Anyone know what cassey's up to? Don't tell me she pop?

wah scary and sad to hear about the 2 march babies at mt a.
yah, you better dun risk ba, listen to ur gynae and go for c-sec ba. wow, 8-10JUne is coming soon!!!

wat advertisement?

thanks for ur offer, i'll leave the insurance thing to my hb instead.

haha your nephew so smart. still can ask whether mei mei inside ur tummy not scared of worms meh? haha very cute lor!!!
So, how's the monitoring? or you decided to wait till friday apptmt den ask gynae?

do update us after ur gynae visit.

yeah lor, where's cassey?? mia for 2 days so far....
