(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

qi7 : i wish my baby wasnt so big.... so dont be discouraged.the grass is always greener on the other side. if my baby continues to grow at this rate, a c section might have to be considered because she'll be too big to come out naturally.

bbjun : me too.hence the Hospital Leave.ehehehehe.

tiny bubu: those mother's milk taste really freaks me out esp the dumex brand. SO sweet! I'd rather have HL milk.

I'd rather have a c-section and end my pain. I mean, this is my second pregnancy. A total different experience from the first one. I had terrible appetite even until now. My leg hurts even washing clothes, leg cramp every night, heart burn, terrible rashes. *sigh* will these ever end?

Though natural is cheaper, but I do not wish to wait for it. Might as well fix a date, open up and get it over with.
qi7 : i also hate the taste...i totally prefer Meiji low fat milk... the things we do for our babies......

heheh. me too. i'm totally experiencing the un-glam side of being pregnant. the reflux, leg cramps, weird skin.....

but you can try to eat more red meat - beef,mutton etc etc.that helps.i've not touched durians once during my pregnancy because my house is so small that the durian smell will linger in my house for the next week if i decide to eat it in my living room one day...
Tiny bubu: you can try going out and eat? My hubby bring me go geylang and eat there instead of eating at home...

I had macdonalds double cheese burger every now and then. Cheap and good. But I heard the myth: beef= mad cow disease, mutton= yang dian feng. Anyway red meat makes baby's skin hair more massive than usual? Or am I being too pananorid? hahahahahha!
nothing wrong with MT A... just that due to swine flu, my gyane say 1 doctor can only go to 1 hospital now... i dunno how true leh.. anyone whose gynae can go 2 hospital tell u anything like that?

u went there early on sat? ur EDD nice date!
Oh so to get ur HL is just to go for a day stay in hospital? he also told me that prob by june, swine flu hype will die down ... anyway, keep my finger cross cos my hb & i were very disappointed when he say must go TMC due to swine flu. my #1 is from MT A & dont want to change hospital for #2 cos we r MT A fans... whahaha... :p as for the phone call, i bet must be MT A nurse but hor now swine flu so cannot b MT A liao.. :p during my #1 delivery, MT A nurse tell me adrian very fierce so anything including asking for epi, they got to ask him first so i ended up with no epi & kena c-sect.
superbee : yeah, to get HL - need to stay at least one day in hospital.Dr Woodworth told me this is to play safe because in future, your HR checks, they will find that you did indeed go to hospital.However, no need to stay overnight in hospital.

I told Dr Woodworth in advance so he gave me a blue hospital admission letter that i need to bring with me when i check myself in.I also need to call and inform him when i'm on my way to the hospital.
it's becos during my 2nd trimester detailed scanning, it was discovered that i have a condition called single umbilical artery (SUA) (normal umbilical cord has 2 arteries while mine only has 1)... although that time all other scan shows normal, dr just want to play safe and have a growth scan during the 3rd trimester.

actually nowadays, if i don't have much questions, the scan plus consultation also very brief.
Hi mummies,

I am currently looking for a thermometer online for my coming newborn baby, coz thermometers are out of stocks in outside shops and pharmacies. Recently, there are a few mothers selling their brand new thermometers to me, but I am not sure which one to buy. I would prefer a forehead and ear thermometer for newborn baby, but also heard that Braun ear thermometer is quite good. Can give some comments on the thermometers below if can?

1)Brand new Petit Terraillon 3 in 1 thermometer selling at $50

2)Brand new EXERGEN TemporalScanner Model TAT-2000C selling at $88

3)Overseas spree selling Braun ThermoScan Compact Ear Thermometer
@US$38.99 (Model : IRT 3020 CO)
Should cost less than SG$70 after international shipping cost.

4)brand New CADI thermometer selling at $86 with 1 year warranty & normal

1) and 4) are forehead and ear thermometers
2) is forehead thermometer
3) is ear thermometer
Morning! Reaching 37weeks soon also, started packing hospital bag, but still need to get some sleeping garment.

I'm 79.3kg, about to cross the 80kg mark!

BabyEhtan: hope everything is fine with you! Agreed that nowadays our checkup all very brief one

i am also a june 09 MTB, and i will be delivering at Mt A. I have previously faxed my pre-admission form to Mt A aldy. Will they send me a confirmation letter? Or I can just proceed to Mt A when I am abt to deliver?
morning ladies.weather is amazing this morning....

dolly : congrats!!! better start preparing now so you can relax and enjoy the last few moments of being pregnant without being stressed before baby comes!!!

bliss : my personal opinion would be to get the Braun as it's really good.and also to get a digital one (eg the $7.90 one from Pigeon). Forehead thermometer might give off wrong readings depending on the room temperature.

**disclaimer : i might be dead wrong about thermometers but after consulting with a lot of mummies and my gynae, what i wrote above is what i'm using for my own baby.hope this helps!
papaya123 : i have also faxed my pre-admission form to mount a about 1 week ago but till now, they have not gotten back to me.i heard they will mail a conirmation letter to you...
Hi all,

didn't slept well as I was awaken by tummy ache. Anyone experience that? It felt like cramps and also regular tummy ache. All in all, very uncomfortable. It last abt 1hr and then it went away. Now it's slightly painful. Is this normal? I can still feel my bb hicupping just now. So wonder am I being sensitive. Also not much of appetite. My ob out of town and I am seeing his replacement this wed. Now dunno what to do leh???
morning mummies..

caramelle- i also have the same question in my mind las mth as my colleague was telling me on her 8th mth pregnancy, her appt was once in two weeks & following checkup appt on the 9th mth was one per week in KKH.. but now i in my 33weeks 3 days, my checkup is still once in four weeks time.. i did ask my gyne & he told me if both baby & my weight maintain well & ther nothing wrong wif us, it be 4 weeks time he see me...

my next appt on 18may in the private suite, i need to book the bed ward together wif gyne yellow slip as being told by the nurse at the counter.. we r given a mth time to book our bed ward when we rch our 8th mth & by our 9th mth we shuld have booked our ward. Didnt u ask for the yellow slip like i mention to u las time & u nid to go counter 13 at the women tower admission dept to book yr ward..
yep yep annie... cos perhaps my baby girl is smaller so I see doc at KKH once in 2 weeks. I was 33 weeks and 3 days when I see my doc at KKH last thu also!

Re: thermometers

I am using the jap brand thermometer(terumo)for the ear. Good because it really didn't wake my boy up. the Beep can be tuned so slience. I saw at KKH pharmacy last thu selling at $110+. I bought at offer it was like $76? but 3 years back...

Keep a look out for offers... can get cheap. I wonder if the metro expo sale sell thermometers?
qi7- as long as baby & mom r safe in our gyne care.. whether it is one mth or two weeks, we shuld be alrite

Just think we have come so far & be seeing our tiny one soon next mth rite
hello ladies hv been missing f 2 wk cos bz wif work & somemore now started to teach colik my job during my absence so hardly hv time to log in to chat wif u'll!

tiny bu bu, chk wif u since yr edd same date as mi did dr adrain said we will b delivered at TMC instead of MT A?? cos last wk my fren went check up he told her due to swine flu he can onli go 1 hospital dat is TMC but her edd is mid jul so he say when bb going to due then c how...but last sat i rcvd TMC letter say dr hv book mi to TMC on our behalf & also enclosed a pre admission letter to mi...so wonder ours izzit cfm muz delivered at TMC?? my nx appt onli nx wk tink he will let mi know...btw yr bb wt so heavy leh...mine in wk 33 onli 2.085 onli!
Dolly, Thanks

Keeping cross this checkup will give me all the positive results.

Have u all started drinking coconut water? I'm now coming to 32 wks and my mum asked me to start once every 2 wks. Wonder if it's too early.
I haven start... all the heart burn is making me very fed up! Can la... coconut water is cooling,my mom said. If you eat durain (heaty) then drink coconut(cooling)
if u do go to TMC, the pharmacy on the ground floor sells those disposable mats u are looking for.

think many mummies have started on coconuts already. think last week there were some discussions going on abt coconuts, u can go thru the archives.

ur cramps sound like mine. crampy yet like tummyache. ive experienced it a few times since 30 wks. the first time i went to TMC and was strapped to CTG to monitor, i was told that they werent contractions. so now, i just lie in bed and wait for the cramps to be over. sometimes v painful, other times i just drift off to slp. the next morning, i may feel completely fine, or a little discomfort that may last almost the whole day. hope its just the baby growing and pressing down on the pelvis hence the pain, and nothing serious.
jam75 : he told me he is only allowed to go to TMC at the moment and cannot see patients / deliver at other hospitals due to swine flu.

he said i can wait if i want t see if closer to EDD, i want to still continue with Mount A.

if swine flu panic still around, then no choice, have to deliver at tmc even though it wasnt our first choice...

But just to play safe, my hubby and i have filled up the pre-admission form for both tmc and mount a. the deposit only needs to be paid upon actual admission.the pre-admission form for mount a can be found on their website and you can print it out and fax it to them.
first mum : thanks.i will remember that the next time i stop by tmc.

babyethan : i have started drinking once a week.sometimes twice because it tastes so yummy.eheheheh.
lfb : i was told that true contractions will not subside no matter what you do.and also,there will be no way you can drift off to sleep with actual contractions. i also get your contractions a lot and t's just the BH getting stronger day by day preparing us for labour.dont worry too much,k?

my BH now goes like this - stomach tightening and then difficulty breathing normally.start to sweat in an aircon room.so i try to shift my sleeping position and it still hurts.i quietly go to the toilet and sit there hoping it's just tummy upset.then i get lightheaded and feel like throwing up.after a while, diorrehea starts.and then the BH goes away.

i'm sure your cramps are not as serious as mine so nothing to worry about...
Annie,my checkup is still once in three weeks.. Next app will on 16-May in TPS.. She already give me the yellow slip and ask me to register for pre-admission on 25-APR,but that's time i got my class and the counter still got 2 more ppl queueing.. so i didn't register.. Actually i already enquiry for the package few months ago,is it a must that we need to register now?

My friend told me that during her last checkup,she been told that her bb's weight is around 3.75KG but her bb's actual weight is 4.285KG liao..
Jessma- when is yr EDD? all i know the nurse at the counter 13 told me as 18may i be in my 9th mth so it the las date for me to book the ward package & i nid to bring along both my hubby & my IC & the insurance letter to certify insurance covered for me for complicated
pregnancy. Tats all...

?? wow yr friend baby is so big.. my target only 3kg for my size
tiny bu bu, oic so i will wait till edd nearer then c how 1st lo...actuali i hv bth pre admission form f tmc & mt A so should i filled up bth & snd out or wait till later date & c i will b delivered at MT A or tmc then snd out??

toking abt stomach cramp mi recently oso hv the same experience leh....i oso scared is contraction!
jam75 : i actually sent both out.no harm,right?

i'm worried my stomach cramps can be contractions.that's why hospital bag is all packed and waiting near the main door.hahaha.

every time i tell him, he always gives me the standard reply - dont worry.baby ok.BH normal.etc etc. =]

dr adrian has told me he'll start seeing me every 2 weeks now.

my advice is if the contractions are there without any other signs - water breaking, "show" etc etc, and the contractions dont go away even if you try resting in different positions, then its safer to go to hospital and spend a bit of money to set your mind at ease. even though i think it's important to save money, i feel baby's welfare is more important and we all love our babies so better to get it checked out if you have that funny feeling.
tiny bu bu, i oso tot of sending bth out..u already finished packing liow?? i still dili dali leh...tink dis wkend muz realli complete my packing!

ya as usuali he always say bb ok & is normal...if my stomach cramp i oso try to monitor bb still kicking ma at least will b at ease if bb still kicking!

he will oso start to c mi in 2 wk time le...realli soon we will b going to give birth liow...was tinking now our edd the same day will we oso deliver at the same day ma?? hee hee
annie, i forgot about the yellow tag! i must ask from the gynae clinic nurse is it? or can i go KKH and ask for it? am thinking of taking leave one day this week to go and settle this..such a headache. i think you're seeing gynae at KKH itself right..is it at the private suite? so far i see mine at AMK clinic and the next appt he told me to see him at TPS, maybe to do bed booking after that but like so late cos by then week 37 already leh! so you think i should just go to admissions at KKH and settle this first?

btw if you are in week 33 this week then we are the same! i think our EDD quite near, mine is 22june. yours around same time right? eh take single bedder lah..then we can visit each other. hehe
later i PM you my contact. eh just saw your msg abt the insurance thing - must have is it? who can we get from?

and if you're seeing your gynae again on 18 may means week 35 right? how come mine never ask to see me then? but i was told same thing lah, if mummy and baby okay no need to go and see gynae so often..waste money. hehe..your gynae got do any tests like the swab thing other mummies talk about here, or test if cervix soft or not? mine dont have..

First Mum, my girl also pressing down on my pelvis and making it hard for me to stand/walk/turn in bed. last week i thought she like jumping/throwing tantrum inside or what cos so pain! but then sat i went to see gynae, he said she's head down already. so heavier..better be because she got big brains and benefitting from all the fish oil im taking. hehe

re packing bag: sigh..still havent chosen WHICH BAG to bring! my hubby say better get ready all things now since we cannot go out for one month after that. but im easy..cos hoping mum will help buy things if necessary.

re disposable undies: i saw the watson's one but no size indicated (only say for maternity) so dont know if can fit or not. at kiddy palace got sell also maternity size but i worry cannot fit me cos pre-preg im already big built. i saw got men's one..hehe..that one sure can fit right?
Annie,ya haven't yet.. today afternoon i will give them a call,then register on 16-May (next app).. hehe~~ now hospital always long queue,so don't want to purposely make a trip to there.. ;D
Ladies, check with you. Since last thurs, I notice my stretch mark which is under my belly button that area, all those stretch mark like abit swollen and itchy. And I notice the stretch mark like have rashes like that. Like 1 stretch mark line have 1-3 rashes like that. Is it heat rash?? Or allergy to certain cream or allergy to food? Only the stretch mark then have those dot dot red itchy dot and the stretch mark like abit swollen. Any advise. Thanks
Caramelle- u can only get the tag frm yr gyne not the nurse..i only see my gyne at KKH at the private suite near the 7 eleven..
mine edd is 19 june but i got a feeling my boy might pop out soon .. gal if we take single bed only our hubby can visit us cos i heard frm my sister who working at tanglin police next to KKH tat it seem only hubby be allowed to visit us... so still deciding which bed to take

the insurance stuff i m not so familiar but my hubby is doing & he the one who get for me & be getting one saving & hospitalise policy for our bb.. cos it be cheaper & by paying $200+ frm our medisave a year we can save alot & not end up paying high hospitalise bill if (touchwood) anything happen ..
mine gyne also nvber do all tat & i did ask him & he said my urine nvber show anything & all is well so guess we save money on tat
shelisa, i oso hv some dot dot red spots....sometime itchy sometime not itchy! i juz hack care leh...but y yr stretch mark is swollen??
Jam75, I also dunno leh. Out of sudden the stretch mark like all swollen, then on top of the stretch mark have 1-3 dots of rashes, it is damn itchy but not pain. And the itchiness can make me wake up from the sleep. So now I apply the prickly heat powder whenever I feel itchy. I also have those red dots rashes, for mine is not itchy.

Any ladies encounter the same thing?
LFB / Tubbymummy, yeah im gonna to watch wolverine tonite too. Sia by tubbymummy, going for gold class since its cheaper during weekday.. first time to gold class leh. Gonna incline my sofa for best comfort!

Have jus sign up for the Stemcord too having seating on it for so long. Now is May month liao, so another 1 more month to go, so fast!
Shelisa, i was happy like crazy cos im no longer alone! but he was quite tired so didnt go anywhere much. went to gynae on sat morning (he came back at 4am just hours earlier) then went to tampines 1. by then he tired already, so went back home. but he was called back to office for meeting at 8pm (crazy right??) so i followed thinking it will finish early and we can go out but he finished at 11pm so just went home after that. that's all lor..nothing else to share. hehe
Caramelle,But so happy for u. 1 month and surprise time flew and he is back to Spore. I think that nutz to call him back to office at that time and for so long. But it is all worth it my dear.
toking abt movie ever since i pregnant nv go movie le....at dis stage i oso dun feel like catching movie scared half way wanna to pee so ma fan!
annie, aiyoh so maybe i call KKH and ask if i can get the yellow slip. so troublesome..btw do you remember what was written on the yellow slip? in case i call KK and they say HUH WHAT YELLOW SLIP?? you know lah these people...

re single room: you mean now with the swine flu is it only allow hubby to go in? cos my neighbour delivered in jan took single bedder and her whole family went to visit..which i thought was quite a nuisance lah cos mummy just give birth so tired and look so shabby then people come to visit like a zoo like that. for me, i want hubby to stay overnight, which can be quite inconvenient for 4-bedder cos like sneaky2 and for single bedder if i remember correctly got comfy place for him to sleep. and baby is allowed to room in, not sure if this is possible for 4-bedder. best is if KK got 2-bedder lah..but they dont have.

Shelisa, i think you mean the marks are like raised like that right? mine also. i told hubby i look like a bruised watermelon but think he's getting annoyed with my whining! so i never say anything anymore lah now..dont worry about them. if rashes surely will appear everywhere not just on the marks right? my marks not itchy though..
i'm filling up the SCL form because i want to take my 6 days immediately after my ML, but it seems cannot submit now.sigh.

need to put down baby's birth cert no etcetc on the form before submission...
caramelle- remember our gyne name card staple onto our booklet got his/her number.. u can contact him/her bout the yellow slip & i saw it was a blank yellow paper which the nurse show it to me.. i be getting frm my gyne on my next appt.. the yellow slip mean tat we wan our gyne who we been consulting to be the one to deliver our bb... u can book without the yellow slip mean any gyne or specialist can deliver for us..

yah single bedded allow daddy & bb to stay in the room together but now wif the swine flu i not too sure bb can stay inside or not..
4 bedded hubby cant stay wif us but who knows we become neighbour & can see how we r doing

Tinybubu and fatmom,
not like BH leh. It's just like pain and I felt nauseaous, and loss of appetite. Just don't feel good, somemore faintish. Now dunno I should just call up TMC and go see that replacement doc. But now quite late liao. Maybe tmr see how. Sian! Go home sure kana nag by hubby.
