(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

the last time you went bangkok, how many days did you go? can tell me your pumping and bringing the milk back experiences?


Haha.. for those difficult to peel vege, I will just forget it hehehe.. take too much hassle to prepare, they will sure eat once they grow up (by then we dun need to puree already hehe)..

I might just stick to these few things for the coming months till he is ready for porridge or pasta..
Carrot, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, broccoli, avocado, spinach, apple, pear, banana, papaya hahaha..
Just be creative, and combine different things for a fresh taste..
never login for awhile as i am busy packing my stuff, and the thread move so fast. Thanks all for the encouragement. I have yet another problem, my boy din poo for 4days already, i have given him barley cereal and fruits plus lotsa water. Still no poo how? worried
Gie > my gal also no poo for few days already. SO far saw twice with little poo in solid. That does not imply that she has pooed. Guess she's overly heaty cos was feeding her too much oatmeal on Sat. Sigh...I have stopped all cereal for her till I see her poo. However, I still let her try potato, carrot, papaya, banana, couple grains of rice etc. Just to let her taste.
adv sport - come come, you are most welcome. mummies who are coming to my pl on 25 nov, i will sms you my add closer the date. this week is very hectic for me coz full day meetings and course, totally drained out at end of day. but looking forward to our little gathering next week!
hi mummies,
sorry to intrude. please find below my BP for baby slings. do check it out.

sk, think i got to stop him from cereal also. Need to give him fruits and more water, dunno if that helps. I really hope he poo tmr. Why parents have to worry abt baby's poo. Hai.... So stress.
I also wanna know where to get the ikea high chair padding - so cute!!! Just bought the ikea high chair but like not fitting for Jonas... any mummy can advise? thanks!!!
feb mum

hospitalisation plan was bought when my gal was born. rencently just took up education/saving & life policy for her.
wah jaime n jamie so confusing lei!!!

anyway, who else in west side is gg feb mum's gathering huh? maybe can share cab or hitch ride?

adv sports: r u driving or cabbing?

rc cola: thk u thk u! haha!! bt i kana sunburn lei! my nose done peeling liao. nw it's my shoulders! hv to wear t shirts all e time cuz shoulders look very ty-co!
2day very quiet -- all mummies hard @ work :p

re: nov 25 west gathering @ feb_mum's place
jamie, will be driving but going straight to feb_mum's place after fetching yuan2 from IFC @ NUS....

oh, i gotta kiv as yuan2 is still coughing... if she is not getting better, will skip the gathering...

re: puree
made avocado puree last nite... avocado is not ripe so i steamed it... erhmmm, the smell not so inviting leh... will see how yuan2 like it after her feed @ IFC

have another avocado -- will wait till sat to make avocado + sweet potato puree

re: poo
gie, yah, tough to be parent hor... if they dun poo, we worried... if they poo, we worried if the color is not right etc...

and me n hubby always lift up yuan2's leg and bend down our nose to smell her diaper for poo -- must be a funny sight to pp
Jaime (nov)
Hehe.. you are burnt? :p
Now my tummy really cannot make it, how how how!!

Next Sat we will be flying off, wow, time really passes by very quickly.. I cant wait to go there now.. hopefully it doesn’t rain as much at here in Sg..
hihi mummies... me long timeeeeee din log in liao.. was v v bz...

i would like to check.. my gal turns 6mths old today.. i've bought he Healthy Times brown rice cereal.. she hav tried a few times.. but i jus let her feel the swallowing part,m she seems fine with it.. but i only gave her 2.5 teaspoon and 30ml BF..seems v watery to me...

so nw tat she is 6 mths,, wat shld i gave her...? and hw much? pls advice.. m kind of lost... txs txs
re: protection for cot rail
any mummies know where i can get the protection over cot rail to prevent baby from biting off paint? remember i saw it somewhere....

plan to lower down the mattress as yuan2 is starting to perform stunts in the cot -- m afraid she will fell off... and nowadays, she like to sink her toothless mouth on anything!
glenlyn, thanks
will check it out when we go ikea to get the high chair...

happy 6mth bday to chloe!

for HT brown rice cereal, i will agar agar add in milk slowly and stir till smooth... roughly abt 10 tablespoons to 30ml...

i start yuan2 off with rice cereal, followed by carrot, brocolli, sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, avocado puree... each new food will intro for 3 consecutive days to look out for any allergic reaction...

happy "food tasting" for chloe!
Re poo
Heard that its either poo a lot or dun poo when intro solids...

Joyce, long time no see hor. Wanna liak kopi at suntec?

Mum fed potato today. Bb dun like and asked for milk instead. Heehee. Think must try adv recommendation to mix.now got two dun like food. Potato n avocado.

Re:Stop bf
Me kinda wan to stop liaoz. Supply dropping, menses not yet, and wan to stop lugging the huge pump bag. But bu she de, esp the morning n night feed. So bonding leh.
adv_Sport.. u mean tablespoon ah? i saw the HT box stated 5 teaspoons is for full feed.. no?

so i shld nt start brown rice 1st ah... shld give rice cereal..(nestle brand one isit?) then nid to add in puree into the rice cereal?

sori if i ask stupid qns.. pai sei..
glenlyn: brown rice is ok to start off. it's got more nutritional value than regular rice (tt's wat i read). I started off Hailey with 1 tbsp for taste then i increased to 3 and nw she's on 6tbsp and top up with abt 20-30ml of milk then she stop. as for the milk part, lk adv sports say, jus agar agar add to the consistency u feel is suitable then feed lor. too dry will be hard to swallow. bt also cannot too watery. reason i dunno y la bt jus cannot ba. lol. i think the other mommies wld knw ba.

rc cola, yup burnt my shoulders n nose. nw nose ok shoulders still ty co. kns! i'm sure ur nt very fat one la! i rmb ur one of the petite slim slim ones rite? ur boobs will b center of attn! dun worry! hahah!

muffintop: i tried before giving fm when hailey woke in the mid of nite. she became refreshed and awake aft the feed and refused to slp for an hr! bt this nv happened when i latched! and this is one reason why im still holding onto bfg! hahah! i knw i'll be tired out if i stop bfg and if she does tt every nite!
Gie > My gal finally pooed today. Last poo was Sat and she pooed 3 times. First 2 times in solids and the last time was soft and it's alot (as what I was told). So lets hope ya boy will poo soon.
Tinklesmum, no lei.. First day was 1 tbsp for taste then full feed ebm. 2nd day was 3tbsp w full feed milk still till some ladies here said I cld try giving her more cuz 3tbsp maybe too little. So I gave her 5 tbsp until 2 days ago I gv her 6 tbsp. She's still gg for milk aft tt bt only 20-30ml. =D
adv_sports, why do u need to smell baby's poo? Still got to smell, really not easy being parents.

Sk, happy for u. Now i need to pray that my boy poo also.

Muffintop, when u say dun poo when intro solid is for how long? My boy 4days never poo liao, is it normal?
glenlyn, i thot HT box refers to tablespoon(tbsp)... anyway, max of 5 tbsp not enough for yuan2 -- even till now, she is still asking for more after 10tbsp + 1 baby cube(abt 4 tbsp) of veg/fruit puree

I alternate 3 days of homemade rice cereal with 2 days of HT brown rice cereal
so that i can feed yuan2 with instant meal like HT when we r outside... but so far, we only feed her at home -- coz very "big biz" to feed solids!

gie, wat i meant is i smell her diaper to check whether she poo-ed :p
Claire also eats 10 tablespoons for HT cereal + some puree. But for other cereals its 5 tablespoons + some puree.

Seems like HT cereals needs more spoons to make the same amount of cereal.
Adv sports,
If you don't mind, can feed yuan with Jar food. Some has cereal mixed into it. I always just bring one jar out and feed directly from the jar after warming.. Easier for me. hahaha
good morning mummies

gie, i will use finger to check if i hv blocked nose :p our babies must be thinking y mummies like to peek into their pi pi *haha*

bean, yah, HT cereal need more spoons... for homemade rice cereal, i use 1 baby cube of rice cereal + 1 baby cube of puree.

so far, i only let yuan2 try the HT pear jar... which jar food did claire tried and liked so far?

ak, u getting another stroller for greg?
adv_sports - yes, getting another stroller to put at his babysitter's place. i think he can go market now.
i just open the jar and feed greg, i don't bother to warm up when we are out. i normally bring heinz banana porridge or banana apple cereal out because they are not so watery; hence easier to feed
sure.. anytime.. just sms me.. we are so near yet seldom meet!

I thot u drive.. still hassle to bring equip meh? I have 2pump, one at home, one in ofc, but I still bring the funnel & bottles to & fro everyday with the cooler bag!

Maybe u can try to reduce from pumping twice to once daily then slowly drop pumping at work, but, still be able to latch during evening. (this is what one of my coll is doing since she return to work & her bb is now just pass 1yo, still got supply in the evening)

Kidzloft got new stroller for less than $100, I'm going to go look see this sat. I nid one compact to bring for my road trip to Port Dickson next wk!

I use to feed jar food straight from the bottle when outside. for Hui Xin, she has not tried any yet! Will start this sat/sun.

You got 2 tins of Similac? I got 2 tins of Mamil gold. I change with you at Chinatown during lunch time. But I on leave till next Friday. You ok to change the following week?
Adv sports,

Claire has tried many types of HT and BabyNat food jars. Now I letting her try the organic baby jars as its on promo at selected NTUC, only $1.75 per jar. very cheap for organic food.
My boy still taking very little semi solid food, it only extend his feeding from 3 hrly to 4 hrly when we feed him rice cereals (about 2 tabkespoons - 1/2 Pigeon bowl).
Baby May,

I still blend. I only blend easy to cook and prepare food, like apples, pumpkin and sweet potatos. hahah So I don't buy these jar foods for Claire. I will buy jar foods for prunes, pear (cuz I cant find organic ones), apriciots, peaches, mango, peas etc...
Claire is taking in a lot. She can eat 2 babynat jars ($3.50 each!!!) a day, in additional to some cereal. My hubby is feeling the pinch in the pocket now..hahaha Donno how long more we will let Claire eat totally organic food.. haha
bean, wow, claire is a big eater

my hubby is also shocked at the rate FM tins r empty -- 900g can last only 10-11 days! now we mostly give yuan2 homemade puree and rice cereal...

re: stop bfg
i have completely stopped for 2 days -- no pump n no latch... dun feel any discomfort juz a bit full... do i hv to pump out or let it b?

re: nov 30 bb swim
bean, i m confirmed going as IFC is closed
Wow, Claire has a good appetite. No wonder Claire is so advanced in her motor skill. My boy only take 1/2 tablespoon of Heinz food jar, so 1 jar can last around 2/3 days. Claire can cuise now? MY can only stand at his baby cot, grabing the railings. He likes to stand in his baby cot now. We are going to adjust the baby cot to the last level on Sunday.
re: stop bfg

Actually, I intended to stop before my trip to Bintan. But my boy had diaraoh (poo watery about 3 times a day) when he was around 6 mths, so don't dare to stop cause can't intro FM. My plan to stop delay one week. I am still pumping once a day in the morning. But I am thinking may be a bit difficult to stop pumping cause I feel quite full in the morning before pumping, so don't know when I can stop completely.
hi ladies..regarding jar food do we oso nid follow d 3day rule? Normally d jar label says to b consumed within 48hrs. So if got leftover hav to put in fridge ah? Then take out to thaw for next serving ah? My bb cant finish 1 jar in a day so wondering how to store n feed d remaining...

Baby May,
Claire can cruise a bit now. quite unstable cruising lah.. haha She cruise a few steps then she fall down and get up again.. then cruise a few steps then fall down.. hahah

Does food intake got to do with better motor skills?
