(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

shers , i let u know after i try on 19 oct. i suppose the attraction is the play area not the food bah.

i using the california baby sunscreen as well, got one with lemongrass smell..nice

Jaime: I wanna go Fidgets! My hb's colleague recommended him to bring bb there but we haven't been there before. I meet u there on 19 Oct? I'll prob go during lunch time also. I dun think need to make reservations since we're going on a weekday.

Any other mummies interested? If more mummies going then I'll call and see if need to make reservations. Rem need to wear socks!

Re: Baby swimming
Where to buy the thermal wear? Any mummies don't let bb wear float and just carry? Can or not ah?
ak - ming yang, andrea, rachel and rebecca will all turn 1 officially on 1 may 2010, hee hee.

juju - ya, to celebrate the kiddos' birthday and to celebrate our friendship with each other thru the thick and thin of motherhood! let's look forward to dat.
kids will have pigmentation also?? whahhaa..

so far, i didnt put any for both kids if i bring them to swim at that time.. because sunlight all blocked by flats already.. maybe i shld consider to put on their face..

u can buy thermal wear at KP, OG, taka etc.. so long there is swimming department.. u can buy from BP also.. but u must know the size to get ok? i got size 2 for Shermay which is for 1yr old, i think.. if u get size 1, might be just nice or too tight for Le Xuan..
hi girls! yes let's do a mass bird day party for all may edd babies!! so fun!!

looks like it's more for toddlers.. anything for babies?

jaime: i think i saw some bp on thermal swimwear..

shers: the thermal swimwear, is it hard to put on and take off? like it looks v tight n those stick to skin when it's wet kind..
Tiny M/Shers/Jamie - My fren brought her gal to fidgets n her gal itched all over, not sure if her all has sensitive skin, I went to Polliwogs 2 weeks ago, the place not very clean and very stuffy. I tried Peek A Boo at Kallang, it's smaller but much much cleaner and nicer.
i'm not sure how much.. i think its ard $40+-$50+..

u cannot buy exact size.. got to buy 1 size bigger.. because its thermal, its thicker.. and kinda hard to put on and take off..

u havent go off to yr trip?! its dirty? gosh! kinda worried that after each trip to these places, bodies will itch!

later after taking my lunch, i'm going to pop the medicine to stop bfg le.. coz it started again! true enough.. every few days, engorgement comes back again! everybody encourages me to stop since its not enjoyable and mentally/ physically painful! i'm going to say BYE BYE to my pump, storage bottles, milkbags, endless of sterilising, abusing of breasts etc.. whahhaa..

initially kinda take it very hard on this bfg.. but now i take it easy liao.. to me, i have tried my very best.. and maybe because Shermay is turning 6mths soon.. and my supply can last her for another 1.5mths.. so i'm glad i have gone this far! HORRAY FOR SHERS! whahaha
shers - kids won't get pigmentation but they can get freckles. an aesthetic doc once mentioned dat sun protection must start fr young coz damage fr sun is culminative. so i'm very careful with sun exposure esp since i got 2 fair princesses.

fidgets sounds good to me! let me know if u dun see me come into the forum. pls pm me the details

hope to catch up soon with all the mummies!

so glad u're so positive about ur bfg journey! u did good, gal! now can look forward to more fun stuff!!!

i'm thinking of stopping in jan 2010...see how
re thermal swimwear:

yes, it's more difficult to put on and take off coz of the material.. but i think it's good esp to minimise the temp difference when bb just out of water.. same like shers, i bought size 2 for my elder boy when he was 6mth old.. dun buy too big also! coz the purpose is to protect them from the cold water, if the swim wear is too big then defeat the purpose liao..
i got it at BP at abt $40+ also..

haa! u so cute la! ok, hip hip hurray for u!!! good job mummy!

oh, to answer the FB ques.. i din buy the big block for him leh, bought a motorised car for him, he can drive himself or i can control via remote control.. he's very into "cars" now! BOYZ! hee

feb mum,
u really hardworking mum!
though i got the sunscreen but i seldom put on leh, only when they go swimming..
<font color="ff0000">Any good and reasonable priced PD to recommend in the North?></font>

Hi mummies staying at AMK, Yishun, Sembawang, Woodlands,

Which PD are u seeing??? and what are the charges for 6-in-1 injections??
Can share with me?
I'm from Sept thread and looking to change a PD for all future jabs and consultation...

Please PM me!!

U have done well &amp; me too intending to stop soon. Moreover, eversince I have gone back to work plus irregular pumping my ss has dropped. Anyway, must applause ourselves for coming so far
Hi Mummies,

Long time havent popped in regular to join in the forum. Work is getting busier for me. Hope everyone is well.

Seems like all babies here are 6 mths already! My boy is month-end baby, so only 20 weeks so far. If count by weeks, then around 5 mths if by birth date then still consider 4 mths

Anyway good to see all our babies coming this far, all cute, healthy and well - I've been following up with many mummies who are on my FB on their babies's progress - part of my routine now actually hee hee, such a joy!
expressing in office
ur ofc so terrible... thot mine very bad hr le.. 'cos got one coll went to ask her if can do in mtg room, hr replied: not very nice.. sounds like dis-encouraging. But then, y'day she happen to come to my desk while I was expressing.. she was surprised &amp; comment that I very modern &amp; daring! 'cos I was doing in my open office, at my work desk, cover with a nursing shawl only!! Initially, was looking arnd for empty mtg rooms or go nursing room, but. find it a hassle &amp; cannot finish my work!

Cheekz, how I wish can work in ur ofc!
Gymboree has another outlet at the harbourfront center as well.. very near to Hwa Xia Swimming.heee

Is the little gym good?
I'm interested too! When are you sending her?
hi mummies, long time no post. Hope everyone is doin well!

Shers, well done. U have done ur best n tolerate well!

Audrey, bean, I send my bb to the little gym at marina square on sundays. Have tried gymboree at tanglin n the little gym. Prefer the activities at the little gym.
joyce, thanks!

bean, i havent tried but i've spoke with the person in charge of the little gym and took some brochures home.. its 488 for 12 lessons so it works out to be 40.60 per lesson.. 45 mins class..

i asked the guy wats the diff between gymboree, tumble tots and the little gym, he says that little gym focuses more of the physical development of bb.. the space they have is very big!! tumble tots n gymboree do singing of songs n clapping hands etc etc..

muffintop, its the 410pm class that u send ur bb to? i want to send andrea there but i'm afraid she's either napping/drinking milk around that timing.. and if she gets cranky, waste the lesson.. zul's the instructor rite?

Cannot make reservations as it is a play area for kids unless u reserve their function room for parties etc. The place more suitable for babies which can crawl already...but there are areas which is for babies, and areas for toddlers. a very fun place and there is a cafe to have tea break too.
the little gym at forum galleria

wed 910am - 955am
sat 320pm - 405pm

the little gym at marina square

sunday 410pm - 455pm
friday 1015am - 11am (not enough bbs so not commencing yet)

$488 for 12 weeks

trial at $42.80

annual membership fee $55
i think marina square branch cos the space is bigger than the forum one (thats wat the instructor told me)..

but now they r in the middle of their 12 week term alrdy.. so we have to pay the remaining.. about 300+ for the remaining lessons.

maybe we can round up the mummies n start the fri class haha!

u can go n watch their class from thr glass window n see if u r ok with it.. im juz worried andrea might b aslp/nursing at that timing! haha!
Audrey, yah, zul is the instructor. He is good. I pay 315 for 7 lesson cos middle of term liaoz. U r right abt more physical development. Body parts, stretching n rolls. Its a nice workout for bb hubby n me. 4 is also bb's nap n food. So I will try to short feed at 3 plus. N usually after the lesson he will take long nap, yesterday 3 hrs n we can shop n have good dinner. Hee hee. Come n join me leh.
Hi juju, yuki and glenyln,
I have added u gals to my blog. Add me too!


Re: Trial classes
We can always organise trial classes for our kiddos before committing. Normally, its good to start trial classes when they can sit unsupported on their own. I have been to almost all the trial clases with my #1 (Attended with the mummies from my 07 thread.)

Personally, i feel that gymboree and little gym are more of physical work-outs. Parents get more tired than the kids. Hence, if your babies are the active sorts, u can actually give gymboree and little gym a miss.

For Kindermusik, its more of songs and play. Quite fun if you or ur kids are musically inclined. For Growing up Gifted, its lotsa music and dance and zoo phonics.

For shichida, its lotsa flashcards. Not quite suitable for hyper-active kids. Good if ur kids are older like 3 yos? (No trial lessons for shichida.)
i did check out the gymboree prices but has yet to find time to bring my boy there..the play n learn trial class is SGD 40. the music is SGD 28.

anyway, myself n tiny m will bring our babies on oct 19 to fidget. we wil be there ard noon to 1.
if free bring babies n come join us!
i think they take in babies from certain months onwards for GUG.. Shermin is attending the zoo phonics there.. so far she is enjoying very well and she has 1 term left to go.. its through playing that she learns. i enjoy zoo phonics with her as well.. hahaa..

i think for babies, abit waste of $$ to send them to class.. i think its more to mummies/ daddies who r having fun.. hahhaa.. i think 9 mths is a good time to start though..

Shers, thanks for your advice! Btw, how are you now?

Mummies, today I made puree for the first time! Used the philips mini blender. I think it went well and Claire enjoyed eating the pumpkin puree mixed with cereal.
So far Claire has tried
Carrot - she likes
Apple - She hates
Pumpkin - She likes

So fun feeding her although its a mess. I enjoyed laughing at her mess! haha
