(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

I find it a hassle to go search for empty mtg room & going down to nursing rooms le. Equiped with nursing tops & shawl, I just do it at my desk!

Play gym,
my # 1 attended Tumble tots during her toddler stage, not bad as they teaches right way to climb & come down, she never has any mishap from fall!
to my #2, think back, sort of guilty to him, never attend any extra lesson/play gym!

Mummies, when can the babies start in the high chairs in restuarants? So far Claire is able to sit up for short periods without any support. But sometimes when she turns her head she will lose her balance and fall to that direction! haha funny sight.

So good Claire is taking her semi solids well. My gal still not very comfortable with feeding with spoon! So cereal time is a pain!

Is it the spoon? whahaha.. I have 3 different types of spoons (pigeon and combi) cuz sometimes Claire prefer this spoon sometimes she prefers the other.. donnno leh.. maybe she just needs more time.

i feed my boy with some cereal.. aiyo.. didn't poo for 2 days... is it becoz it is heaty?? like tt how?? hv to feed alternate day?? anyone has the prob??
I haven't started Esther on cereal yet but my mum gave her some banana on Sat... and she didn't poo for 2 days also, but she had this gek sai expression on her face the whole of yesterday evening. This morning she finally poo, but there were some black stuff in her poo that looks like threads... wonder if its due to the banana?
ling lim, think feed a bit more water is good.
for mine when he started, got a few instances he skip a day for his poo poo coz in the past definitely everyday got poo poo. but since started cereal, some day got 1 day never poo poo.

i gv him drink 60ml of water daily liao leh... wah.. i cant imagine next time Fully FM .. will be super jialat lor coz nw i still gv him partial BM...
ling - i feed greg with a lot of water/juice while feeding him cereal. he can take in about 80ml of water/juice. so far he poos almost everyday (skipping 1 day once a while)
Hi Ladies.!
Been so so long i've posted... Too bz working and attending to kids. How's everyone? Any upcoming gathering? =D
the black thread in the poo is normal if your baby is taking banana. Like the banana bread hahaha. But for banana, must be ripe enough, otherwise might cause constipation.
I will be bringing my toddler n baby to Polliwogs on Monday, 19th Oct. Public Hols!! ard 12 plus to 1 plus. Join me if u want to. =P

Re: Water
My mum has been "secretly" giving my gal water since she turned 4 months!! although she has been on TBF. Maybe abt 10-20 ml each day?
Hi mummies!

bean: My girl hates apple too! She gave us those "yucks" look when we tried feeding her apple. In the end, we just extracted some apple juice and added into her rice cereal and she's fine with it. She likes carrot too! Will try sweet potato next!

Re: Poo after starting semi-solids
My girl is the opposite leh.. She used to poo once a week, now started on rice cereal, she'll poo either everyday or once alternate days. And the poo more solid type.. Wah.. ur babies are drinking so much water? Mine sees water like see poison, keep pushing the bottle away..

iBite: I also think it's due to the spoon. I'm using Pigeon which has a super small spoon and my girl can eat very fast with it (bit by bit).

sei: I don't think can eat bananas yet leh.. My sis told me to start with orange foods (eg. carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin). Bananas may be a bit hard to digest esp. if they're not fully ripe. U may wanna start with rice cereal first then if ok, start adding carrot or other stuffs to the rice cereal..

ak: u can probably give greg one to try first. my mum has been giving my girl Marie biscuits (money-pia) to suck and she'll suck the biscuit until a small bit disappear. very cute..

poohwei: jaime and i are going fidgets at Turf City on 19th. U wanna join us there?
Oh! Some info..

I was talking to the Wyeth nutritionist and she told me that if wanna intro new food (FM or semi-solids) to baby, it's better to do it in the afternoon. Cos baby's stomach is weak in the morning and you don't wanna feed bb new stuffs in the evenings or at night cos in case any happens, you don't want to be rushing around in the middle of the night. Pls note..
My girl has been poo-ing a few days each day.. since she started on semi solids.. she poos like one time less..but STILL poo more than once a day...

Tiny M: I think apple to them is sour. hahaha My girl also gave a YUCK looks and "pui" all the apple out.
oh no! i bought some teddy puffs durng my HT "buying spree". any mummies with toddlers want to take over? expiry is feb 2010 for the apple cinnamon flavour. the expiry for original is later but can't remember off-hand.
geekysnoop - i've both. jumperoo drains my boy's energy faster and he has more fun in it. exersaucer is relatively safer because he can't move so much and the seat is bigger.
Hi Tiny M,
I bought a package at Polliwogs. Thats why i am going there. Fidgets is still not quite suitable for my toddler tho the baby's area is ok. Mainly ball pits and some climbing area.

Hi Geekysnoop,
U may wanna consider getting a second hand jumperoo?
thanks mummies. yeah we let him tried both at robinsons, he got very excited with jumperoo but the seat seems very tiny... probably last him for another 3-4 months?

ak, does ur boy stays long in the exersaucer?

anyone got jumperoo below $200 at the mattel sale, heard they do mark down on the last day...;)
hehe... I thought it looks like banana cake :p

My initial plan was to intro rice cereal first in about 1 or 2 weeks time, but that day we were eating fruits and she was looking so interested that my mum offered her a small bit of banana... and then she kept eheh'ing for more, so ended up she ate about one teaspoon of it :p
re: exersaucer n jumperoo
geekysnoop, which robinson did u let ur boy try the exersaucer n jumperoo? i was @ raffles city yesterday but cannot find any display set...

any mummies know where else hv display sets for trying?

re: 19 Oct gathering
jaime n tiny_m, if yuan2 recovers from her cough, will meet u @ figets... dun wanna pass the cough virus to ur babies... can PM me ur contact?

re: HT teething biscuit
oops, i also bought it... better go home n check the expiry date...

re: starting solids
so exciting to start solids
i juz bought the magic bullet yesterday -- gonna try to make some puree this weekend... lately yuan2 is drooling while watching us having lunch/dinner :p

re: sit/stand up
bean, can imagine the funny sight of claire losing her balance -- like humpty dumpty :p yuan2 also trying to sit up -- but tends to lean and fall to one side when she bend one supporting arm... nowsdays, she likes to stand and "walk" -- can take 1 step at a time with support on her shoulders...
ak, thanks! will drop mothercare when we bring yuan2 for her next swim
hmm, dunno whether i bought the teddy pufffs or teething biscuits...
Starting solid:

I bought new attachment: Miller/Meat Grinder to my Kenwood Mixer which will be deliver tmr!!

1 more mth to start Hui Xin on solid!!
adv, toa payoh hdb hub KP has lots of display for exersaucer and jumperoo. u can bring yuan there to try..

this sat i am bringing jaeden there to try the jumperoo also (before i confirm to rent) then i can do my hair while hb tends to him for 2 hrs...hehe

btw i also bgt the teething biscuits..it say 5months up...so i will let jaeden munch on it next month
any mummies know that the huaxia swimming package can share or not ? cos i thot of bringing jaeden for a swim...but i did not sign the package...
jamie, 19 oct going to fidget is it confirm? i think i will be gg too. want to pm u my hp number but u dun accept pm lei. What time will u be there?
Re. poo after taking solid food
my boy is eating the HT brown rice cereal... today finally gt poo abit, more solid... maybe won't gv him daily then since it is heaty...
Yah very funny sight. Yes Claire was like that (lending forward and supporting with her hands) for abt one week before she can sit without support.
last week Shermay didnt poo for 4 days.. my mum is more worried than me.. so after Shermay's cereal time, drink water (1 oz), eat 2 slices of banana (super ripe) and drink BM (2 oz), my mum takes potty and gei sai for her..

then finally out!

i guess its ok for babies to skip poo poo for few days even 1 week so long they r not uncomfortable.. my mama very gan cheong.. say cannot dont poo for more than 2 days.. so daily routine now is to take potty and gei sai for Shermay

thanks for yr concern! i'm fine already.. though take the medicine to stop bfg, my supply hasnt cut off yet.. but reduce no of pump per day already.. of course my boobs almost go back to normal size already.. hahaha

btw, Shermay also doesnt like apple.. thinks its too sour for her already..

so far, she took oatmeal and brown rice cereal.. as for fruits, she took banana.. as for sucking of fruits, we let her tried honeydew, pear.. going to let her eat papaya very soon.. that will help her to digest better..
hi shers,
want to start bb on cerel next week liao, coz he drinking much less now.

wah shermay also started on so many different fruits already! BTW how much cereal you mix with how much mix milk??

hi bean,
bellami is the other brand that i'm considering also. how much cereal you mix with how much milk??

how to kick start feeding baby with cereal? do we replace a complete milk feed or just half?
hi mummies,
howz everyone? been a xiong week marking and marking. somemore to clear this week. hv oreadi make reservation for buffet dinner for fri nite in anticipation of the end of all marking for the year ;p

re constipation - actually, it's quite normal for bbs to experience constipation upon initial intro of solids as their digestive system is not used to the food intake yet. give lots of water and diluted juices will help and of course the cycling motion.

re baby gym - i used to bring #1 to baby jumper gym at cdans. not exactly popular like tumbletots, gymboree etc but chose it for the convenience. i can juz put her in the pram and walk there coz it's juz opp my estate, pretty fuss free. they do songs, gym, flashcards, sensory exercise etc. not too bad lah. not sure if my #2 will have chance to attend the gym though since there's a #1 around. only started #1 on the gym when she's able to sit upright on her own. tink when bbs still can't sit upright, there is a limit to the type of activities they can do.
Hi feb_mum,
I am still marking!! Aiming to complete by today!! Should be possible if i surf less! Need to chiong home at 1.25pm today to bathe my gal since my mum has eye infection n can only eye power. My helper still does not dare to bathe my gal.

Re: Jumperoo
Aiming to buy a jumperoo for my gal since she loves exersaucer! Hoping to get a 2nd one for less than $150. Then i can leave her there for 1.5 hours!! She can sit, rotate and play in the exersaucer on her own for 1 hour now. Lotsa free time for me then.

I got my FP jumperoo at $150 from WTS! And my gal is loving it!

No marking for me YET....wahhaha.. Now is keying in results for non core subjects into cockpit. :p
Shermay only starts to eat 2 fruits only - apple which she doesnt like and banana she loves it..

rest r just sucking only..

for mixing of milk into cereal, for a start, i began with 1 tablespoon of cereal and few drop of BM/FM.. then if baby likes, add more cereal and milk.. there is no rules abt how much to add.. just agar agar..

Morning mummies!

adv_sports & Gie: I'd PM-ed u my HP number. Jaime and I will be at Fidgets at around 12-1pm for lunch.

Shers: My mum is also very concerned about poo! She was very worried initially when my bb doesn't poo for one week and i have to keep reassuring her that it's normal for breast-fed babies. She bought a potty for Le Xuan to gek sai also but Le Xuan doesn't respond to it so my mum gave up. She's happier now that Le Xuan started semi-solids and poo-ing more regularly and the poo more solid. Hhaha.. Shermay seemed to have tried so many different food already! I also let my gal suck fruits if she looks really interested..

sei: I'm letting my gal eat rice cereal and orange food first. If she looks really interested in the fruit we're eating then we'll let her taste. I'd given her banana (she doesn't like it) and pomelo (she likes it) to try but i don't let her eat them.

piggypig: I do the same as Shers in terms of making the rice cereal. My gal usually takes her rice cereal in the afternoon (1 - 1.5 teaspoon mixed with warmed BM) and after that my mum will feed her the remaining BM from the bottle. My gal is enjoying her semi-solids and sometimes we add fruit puree into the rice cereal.

Re: Jumperoo / Exersaucer
Is it ok for a baby who doesn't know how to sit to be in them? I'd let my gal tried both and she keeps leaning forward and ended up sucking the table.

adv_sports: I tried both at Robinsons Centerpoint and Mothercare Harborfront
