(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

poohwei - rec'd with thx.

ibite - you trf fr other bank? coz not reflected yet.

GOG - tink you've exceeded no of payee, you need to delete some in order to add new payee. it always happen to me coz been buying too many things online ;p
for the jumperoo, they shldnt touch the ground as advised by the KP sales lady... so tt when they jump, they wont get hit on the knees..
Hi feb_mum!

It's not that problem of adding and deleting payeee. The page at which we fill in our details to add payee always hangs... and then I will be locked out... It's still happening... I guess I will transfer the money to you via ATM tomorrow if this continues.

So sorry for the inconvenience caused.
SK & andrea, noted.

feb_mum, haha, me too -- hv been shopping online and add/delete payees so many times!

re: sit up
my gal still cannot sit up by herself... so cannot rent the exersaucer for her
normally, by when can bb sit up?
adv, my boy also cant sit up yet...but i still rent the exersaucer, nowsadays he quite enjoy it liao...can turn a bit by himself when he wants to touch the toys..hehe

Think I made a mistake...wahahhahaa
04 Oct 2009 ITR 159-14987-0 : I-BANK S$15.64

I transfer the $$ to Shers instead! Ermm.. Can Shers transfer the $ to feb_mum? Or I collect from Shers?
GOG - i dun hv my token with me, will check when i get home.

iBite - your order is under me so it will be delivered to me, not to shers. tink got to trouble shers to trf the $ to me. can you work out something with shers? tks.

today back at work after 5+ mths. must dust off the cobwebs from my brain liao.
Morning ladies !!

Sorry was busy for the past few days, attended 2 weddings in a weekend.

I hav just tt to you with ref is 2485769701.

Sorry, I didnt check the past posting.. when is the collection ?

Ok sure!
Will arrange with Shers about it!
Welcome back to the force! Btw,can yr company access Facebook? Mine seems to block it leh.
hi mummies,
your healthy times order will be delivered to my place this evening. the following items are oos:
- farmhouse country, sweet potatoes and vanilla hugga bear cookies.

the following mummies pl pm me your bank details so that i can trf the $ back to you in view of oos items: ak, poohwei, andrea1985, adv sports, gie, joyce.

i will advise on when you can collect from me once i've sorted the items, ya? gimme a bit of time, we have over $300 worth of items to be sorted ;p
<font color="0000ff">Hi everyone.. I new to May Forum.. Hope I Am welcome..

Wah.. that very fast.. some of the baby experience teething liao...
And Vellerine Baby, Your ger can even sit down liao..

That very fast leh..

My baby was born in april. and I just started him with cereal only.. nothing else..</font>

U started Claire on cereal? Hm.. I was still hesitating, coz wanna start at 6 mths.
He seems to be very interested in whatever we eat, even when Meg is playing “masak masak” and pretend to feed him using spoon, Kea will open up his mouth..

He is still a milk baby, yest he woke up at 12+ am then latch til 2+am.. (I fell asleep and so did he) then I pressed on my B.. very soft, he emptied all!!!
thanks for welcoming..

My baby born on the 2nd april...

I having c -section...

I only give him cereal only when he reached 6 months...

So u all organize gathering...

Any sahm here?

Yah lor.. cuz she is very hungry nowadays.. and always wake up at night (she usually can sleep through the night) so I started her on cereal.
cola, my boy is also still a milk baby now...waking up 3hrly for feed...but i hope he will continue to drink till 6months then i start him on solid...

lovJ, u r welcome ! so far no one got time to organise gathering yet since most already started work and busy with baby after work...u r sahm ? mayb u can start the ball rolling...hehehe
currently also a working mother.. hehehee

but resign and serving notice now.. cause want to spend more time with my baby.. when i at work.. miss him too much and my maid is alone at home to look after my baby . my in law and mother is busy with their work.

Any sahm here is this forum..

Mine woke up once, just that lately he has been quite irritable, could be teething.. tonite I am going to check his gum, see if the tooth popped, coz he seems to be sleeping better past few nites..

I realize he starts lifting hips + buttock + chest up and crawl backward! He is gonna crawl soon I think :p Meg starts with crawling backward also hehe.. gonna be busy very soon!!

I think I am going to put on hold feeding him solid tis the last week of oct..

Good! I am so looking forward to my sahm life next year too :p
i not fully a sahm..

I will focus more on my family maid agency business..

So my timing will be more flexible to take care of my baby..
Rc cola, I tot ur sahm all along..wat u mean by crawl back wards?

Lovj, I'm sahm.. Previously we had more gatherings when most were on ML.. Whr do u stay at?

Adv, does yuan2 sort of lean forward when she sits?hailey looks like she's gonna curl up into a ball anytime.. Hahaha
Hi Mummies, I'm new to this forum. Can i join this thread? My son is born on the 28th May.

Thought of exposing both of us to new friends..
hi mummies,

had a long day -- m so tired... yuan2 is not feeling well -- went to KKH A&amp;E @ midnite to suck out the phelgm that stuck on her throat
today, still can hear blockage sound when she breathes/cries... haiz, and she started coughing
dunno how long it will take her to recover -- so heartpain to see our little one suffering! m keeping her away from IFC(aircon-room) for the time being...

porky, the toy rental shop owner recommend us to rent when yuan2 can sit by herself...

jamie_nov, yah, yuan2 also curl up like a ball -- looks so uncomfy in the exersaucer... but her eyes were BIG BIG when she saw the toys on it... she was so disappointed when we take her out from the chair

hee... something disgusting to update!

i managed to sling jodie while in the loo earlier on. hubby haven't arrived to take over jodie, &amp; i had a bad tummyache. so had to keep jodie in the sling till i was done &amp; out.
phew! was very lucky no "accidents" happened!

oh! only after i had "settled" down then i realised there's a bb seat in the handicapped toilet, but it was too far for me to reach over, anyway!
porky, nope, m staying home to look after her... at home she can sleep more without all the noises... tomorrow my hubby taking leave to look after her... i bu fan xin, will come home during lunch break :p
yes better to stay home and take care till she recovers...i also took 2 days CCL to stay home...really bu fan xin to leave at ifc when our bb not feeling well...u must have more rest also..sleep while bb sleep
hi... long time never post...
Was very busy with work...

Hi Adv_sports,
Hope everything is fine now for yuanyuan...
Take good care of yourself...

When Sydnee was sick, few weeks ago, bcoz I too worry about her... and also need a lot of energy to take care of her then after that I fell sick, flu... then recover le, but till now the cough also never recover...

I'm interested in the baby pillow.. from the pupsik studio
Hi mummies, I have started my boy on cereal. But I don't know whether he likes it or not. He will lean forward and bite the spoon, but he will also cry and cry. Is because he don't like cereal or does he cry because mummy is too slow?

Anyone tried the nestle cereal before? I prepare warm water, then add the cereal. But my MIL says the cereal won't be cooked. So she says put cereal, then add hot water, then wait for it to cool down then serve. I told her baby cereal is already cooked, so we should prepare the warm water that is ready for consumption before adding the cereal rather than add hot water and risk scalding baby's tongue. Any mummy knows which is the right way?
adv_sports: Hope yuan2 recovers soon! Sigh.. My baby went thru' that when she was 6 weeks and it was totally horrible! Watch out for bouts of cough at night! That time my bb sick, she'll be sleeping thru the day and started coughing in the evening and cant sleep the whole night. Gotta keep carrying her. There was one night she coughed so badly we called the PD's emergency number and almost admitted her to the hospital. Most importantly is to watch out for breathlessness. Was yuan2 prescribed any medicine?

BabyMay: I started giving my gal rice cereal also. I mix the rice cereal with warmed breastmilk, never add water leh. what does the instructions of Nestle say? I have two type of rice cereal - Earth's Best and Happy Bellies and both said add warmed breastmilk. As for feeding, I dun think you're feeding too slowly cos babies must learn to use their tongue to push the food back to their throat. My gal initially keeps sticking her tongue out when we feed her. Prob ur boy wanna play with the spoon?

Any mummies gave baby anything other than rice cereal? My mum mixed carrot with rice cereal + breastmilk yesterday and my gal seems to like it. She finished a whole adult spoonful of it!
baby may - why dun you use milk instead of warm water to make the cereal? taste won't be so foreign to bb. the cereal need not be cooked. but i tink the older generation prefers to 'cook' the cereal. my mum would actually boil over the stove and then let it cool down before giving to my gal. but i didn't like dat coz i tink it will destroy some of the nutrients.
good morning mummies

phew, yuan2 slept well last nite -- except waking up when her tutu dropped... this morning, latched her before i left for work... she is smiley and flipping on her cot bed
she gave me a sweet smile at the door and held on to my hand... hope daddy can cope with handling bb alone for 1 day -- so far, yuan2 only spent 1-2hrs alone with daddy...

cheekz, sharon, thanks!

porky, yup, prefers to look after yuan2 ourselves -- coz i saw some infants having running nose n coughing @ IFC... plus the aircon environment, her condition may worsen...

tiny_m, oh dear, ur bb must be having a tough time with the coughing! how long did it take her to recover? KKH A&amp;E doc gave her medicine for running nose, reduce phelgm and fever.

yuan2 started coughing when she cried yesterday... can hear the phelgm sound in her throat
i was advised to let her sleep sideway so that she won't get choked by phelgm stuck @ base of the throat.

hubby n me very concerned abt blockage of her airway -- but KKH doc said no whizzing sound from her chest. if her condition din improve, will bring her to see PD later or 2molo...
Jamie (nov)

Nope, I am currently FTWM, my MIL is helping to look after my 2 kids. After CNY, she will be going back to her own country, so I will be taking care of both kids..

Somemore by early Jan, my girl will be joining kindergarten.. so excited for her..

Next year then I will join your league haha!

Crawl backward = means moving backwards instead of forward
poor yuan2, hope she recover soon. It's always very tough for bb to be sick..

Dun worry, I did that many times previously when I was out with Meg :p never put her alone on the changing table, coz bb might drop to the floor. even until now, whenever i am putting her on changing table in the mall, i never left her for even a sec..

adv_sports, Sk will collect my healthy times on my behalf.. cos I dun know she got order at the point I request for ur help... Thanks for ur kind help
