(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hoonie/Glenlyn - U r most welcome!

Glenlyn - Sorry, the list is given to me by a friend, so please ignore those text in red :p

SK-the vits you take will indeed make your stools black.

poohwei - my 16mth old is just like your #1, very affectionate. She use to cry in her sleep every night too and it's very bad crying. It's wearing off for these few weeks, I sure hope my 16mth old is outgrowing it. Good luck to both of us.
good morning ladies,

flommy, thanks for your lists -- very helpful for first time mummies like me

tiny_m, 915 & baby_may, see ya later @ yogamama.
Morning ladies !!
Went to see my gynae yesterday for my blood test. He only drew 1 time with his syring and transfer to the other tubes. Anyway, this round I am having a boy
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Morning All !
Woah..! So many are having boys! Unlike last time, girls population is more then boys. =)</font>.
me 2 looks having boy. will confirm again during full scan. I had a girl in 07

any SAHM mums here who fully breastfeed their babies ? wonderin if pumps necessary for SAHM and how to fully breastfeed ?

sorry to hear abt ur fren. wish her all the best in coping. must b v hard.

which model of Ameda is that ?

Flommy - your list is really helpful..

SK - U let me know again and then I will ask my dad about it cos not sure how his friend got the discount also and whether if there is a limit he can buy..

daec - Its Ameda Lactaline

RE: Gender
Wow so many mummies know the gender liao.. and many baby boys..
Very glad the list is helpful to so many mommies. My next appt is end of this month, at 18 weeks, it shd b quite accurate on the baby's gender.

This year seems like a season of BOYS!!
daec - my SIL is a SAHM, she din use a pump just latch on when her gal is hungry. Save on e pump n milk bottles as well.. she dun even use milk bottle.

I have a Medela PIS advance for sale. Comes with backpack. Used only a few times. Comes with warranty till Sept 2009. Will also be giving away 50pcs Lansinoh Storage bag, similac milk voucher (1 for mother &amp; another for baby), a bottle of fenugreek, a tube of Medela Nipple cream, 1 box of mothercare and 2 boxes of nuk breastpad free. All items are new.
PM or email me at [email protected] if interested.
Fwah...so many baby boys eh. so eager to know my bb's gender too.

vera > sure, let me know again.

flommy > guess it's better to take my own antenatal supplements. So heaty.
Hi mummies...

Long time nv log on as been busy coping with my new job scope...hows every1 doing? Hope all r fine!

Onli manage to see some posts...seems like alot of boys...but i hope &amp; pray mine is a gal, coz 1st 1 is a boy...

Take care all mummies...got time, i will try to log on...
Hi tiny_m, my husband just called me to say he is sick, so I can't join you all for the yoga class later. Can I join another day?

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Busy busy..
no time to read all the posts, scanned thru and would like to comment on Soh's posting..

The pingpong ball is your baby lah haha.. i guess you are not that fat tts y u can feel, i could also feel that during sleep, sometimes when i changed position then it's gone
somewhere below belly button rite? :p
dun worry, it's your baby! hehe
Hi ladies,

It had been a crazy day for me. just popping in to tell the yoga gals that I cna't make it for the yoga session later (that makes baby may and me). my FIL is hospitalised and i gotta visit him later..
Thanks Rc_Cola. You assured me. Yes, I am thin. Weighs 44 kg at the moment after putting on 2kg so far.

My hb and I are looking to preparation course to take togather. When should we start? What are available? How does Yoga help? And someone mentioned that men can't join.
Flommy > I am. Also trying out drinking prune juice. Tastes not really nice to me. Maybe to get vitagen to drink too. Long time no drink that liew. I am trying to drink lesser water esp at night cos need to go pee. Cant sleep well after pee-ing. Think besides the vits that make me constipated, also dehydration is another problem.

Will monitor the progress now trying out the above remedy.
I was constipated as well, gynae said must eat losta fruits.
It does help...

Anyway, it not good to drink alot of water before sleep cos it will cause water retention.
I'm very slack for my 2nd second bb. My first one, I was so conscious of the foods I eat and make sure I eat good portions of all foods, somehow, this 2nd bb didn't give me good appetite. And my no.1 is keeping me so busy.
gd morning ladies.

Tiny_M, i hope ur fil is ok now. U take care okie

Last nite only adv_sports &amp; i turned up for the yoga.

Adv_sports, nice to meet u though we din much chance to speak to each other

Soh, the yoga we attended last nite welcomes men.
hi mummies,

i will like to join in this thread.. my due date will be 9 may 09. but gynae will c-sect me end of april when bb reaches around 38 weeks..

currently i'm abt 15+weeks..

my no 1 is a 17 month old little gal.. and this time round i pray hard for a boy..
Hi Shers,

Mine due is 8th May 09 ... 1 day b4 yours...

May i ask why at 15weeks gynae alr can decide C-sect for you ? Or u hv opt for C-sect yourself ?
firefly, because based on my no 1 experience, my gynae said that my pelvis is very tight.. my no 1 was over due.. gynae checked and said even with induction, the chances of natural birth is very slim..

this time, i asked for his opinion. he said chances is very slim.. and because the age gap is 2 yrs by the time i deliver no 2 so worried that my c-sect scar will burst open..

so c-sect lor..

u know bb gender already??

i'm very nervous lor..
I have yet to know.... will be going for amnio at TMC this 3rd Dec 09.... then wait for result ba... wonder thru my normal scan can tell gender a nt.....

Yours is prince or princess ?

Which gynae u wif ?
usually gynae will be able to predict quite accurately during normal scan..

my gynae said next appt, me ard 17 weeks.. might be able to predict for me...

no 1 is gal..

i'm with Dr Tham K F at Gleneagles
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Sher,
My #1 oso c-sec.... My gynae still encourage me to go for natural. And i hope by then i can really try natural.! there's one fren of mine oso said tt gynae suggest c-sec for #2 as he's afraid tt c-sec minght open up if too much pressure is on the tummy. </font>.

ya lor.. this is what my gynae advised me..

anyway i will go for c-sect again..

because of my pelvis.. i worried if i insist on natural then in the end, induction, long labour, still cannot, then emergency c-sect.. think i will die lor..

better listen to gynae advice..

anybody around 15+weeks and know gender already??
hi shers,

i share same edd as u , last week my gynae told me that my bb is most likely girl but will confirm again in 4 weeks'time.

I also have a 17-mth old gal now.
good afternoon ladies

tiny_m, hope ur FIL is fine! take care!

915, great to meet u yesterday @ yoga class. how do u find the class compare to your previous one?

I m really stiff and inflexible -- felt so tired after the class that I had a good sleep thru nite(din wake up to pee at 3-4am like i used to)
Thanks!I hoped so too. but my hubby said most impt baby is healthy, gender not impt. but still if i can have 1 'hao' then most ideal lor.

The gender prediction can be found at http://www.motherhood.com.sg/tools/gender.asp

Hi Adv_sports, actually i prefer my previous one coz the timing is better. Yesterday's started @730 and my work ends @530, so abit too long wait in between.

Good to hear that u had a gd sleep! Enjoy ur sleep now coz after may 09 will be sleepless liao.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Shers,
Actually during my 11 wk scan, gynae said might be boy. During my 15wk checkup, gynae confirm is boy boy... But hv to depends on if u're bb is cooperative. Normally for boys, can see earlier...</font>.
915, maybe ur bb shy -- hope u can confirm and hv a "hao"

yah, i find the timing a bit late... was having MS when i was doing the poses -- quite uncomfortable with the puking feeling
not sure MS is due to hunger or tiredness... anyway, her sunday class @ west at 11am is ideal for us -- can go for lunch after the class

btw, r the poses the same/similar to Colleen's?

haha, hearing so much abt "sleepless in singapore" after may09 :p
just curious - for 2nd time mumies with #2 diff gender from #1 child. do u feel that the symptoms r same or diff ?

personally I felt symptoms r diff for my first. dunno if this is cause of the gender or just pure coincidence or just coz every preg r diff.

# 1 girl- hardly any nausea or morning sickness or vomit, hardly feel hungry
#2 likely to be boy - nausea, often feel like going vomit, feel hungry more often
Adv_sports, good that the schedule fits u
It's impt that class and schedule is suitable lor.

Her poses are diff from colleen's coz colleen starts from warm-up to diff poses and end with relaxation where we have pillow under our timuuies for support.In between colleen does tell us what pose is good for wat situation and she goes round to correcr the pose. however colleen is very soft spoken.

I will try out whatever yoga next week to see if the new yoga teachers are suitable for me coz colleen doesn't teach there anymore.The timing is also better coz it starts at 630pm over there.
Hello everyone, havent been here for more than a week. Good to know it's very active .

Thanks Flommy, your list comes in really handy, i was just asking my hubby- So many thing to prepare.. what if i miss out? With your list, i am rest assured i will be well prepared

Hi Vera, Poohwei,
Where did you get your mini fridge?
915, thanks.. this is my first time doing prenatal yoga -- so not sure what to expect

do let us know how's the class @ whatever yoga after u hv tried it

daec, wow, then mine will be a boy -- same symptoms... still having MS at 14wk

sure, adv_sports..but one thing good abt last nite session is that hubbies are allowed

No hubbies in whatever yoga though :<
think most impt is must be comfrtable with the teacher lah.

Hey guess wat, my symptoms also same as u and daec..but gynae said likely girl leh. i also ms until now...
