(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

I hope not to gain too much weight for myself. First visit at KKH on 26/9, wt is 87kg then on ytd at Dr Adrian's Clinic I weighed 86kg (9wks).

Still okay lah huh?

hi SK,
my gynae told me 1st trimenster it's alright we dont have weight gain as we have reserve for feotus to consume. In fact it's better for mummy cos we could lose weight faster after delivery.
It's okay to be ignorant for your first kid, when you experience mama already, nothing is to be afraid of keke.

Opps, you lost 1 kg ar? nvm lah shouldb okay.
I lost 0.5 kg in 2 wks time, last visit was 43.5kg, 2 wks ago 44kg :p m/s no appetite but my gynae has no concern about it at all..

must be very looking forward to your gynae visit liao hor.. mine will be next month 14 nov, coz 4 wks apart from the last visit mah.. by then i would be 14 wks + hehehe
rc_cola,same with the talking. I hate it when my huubby ask pain or not when the pain kicked in coz i cannot talk. then i got more irritated when my hubby started to take pics of me in pain..

noi, yes..i heard that scissors too even though i was high on laughing gas. imagine my gynae actually told me that he was going to cut me then i hear the scissors..

weight loss
SK, i also lost 1kg. but it's common not to gain weight in 1st trimester. But from 2nd trimester onwards, confirm will gain more weight.
Don't worry SK, I think weight loss is normal. Its not normal to gain too much weight during first trimester. It signifies you are eating too much if there is too much weight gain during the first trimester. This is according to my gynae.
Yes, you are right. Nothing beats going through labour. I believe you will become a true woman only after going through labour.
haha yeah, then he said he talked to me to distract me from the pain keke.. i was thinking pain is already there, so pls keep quiet and dun talk to me!!!
I didnt try the gas, coz nurse said some ppl will be nausea, dizzy, will vomit, i am very scared of vomitting in the midst of pain, so didnt ask for the gas at all..

I didnt hear any scissors cut ler hahaha.. actually my girl was not even crying when taken out hahaahah she just stone there, only when they were bathing here and put her on one side, then she cried, hehehe when she cried she looked exactly like myself, i told my hubby "hen xiang wo" then he said "yes, exactly like a photocopy!" hahaha i think if the nurse gave me wrong baby, i can recognise that the baby is not mine coz my girl is like 100% my face keke
LOL ... 915, heng i not alone. i tot i was dreaming.

weight loss
jialat .. other than the morning and evening sickness, i have been munching in the office
re: episiotomy / natural child birth
Is it pain? Wat's your experience? When the doc sew back, is it pain? How about recovery on the cut part?

I had C-sect and is considering natural childbirth. C-sect is damn pain also on the 2nd day when the nurse ask me to get out of bed. Think of it, my tears want to roll down.
Actually if you have epi, you wont feel the pain when cut and being stitched up.
Anyway i read, even without epi, before cutting dr will inject anaesthetic to that area then cut and stitch no more pain

I've her Csect ppl said they afraid they will never be able to walk again hahaha coz of the pain in the tummy.
I would say for stitches, hm.. quite sore on that area, the pain will be peaking up in the 5th -7th day after u give birth (normally u will feel when walking, sitting down or sleeping). We are given painkiller tho. not to worry after a week okay le, no more pain at all and u can bf or just act as per normal.. tummy not pain at all :p

Btw, the pain wont make your tears roll down :p
good afternoon ladies!

juz finished my lunch of nasi lemak with crispy fried chicken -- surprised that i can finished most of it
yeah, some of my appetite coming back! maybe coz i munched on fruits instead of bread before meals

noi, thanks for sharing. yup, i visited my friend @ KKH 1-bedder -- big n spacious

915, cool, prenatal yoga can help ease the pain during childbirth! u did yoga all the way till giving birth? did ur hubby accompany u in the yoga class?

SK, my weight also roller coaster... went up by 2kg in 2 weeks, then lost 1.5kg in the next 1 week and no increase for this week... and i have been eating almost non-stop every 1-2 hours! hope bb absorbs all the "essence" *hahaha*

rc_cola, 4 weeks very long wait hor! by then u r in ur 2nd tri -- YEAH! my neck oledi very long from the long wait *hahaha* being my #1, i can't help but worry how bb is "getting on" inside

re: episiotomy
ooohhh, sounds painful & scary! any mum dun hv to do that for their previous kids??
re: episiotomy / natural child birth

Anxylyn, actually the pain is not too bad lah, just breathe and dun think abt it. But the pain when the baby is pushing thru the cervix is very very painful indeed but it helped coz my huubby was stroking my lower back to ease the pain.(this is what i learnt from Mrs Wong's class)

What i did not expect was the delivery of the placenta. coz i tot after all the pain pushing the baby out, i still need to deliver the placenta.So that caught me unaware! Delivering placenta is also somewhat same pain but not as bad but still painful. As for sewing part, i dun remember any pain leh, maybe double pain from childbirth and placenta so became numb liao..heheh.

But 1 thing for sure, after natural chilbirth, i can get out of the bed and walk ard on my own on the day itself.
Just wanted to share an interesting little discovery of mine. Among all my friends who had given birth. Those that gain alot of weight and tummy very very big, their babies was very small at birth. Those that didn't gain much weight only gained a tummy, their babies were bigger.
Is it true that if a mummy gains too much weight, the mummy is actually absorbing all the nutrients (hence weight gain) but baby didn;t (hence smaller baby) and vice versa?
Just curious.
adv_sports, i do attribute my easy childbirth to the yoga. I used to go once a week until week 38, which was 2 days before i give birth. My hubby din go with me, he only accompanied for the parent craft class.
RE: Natural Birth.
915, you description of natural birth is exactly the same way my mummy describes it. Pain only just a short while when baby is comign out and after that okie already! Just breathe and the baby will be out. HAHA!
Your qn is quite cute hahaha i think bb big or not, there are a lot of factors.. one thing is tummy and mummy gain a lot of weight really cant justify if the baby is big as well. according to my gynae its more of genetic factor hahaha..

I gain 10 kg for my #1, my girl was 2.9kg at birth, which is okay, coz i am not the big type hahaha.. my colleague who has super duper big tummy and gain more than 20kg, the baby was born only at 2.6kg hehehe..

Anyway i hope no to gain too much for this preg, i think 10kg should be enough hahaha..
coz 1 wk after i gave birth, my weight was stil 48 hahaha so i only lost 4kg after birth (bb + water + placenta = 4kg) hahaha what a disappointment hahaha
before delivery i was 52kg
bean, rule of thumb: Dun hold ur breath. Just breathe and breathe
and get ur hubby to stroke ur lower back, let him do some work for u while u r in pain..heheh
sob sob ... i have 5kg weight gain per pregnancy .. in total i still cant shed the 15kg in me .. haiz.

915 .. yes, breathe and breathe is all that matters
hehe u mean u have memorial 15kg in u currently? hahahah you are so funny ler..
Luckily i gradually gain back my pre-preg weight after i gave birth to my daughter hahaha I've got no memorial weight so far :p
sob sob
yes cola .... 5kg carried over the last 13yrs ... haiz

so with this one, i think i have another increased of 5kg to 20kg!!!!

luckily i was 40kg before my 1st pregnancy. miss my good old figure ... :p
noi, 40+15 = 55kg is not too bad lah.
I'm already a 51kg to begin with

Although i still have 2 kg from my #1,i think i still look like before, so i think as long as u dun look fat can already.
oic. so maybe next time when ur kids grow up , tell them to each pay for the 5kg slimming ..heheh...juz kidding :p

frankly, i think breastfeeding will help with the weight loss. after birth i still have 10 kg with me, but with breastfeeding, i shrink back in 6 mths and can wear back old clothes.

the most depressing was when i first stepped out of my house after confinement, only did i realised that i cannot wear any clothes except for my maternity wear!
my gals always tell me .. mummy i miss your slim look esp when they refer to those holidays pic we told ... and sometimes they will tell my boi, bcos of u mummy is now so FAT!!!!

ya .. it told at least 6 months to slim down moreso with bfg it will be faster but usually after the #3 pregnancy onwards .. no way liao .. haiz.
Ya actually with bf, veyr fast, perhaps its the hard work hahahaha. i was back to pre-preg after 4 mths
and hope to keep maintaining it after my #2.. anyway if this time is really a boy, i think i close factory bah!
abt weight, I also unhappy abt my weight. but ah - my weight gain was not really abt preg. I went back to pre-preg weight abt 6-8mths after delivery. BUT not shed the 15kg gained after marriage hehe

I had c-section. yup I hated the pain. I also wished for natural birth. I prefer not to have episiotomy. this is where some mums differ. some prefer to have, some not. some have bad experience with it, some ok. the worst I heard was few years pain. that one v bad luck. some people few days only.

best case I did heard lady 4kg baby, no need episiotomy - no tear! it depends how u push, birth postion too.
me me..i also going to sign up for watever yoga..will check them out either tomorow or next wed...

do you know what is typical weight increase for 1st trimester?
cola ... i tot so, but it didnt work for me i hv been on TBF for 8months till i knew of this pregg ... haiz.
deac, about not needing episiotomy, there is a section in my pre-natal yoga teaching us some exercises on how to stretch the vagina, but then i dun dare to do it lor..usually the westerners can avoid episiotomy more than us asians coz they are bigger build.
Ya I shrink back to original within 2-3 months cos I bf. In fact, was thinner than before haha. But after stop bf, grew slightly fatter again.

re: baby's weight
I think bb's weight depend on how "efficient" the placenta is i.e. how much nutrients are absorbed. Mother may be eating for herself and not the baby! My friend put on 20kg but baby only 2.65kg. She was eating 2 bowls of rice + fried food every meal. I think the food we eat should be on quality (balanced diet with fresh vege, fruits, fish, cut down oily stff) and not quantity. My gynae tell me to control carbo (e.g. max 1 bowl of rice) but pile up more vege/fruits/fish/meat cos carbo is not so nutritious.

According to research, too big like > 4kg oso may not be good cos prone to obese, diabetes etc. My no. 1 I put on 11 kg, baby 2.85kg. No. 2 I put on 13 kg, baby 3.15kg. This time I hope maintain at ~12 kg if not difficult to lose back.

re: childbirth
Will ask my gynae whether can consider natural. Still scared... Recently, kept waking up in mid night and couldn't sleep for 1 hour. Think of childbirth and ask myself why have to go thru this again! My friend say maybe I got slight prenatal blue.
Anxylyn, i also have been waking up in the mid nite and couldn't get back to sleep. i think it's normally during this time. I subscribed to www.babycentre.co.uk and i think their description of every week's development and symptoms are very close.

As for childbirth, i tried not to think abt it. Even during my #1 when my waterbag burst, i told myself dun think so much, i just shower then hubby drove me to hospital. Anyway at the end of the day, i know whether i scared or not, i still have to give birth so might as well just adopt the Nike slogan "Just Do it"
ha ha. Thanks. like your slogan. Muz try to be positive and think on the bright side.

Btw, if opt for epidural, is it still pain when pushing out? Cos read about some mummies talk about pain but din mention if they use epidural or not. Actually, last 2 births, the nurse say I have hi pain tolerance as I bf 4 hours after C-sect and went down bed in 12 hours. Now maybe old already tolerance lower. ; (
Thanks all mummies to my reply earlier.

BUt...OMG gaining 20kg is way too much for me (if I do). Think I need to be bed bound already. Haiz. So scary leh...I also try to monitor my weight now....ensure that it's my bb who gains weight and not myself. *keeping fingers X*
Hi Hi,

I was busy the whole wk.. only can come in this time..

#1 put on 12kg, bb 2.5kg, #2 tried to eat more, gained 18, however, bb only 2.8kg..
#3.. dunno yet.. maybe arnd 18? btw, both dh & I small built.. so, dun think will have bb more than 3kg!!

My advice is Must do self reading to learn what is going on during birth.. what are the choice we cn have.. then, we will be able to have more happy birth experience then ignorant & depends on gynae (happen to me when I had #1).

#2, I do lot's of read up.. join forum read abt discussions..blah blah blah.. ended up with a happy birth experience than #1.

I was discharged the followng day after #2 birth, together with bb!

Tiny_M> how often do you take blood test at Dr Adrian's clinic? I gave him a copy of my blood test done at KKH but din take any blood/urine test when I visited him ytd. He said our blood profile will not change much but true or not? Wonder how regular do we need to take the blood test.
I think im the only freak here that put on about 2kg so far and my appetite has been quite good with not too much morning sickness. Now im worried abt shedding the extra kilos after childbirth... Cham liao!
I am also worried about gaining too much weight...lolz.. I put on a lot of weight after wedding but managed to shed the extra kilos last year. haha.. Used to regain my pre preggy weight of 47kg after birth!

Now I am more conscious on wat I eat, trying to keep to a balanced diet and less fried food.
Keeping a strict routine of walking my dog at night too.
hi ladies..

just would like to come in & share a piece of good news..

I just tested this morning myself.. tested positive.. den went to see doc.. tested positive too.. I'm 9weeks pregnant... so happy.. :) I'm gonna be a mummy soon.. :)
my period have been irregular.. so when I miss for 1 mth.. I tested myself.. result is negative... so I thought is becos of stress.. den jus 2weeks ago, I kept having morning sickness.. whatever I eat, I will throw out.. hubby suggest to test it again.. so I decide to test it.. furthermore, I cant miss my period for so long right..
wahahaha... icic
Anyway, congrats! Take good care of yourself wor.. I am counting down to my 2nd trimester,currently 11 weeks + now... Hope everything is ok.
Hi all

wow, so much to read every nite

Re epi
I also didn't opt for epi for my no 1 cos a lot of my frens also opted out so they say i also can do it. They keep telling me to talk to the baby a couple of mths be4 delivery to tell baby to come out faster and not let mummy suffer and it worked for me

Re labour
it was also quite short for me..felt contractions at abt 8pm but still went out for dinner and slept for a while. then i started walking around the house and did the last min preparations from midnite till abt 2+am. Woke my hubby up at abt 3am cos the contractions were quite intense so went to SGH. When we reach there, everything seems to pass very fast. I started to feel the baby pushing out at abt 5+ so on laughing gas. My gynae came at abt 6am and pierced my water bag then i started pushing and out she came at 7am. haha...still can remember the feeling of my gal coming out, really like shitting. :D:D

915 - i also gotten high on the laughing gas leh..it was like drinking alcohol! haha..i still remember that i told my hubby that i felt like i drunk a few glasses of vodka neat! so shiok cos no alcohol for so long..hehe..

May - wow, ur labour super long, really pei fu!

I think mummies who want to have quick labour, must walk more esp in the final trimester. It helps cos my ex work requires me to walk quite a fair bit. Though every nite ur legs will feel very tired but worth it lo. thats when u can get ur hubby to shower u with TLC ;)

dodo - u are standing overseas now? so u doing ur check-up in overseas hospital?
Re: Talking to baby.

Heard ab mummies mention talking to yr babies, when will yr babies "listen" to you and react to sounds?
Hi Piggy,

can finally update my EDD: 27th May.

Went to gynae yesterday and i am 8weeks and 2 days now. According to my LMP, i should be 10+weeks now but i ovulated VERY VERY late cos my cycle was eratic. Baby is 19mm now. Previously, my gynae will let me hear the heartbeat. This time round, dunno whether issit because its #2 or the heartbeat is very strong, she just pointed to the scan and say "Can see the heartbeat?"

My gal simply enjoyed herself at the clinic, playing with the receptionist and the things in the clinic. When we got bac to the car, she knocked off immediately in her car seat.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> JRTlover,
I heard abt tt too. But im not really sure if bb can hear us talking hahaha... But if mummy is talking, im sure bb can hear. For my #1, i do the tapping game whenever im free. And he did respond by giving me a kick thou not always. haha =)</font>.

Hi all,

I just went for my gynae visit in the morning. My baby is now 6cm and I am about 12+ weeks. My next appointment is about 4 weeks later on Monday for my triple test. I hope 4 weeks passed quickly so that I can see baby again. I am also hopping for my MS to go away soon. I vomitted again yesterday night, but is glad that my baby is safe even though I lost 2kg from 3 weeks ago.

I have some small red pimple like rashes on my face. My gynae says that it is due to hormone change and is normal for pregnant ladies to have it. I hope they will go away soon though it only affects my physical appearance.
