(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

jamie junicorn, u can buy those doll dress from this fashion loh. have 30% less with the discount card. quite reasonable price for one time wear only. i also get a few long doll dress from there last week. hehe

jamie, dont sad lah. after u pop then go "cheong" with those frens again loh. haha. i think they will envy u also. cos u so young already have a little bundle of joy
Everything is fine.. phew.. Just that baby a bit pui @ 323g. I hope i can push her out in 20 wks time. So glad im past the halfway mark! Yeah! Impressed that everything is soooo clear on the ultrasound.. Can see the spine etc. And confirm chop it is a girl girl.
Lucky no need to bring back the stuff i bot for exchange :p I told my gynae if it had been boy, i would claim frm her. and she gladly say she'll buy them cos she told me the gender. So nice of her. hiack! I ask her is it cos she needed them. kekeke.
anxious, we shall wait for your good news tomorrow ! enjoy urself tonight and have a good sleep. alto i know is not easy to sleep...
piggy & jacquise, congrats on your good results !

re : DS
is it on the spot can know the test results and bb gender ? or must wait for report ?
The report is very fast. 5 mins? They'll give u a report on the lengths and circumference of the various body parts. And the weight, ans stating whether there are any abnormalities in the heart, etc... With several pics of the body parts, eg: kidneys! (cool rite?), legs, arm, foot. Oh ya, she like forgot to count the no. of fingers leh!
Rem a mummy is organising for getting breast pump. Forgot who liao. Still organising eh?

Mustela stretchmark cream - Is it oily?
halo, morning ladies !

glenlyn, still posting at 3am ??? i was snoring away already leh..this morning wake up still feel so sleepy...haiz...everyday not enough sleep

anyone can recommend a good stretchmark oil ?
gals, i have this voucher..but no use..cos i not drinking this brand of mum's milk. anyone interested ? i can post to u today. hehe

SK - it's me. I know someone who organises bp sprees for medela breastpumps - PIS or freestyle. Can help to coordinate if there are mums here interested in getting the US version. Same as what you see locally, just got to buy adapter but way cheaper.

Porky - it's oil. available at all clarins counter but cheaper to get from Sasa or duty free. I got mine from an online retailer - http://www.beautynscent.com.sg/categories.php?category=SKIN-CARE/Clarins/Body-Care. It's only $54.80 a bottle, cheaper than Sasa who's retailing at $64.
good morning ladies

wah, so many have your DS oledi -- mine gotta wait till next sat!

piggy & jacquise, u must be happy with the good results

re: MS
any MTB still having MS? thot mine is getting better but started to vomit a few times a day since monday
porky, yeah..it's oil
i used about 1.5 bottle during my last preg. so juz in case u r thinking of buying many bottles.Don't..this oil very lasting

feb_mum, long time no see u online
looks like we are going to be the mamas of the princesses
so envious~~

almost all know gender already.. i still have to wait till my next appt next tues then MAYBE will know..

<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Such long posts to catch up !

Stretchmark cream:
me too using clarins. Bought both the tonic oil and cream. previously used cocoa butter before.. but my tummy itch after applying.. so i changed to clarins...</font>.
feb_mum &amp; nineonefive, thanks ! i am looking at the online retailer link now. will get 1 bottle to try first.

adv_sports, next say very fast coming lah. mine still 3 weeks later !

anxious should have got the results le..dunno how is she now..

i only see abit also..

only know that 2nd mistress (xiang yun) is back. tonite show will be more interesting!
So envious most of you already know the gender already, went to the gynae yesterday cos abs has been aching and was put on a contraction test and given 3 days bed rest
Was so worried cos didnt expect the tummy aching to be so serious , thot it was cos baby moving around. Doc di a scan but he said cant see clearly, later say sala (wrong) gender hence have to wait till 2 Jan for the DS.
Hi Anxious, what time is your appt, mine is at 10am

From now till due date, i am praying hard that my baby will be delivered close to the due date.

WIll let you ladies know sn if i can join in the 26 gathering , if i can get leave;p
RE: FISH OIL capsules -

Just found Neurogain S from Takashimaya Watson at $48 less 10% if you have friend working in watson!!

Natalcare same manufacturers as Dhaxtra is available at $52 for 60 capsules from SGH pharmacy.

Prolacta $55 for 2 months......
wah so many mtbs like to watch 'little nyonya'. haha. my fav also. every nite must watch de.

star, me also not know gender mah..9th jan go for DS..hehe. u mean doct say u have contraction ? so how are u now ?
yo, firefly and porky, me jus woke up nt long, jus taken my lunch.. ya lor,, cant slp well at night la.. sianz...

i m gg for my 4th scanning this sat,hopefully an c gender liao la.. :)
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> wad brand of fish oil is gd? I know there's one with the highest DHA.... not sure its which brand....</font>.
the chinese lunar chart for bb sex prediction 100% accurate for all my sis and my pregnancies... but i heard of inaccurate cases as well...

stretchmark cream:
im using clarin oil as well

there is no hard ground rule on how high should DHA in fish oil..........
At TMC most Gynea uses Natalcare....very low in DHA....so i called the distributor of Natalcare/Dhaxtra (from same company)......they said 102mg (in natalcare)to 430mg (dhaxtra)is acceptable......how contradicting!!! But cost a world of difference!!!
The result from the test showed some irritation, will still monitor after these 3 days of bed rest. i am resting at home , trying not to move around so much cos the ache is still around.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> jennifer,
when i went for my checkup last sat, my gynae told her clinic is selling fish oil as well. with the highest DHA. Quite ex. arnd $60+/bottle. But cant rem the brand. think i'll give them a call to check ltr.</font>.

me and anxious cant make it for this sat warehouse shopping.. sorrie abt that.. maybe u wan to arrange with jamie and go with her in the noon time??

$54.80 is cheap le..

retail price is $80 per bottle..

too bad i bought 2 bottles already.. else will share with u.. anyway if u intend to have no 2.. u can buy and keep. there is no expiry date as they are using natural ingredients..

i dont know how to calculate because my edd always changes.. got to wait till ds then confirm bah.. no choice..

shers..i know is cheap..thats why consider to buy loh..but if someone can share then we can get free delivery mah..save money...just asking only..no one share is ok lah..

oh..so u and anxious not going liao huh..is ok. i arrange with jamie and the others...
