(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> jennifer,
i've checked. Its Dhaxtra. $60/bottle. she mention it contain 1000milligram of DHA which is the highest...
anyone can verify this?</font>.


i am on natalcare cos cheaper and also gynea confirm not necessary to take high DHA = waste money = more profit for manufacturers!! i pay $52 for 60's.....whereas my colleagues paying $60 for Dhaxtra 30's

how much DHA in prolacta?
oic.. does it differ lots?
i know mine coz that's the only time we din use "protection" and "striked" hee..
ya, wait till DS then, shd be very soon right?

re fish oil:
i also taking prolacta..

it is good to spend a few more $$$ if u dont mind!! to kind of help the economy now!! but, since Gynea said not necessay than i wont pay for un-necessary things.......cos i not rich.......anyway, my gynea only keep Natalcare...i hope not all babies under his care are borne stupid.....hahaha
i didnt request for fish oil.. gynae just prescribed and i just take.. i dont really care abt brand because so long from gynae, its good.. hahha

dodo, i'm just being anxious abt gender
im sure not!

i believe our mums also not taking any of these fish oils when they conceived, but lots of smarties ard also!

personally i prefer to take more fish if possible (coz sometimes i will get turn off by the fishy smell..)

yup, the 1st thing i did when i knew i preggie was checking this chart and it stated a boy...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> jennifer,
hmmm.. think so too... my #1 gynae nv told me anything abt fish oil and i nv take fish oil thru'out whole pregnancy. only folic acid and multi-vit. bt turn out his speech, learning.. is better than my frens who take... mayb taking more fish during pregnancy helps as well?</font>.
when i was preggie with my no 1 just less than 2 yrs ago, there is no such thing as fish oil supplement lor..

its just the recent 2 yrs then got fish oil..

anyway gynae gives what, we take if we can..

like that dodo says, eat more fresh fish..

similar like calcium la.. dont just depend on the supplement.. drink more milk, eat more cheese and bread..
shers: im thinking of stopping my calcium supplements (cuz constipation!!) cuz i drink alot of fresh milk and take a lot cheese if required. But i dunno if the intake is enuf. ALso, for fish oil, i take the $60/30pcs Dhaxtra, and i only take it whenever I feel I dun take enuf fish or at least once ever 2 -3 days. DO u tihnk it;s ok?

i think its better to continue to take calcium.. calcium is v impt le.. because bb will absorb alot of calcium from u, u will lose alot.. if u dont take in enough, teeth will break and bones structure will be affected as well..

calcium will lead to constipation?? i tot its iron supplement..

i take supplements 3 times per week because either forget or lazy.. hahaha.. but i tend to eat food to supplement.. eg, bread, cheese and milk daily.. fish soup, more more papaya to relieve.. my gynae says kiwi helps too..
shers: i heard that papaya nt gd to take in too much.. partly cuz of jaundice too.. I take lots of milk and cheese, sometimes 3 slices for breakfast with bread and milk somemore. Fish soup this wk i ate twice liao.

Yup, jacquise was telling me iron and calcium both will cause de.. my mom also agree..

how abt asking yr gynae abt fish oil? i think its better not to buy off the shelf without gynae's precription. unless yr gynae asks u to buy outside. take what yr gynae prescribed is the safest.

no need to worry abt kid smart ornot.. it all depends on how carekeeper and parents teach

cannot eat papaya, mango, durian towards end of pregnancy.. will cause jaundice..

CL told me eat more cooling stuff.. then bb will be cleaner when birth and no jaundice..

i stopped eating yellow fruits when i reach 35 weeks.. and started to drink coconut milk every alternate days when i reached 37 weeks..

my gal came out very clean.. fair, no jaundice, no dry scalps..

i dont know whether its the coconut drinks that helps or what.. but i will do the same for this..

anyway my gal is full term bb.. 40 weeks exactly.. so imagine how many coconut drinks i took..
ya i think i continue my schedule of the supplements la.. mom says maybe take instead of 2 calcium pills a day (i take them alt days somemore) she says why dun take jus 1 pill a day.. at least i take everyday ma.. idea lor..
wow.. got to take 2 pills?? mine is 1 and its killing me.. hahaha..

btw, some gynaes prescibed multi vitamin.. so no need to suffer so much.. just 1 pill solve all.. i asked my gynae for that, he says not good.. because some multi vitamin contain high vit A,D and E which are not good for pregnant women.. sometimes too much is not good also..

I like fish soup, fish cake, fish curry alot but after tis preggy i dun like fish, after eat feel like vomit out dunno y just dun like
jamie, u took so many pills now ?? i only take the pink one and folic acid leh..dunno why dr woody never ask me take fish oil..must ask him next visit..

i have folic acid, calcium, iron, fish oil and 'an tai' pills.. total 5 pills also.. thats y i pop 3-4 times per week only.. if i pop daily, i think when i dream, i will dream of pills chasing after me..
Hi Ladies,

Just got back from my appt at KKH and was told that my Blood Pressure is a bit on the high side :-( Am told to take Aspirin once a day as it helps to thin down the blood. Any mummies experience this before???

915: Most welcome ;-)
I had high blood pressure in first pregnancy. taking aspirin now for #2 as a precaution tho rite now my bld pressure is ok. since its only aspirin, I am guessing urs is still ok. coz if too high, they will ask u take high blood medicine for pregnancy. take care ur stress level. do take enuff proteins too. its ok as long baby growth is not affected and ur bld pressure is not too high.
Hi Day-C,

Thx for sharing... It's just that I'm not very comfortable with the fact of taking medication. Let's hope that our blood pressure will not go up any higher....
Medela Pump >

Yeah...which one is more suitable for home use? Still puzzle over which brand/model to purchase.

Fish Oil >
Porky, Dr Adrian also did not mention anything abt the fish oil when I visited him couple times ago. It's only when I popped the question then he said "Oh fish oil, yeah we do sell here. $30/box for 30days consumption. You can purchase over the counter."..but he gave me this feeling that I dun need it eh.

Last time he told me, Singaporean mummies are overly nourished and dun need to drink milk. Milk can let u put on alot of weight. I am weight conscious cos already over weight plus lactose intolerant so I asked him on giving milk a miss.
Hi ladies,

Was extremely busy at work.. rather till year end. Anyway, regarding Oils:-

- Clarin Oil
I am also using Clarin Hulie Oil and in my 1st bottle. My previous pregnancy I have used 3 &amp; a half bottles. My SIL helped my to get from DFS when she travels.

- Fish Oil
I did enquire my gynae on fish oil which he thinks is not necessary. Currently, I am on 3 pills, multi-vit, calcium and iron due to low blood. My gynae is selling the Dhaxtra Softgel @ $56, 30 capsules.
yup hope wont get high bld pressure. may I know who is ur gynae ? sounds like gd move to me to prescribe aspirin as a preventive/helping measure. last time I was straightaway given some medication for high bld. I am with diff dr now
Take good care

I have got Gestational Diabetis when I am at week 35 for no1. So ladies must watch out ur food intake.
Fish oil
My gynae said studies showed neurological benefits in studies after 3rd trimester. But i was like... isnt there so many factors in contributing to intelligence eg: genetics, social environment... blah blah. Best, is she said 3rd trimester, she said giving me frm 16th wk! She is selling the Dhaxtra also. $60! So i asked her yester, y so ex? $2 per tab leh. Then she said cos the level of fish oil is v high and v purified for pregnant women... So i cheapskate, eat one in 2-3 days. Anyway 3rd tri then show benefits wat. Im in the healthcare line, so i know Drs need to make $$$ also la. I'll source for similar fish oil with similar content, hopefully cheaper.

High BP
Mikojade, Gotta be careful leh. High BP is nothing... just afraid that it can lead to complications. anyway y not get a BP monitor device and monitor urself. Can read this article for more info, online medical journal. Reliable! http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/hbp_preg.htm
Day-C: It was suppose to be my last visit with Dr SF Loh from KKH as I intend to switch over to a private one... But will see how things goes for me from here first. Was our blood pressure very high the last time. Mine was 138/77 and was reading online that it's consider very high if it's 140/90....

okipoki: Thx, hope everything will be fine..... have to watch my temper now... keekee... Good time to bully hubby now!! What kind of food shld we avoid?
sk, so u got buy the fish oil from dr woody or not ? he also never tell me anything abt fish oil leh..i thot later stage then he will ask me to take..i will try to ask him next visit whether is it necessary ...

wow.....Dhaxtra at $56 for 30's...........very exp! + other tablets......monthly bills very high!!

Your Gynea earn too much.....haha....eat fresh fish better!!
Porky: I juz bought a bottle of Clarin Hulie Oil from People's Park for $52... Mayb you will like to take a look there..

Jacquise: Am thinking of getting a BP monitor device.. Got any lobang:)... Heard abt the complications but am more afraid that I have to opt for c-sec... hoping to go natural all the way....
Mikojade, u not on msn? I gotta mk sure u not too excited during the warehse sales on Fri. keke. I can try to buy from u from SGH. Omron quite gd brand i tink. Depends on how many features u want. I try ask if staff got 20% then i get one of the SGH secretary or nurse help me buy! I will also go there source for my fish oil. hehe.
Porky, I bought my 2nd batch from his clinic already last week. Feel that this is one of the cheapest fish oil I hv seen.
Porky, the shops are on Level 3... there are several.. just look out for those selling toiletries.... A lot of stuff are cheaper there :)
It's natal care plus not Dhaxtra. I dun know where else can get cheaper NCP and since he's selling then I just get from him loh.
mine was 140-142 like dat. cant remember the other measurement. mine not gd case coz it affected baby growth and later got protein in urine the high bld got worse which is abt 160 so premature birth by c-section. that is not so common. most cases, it wont affect baby growth.

I tried to find out how drs would treat this. seem most will just give u the high bld medicine and not many will try preventive/helpful measures like aspirin. my private dr, Dr Paul Tseng (TMC) is giving me aspirin too. pls do monitor it if it affect baby growth or not.

reading on high bld : possible fish oil, calcium supplements help, celery/green apple juices, cucumbers
miko, i know which shop u say liao. i ever went there to get those shampoo and shower gel before. very cheap. hehe. ok i go there to check out. thanks !

sk, ok. i will ask him if necessary to take or not then decide loh. thanks !

good nite ladies
Looking to sell Maxi Cosi Cabrio Infant Car Seat ( Black)
Almost new and in excellent condition. (got photos)
If interested pls sms me at 9745 6162.
Bought for $358 in April 2008. Willing to let go at half price.
Hello everyone! Back from KL and there are so many many post to read! Difficult to catch up! Anyone knows how's anxious? Realised that she went for her detailed scan today.
I am back from Hong KOng...Super tired cos my #1 insisted on being carried by ME only for 50% of the trip. The rest of the trip, she sat on the stroller. Thumbs up for Maclaren Quest stroller if you are getting one cos it is light and easy to handle. Catch up later...

Hi mummies

Yesterday went for the detailed scanning and got the result of amnio test. My little girl is going to have a brother and he is growing well in me. I've been very worried for the past 2 months since the result of my blood test show very high risk.

Jaundice: My #1 had it too and I think it's nothing to do with the food we eat. According to one reading, different blood groups of mother and baby may also cause jaundice in baby. My mum used to say I ate too much noodle during pregnancy that caused jaundice in my #1. I think children should not take too much pumpkin, carrot and orange etc as they may cause yellowish their skin in their bodies, this also applies to adult.

I too would like to know if there's any way to prevent jaundice in baby. The two daughters of my cousin didn't have it.
