(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

ilovesashimi, I could only train at night. My sis in law is taking care of my boy from today n i believe she could train him in the day too
she has a month to do it s aft Jan her girl will go back to school so she's more keen to train him than me!

porky u might be right cos i havng something like that on my leg.. but his look diff mayb on bb look diff.

Jayden also waking up every day 5+. is it really possible for them to slp on their own? how leh? if i dont pat him he can play till 12+ 1 . eventually wn slpy will cry till tired slp w/ pacifier. but my concern is more to slp early. i wanted him to slp by 9.30 latest every night. i start his bedtime routine at 8.30.

wow! 8mths! that's fast! jayden i turning 7th only next week, happy 8 mth to shermay, yuan2 and keagan! it's really fun to see them grow
so nice that you have someone to help to train at night.. haiz.. when my gal was at 6 mths, i took 2 weeks leave cos MIL went on holiday and I couldnt do it.. sob
Require info if anyone of ur babies cried or screamed in flight during travel? Does any special seat/ bed provided for infants below 1 yr. Can we take stroller/ carry cot inside flight? very worried require to travel in 1 month time.

My gal since few days isnt sleeping well.. she would scream and trying to pull the bumper in the cot. she is only sleepin when we swing in cradle. any advise if anyone face similar problem?
Jamie, Audrey and Joyce, same same, my baby also keep waking up at night these few nights. He can sleep through the night (except for the picking up of pacifier) months ago. But these few weeks, he will wake up for milk. My hubby went overseas on Sunday and Sunday midnight 12am, he woke up and cried for milk. He cried so loud that my MIL woke up to help to carry him while I make milk for him. I did not sleep well that night cause have to wake up a no. of times to put pacifier back for him too. Then Monday, I ended up with nose block. Monday night, I have to wake up a few times to put the pacifier back for him and Tuesday morning, I end up with headache, sore throat on top of nose block. Luckily I am on leave on Tuesday and manage to catch some sleep during the day. Tuesday (yesterday) night, he also woke up around 3 plus in the morning, wanting to be carried. I carried him and sit on the bed, he just rest his head on my shoulder. I tried putting him down in his baby cot a few times, but he will wake up crying. Then, finally, I am so tired that I put him down to my bed. He was flipping all over, luckily never flip down the bed. Finally my hubby is back today and I can get a good night sleep. I told my hubby that tonight I off duty. Anyone with hubby who travel overseas? Do you all find that your babies behave differently when he travels, it is like they need more comfort from mummy when daddy not around. Or maybe due to teething. Yes, today finally see 2 tiny teeth and the bottom gum, so cute. I told my hubby don't know he lucky or unlucky, everytime he goes overseas or go out with his friends, my baby happens to be cranky.
sgpv, I haven't bring my baby overseas by plane before. They have bassinet in plane, but you have to request for it. They say let your baby suck something ie. milk when taking off and landing as it will relieve the pressure in the ears.
Happy 8th months to Yuan2, Shermay and Keagan! Time really flies.

Re: Baby cot bumper

My baby also like to push the bumper down to look at us until the bumper become out of shape. Even more dangerous, he will step on it to try to climb up so we remove the bumper.

Adv_sports, you manage to get the full height bumper for carrefour? I went there, but can't find. Which outlet did you go to? Now, my baby keep on knocking his head against the baby cot cause we remove the bumper liao. Looking for full height bumper but can't find any. Anyone knows where we can get full height bumper and how much it is selling at?
maybe u can try California Baby Super Sensitive Shampoo n Bodywash ... Rachel after use that one no red red liao. If u want to try can buy tester first only $5 n send to our house.

Baby May,
I dunno wat will happen tm as my hubby go reservist n only going home next day. Cos usually if my hubby not home yet Rachel will not sleep.

hope Andrea recover soon ...
baby may,
then I will check w airlines before buy ticket. Tks.

me also same same.. since 2-3 days she wants me to carry n sleep on shoulder when i put her back in cot cry again.
Bumper: I bought a higher bumper from kiddy palace for $65 or 69. I am not sure if this is the full height that is being referred here. I can only say that the height is twice the height of the normal bumper height. Its high enough to avoid my gal from hittng her head against the cot when shes on her tummy and raising herself up on her hands.

Createjoy - yes, i put my gal in exersaucer. why leh?
I can see alot of mummies now facing similar prob as me where bb keeps waking up at night.. just that mine started ever since i went back to work 3 mths back.. arrghh.. Hang in there mummies..
babymay, i think most likely ur boy is teething...cos when jaeden is teething..he will wake up crying alot every 1 hr...else most of the time he is crying for milk..aft feed he will auto turn to his side hug his pillow and fall asleep..my hb does not need to work overseas...but he cant handle bb at night...he wont hv enuf sleep then next day cant concentrate on work...so usually i am the only one feed, carry, rock, pat and sing song...jaeden still wakes at 1am, 3.30am and 6am for milk..then fully awake at 7.30am...haiz, now i on leave also cant sleep late...

lily, where to get the shampoo at $5 include delivery ?
Re.sleep through
my boy also wakes up 2-3 times every nite.... these few nites worst.. every 1-2hr.. will eh eh eh... just wan u to carry n will sleep.. i suspect is teething.. coz he is biting the whole day! arghhh

i use gaia for bathing my boy.. for sensitive skin.. quite good
i only got jumperoo & exersaucer for my gal. think walker too dangerous for her

re: slp thru
my gal nvr realli slp thru except for on-off 1 or 2 nites, she decide to let me off!
though these few nites she slept thru, bt she slp at 1-2am & wake up 5-6am! argh!
sgpv - i brought my bb to bali recently. if you are flying normal airlines, they will have a bassinet for bbs but you need to request for it. but budget airlines have no bassinet, so you need to carry bb throughout the flight. airline will provide a special seat belt for you to strap bb to you for safety purposes.

for the stroller, at the point of checking in, you need to indicate dat you have a stroller. they will put on the check in sticker on the stroller. you can use the stroller all the way to the aerobridge. then you will need to fold the stroller and allow the staff to help you check it in. no stroller allowed on the plane. you collect it back at your destination together with your luggage on the conveyor belt.

gd to let bb suck on something during take off and landing. pacifer or milk bottle oso can.
hmmm...seems everyone's baby got same problem. hopefully can see teeth soon.

got walker at home. my gal feels comfortable in walker than exersaucer. walker I also use for feeding or playing.
Happy 8 month to Shermay, Yuan2 and Keagan!

RE: Sleep training
From 2 months onwards, I already using feb_mum's method already, cos no choice.. I am alone on maternity leave, if dont train baby to sleep alone, I also duno how I can survive..

Me too dont have walker, only jumperoo. And I dont intend to buy walker too.. my house too many fragile items, wait the walker crash them all haha.. But mainly becos heard from PD that babies who use walker tend to walk later as they tip toe.. not sure how true either..
Ya, my gal also wake up every 1-2hrs recently,n wil cry cry cry, give pacifier also don't wan,only wana latch on,wil only for 2-3mins nia. Guess she onli wanted comfort. And yes!!! She is teething recently,her 2 little teeth finally erupted!
Re: sleeping through

Same la, andrea also used to slp thru but past mth she wakes up almost every hour also.. Just "eh eh eh" and muz rock her.. If we try to put her down again, she will cry even louder.. Very tiring man.. Hope its teething n not some nightmare. Wah hope our babies will sleep through soon

She better liao. But got rashes. When she ok we go out haha
Hi sgpv,
Don't take United Airline if you are travelling with infants. I tried once last year with my 14 month toddler. Although they claimed that i will be allocated a bassinet, they did not give me a bassinet ultimately. Think SQ is still the best if you are travelling with infants/toddler.

Re: No walker
My gal also does not use the walker unless she is at my MIL during weekends. She relies on exersaucer and jumperoo. Now that she can sit, she prefers to stay on the bumpermat or bed.

My gal is really a patient gal who can play with the same toy for 30 min!! Her personality is the direct opposite of the elder sister who cannot sit still for even 1 min and where no toy can entice her for more than 5 min!

Hi glenlyn,
My gal is also into comfort sucking recently. I am still thinking abt how i should wean her off my breast if i ever want to stop bfging...

Re: Feeling weak while bfging
Any bfging mummies who feels weak and looks pale after months of bfging? Prior to giving birth, i was a little anaemic already. Recently, i started to feel weak and dizzy. My hubby and helper also commented that i look a bit pale today. Hubby even said that if i continue to be dizzy, perhaps its time to give up bfging. Resorted to boiling red dates tea again. Hope its just a once off affair.

Re: Feeling weak while bfging
i dunno lei.. i m stil bfeeding la..i only knw i m always hungry and thirsty.. pale...? i m nt sure abt myself.. but i only knw i got 2 big dark circles.. :-(

Audrey & other mummies who is stil bf? r u guys weak as well like poohwei?
Hi Mummies!

I read somewhere... if babies are not sleeping through, it could be due to the fact that they do not have enough food in the day and need replenishment at night.

For my 2 kids, they have been sleeping through the night from 7/8pm to 7am since 3 months. So far so gd.... and I am thankful for that.

Other than bedtime routine and ensuring a secure and safe bedroom for them (I have shared previously some strategies I am using), I always ensure that they have enough food in the day so they won't wake up in the middle of the night due to hunger. Also, they are in sleeping bags so they won't wake up because they are cold. And, their nap times in the day are controlled too (not more than 3 hrs in the day) These, together with heartless creatures like my hubby and I, we let them cry... and we just check on them to make sure that they are alright...
Hi Glenlyn!

I am still breastfeeding as well. I feel hungry and thirsty all the time as well but not really weak... Remember to eat healthily (well-balanced)and regularly... Boil some soup for yourself is gd too

Your 2 dark eye circles could be due to lack of sleep since ur little one is still waking up in the middle of the night... Training???
yes, i also feel hungry & super thirsty most of the time! always snacking away!
dun realli feel giddy or weak, unless sick or jodie sick (cos she will tire me out when she's sick)
I'm also always eating!! just ate some cookies & a slice of bread!

BB on Flight:
You got to request for Bassinet & front seat well in advance. Unless the flight is full, & have many other young bbies, you will get the front Asle seat which is much more spacious!
As for air presure, can let them eat some snack or suckle milk.. much easy if bfg!!

My 3 kids go without any walker.. only exersaucer! #1 walks few days b4 she turned 1yo, #2 walked few days after he turned 1yo.
I don't feel weak or giddy often but yes, hungry n thirsty!!

My epidural wound still hurts.. When I rub my back, that area feels very sore n painful. Sigh!!!

Hello! I remember some mums gave barley when their bbs had fever.. But I stopped giving andrea alrdy. My mum says the rash is cos of fever. Andrea wakes up a lot but she doesn't want milk.. I really wonder why! Hope its just teething n nothing else cos she used to slp thru since 2 mths to 6 months. she's turning 8 mths tmr and still waking up soooo often!!

Happy new year to big n small
Porky, yeah, I think he was teething. Today he is better. Only wake up once (I think) for pacifier so far. Wow, you are the only one that wakes up at night? That is tough. I was the one waking up at night during my maternity leave. Initially when I returned to work, I am also the only one waking up until I started to get block nose due to lack of sleep so I told my hubby, I can be the one waking up when I am not working cause I take naps then. But when I work, I can't take naps and are very tired with lack of sleep, so we take turns except when he is travelling.

Audrey, epidural got wound? Or is it because of back pain? Do you want to see a doctor for it? Glad that Andrea is well now. I gave MY Barley water when he has diarraohe (not sure about fever - but should be the same concept - it is more nutritious?) on the advice of PD. I think Audrey is just teething cause MY's 2 little teeth just erupted yesterday and my SIL commented on Monday that he seems to be having a temperature, but when they use thermometer to measure his temperature, it is normal. Happy new year to you & Andrea and the rest of the mummies and babies too!

RE: weak during bfg
I stopped bfg already, but also feel weak and easily sick when I have to wake up during the nights and go to work the next day cause of lack of sleep. I think we have to try to sleep and rest more when we can, but I think it is easier said than done.
Re walker
My boy don't sit in walker cause both my house and my IL house is not baby proof. He sits in a tropical go round where he can walk one round, so the concern is the same as walker - he will tiptoe? Actually I realised that he does tiptoe when he is inside, but I thought it is because he is too short and can't reach the floor if he don't tiptoe. They should be able to outgrown it?

Audrey, Andrea allergy to barley? If it is the same concept, can give rice water if Andrea is not allergy to rice cause that time when MY had diaraoh, PD says can either give barley or rice water.

Porky, Jaeden got sensitive skin? Is it because baby got tender skin. Sometimes I also see that MY has some red patches but normally after a while they will go away. I apply california cream for him and it helps.
Any baby got split nails? MY sometimes got broken nails. I don't know whether it is due to hitting against something till is break, putting his fingers and toes in his mouth and the saliva did it or dryness. Maybe abit of all? It does improve after I apply California cream. But breaks again after I stop.
haha... baby may u also awake. my baby wakes up every 2 hrs so I generally awake whole night. I go to sleep around 7 -8 AM while my helper looks after. I wake up around 11+ so good 4 hrs of sleep. been so long since I had 6 -8hrs of sleep.
baby may,
Thanks! The area where I had the epi feels sore n "raw" when I massage it lightly. Dunno why also. I'm not sure if andrea is allergic to barley but my mum insists that its a rash after a bout of fever.. So I hope tats the case. Her temperature has gone down but still a lot of phlegm. She'll cough n den vomit cos she doesn't noe how to spit out the phlegm..

Hope u r feeling better n can get enough rest.. Happy new year to u, MY n family! Tmr they turn 8 mths!!
good morning!

Happy New Year 2010 to all mummies, babies & families! Wish all our babies strong & healthy in the new year!
Morning mommies! Happy new year to everyone!

May our babies slp thru the nite soon and finally so can we!

Graceofgod: I read that before too! =) cld it be that our babes are "used to" waking up in the middle of the nite as well? Like their routine..
Teething: Something to share. When my gal was about to erupt her 2 teeth, I realise that by applying teething gel before she sleeps at night (i.e. after milk) helps alot.. she sleeps longer before making noises in the middle of the night..
Re: Pneumococcal Vaccine

i understand that frm 01 nov onwards, we can use medisave for this vaccine in polyclinics. how abt private clinics?

It seems like pediatric centre @ tmc(where we frequent) does not practise this & only allow to use cda.

tonight will apply the teething gel for my son. Last night I came home late so never train my boy to sleep. He's too tired and he slept immediately after taking milk at about 10pm. Woke up before midnight and I fed him water and he slept after that. He woke up at 3.30am for milk again.

Overall the little boy has improved tremendously over the months. He's taking 120ml milk per feed and I hope he'll take at least 150ml so that he could sleep through until at least 5-6am.
