(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

ling lim,lily & jamie.. i feed him heinz apple 2 week ago, christmas eve i tried HT jasmine chk latuat (forget hw to spell), he still vomit face.. n cry all the way.. but i still half cheat half force mk him eat w/ porridge n next meal w/ cereal , till left 1/3 i eat up haha. i still hav plenty heinz n HT jar fd dont dare to open now..

hey gals chk out this pg, interesting.. v true i know alot things i behave to hb is wrg but just keep doing it, shall keep this pg to remind myself to keep marriage alive after having kids.. http://nanzinc.com/protect-marriage-kids?utm_source=NanzInc.com+Newsletters+v.ob&utm_campaign=b21168d7de-Nanzinc.com+Dec+Week+4+09&utm_medium=email

i love gathering!! Jamie,can i join? i SAHM at since i preg.. still snake to fd job, very free leh, want to brg my boy to mk frds. heehee btw my boy is also jayden hahaha jayden tan.
huh same surname!? haha i knew there are jayden here , din expect same surname.. this name at their generation v common, but i already called him this for few mth wn preg then realise it v common name but i like its meaning so i just leave it.
Createjoy: sure! Come come! Put ur name in the list cuz I using hp to surf nw. Nt ez to manuveur copy n pasting! Haha! U stay jw rite? If I'd known u when I was preggy, we prob cld've gone out many times cuz I'm also sahm since preg.. Btw, does ur boy tk plain cereal well?
ling - for the pork porridge, I added the meat in as well. For flavour, I used the stock made from pork ribs

RE: gathering
I need to check if I can take leave on that date first.. hope to be able to join.. as its so near my house!

RE: Jar food
Vera loves it a lot.. can eat very fast as compared to homemade stuff. I tried once, jar food actually quite delicious though =)

RE: Feeding
6am: 240ml
10am: 8tbsp cereal + 100ml + veg
3pm: 100ml or lesser or sometimes refuse to drink
5pm: veg/fruit
7pm: chicken or pork or ikan bilis porridge with veg
mid-night: 180ml or sometimes refuse to drink

Overall, Vera's milk intake is very little.. prob thats why she still so small size.. wonder when she will "upgrade" to M size diaper!
Morning mummies ....

Now feed Rachel with biscuit .... frm 5.50 she wake up liao giv milk only drink 40ml

wah vera can eat alot leh .... Rachel only 2tbsp n 1 food jar usually Peach Banana Muesli. Taste nice i try also

maybe u can try with fruit first step 1 ... Rachel also dont like jarfood until I giv her tried Cabana Banana. n now she love it open her mouth until 1 jar finish.

can we giv baby eat puff n they still not crawl yet? I got buy "Baby Puff Organic" but dont dare giv Rachel try cos she still not crawl yet.
Lily: I gave claire the happy baby puffs by feeding her when she was abt 6.5 months... think can lah... Just make sure she is sitting upright.

Audrey: I shop exactly like Jamie! haha I buy those flavours that is very difficult to make at home. But you must try out the individual flavours first, make sure Andrea is not allegric. then buy all the mixed vege/fruits. really more wu hua... haha
Morning mummies!

Re: Gathering
Jamie, sorry I cant join! weekdays are generally not so good for me. U all have fun and take lots of pics!
Poohwei: If there's a gathering on Sun, I can join! Let me know when you're organising one!

Re: Jar food
My girl hates jar food! She can't finish a bottle in 48 hours so we gave up! I think the brand I got not very nice (earth's best), always too sour. mabbe i should try HT since such good feedback! I got a few at home but haven't try yet..

Re: Feeding
I agree with poohwei, do what u think is convenient. Like my girl hates porridge so now we feed her carrot/spinach/fish/meat with rice cereal. so much more convenient and easier to feed. I'm a lazy mum also and I can't cook so rice cereal works best for me!

Audrey: take ur time! some babies just prefer milk! i rem reading somewhere that it is a BIG step for babies (esp. breastfed babies) to "graduate" from a warm, secure feeding environment (cos carried and close to mummy) to a cold, foreign spoon. as long as u & baby are happy, it's ok!

Lily: I let my girl eat puffs too and she can't crawl yet! she loves them!

Ling: When my mum cooked pork porridge last time, she add in the pork too. She'll scrape the meat before cooking then the meat will become very small when cooked. Try using slow cooker. But my girl hates her porridge, so now never cook liao..

cheesecake: wow.. vera seems to be eating a lot! I think my girl takes less food than her and milk intake also not a lot. U know i latch her over the long weekend and when i came back to work yesterday, my milk ss decreased a lot! i used to be able to pump out about three to four 80-100ml bottles at work but yesterday i only managed one 110ml! I can't imagine how little she drank over the weekend!
Sgpv, thanks for the info, will continue to monitor him. My boy seems to be better than the previous two nights n morning, still have fever but he is more active already. So heart pain, cry until no voice. When it comes to taking medicine if fever gets to high or cough worsen, he will whine n shake his head.
good morning mummies!

cheesecake, wow, vera is eating alot of solids! maybe that's y she dun drink too much milk... but she can down 240ml for her 1st feed *clap clap*

jamie, how did hailey like the HT green peas? I fed her on sunday -- hmmm, dun smell nice leh and gosh, her poo after that was super smelly!!

re: jealousy
will ur baby feel jealous when u give attention to other babies? yesterday, when i fetch yuan2 from IFC, i saw a younger infant crying and went over to rock her bouncer... yuan2 saw that and starting crying -- like telling me "y u dun come to me first"... like that how to hv #2??!!
i will pass u the breastpads tt day

i din try indiv veg b4 giving my boy the HT veg harvest time.. heehee...

the strawberry apple v nice leh... everytime my boy eats, i also eat! lol

cheesecake/tiny m,
tks.. im cooking pork porridge w potato n carrot 2day...
Thanks Porky, Bean: I have the flat latex pillow also and previously did let my gal sleep on that but somehow she perspire so thought it may be too hot for her so stop using liao.. Bean, for the latex pillow, its quite big right.. like those rectagular (or close to square shape) right? How do you put your bb head on it har? I think I'm quite clumsy.. each time put her down.. both her head and shoulder on the pillow so tot she may be quite uncomfortable leh.. like if I were to have my shoulder on the pillow.. I also cant sleep well.

I can see some mummies start giving jar food with strawberries - but I thought I read it somewhere that strawberries has pretty high chance of allergy so best to intro after 1 yr?
Re. maternity leave
wkg mummies, if my boy is born on fri.. so 1 wk mean fri to thurs? i took 14wks tt time.. left 2wks = 10 days rt? my hr cmi.. tell mi they dun noe... n kept "reminding" mi to clear by 1st q 2010..
Jamie, yes he tk plain nestle cereal well.he's actually qt gd boy so far except w porridge n jar fd haha

Jamie's place gathering
21st jan 2010 (thurs)- abt 2pm onwards
pls add ur names!
1) jamie & hailey
2) porky jean & jaeden
3) audrey & andrea (share cab frm north)
4) joyce
5) ling & kayden
6) mikojade & nigel & helper(can fetch max 3 frm train station bt cannot fit in any strollers)
7) okipoki
8) lily & rachel & hb(maybe)
9) sk & charlene
10) createjoy & jayden
yes, 1 wk is fri to thur, if u started ur ML on fri. left 2 wks = 14 days, cos ML go by calendar week. u shld hv up to apr/the day before ur boy was born to clear ur ML. dun nid 1st qtr of 2010.
if hr keep telling u dunno, u can contact MOM or MCYS to enquire
ya lor ... just now I giv her n also eat then she giv me face like say "mummy that one my puff lei not for u" whahaha .... I tell Rachel we share ah if finish mummy buy new one for u.
Later will go KP n cold storage buy her HT.
audrey, same ! i am also OCD person...i hate hair & ants on the floor...when i feed jaeden bb bites, i break into tiny pcs and put into his mouth..i dont let him hold himself..unless is at outside..hahaha

lily, how much is city sq mall selling the Only Organic ? my house downstair Ang Mo got sell leh..but ex loh..

jamie, wat abt food ??
my hr super lazy one...she lump my ML, CCL and AL together...so she dont hv to keep track on date i need to clear...so now i just take watever leave..
juju, ilovesashimi,
tks.. hr wan mi to clear by 1st q coz they dsai v difficult for them to monitor etc.. kept telling mi.. im the only 1 who dun take the ML one shot... nag n nag n nag. in fact wan mi to clear by this yr.. damn lazy! im the only one preggy in thw whole co.. wat so diff to monitor??
morning mummies...

just wanna check whether anyone's buying their milk powder from this website http://www.mummysave.com. Any feedback?
Also, you guys got any reservations bout buying milk powder from malaysia ? :p

Very enticed to buy from the website cause cheap but at the same time worried whether its safe....
Actually thats not fair. You have the right to use it anytime within the year your bb is born unless you are ok to utilise it within the 1st qtr. Anyway, its govt who say we can use it within the year, not us.. so we shouldn't be pressured by HR just becuase they are lazy..

To be honest, monitoring is HR's prob, not yours. I am still saying this even although I'm in HR line (i'm not HR practioner though).. keke..
I think HR want u to quickly clear it so that they can quickly claim $$ from govt ba.. cos as long as you havent utilise it.. they can't claim.. haha..
Ling: U should tell your HR MOM website said this this this.. then they bo bian gotta do. use MOM to pressure them! Have fun cooking porridge today!

adv_sports: yuan2 so cutee! she wants you to love her only cos she loves you sooo much! i love it when babies show their love for you in such ways! my girl has separation anxiety, must have someone in sight all the time. if we just go out of her sight to prepare her food in kitchen or take her bath water, she'll cry until very qi cham.. then when appear again, she'll give a big bright smile. aiyo.. so sweet lo..

porky: i think i saw only organics at NTUC before. think it was on sale a few weeks ago.

jling: hope your boy recovers soon! u can try rubbing ru yi oil or baby vicks on his back to relieve his cough!
ur hr this kind of lazy very good. then u got lotsa "leave" to take

wah! dun bother. if they force u to clear, tell them u complain to mcys! yes yes! only when u take then they can claim frm govt. maybe they bio-ing the $$$!
porky: city square that organic stall selling at S$2.40. i bought country apple on sat. how to feed to baby? need to warm up not? how much yr baby can eat??
ilovesashimi, tiny m,
ya lor... my hr one kind la... anyway, i just clear in mar..haha... maybe short trip.. my hr olways think they are v "big" in office.. wat they said, u better follow that kind lor.. i wonder this type of hr if wk in big company with few thousand staff.. i tink they will cry coz "v difficult to monitor"..lol

i tot only organic is on sale $1.90 for many weeks in ntuc leh... u din see?
Hi, letting go a lime green bumbo with tray. Anyone interested or knows anyone else who is interested, pls om me! BNIB. thx!
porky: see the exact number of ppl coming over then decide on food ba. lk too litte to cater for nw lei. oh btw, u see ntuc i tink they hv this brand "organic baby" can try also.

ling: actually i also didnt let hailey try all fruits?veg individually first and follow the 3-4 day rule. lol! bt advise ppl ma so must say also! lol!

re: HT orders
will try to place order by 8th jan (fri) so that they will have time to consolidate and deliver in case anything oos. I think u guys email me better. Pm sometimes sot one. [email protected].
jling, hope ur boy recover soon.

HT order:
Whats the pricing and where buying?

gathering add me to list also. Will confirm u on 19th Jan (if going out of town) me + baby + helper

me to wanted to buy from malaysia. someone doing spree in mummysg forums. hubby gave me the link sometime. but heard that taste is bit different. If ur baby likes then (if stock no more at home and u buy singapore based tin they may not take singapore taste) if ur baby doesnt like then waste of 6 tins.
So i didnt risk. cause require sample to try if baby ok or not w taste.
Thanks for BLW link. I read there one of the mummy tip if baby got allergy to dairy products. no need to test by FEEDING milk to them if outgrown or not.

Apply butter, cheese, yogurt and milk on the skin if got rash/ ezcema also one way to find if outgrown or not.
RE: Feeding
Vera does not like to drink milk, so PD ask me to let her eat porridge at 6.5 months.. abit early though but no choice. surprisingly she prefer solids over milk.. so far so good.. the only feed she will drink 240ml is morning.. cos I feed her while she is still in dreamland.. so she just drank everything! Haha.. when she's wide awake, she will refuse to drink one..

RE: Maternity Leave
I rem I read somewhere on the govt website that it can be clear within 1 yr from birth of child but need to have mutual agreement with employer.. maybe can ask MOM to confirm?
Ling, thank u

Re: HT jar food
Wah I went to compass point cold storage n I bought peach muesli, veggie stew, island fruit jumble, sweet peas, country veggie, golden pears!! So exciting! Shall let her try tmr!

Jamie, if andrea likes it den I will send u my orders by 8th jan okie? Lol.

Andrea eat gerber puffs strawberry-apple also. I tried, smells nice n tastes nice! She also cannot crawl yet but nvm la, she can bite n swallow so shld be ok

Even outside I also break into pieces cos I get very agitated when I see crumbs all over her clothes or if her hands n face sticky sticky, I feel very "dirty". Cham ah like dat, she doesn't get to hold her own food haaha!
RE:Gerber puffs
I feed my boy with Gerber puffs strawberry-apple too. He love it. We always feed him during our meal time when he sits at his high chair so that we can have our meal. Sometimes, I feed him about 2 times a day and it now become a habit. He will expected to be given Gerber puffs when we have our meal and he sit at his high chair. Will it be too much snack for a baby?
We let my boy feed himself cause we want to buy time having our meal. Yes, it is indeed messy. He dropped more than 50% of the puffs initially. Now, he only dropped 10% of the puffs. But his hand will be very sticky. I always bring him to wash his mouth and hands after that.

Initially, I feed him baby bites, he love it too. But it is messier than puff cause it will drop all over and it is normally quite soggy. Recently, he will squeeze the whole piece of baby bite into his mouth, I am afraid that we will choke, so now when I feed him baby bites, I will break into small pieces and feed him.
