(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

wish u all have smooth delivery tm

sms me ur ward no ... tm I go check up. Hope tm hear good news frm my gynae but scared he will do VE again. Today ur gynae do VE again when u checked up?


Ya lor, but i nego with my mum liao, cheese is also egg, and can eat egg, so y cant eat cheese keke.. she said YA HOR... hahahah! We eat bread + butter in hospital menu anyway, so i told her, can eat lar hahaha!

My girl will wait outside labour ward with hubby lor, only when bb is about to crown, then nurse will keep an eye on her for awhile
should be okay lar hahaha..
juz had a cooling young coconut drink

star, rc_cola n lily, thanks! so exciting!

rc_cola, best is no need induce... hope to hear gd news from u 2molo
ur cheese swiss roll is ur incentive! hubby joked that after the crab n frog leg dinner -- my bb may burst the waterbag 2nite :p

lily, yup my gynae did VE for me to check for further dilation due to my brownish discharge...
congrats to all mummies who had popped!!!

and all the best to mummies who gonna pop soon! rc cola, shers, adv sports and who else?! must be very excited to meet ur darling soon..

i wana link ur blog to mine too!

are u still here? hope u will pop soon!

nowadays i feel my tummy so big and breathless very often, esp running after my active boy... really wonder can i cope wi the 2 boys when the little one is borned!
baby_may, yah, will make sure this time is not false alarm *haha* thanks! ur turn will come soon

dodo, thanks! how's ur check up with singapore gynae? no worry abt the cord ard ur bb?
baby_may, i was ready to admit today
but after coming home, seems like still hv unfinished stuff to do... like cut finger nails (else my poor hubby will kena scratch), refresh memory on coping with labour etc...
adv_sports, so good, finally can see your baby tomorrow. Thanks, I hope that my turn will come soon too, but not a single sign yet. So many people with so many sign already, they will be seeing their babies soon too.
Congrats to all mummies who have popped... sorry I havent been following the update today cos super busy no time to log on... who are the mummies who have popped today ah?

So tmr we are expecting rc_cola and adv_sports? Jia you jia you!!!

Xue - thanks for the list I got it - sms u tmr when I get to ACJ - gd luck with your checkup
adv sports,
thanks for the concern...

i vsited my gynae and dr paul tseng.. bb's head circumference was indeed 34cm at my week 34+.. so it's really big.. as for the umbilical cord, both commented that it's common as it's just around the neck but not tightly ard, so not an issue, just have to monitor his movements diligently..

as for the part that i wish to try VBAC, my gynae is open to the option but he still encouraged me to have c-sect coz bb's head size is big and he may exceed 3kg (which is the limit he give me to try vbac)...

dr paul tseng also commented that bb's head size is big (and my #1's head size was big at 37cm).. he said we can still try for natural but he also highlighted the risk of vbac and the successful rate... may also end up c-sect if trial of natural labour din progress well..

so im in a dilemma now...

gal, wish u all the best in ur delivery! ya, better cut ur fingernails.. u wun know who else u will scratch other than ur hubby! haaa
wah flommy, ur mil not so strict this time ah. good good...so u wont be a smelly mummy ! hahaha

abby, why today u need to do so many test ? i also seeing him on sat at SK..u see him at CCK ?

adv, 4cm already..so happy for u ! finally can see ur little princess tmr ! so have 3 babies sharing the same birthday ? shers, rc_cola and ur princess
hi mums,
i'm back from my gynae check up. i'm admitting to kkh for induction at 2am.


1. baby is not engaged
2. water level still high
3. cervix not dilating
4. no signs of contractions

gynae says no extension until 10 may, the max she will give is 5th may (my edd is 3rd may). she said my chances of natural birth is only 70-80% and she wants me to try without opting for c section straight away.

she said i can always wait til 3rd may to let bb come out naturally without induction, but she said chances are low cos bb is really too high up, cervix too hard.

she worries if overdue, will be dangerous for bb. so i'm admitting later at 2am so won't charge for extra day today.

she will insert tablets and if the 2nd tablet doesn't work, i will have to go for c section immediately.

i'm praying hard that i can deliver naturally by tmr. never expected that i have to end up inducing my little girl, but never mind..

i'm very nervous and afraid that bb still won't want to come out.. i hate the idea of "forcing" her out but gynae said at least we tried for normal labour.

will keep u all updated ok.
Congrats to all mummies who have popped!

Been a long time since i last posted, but been reading silently!
My gynae did a VE for me this morning, 1.5cm dilated, she suggested to induce me at 8am tomoorrw as i have aging placenta. but i'm having brownish/ dull reddish discharge since noon till now... issit normal? abit confused issit caused by the VE or my mucous plug dislodged!

i'm still timing my contractions for the past 2 hours, not really painful, its quite regular 15-20 mins apart... hopefully not false alarm...

seems like we gonna have quite a few 30 Apr babies!
btw i'm 39 weeks+ 1 Day today.
dodo, good to hear that ur bb is ok -- keep monitoring his movement
hope u can come to a decision soon! good luck!

tinkles_mum & porky, thanks... it has been a long wait!

baby_may, yup, gonna zz now -- need to wake up early to shower n wash hair

audrey, good luck to ur induction later! have faith in baby andrea!
hi mummies

congrats to those who had popped and all the best for those mummies who are popping tomorrow

i also went for my gynae check-up yesterday and am 2cm dilated but so far no painful contractions and also had brownish lumpy discharge yesterday which i believed was due to the VE. My EDD is on 4 May but still no sign yet.. really hate this waiting game!

Baby May - when is ur EDD?
sori..was so busy doin work fr hm...din get to check the forum...

congrats on mummies tat popped...

and gdluck to all mummies that r popping tml...
nice to see u. i hope it subsides soon too... very painful leh
wow! can birth tmr liao! congrats! all the best & have a smooth & quick labour!

rc cola,
jia you! dun nid to induce is best liao!

gd luck for ur induction tmr!
hi jee yen
i'm currently 39 weeks 3 days and she is inducing me at 39 weeks 4 days..

i also don't know what to decide, so i decided to just trust her and heed her advice..

i cant slp and i'm very nervous actually. my only worry is bb might get upset..
she didn't give me extension of even a week. 1-2 days at the most..

i'm very nervous now.. going to spend time with hb before admitting.. worried
star: not really new.. bt came out first at amk hub then recently in jp macs.. =) u try! it's nice!

dodo: link link!! http://www.smellydiapers.blogspot.com

adv sports: good luck and erm, have fun tmr!! haha!!

audrey: check w ur doc if can tahan pass 40wks then decide to induce or nt?? at least by then alr pass due date.. DUn think it's a gd idea to induce when bb head nt engaged.. like wat tham jee yen says, high chance of c sect? i'm nt really sure bt rmb i told u wat my gynae told me? i'm worried too cuz mine nt engaged im also afraid she's nt low enuf dat's y im walking so much lately.. if she says wait till 3rd may, maybe u can consider??
sounds confusing wat to do. I'm not sure abt mine. I also want to do VBAC but baby is bigger than 3.4kg. I wonder can or not.. tomorow ask Dr Paul. EDD was 28 may. wish u all the best with ur decision.

I feel like tummy is bigger, legs and back more achy but can tahan. dunmo if tummy bigger or baby lower. feel like tummy is bigger but hope I am wrong.. haiz how big this baby want grow b4 comeout ? thnk its likely 3.6-3.8kg already
Porky: Yup seeing him at CCK Sat morning. He sent me for these 2 tests because my edd is due. Want to make sure baby is doing well.

Baby's estimate wt 3693g already.

Hopefully baby comes out before Dr Adrian can get to induce me. He's the kind that want baby and placenta to come out asap, not whether it's necessary or can wait still.

Honestly I don't understand how he can be one of the top students in his batch.
audrey- dun be too worried abt induction. whether it would be successful or not depends on the rate of dilation of ur cervix. besides, ya almost at full term.. have some faith in your gynae. She's aft all someone whom u have chosen to deliver ur baby...
my no. 1 was induced at week 38.. and he came out aft six hours of labour.. healthy.. no jaundice.. nothing.. so.. keep ur faith.. and dun go read additional articles on whther inducing is a good option or not. no point stressing urself at this time! In the meanwhile, good luck!! and look forward to seeing ur girl.
Porky: Next pregnancy will change gynae, either Dr Paul Tseng or Dr Sim Lee Ngor.

My husband cannot tahan him. Little bit only must send for tests and kiasu. To cover up his ass.
adrienne i agree w u on those article things.. make ppl worried.. i know of a few ppl who also induced but mostly cuz their water low or got some problem one la.. all bb turn out healthy too..
Jamie: just feel like he doesn't really care about his patients but want to do according to his preference and quick, doesn't bother to build rapport, face always so solemn. See him also like have to hurry hurry although sometimes wait for a long time. Like that how to really address a patient's issues...

Doesn't guide and give info to 1st time mothers and fathers, have to do own research to ask questions.

Not truly pro-natural or pro-breastfeeding.

Not objective, but tells information based on his preference/opinion.

doesn't bother to find out why the patient has a certain kind of preference in the birth plan, but just shoot it down if it doesn't agree with him.

It's amazing that he has many patients seeing him. Probably becos he has cost effective fees.

Normally when I go in I don't talk much cos sian already...unless I got questions.
so tmr popping list will hv shers,cola,adv sport,iewwei,audrey.! so exciting.!! all the best ladies!!

audrey, definitely u wont be the one treating.!
scarly tmr my gynae tell me can deliver. haha... really hope so..
abby: i think maybe that's his way of doing things.. hw come didnt change gynae earlier? i also almost went to him at cck bt his nurse damn rude so i didnt bother to consider again..
wahaha... abby- u sure sound quite pissed with him.. (i dunno him) sthtimes, gynae dun bother to give too much advices lest mummies to be become too worried abt nothing? but well.. u have the ans.. coz ya the one seeing him. hopefully he's professional enough.. ba.

jamie- yea.. sthtimes these articles are far more useless than they appear... sure there's cause for worries here and there but.. still? mm.. anyway, u aren't asleep yet too? hehehe... super sleepless night man.
im always here during this time.. cant slp.. just finish a bowl of cereals n now thinking if liang seah beef noodle!!

stairs climbing earlier? i climbed all the way to 12th storey! lol!! legs super jelly now. lol
wah lau!! xue u mad liao!! so many storeys!! yea i climbed stairs n walked.. tired! cant tell if it helps tho.. dunno hw to see!!! bt bb hiccups are nw usually at the lower part.. hope it means something!!! hahah!
Jamie: We can tolerate him for the consultations and his rude plump nurse.

But when he start talking down on us like as if we don't know what we're writing into our birth plan (esp since he doesn't initiate info) and didn't support, and him being so kiasu that's when it crosses the line.

We only showed him our birth plan closer to edd.

Adrienne: We're not the worried kind. He seems more kan chiong than us. And telling us negative things.

Since my pregnancy is unexpected we thought can cut cost seeing him.

Initially went to see Dr Paul Tseng for 1st consult, then switch to him since the clinic also nearer. Didn't get to see my gynae's "colours" until much later.

before preggy i can climb all the way to 12. now will take longer time still still manage to do it!! me too dunno if it works bt still no harm trying.. lol!

hiccups at lower side mayb bb is down? i exp tt at lower area too.

lol!! cant help it. hungry again...!! just finish a big bowl of cereal half hr ago!!

if we night owls stat near to each other gd man. can always meet for supper. lol!
