(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

halo everybody!!! didnt catch much slp these few days.. dont think its because i'm excited.. but more to hungry!! hahhaa

xue and porky, ya.. tml c-sect at lunch time.. so my last meal will be tml 5am!! and later going to fetch my girl out to have fun.. else she will be stuck at home too.. and tnite pig out with my hb..

ya.. kinda excited abt receiving Shermay.. hehhee.. wonder who she will resemble! whenever i call home, my mama will ask me 'give birth liao ar?' i was like *blank*..

adv_sport, juju is right.. petite doesnt mean cervix narrow.. i'm not petite but my cervix is super narrow!! can u imagine my gynae told me even induce, the chances of dilation is 10% (1cm!) only!

oh ya xue, i didnt try sweetest moment because i fall in love with choz already! whahhaa... every thing is so nice.. the rice, ang ku kueh, egg tarts, the marble cake.. whhahaa... think i will go for choz.. moreover my mama says no need to give other pple bb's pic because they will throw away..
re: cervix narrow or not?
By the way, when will the gynae check our cervix whether suitable for natural delivery? Is it during the VE checking?
hi Shers,
what if suddenly water bag burst before he do VE check, then realised that the cervix not suitable for natural birth... then we got to book the operating threatre at the last min?
i suddenly feel so lost at this last stage... i'm at week 35.5 now.
twinkle, i'm not sure le.. if yr waterbag burst, that means u r ready to give birth..

if waterbag burst, u will go through natural labour.. unless bb is distressed or yr cervix cannot dilate further then gynae will recommend emergery c-sect for u..

u dont need to worry abt the booking etc... gynae will settle for u..

dont worry... just think of going through natural 1st.. until yr gynae advises u otherwise
juz cooked salmon donburi for lunch *yum yum* gonna take a good shower and wash hair before heading to KKH...

jamie, juz now weather very good after the rain... now beri hot... hope u have a nice walk to JP

ju & shers, paiseh, i heard from fren only...

shers, wish u a smooth delivery 2molo -- shermin will be happy to see shermay mei mei
adv, thanks!!! i hope Shermin can take it well with Shermay's arrival.. hehhee..

everybody has been asking me whether Shermay will resemble Shermin.. ehhee..
Update from me...

I wil be admitting tomorrow, gynae said i am having contractions and dilated already.. told him i got super lots whitish discharge (he said it's sign), the discharge is white (not yellowish at all), and came out just like when we are about to deliver (those with blood stained - tis time round mine is white)..

Good luck for tomorrow.
We will know who she resembles after tomorrow.

Feb Mum
haha.. i think girl tends to be sweeter coz it's girl's nature haha!

Anyone online now? (= I had menses-like cramps ytd midnight. On and off. Until this morning I felt better. It came irregularly. So I thought it's just a false one. But just now I found brownish stains on my panty. And I had brownish discharge when I went to the toilet just now. Anyone can help me? Should I go to the hospital later? I'm afraid this is just a false alarm. =/ I'm so nervous now!! =S
Karen, my gynae says discharge need not admit to hospital. But if contractions at regular close interval (about 10mins) need to go to hospital. Your cramps may be contractions. If you are not sure, you may want to call your gynae or pop by your gynae's clinic to check first.
those giving birth at KKH,
KKH starts to limit 2 vistors for inpatient at ward lobby..pls be prepare and see put who in the list....

just came back from appt...my bb only 2.1kg at 36.5wk....
furthermore i m not those small build/size mtb
Good luck, hv a smooth delivery.

Only admit when u have regular contractions of interval 5mins. Else, you will ended up in delivery suite for a long time.
AK/Firefly/Yuki - Congrats! i salute u Firefly! u did it w/o epi!!

Been really busy since I was discharged on Monday, trying to cope with both kids. My little newborn sleeps in the day but wakes up at nite!! Aarrgh!!
wish u both smooth delivery!

im walking more, climbing stairs, carrying #1 to try dilation n bb's head gng further down.. tis is wad my gynae told me too...
twinkle_sp: when's ur edd? i'm abt 35.5 wks also..

adv_sports: came back liao! today walked lesser cuz felt more tired.. dunno why.. evening climb stairs!!

shers: wat a weird qns... hw wld u knw if they wld resemble each other.. lol!! wishing u a smooth delivery tmr! =)

rc cola: good luck! wishing u a smooth delivery too!

3wkold: if u wanna beef bb up, maybe can take some beef, some full cream milk or durian??

xue: does squatting help with the bb moving downwards huh? if yes, then i go bathe my dog nw, if nt i ask my mom to bathe him. lol!

Haha... We are doing fine but i din sleep well last night....too excited too high liao. wonder if due to the laughing gas.

Daddy still tinking lor...Faintz....
shers, good luck to ur c-sec tomorrow ! enjoy yourselves today first...hehe

rc_cola, u gg to induce tomorrow ?

adv, any news from u ?

flommy, nice to see u back here again...i think u dont have much time to post also right...gonna handle #1 and a newborn..but i just wanna say jia you !!!
Porky - ya super duper busy now...dun tink i can post very often liao...wa tis time my mil very lenient, let me shower today! woohooo!!
Great to hear so many mummies popping everyday...and without "Happy -dural" somemore!! Kudos to you all

rc cola, shers: Post your bb pics up here tom
have a smooth delivery
rc cola,
whitish as in almost transparent? i have dat leh, but no contractions.

rc cola / shers,
all the best to ur delivery tomorrow! upload birth stories and pics soon!
shiok leh! can shower...

update :
today jus had wk39 chk up - din do ctg or ve.
bb is abt 3.2kgs, lucky not too big yet. phew!
hi all,

i'm 37th week this week..& today i found that i've increase white discharge...when i use the toilet paper to wipe..it's like one small lump of it..looks like egg white..
anyone have this symptom?
xue: hahah!! my dog still havent bathe yet! think later i will snatch w my mom to bathe him! lol!

Porky: Went to TMC today but didn't manage to see Yuki cos the 2 tests took so long and I thought have to rush down to see Dr Adrian again, but the nurse say see on Saturday.

Last night only slept for less than an hour b4 have to get up. So after the 2 tests cannot tahan went home to sleep.

I thought he only wanted me to do CTG, in the end have to do ultrasound growth scan. Spend more $.
i had strong craving for ice cream too these few days and just walloped a large cup of peach yami yogurt with granola toppings... yummi ;p Now that i have finished, i feel like drinking bubble milk tea but hubby say too much sugar in a day...

Congrats to the mummy who just popped!
star: my poison is also bubble milk tea w/pearl!! i LURVE!! hahaha!! i wanna eat ice cream cuz i saw the macs here gt the green apple flavored flavour burst ice cream.. so gian!!
tell me abt it- bubble milk tea with PEARL- i LOVE it too! What's worse, the Sweet Talk is just downstairs my place. really feel like sneaking out to get 1.
I dint know Mac has green apple flavored ice cream! New?
juz back from gynae visit -- nice meetig ju there
hope ur swollen feet will subside soon!

gd news -- my bb is 2.8kg @ 37.5week, my cervix has further dilated to 4cm and gynae asked me to admit 2molo morning at 6am... i wanna admit there and then but he said waste $ coz i have to pay for 1 extra day... so excited!

rc_cola, wish u a smooth delivery 2molo

shers, dun worry, shermin will dotes on her mei mei

jamie, wah, u beri "hardworking" leh
anyway, gd to stay active to have more stamina for labour

glenlyn, after u mentioned abt melben crab bee hoon, i hv sudden craving for that but too far to go AMK... so we settled for XO crab bee hoon near my place
also order spicy frog leg *yum yum* my little princess is happily kicking in my tummy!

thanks for the wishes..

Juju, yes, white as like transparent whitish discharge, and lots of it, lumps by lumps..

Mummies, seems like i might not make it for inducement tomorrow haha.. coz suddenly got brownish discharge already, and crampy pains are stronger :p i need to monitor hahaha dun want to suddenly deliver in taxi hahaha!

Congrats, so tomorrow u will also be a mummy already

Wah I didnt ask for admission today at all, coz i actually wanna wait for painful contractions to set in first haha, but gynae said second one normally the process is fast, since dilating and having constant contractions, he asked me to go in tomorrow
